Sounds good, It would be nice if you can enable the apex lookie thingy on the no shaky cockpit view.
The game is trying to simulate full on racing rather than simulating a sunday drive in the park.
I'm also impressed by those tarmac textures !!!
And another Video!!!
It'd be nice to have the option though. If you want to go for the full on race experience, you can. If you'd like something a bit less violent, but still have the convenience of look to apex, it'd be nice if you could have that too.
There's also a radical difference between animating a few things is an essentially static, simplistic environment, and animating 15 independent cars in a totally dynamic environment at a framerate for ALL of them that doesn't stutter around.
GT5 is a perfect example of bumping into the hardware ceiling of the PS3. Sure, it's 1080p (sort of), but at the cost of dynamic lighting effects chewing up sufficient horsepower that shadows get the jaggies, and road textures get the strobes, etc., etc..
Better to run more pleasing, smoother textures at a lower resolution than do a tech demo at 1080p that the hardware simply can't run well enough, IMO.
But the game is a racing game, if someone wants a virtual drive around for a sunday drive then GT5 or TDU is the game, why do both? Personally i think alot of peple are gettng caught up in the whole "sim" hype...this game is a racing want a sunday drive do not play Shift 2.......go and play GT5 or TDU!!
I wou;d hate for Simbin to waste time on trying to tone the game down.
GT5 is definitely running in 1080p.
It just isn't native. Some people place more value on just the phrase instead of understanding the difference between the vertical resolution itself, and the native (read: actual) horizontal and vertical resolution, which is referred to as everyone and their grandmother as "Full HD".
No Full HD for consoles? In 2011? Great, just great. With all its many flaws, GT5 is 1080p. Is there a rational, technical, politically correct explanation for taking us gamers a couple of years back in terms of display resolution or are we just not worth it?
PS: For the record, 1080p utilizes 2¼ more pixels than 720p.
I'm not seeing the waste of time. The helmet cam is the epitome of the racing simulation, that's what gives you most of the experience. But they still have the other views, the bumper cam, the hood cam, the non-shaky cockpit cam, the chase cam. Because people enjoy them too, and it takes little to no extra effort to include them.
Look to apex really only makes sense in a cockpit type view, where you have enough of the car around visible to orient yourself. It'd be pointless in chase cam, and horrible in bumper cam. I don't see why it's a big deal for them to take the look to apex code from helmet cam and put an option to use it in cockpit cam too.
I really don't see how this is toning the game down. If anything, it's providing an additional immersion feature (look to apex) that otherwise might not be used by some players because they don't like helmet cam. Personally, I doubt they'll do it because they'll want to promote people trying to get used to the helmet cam, and this might take away from that. But it doesn't take away from the point that options are usually good, and easy to implement options even more so.
Well to be honest thats a video that I didnt like, because the rear wing of that corvette before that crash (must have had a crash before that one) seems to be floating (not attached) above the car, and thats a bug in my book. lets hope its one of the few.
Looks like DLC is not coming to PC yet again. They say there is "no good way to support it". Wonder what that means? People aren't smart enough to be able to download it on their own and it's too much investment to create a separate file for PC? Anyway, I'm guessing that these DLCs will be available through mods later, but it still sucks that PC users don't get the same treatment as console users. At least this quote makes me happy:
"Game looks really awesome on the PC, but I can't say that for the console versions where in fact it doesn't really look like it's improved much. PC however on a high resolution looks crisp and detailed."
Also this is a little weird: "Elite mode is basically just all assists off, including abs, traction control and driving line". I thought that it was basically more realistic physics, not just "assists off" mode, but I guess it makes sense - less work for SMS if they have only 1 single physics model used throughout the game.
Anyway, overall the game looks pretty promising and I'm excited to see how the final product will end up in a little more than a week now.
Also this is a little weird: "Elite mode is basically just all assists off, including abs, traction control and driving line". I thought that it was basically more realistic physics, not just "assists off" mode, but I guess it makes sense - less work for SMS if they have only 1 single physics model used throughout the game.
Anyway, overall the game looks pretty promising and I'm excited to see how the final product will end up in a little more than a week now.
I love that little Caterham. Can't wait to drive it. Using it at night will be interesting.
Some pictures that I took in the event (March 17 and 18):
Next days I will upload a short night gameplay - Nordschleife - Elite mode