spaggetti69 I played with pad. Handling feels very good. It's accurate. For me, ok.
paulgp87 I don't know. Damage video shows a Mercedes and I don't have a pic with car list.
NEW OPTION: In a quick race there is a option to change car. Pressing button shows a car list (unlocked cars) to pick one. It's a good new option.
I have two more damage gameplays but I can't upload (embargo). One in Nurburring and big crash accident. Next days I will upload a Career mode video and Tuning options.
and sound is a replica of its real counterpart. engineswap gives new sound this!
Just noticed something on the career section on the website there are 6 events all with rival drivers but if you go on the muscle section and click real world car it states "As one of eight Rival Cars in SHIFT 2 UNLEASHED, the Ford Mustang RTR-X" which means that there are two more career catorgaries or one and a final bonus event either way there are still more career catorgaries to come.
Have you seen anything other than an in car or chase camera of Bathurst in Shift 2? You get picky, just about EVERY track can look wider in game except replay camera. How about holding off on that until you've seen that one?
... Bathurst has got me all excited. Oh and speaking of which, check this out 👍
Oh please. This kind of over analyzing has been done 1000 times over with GT and Forza, so you should not expect anything different.
You sure get defensive over Shift 2.
We should be able to discuss perceived negative aspects of shift without somebody telling us to hold-off and wait for the game to come out. The same can be said about all the great stuff in shift.
It's a discussion thread so let's discuss.
Tough to tell if it's FOV or not. Now, looking at some pics and videos and race replays, some sections look fine. Guess we'll have to check out the replays from the game.
Talk about defending Shift though, ask anyone on FC and they'll tell you I've always been one to tell people to keep giving it a chance, to mess with the settings, and just have fun with it. It was much better after the two patches, I still enjoy hotlapping in it with some well tuned cars.
I've had 2 preordered and paid off for a while now.
The more circuit racing games with real licesnses the better IMO, and with all these FIA GT cars, hell yeah!
Indeed. With every game I play, I either adapt, or move on. Simple as that. With some however, it's as if they are champion of one, and adversary of the other. As if they have a righteous cause.
I have played GT1-5, Forza 1-3, and Shift 1 and soon 2. Now while my experience may vary with each one, I can say that I give all of them a chance and buy each one. Sometimes it works out, and I'll play the game for 100 hours, and other times, it doesn't.
Hi denis, what do you think about S2U frame rate? I know all my last messages are only about thatbut it's important. What's your feeling playing the game? Does it effect gameplay? Did you ever tried Pc version? Can you compare it with 360?
Interview with the SMS COO:
There's part one of the interview linked on the same page.
The mirror wobble is back with a vengeance...The side mirror wobble is hilarious. I hope that's an earlier build...
This was a pretty good article actually. They seem very confident about their physics and the position of this game as a true racer. But I've noticed that whenever they talk about their game's physics, they always seem to point out the features that allow you to tune the car, the telemetry, the immersion, etc., never really anything about how the car actually handles.
I find the mirror wobble to be hilarious. It looks like it's trying to escape. I can just imagine it screaming in a high pitched mirror voice "Help Mummy! The bad car is abducting me! Help!".
What would they say about the handling? They've said it's realistically modelled, they've said they've had race drivers helping them tune the feel of it. Anything beyond that is going to be subjective, how it feels to you compared to what you expect it to.
Or are you expecting "Yes, we modelled it so that it takes 43 degress of steering lock at 102 miles per hour to initiate a slide, but if you're running over marbles than may be reduced to 37.4 degrees"? They're not going to go into full neckbeard mode in a promotional article, 90% of their audience probably couldn't give a ****.