North Korea, Sanctions, and Kim Jong-un

Is this supposed to be George Stephanopolous debating with a child? In North Korea, I would be a criminal, because I openly criticize government. I guess the rape part is similar, but starvation, torture, murder are not practiced by American prisons, who by the way, houses actual criminals who probably stole or violated the rights of others. I hope this is just really dumb joke. :dunce:
I am not for a dictatorship (or any form of government) and I do know about the people that fled NK. Guess what? Many people move out of my (not so) free country because they are sick of what happens here in the western world. What is your point?

The nail in the coffin for anyone in this thread to see that you don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about. Just stop.
Is this supposed to be George Stephanopolous debating with a child? In North Korea, I would be a criminal, because I openly criticize government. I guess the rape part is similar, but starvation, torture, murder are not practiced by American prisons, who by the way, houses actual criminals who probably stole or violated the rights of others. I hope this is just really dumb joke. :dunce:

The majority of incarcerated people are in there for victimless and can't get out because the 2 tier justice system favours the welthy. What about all the due process violations? And what horrible crime has Bradley Manning commited? NK and the US don't seem that much diffrent to me.
Treason is the word you're looking for regarding Manning. Also worth noting that 52.4% of prisoners in state prisons are in for violent crime.
If you watched the video you would know why.

It is a certainty that we need them but try telling those protest groups. He was not in the commons when he delivered the speech. And it's in Scotland which IIRC wants to scrap nuclear weapons should they become independent hinting a large public hatred of them.

And just to prove my point.

I can't believe there are protests like this in the current climate.
Treason is the word you're looking for regarding Manning.

How is what he did treason? Here is someone showing the world how the good guys are murdering innocent people (and enjoying it) and for some reason he is the bad guy?
Have you even read the leaked documents?

Regardless of their content, they were marked as confidential material. He knew the consequences of his actions.
Have you even read the leaked documents?

Regardless of their content, they were marked as confidential material. He knew the consequences of his actions.

He exposed war crimes. Bradley is a true patriot and should be regarded as a hero. He burns for leaking classified documents but nobody talks about the victims of these war crimes. War crimes are... war crimes! Don't point your fingers at NK when the US violate human rights on a daily basis.
The majority of incarcerated people are in there for victemless and can't get out because the 2 tier justice system favours the welthy. What about all the due process violations? And what horrible crime has Bradley Manning commited? NK and the US don't seem that much diffrent to me.
Did you actually read my post & somehow bypass the part about how I would be imprisoned in North Korea just for speaking out against the government?

In the U.S., I bitch & moan all day long about the government. Between my friends, with strangers, or at work, at home & on the internet, I cry about Joe Biden, Barack Obama, my local town, city, state, county, I cry cry cry about how they are no good. If I did this in North Korea, if I didn't back down, I'd be dead. DEAD.

I think you are in denial.

Yeah, I hated how U.S. invaded Libya & took out Gaddafi. Absolutely uncalled for....... :dunce: This video is beyond typical crap media. Not only is it absolutely one-sided, blaming the U.S. for all the problems, putting North Korea in somewhat of a right(:lol:), I honestly can't remember the last time I saw segment spun this hard. North Korea shows that you can do things differently from the U.S.(leaves out arresting & kidnapping all oppositions, their family, locking them up for good, if they actually survive it). What a garbage. Hitler & Tojo's good, they made country other than U.S. strong!*cought*million jews & chinese dead*cough*

This is from someone who was & still is against the U.S. invasion of Iraq.
He exposed war crimes. Bradley is a true patriot and should be regarded as a hero. He burns for leaking classified documents but nobody talks about the victims of these war crimes. War crimes are... war crimes! Don't point your fingers at NK when the US violate human rights on a daily basis.

Are you speaking of the incident where the two reporters were taken down? You should read the report here:

They were with a group of insurgents, carrying RPGs and rifles. Not to mention that they had no distinct markings that gave the crew the impression that they were noncombatants. When one of them carrying a large lens turned to face them, they mistook it as an RPG and opened fire. Or would you say that they should wait until someone starts firing on them first before they engage? :rolleyes:

"Not one of the soldiers present recalled seeing any indications of either media/press badges or photographers' vests to indicate that noncombatants were on scene."
Also can you show me the documents that tell we found WMDs,

Wikileaks info can be found here:

and downloaded from here (be aware this is a torrent - that's how Wikileaks provide it)

News info -

NK has a population of approx. 24.4 million, which would make the 0.84% prison population, the US has a population of approx 313 million and a 0.64% prison population.

So NK does imprison more people, a figure that is made worse by the approx 40% fatality rate and brutal treatment in the camps for which no release ever happens.

Its good to see that you and Dennis find that kind of thing amusing, personally I have a number of concerns with the US penal system, but they pale beside the NK system.

