NFS Shift 2 Unleashed - Details

  • Thread starter LittleLefty
How is saying, everyone will have a different opinion about what a "sim" is, saying I want everyone to think a sim is what I think a sim is? Everyone is going to have a different opinion on the game, but if you are going to do nothing but bash the game then I don't understand why people would even bother visiting the thread to do so. A true sim to me will never be possible on a console without a huge setup, I just want a game that drives mostly true to life but still brings fun to the game. If just seems there's a huge infection of GT going on, this isn't a GT game and everyone knows what this game will be so I don't see the point in saying oh this isn't a sim, or this is an arcade racer and is horrible. It will be a mix of both I believe, because the company wants to keep the game fun and to do that it will have to appeal to more than the handful of people who want a full on sim racer. Its all about making money, and if they can't make money then they won't do it. A full on sim just wouldn't make money because it wouldn't appeal to the masses.
I asked the question of what a sim is, because folks would elevate their favorite racing game by saying it is a sim and everything else is not. The point is that there no clear definition of what a sim is, so it's all a matter of opinion.

Same with the word Racing, Racing is a "contest of Speed". A game can't be called racing sim because it does not have penalties and league rules? yes it can.
@ break, I'm talking about how the rear end slide less than Shift 1 and wonder how the FF will be, You keep saying I'm saying the game is horrible.. boring, kid that's boring. You should think about the quality of your post before judge other people. For the discussion sim doesn't sells, GT and Forza prove you wrong. Anyway I don't care about what's the better money makers for them. And this goes beyond the arcade vs. sim discussion. I'm just looking forward to some further info such as FF, deadzones, if you can save different FF settings, if you can save multiple setups for 1 car (this could be handy and I wish they implement in GT too), which are supposed to be the better working wheels... and things like that. These are just few things people normaly ask in the forums.. I really don't see the problem.
I agree. I find my cornering speeds to usually be about equal to sports softs or sports mediums. Which is nice, because I think those tyres are about the best balance of grip and slip.

Shift did seem to be unnaturally balanced in oversteer situations though. Most cars you had to really push to get them to spin, they just wouldn't do it all by themselves. I'm not going to compare to GT5, because I think GT5 does all sorts of things wrong in this regard too, but Shift was definitely very stable (stupid bouncing and drift mode aside). And because it was so stable, it was as easy as hell to pull off massive drifts, making it "drifty".

I also think it had a lot to do with the sound. In Shift, the tyre squeal kicks in really early. REALLY early. So if you're driving from bumper/cockpit, your ears are telling you that the tyres are sliding and you've got very little visual reference to tell you otherwise. The tyres ARE sliding, but only minor slip as you'd expect when cornering.

I noticed immediately in the new video that they've toned this down. The tyres don't squeak nearly as much, and you have to be cornering a lot harder. It might just be me seeing what I want to see, but that was definitely the impression I got, and I've been playing a fair bit of Shift 1 in the last couple of weeks.

Yeah, spot on about the sound! They better turn the sliding sounds during cornering the f down or it's going to mess with my head yet again. Videos do seem to show that they've learned the lesson. Also it's pretty clear someone is using a joystick.
@ break, I'm talking about how the rear end slide less than Shift 1 and wonder how the FF will be, You keep saying I'm saying the game is horrible.. boring, kid that's boring. You should think about the quality of your post before judge other people. For the discussion sim doesn't sells, GT and Forza prove you wrong. Anyway I don't care about what's the better money makers for them. And this goes beyond the arcade vs. sim discussion. I'm just looking forward to some further info such as FF, deadzones, if you can save different FF settings, if you can save multiple setups for 1 car (this could be handy and I wish they implement in GT too), which are supposed to be the better working wheels... and things like that. These are just few things people normaly ask in the forums.. I really don't see the problem.

This post is much better, asking questions about certain things and not just out bashing the game like you have before. It was just getting rather annoying of a few people just bashing the game and not bringing anything to the table. You have said things like the game is horrible etc. look back at your posts, and I'm for sure not a "kid", but I do have 3. I have been here many years without any infractions at all, so I do watch my posts obviously. My age is on my GTPlanet page. I am also interested in seeing more information about saving setups etc. So as long as the previous going on about this is sim and this isn't, or this game is horrible compared to this isn't going on I don't have a problem. But, who really wants to come to a thread about a game they are interested in to see nothing but bashing for the most part?
Looking good :D Also shows a non-helmet camera interior view which is nice to see. 👍

true, but it sounded like having a flat tyre. guess there is a bit to doo before sales...still it looks great and sounds 10x better than gt5.
Looking quite good. Can't someone use more of the newer cars though? :P

There's the Murcielago...but even newer than that.
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I want to see a video of the damage, just smash one into the wall real nice for us:)
Looking quite good. Can't someone use any of the newer cars though? :P

Well, there was the Gallardo....but newer than that.

Well isn't the Murcielago GT1 is technically new? :dopey:

That R8 video is great too, it seems to be there is a button to toggle the whole HUD on and off now too which is great considering the original Shift suffered from a really cluttered HUD. May well pre-order this tonight.
Well isn't the Murcielago GT1 is technically new? :dopey:

That R8 video is great too, it seems to be there is a button to toggle the whole HUD on and off now too which is great considering the original Shift suffered from a really cluttered HUD. May well pre-order this tonight.

