NFS Shift 2 Unleashed - Details

  • Thread starter LittleLefty

Is it possible to tell us what your impressions of game are? And if you get the chance to use a steering wheel? (g27 maybe...)


posted almost at the same time. Obviously I went to see the video 1st

The lighting... :drool::nervous::scared:

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Still not sure from the videos, but I really want to try this game for myself. Why are there marbles all over the racing line?

They represent debris, rocks, dust and stuff like that, as they mentioned it as "physics objects". I heard that they affect the cars handling depending on the amount.
Yeah I understand what marbles are, but you usually find them off the racing line. It's cool to see them in a game though, I think this is a first right?
Technically I think they've always been supported in the ISI engine, but always as a surface type (an invisible layer on the track) and not as 3d objects.
Nice to see the headlights have 21st century visibility... ;)

Fed up of driving at night needing a guy with a lamp walking ahead of me. :crazy:

Isn't that the truth. I think it was pretty cool to see the car behind you shine his lights in your car. Also that track didn't look wide at all to me like another video I saw in which people were complaining about. I wouldn't mind having a race feeling Ring to rip up. Apparently the other track that so called appeared to be wider was either an old build or the FOV.
I guess with the Norschleife as it doesn't get used all the time it may have more debris build up than other circuits.
thanks for the report.

Don't like the tire wear proportional to race length thingy too, don't like when physics is artificially altered for game play purpose. It would be weird to feel tires going off after a mere 5 lapper.
Well, it kinda looks like the car's high beams are used to illuminate the track, but I have no way to compare that to what the real car would do, so.. :P
Too bright for a stock street car?? Yes

but for an endurance race car it is just about right, I'll rather be able to see than to be 100% realistic.
When they say "too bright" I think they mean the roll bar zone, not the track outside. The effect INSIDE of the car seems a bit too bright indeed. But at least there is no pixeled shadows here.
a bit bright, i think. No biggie.

edit: A game should err on brighter for better game play anyway (this is not about interior brightness).

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The lighting effect isn't too bright in that vid folks. This vid was recorded using a video camera pointed at a TV screen. There is already lighting issues just from that alone. Has anyone considered the lighting settings the user has the TV set to as well?

The light on the roll bar looks fine to me. This is night racing.., and I'm willing to bet those cars are running with the highs on. Ever been stuck behind some a-hole with their highs on.., it freakin lights up the enterior of your car like mad. Plus the bar is a more reflective surface anyways.

I think people should really reserve final judgment until the game is out. I would hardly consider this video a good source to judge the lighting simply because of how it was recorded and other factors we can't possibly know.
The lighting effect isn't too bright in that vid folks. This vid was recorded using a video camera pointed at a TV screen. There is already lighting issues just from that alone. Has anyone considered the lighting settings the user has the TV set to as well?

The light on the roll bar looks fine to me. This is night racing.., and I'm willing to bet those cars are running with the highs on. Ever been stuck behind some a-hole with their highs on.., it freakin lights up the enterior of your car like mad. Plus the bar is a more reflective surface anyways.

I think people should really reserve final judgment until the game is out. I would hardly consider this video a good source to judge the lighting simply because of how it was recorded and other factors we can't possibly know.

Now your talking common sense here.

Please find another thread lol.
I know many car drivers stay mad at me when I drive behind them on my XT12 (motorcycle) and i'm using "regular" lamps (not Xenon).

I know I can see inside the car in front but never thought about how much brightness actually is reflected.

By the way, please take into consideration that those monitor are NOT calibrated (99% sure). That and the light conditions while recording the monitor + post processing (eventually) compression + youtube "magic" must be taken into consideration.

Well, if in the end all that brightness really annoys me I tell the guys at the shop to paint the rollbars black. YEAH :D

DAMN, posted at the sametime as squeakD
This game is better overall than Shift1. Physics are improved. Difficulty (easy, medium, hard) affects selected handling mode. I ask to the comunity manager and he said me that Difficult affects AI and driving difficulty. Elite mode + Difficulty Hard is a Challenge :)

More impressions here, after the pictures. Look:

Assuming this is all legit, there are some very good options I liked in that article. Considering I didn't play Shift 1, I have been hearing of some of the issues. Despite those issue I am getting on release day. Heck, I gamble on GT5, why not this.

Being able to own infinite cars and the same one at that is a plus. All cars being able to get the works is great. Engine swaps (if that's your thing). Most of all, an A.I. that will not just let you have your way. Once you pass a car in GT5, you never have to worry about that car again unless you wreck or spin out. I am hoping this game can live in my PS3 for at least 2-3 straight months. Tuesday 12am will be here before we know it. I am getting pumped guys.

Only downer is the tire wear and you can do nothing about it in the race your currently in. Perhaps it will be patched if enough people complained about it.

Too many light. It´s not real, but sure more playable than GT5 night racing.

Well I wasn't nearly satisfied with GT5's version. I will take too bright anyday. I am sure setting can tone it down. Besides this is one car. It could be the car has HIDs or the way the video was captured or what ever. Each car may be different. But one this is for sure, you can see the road.

Man that night race video of the Ring is awesome. The track itself is already a challenge for some. Add night racing and its a whole new ball game. I would never complain about lights to bright on that track. You need it. I don't see how the driver saw the road with his low beams. Of coarse it pays to know the track but still.
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Is this forum ALL kids with no license? If not, then at least SOME of you know the difference between driving at night with a good set of headlamps, well set up (and I can guarantee that real racecars have the best in headlamp technology that money can buy) and watching a video with a poor quality in car race-cam (these things are little lipstick cameras with tiny little lenses) on an LCD HDTV with poor blacks and low contrast (lower than real life, anyway).

Yes, S2U's car lighting might APPEAR to be brighter than it should be, but the missing part is, at least it EXTENDS as far as headlamps do in real life. Because modern HDTV's can't replicate the contrast and dynamic range and true blacks of real night vision, you can do one of two things. Like GT5, you can try for a more realistic initial brightness, but then have the lighting drop off to NOTHING far shorter than it does in real life, or you can make it extend out to where your real vision would start to drop off, as per S2U.

Me, I'll take the latter, any day of the week. And, going from the comments by their 'tame race driver' to the devs early in the game builds, they felt this degree of lighting was more realistic n the end...

You can't 'prove' any of this with videos. I doubt any of us have the high cost cameras to go out and do some night driving where the field of vision approaches human ability. But it's pretty easy to go out on a windy country road, turn down the dash's lights as far as they can go, and see how FAR you can see on high beams...

I know that it is a heck of a sight further than GT5's headlamps, that's for sure! I'll be checking out S2U's 'reality' when I get my pre-order... As long as I can see further than GT5, it will be yet one MORE reason to like Shift Unleashed better. :)
This game is shaping up to be very nice lets hope the online is up to the load on launch week!
I'm very anxious for next week as well. I read that in the interview up there that night racing won't be in all tracks in Quick Race. But still, more of night racing on a good number of real world tracks compared to GT5's numbers are good. Another thing I like about SHIFT 2 right now before I play it, is that it has a better track list than GT5. Don't get me wrong, I love the combined versions of Nurburgring. But GT5 could've used more real world tracks in my honest opinion. And the damage system for S2U looks good too. Can't wait for next week, and I can't wait for the final track reveals.