Thanks for showing that biased political document. What is your point?
So the IAEA are a biased organisation are they? As opposed to the Iranian government who would of course have no bias at all would they. Also someone using RT as a source really has no place to stand is leveling an accusation of bias against the IAEA, I take it that you are aware that RT is funded by the Russian government and is little more than a directly controlled state media machine.

Iran has had more inspections by the IAEA then any other nation in the world.
Citation required.

I take it that you are aware that the UK and US for example have provided the IAEA with all documents it requires every year since 1979/80 including details of every bit of nuclear material (including that which was used for weapons) along with full schematics of all plants and facilities and allowed inspections of all of the above by IAEA inspectors.

Have NK and Iran done the same? No they have not.

The IAEA has camera's filming in Iranian reactors 24/7.
Which they agreed to after refusing inspectors access and then disabled when they felt like it (just as NK did).

Iran has allowed the IAEA to do multiple announced and unannounced inspections and they (the IAEA) have taken hundreds of pictures of the inspected locations and found now solid evidence that Iran is enriching weaponized uranium.
Which is what the IAEA do to EVERY member state, the difference is that the vast majority simply allow the inspectors to do their job; Iran and NK refuse them access and throw them out of the country. What you are arguing for is NK and Iran to be allowed to play by a different set of rules than every other member state. Care to explain why they should get a free pass?

As for finding no solid evidence, well if you throw inspectors out of the country how exact are the supposed to find anything? Particularly when they have been denied access to sites that under the IAEA agreements (which Iran signed) they should be allowed access to.

The IAEA does not bypass international law. Some places are just off limits for everyone unless there is reasonable evidence that the Iranians are producing weaponized uranium in those locations.
No the IAEA doesn't bypass international law, nor is it doing so, when Iran signed up they agreed to this level of access and inspection, and you need to explain why they should get a free pass and no one else (ohh other than NK it seems) does?

You see you are now just talking rubbish, the list in the source document below are the signatories of the IAEA additional protocol agreement, which was put into place after Iraq and NK were found to be subverting the existing protocols, these changes allowed (under international law and the agreement of the signatory bodies) a greater level of access and monitoring. Iran signed it in Dec 2003, yet have never allowed it to be enforced (which both the UK and US have).

So once again why the free pass for them? No international law is being broken by the IAEA and Iran signed and agreed to it, yet they have not allowed it to be enforced.

What would I do with the likes of Iran and NK? How about having negotiations on equal terms? You think NK threatens us because they are just crazy? Because thats what I get from watching our "free" news networks.
We have had negoitations on equal terms and in regard to NK have bent over backwards for them, when that fails want do you think we should do, simply allow them to take over the south and build a nuclear stockpile of weapons (because that is what they want).

It's funny how the western world can threaten sovereign nations on a daily basis while our free people are going crazy over Kim K's newest outfit but when NK decides it's enough everybody goes all crazy and we start dehumanizing them. The NK reacts that way because they feel threatened and a unified Korea would not be good for the western economy.
You seem to be rather mistaken, how has the western world threatened NK?

NK is the one who has threatened the region with nuclear war and declared war.

About Iran,
It poses no threat to the western world and has nothing to gain by making threats. The only threat they pose is an econamic threat. Everybody seems to forget the fact the this whole thing started when Iran decided they wanted to trade their oil in Euro's insted of dollars and that is the real threat (for the US) . How many wars was Iran part of compared to the US?

Iran using nuclear energie for peacefull purposes is a threat the the western world because it means that they would need less oil to power up the energy plants and can then sell that oil on the (not so) free market.
So Iran poses no threat at all to the western world or the region, you are seriously making that claim.

Here's the link I had, don't know where he found the links though.
Un-sourced material is not really worth a lot unfortunately.
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Lol again, what is your point?
That many things you take for granted are not permitted the people of North Korea due to their incredibly oppressive regime.
I answered your question and you deny. Fine!
I don't recall posing a question nor denying any answer to this fictional question.
What does me going to the gym, having drinks with my friends and making use of the internet have anything to do with all of what I said before that?
That many things you take for granted are not permitted the people of North Korea due to their incredibly oppressive regime.
I've no idea what you're even saying, so... no.
NK is not as technologicaly advanced as the western world but it's not as backwards as you make it out to be
I'm not making them out to be technologically backwards. You seem to have my posts confused with someone else's, which is odd as they're a different colour and you keep quoting them.
but still what does this have to do with the subject we were discussing?
That many things you take for granted are not permitted the people of North Korea due to their incredibly oppressive regime.