Gallardo, Murcielago....I'm still rather sleepy, I can't tell the difference right now. :lol:

Have to edit my post....
Have I missed it, or is there a video showing the old 'Hood cam'?

I hope they don't drop that view, as I thought it was the best representation of what you actually WATCH while driving, and put the most track and cars onto your TV without losing the corner of the car to judge apexes (apices?) like GT5 has done (can ANYONE explain what that 'invisible car view' is supposed to 'simulate'?!).

Seeing the hood vibrate around gave a good impression of speed, which GT5's 'invisible car cam' certainly doesn't. You get close enough to a 47"+ and you are starting to get close to what you would actually see from the car windscreen. Until we can all afford three monitor setups (any word whether SMS are working on this for consoles?), the restricted 'half a car' view you get from cockpit view is more a hindrance than a help, IMO.

Please, oh please, don't let Hood Cam be dropped!
Amen to the hood cam. Best view ever. It's exactly what I want to be seeing in a driving game.

The videos look good IMO. The guy appears to be driving very carefully, he's probably quite aware that his driving it going to be on the internets. But there's some moments where he seems to be approaching the limits of the car, and they both seem to be very well behaved. You're not going to be hanging the arse of either of those cars out around a corner, and indeed he doesn't do so.

Normal disclaimer for judging physics from a video though, there's little to see. At best, you can say that there doesn't APPEAR to be any problems, but you'll never know until you get it in your own hands.

In terms of the general graphical quality, it's freaking stunning. It may be on PC, but that's a magnificent looking game. I also notice that they have real advertisements this time, instead of being covered in Speedhunters. Nice.

For those who were asking before about saving setups, it's been confirmed that you can. From memory, it was confirmed that you can save at least one setup per track for each car.
Have I missed it, or is there a video showing the old 'Hood cam'?

I hope they don't drop that view, as I thought it was the best representation of what you actually WATCH while driving, and put the most track and cars onto your TV without losing the corner of the car to judge apexes (apices?) like GT5 has done (can ANYONE explain what that 'invisible car view' is supposed to 'simulate'?!).

Seeing the hood vibrate around gave a good impression of speed, which GT5's 'invisible car cam' certainly doesn't. You get close enough to a 47"+ and you are starting to get close to what you would actually see from the car windscreen. Until we can all afford three monitor setups (any word whether SMS are working on this for consoles?), the restricted 'half a car' view you get from cockpit view is more a hindrance than a help, IMO.

Please, oh please, don't let Hood Cam be dropped!

I think that hood view is in, and it's a great view, definetely my favorite! :D:tup:
Though I have to admit the cockpit cam with the hud turned off is incredibly immersive in Shift, even though I am sliglty slower! :D

Anyway, here is the proof:

(taken from this youtube video)

By the way, I think that in the latest gameplay videos, with the Xbox 360 wheel, Shift 2 looks stunning and the car handling looks brilliant and very realistic! I have never been more excited about a video game and I am sure I am going to have great fun with Shift 2 when it's released! :D
Glad to see that! Hopefully, SMS do a better job of realizing what people liked the BEST from Shift and DON'T DROP IT ALL (like PD seem to have done!).
For those who were asking before about saving setups, it's been confirmed that you can. From memory, it was confirmed that you can save at least one setup per track for each car.
Great! One setup per car is ok. This will save me to tip too many setups in my pc, and the last video show us the car feel different with a wheel, the rear end seems to be more planted, more stable, maybe driver is not pushing too hard but it looks different from Shift 1, it seems a bit Forza Motorsport, and this is more encouraging than precedent videos. Oh, if you look at 0.19 in the rear mirror you will see an Ariel Atom (probably)

+1 for hood cam, it's a classic :)
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It's a Caterham.

For those who were asking before about saving setups, it's been confirmed that you can. From memory, it was confirmed that you can save at least one setup per track for each car.

Are SMS clairvoyant?! It almost seems like they KNEW what would be much asked for features missing from GT5, and implemented them...
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It's a Caterham.
Epic fail, the rear mirror was too little for my eyes :sly:
And the 1 setup save for track is a nice little features that doesn't change the game experience but is much better have it than don't.. (if some japanese dev are reading.. ) I think in the next days we will see some more Shift 2 wheel videos, can't wait, the game looks kinda different form Shift 1 and this IS a news for me. Next days could be interestings..
And here it comes with Elite Handling Model
wonder if thats the final version?! Because the Nordschleife looks bad !

He doesnt seem to know the Ring very well but appart from that the game looks a lot better than the first one.

it is the Xbox version or is the Xbox wheel compatible with PC?
At the end of the video, the "Achievement unlocked: 10G - Elitist". This confirms videos are from the Xbox360 version, right?

Edit: The youtube poster confirmed that it is the Xbox360 version. That's good news. I was worried that the nice graphics were from a high end PC, but it appears that the console/xbox360 version is looking great too.
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Pit girls looks good :D

Handling seems to be as it should in elite mode, only concern now I've noticed some slightly frame rate drops here and there, maybe all those 3d modeled trees, or maybe just a youtube issue. And what about the left rear mirror? It oscillate as irl.. nice :)
@ Don Zonda the ring doesn't look bad it looks a bit "yellow", all the colour palette is a bit into yellow tones, this is a choice by SMS, a matter of taste probably.
He's uploaded a video of some customisation now, although he doesn't show much apart from playing with the paint.