I'm still waiting for the addresses of those gyms, bars and internet cafes by the way. You know, when I said that it was ironic that you were off to do three things the North Koreans couldn't do in one sentence typed using a fourth (the internet) and you said they could do all of them?
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Maybe MisterWhiskers could employ the service of such man to do a hit on the leader of North Korea, I am sure the challenge will not be as much as assassinating common sense.
That many things you take for granted are not permitted the people of North Korea due to their incredibly oppressive regime.I don't recall posing a question nor denying any answer to this fictional question.That many things you take for granted are not permitted the people of North Korea due to their incredibly oppressive regime.I've no idea what you're even saying, so... no.I'm not making them out to be technologically backwards. You seem to have my posts confused with someone else's, which is odd as they're a different colour and you keep quoting them.That many things you take for granted are not permitted the people of North Korea due to their incredibly oppressive regime.

I'm still waiting for the addresses of those gyms, bars and internet cafes by the way. You know, when I said that it was ironic that you were off to do three things the North Koreans couldn't do in one sentence typed using a fourth (the internet) and you said they could do all of them?

This is getting silly. The things I take for granted? You know me so well. The bars, gyms and Internet cafe's have nothing to do with any of this so why bring it up? I know that NK is ruled by an oppressive dictator and that the people of NK suffered alot but it is getting better. What does putting sanctions on the korean people have to do with them having/ not having bars, Internet and gyms.

We agree that the people of NK suffer but putting sanctions on them will not make there suffering any better. I tell post about going to the gym and you drag NK into it? Why? It's stupid.

(I will respond to the other posts tommorow or on monday)
What a great comedy.

So the US wanted nothing more than to nuke Korea in the 50's. When did they approve the idea and drop the bomb? Obviously the warmongering US wouldn't have denied the plan.

The reason why the pro-nuke war MacArthur was fired is an interesting one. Perhaps the thinking in Democrat circles was that the people regarded him as a demigod destined to be the next President, and Truman simply wanted to eliminate him from the political equation. But the US was indeed frustrated in its inability to win the Korean War in conventional terms.

Accepting that might makes right and the ends justify the means, it must be concluded that in 1953 the US had neither sufficient might nor the correct ends to justify using nukes against China and North Korea. Likely the situation is no different today.

This is getting silly. The things I take for granted? You know me so well. The bars, gyms and Internet cafe's have nothing to do with any of this so why bring it up?
I didn't. Did I post "I will get back on Iraq later because I'm of to the gym and will be having drinks with friends after that. Good bye."? Only I'm fairly sure you did. If you want to whine about how irrelevant it is to the thread, why did you post it?

You brought it up and I've pointed out that this apparently normal part of your life is completely alien to the people of North Korea as none of that is permitted. You denied this and said the North Koreans have access to all of these things - adding that I've been brainwashed by the "one-sided" Western media about it - but are yet to furnish us with the evidence that they do. There should at least be one private gym, one establishment serving alcoholic beverages to groups of people and one way for the public to access the internet in the capital and largest city that you can show us to prove you're right and they have access to these things, surely?
I know that NK is ruled by an oppressive dictator and that the people of NK suffered alot but it is getting better.
[Citation needed]
What does putting sanctions on the korean people have to do with them having/ not having bars, Internet and gyms.
I don't know. I never drew that parallel.
We agree that the people of NK suffer but putting sanctions on them will not make there suffering any better.
The North Korean people do not have sanctions on them. The North Korean government does. It chooses to continue to pursue a reckless, illegal course of action at their expense.
I tell post about going to the gym and you drag NK into it? Why? It's stupid.
It's a North Korea thread. You posted about going to the gym in it. If it's so stupid to talk about you going to the gym in the North Korea thread why did you do it?
So your going to kill 24 million people just because he said he was going to bomb a state in your country? Even though your country has the capability to take it out of the sky, and deal with the problem properly?

Killing millions to save billions.
This is getting silly. The things I take for granted? You know me so well. The bars, gyms and Internet cafe's have nothing to do with any of this so why bring it up? I know that NK is ruled by an oppressive dictator and that the people of NK suffered alot but it is getting better. What does putting sanctions on the korean people have to do with them having/ not having bars, Internet and gyms.
Oh, the irony. Technically, I guess it is beside the point, but really?

We agree that the people of NK suffer but putting sanctions on them will not make there suffering any better.
You can't be serious. I saw people educate you on this in this very thread more than once. This is a logic of small child who doesn't fully understand the action>consequence. "Oh, I know the gun is illegal, but the neighbors I want to harm have pepper spray, so I bought this shotgun to backup the death threat I made to them". :lol:
Do you really think that NK have the capability to kill over 1000 people?

Pretty sure they could easily do that with non-Nuclear missile strike on Seoul, without even really aiming. You know, with the whole 25 million people or so in the Seoul metro area alone.
Pretty sure they could easily do that with non-Nuclear missile strike on Seoul, without even really aiming. You know, with the whole 25 million people or so in the Seoul metro area alone.

I forgot the million bit, look again :)