North Korea threatens with a nuclear strike.

  • Thread starter kikie
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True. I was also going to add that the quality of the interior plastics was pretty brutal too.
So, like, they cut their meat with a chainsaw or what?

No they are integrated in our society, adopted remember.

However I would notice that these 2 persons I knew would prefer:
  • to throw something at you, more then place it on the table next to you
  • kick a kitchen door open in stead of gently pushing it
  • communicate directly to your face in stead of use long phrases to come to a point
  • hit the table with a flat hand in stead of gently calling for some attention

None of the acts were shocking on itself, just when there was an option, it seemed they both would consistently go for the most brutal one.

P.S.: these people actually never met each other. One of these people is one of the most talented an nicest persons I ever met, however brutal.

Hoshi, - Linda Park - from Star Trek Enterprise is Korean. She doesn't seem to be brutal at all.

She is acting with 20 people to correct her if it is too brutal.
The Getz? Last I remember about that drive was the brutal understeer.

No they are integrated in our society, adopted remember.

However I would notice that these 2 persons I knew would prefer:
  • to throw something at you, more then place it on the table next to you
  • kick a kitchen door open in stead of gently pushing it
  • communicate directly to your face in stead of use long phrases to come to a point
  • hit the table with a flat hand in stead of gently calling for some attention

None of the acts were shocking on itself, just when there was an option, it seemed they both would consistently go for the most brutal one.

Uh... know very many adopted kids? Aggression is a sign more of an underlying psychological conflict (abandonment issues, "I don't look like everyone else" issues, family integration issues) than a racial trait.

While there is some genetic component to such behavior... try to consider the type of person who'd be willing to give up their child for adoption. And consider the fact that the children know they were abandoned... and the longer they spent waiting for adoption in some nameless orphanage... the more mal-adapted they become. Even just spending your first few months without a mother causes lasting damage.


If you go by a very limited subset of what kind of Koreans you see abroad in a certain situation, you'll get a very skewed view of Koreans. If I went by my college years, I'd tell you Koreans were overtalkative religious zealots who try to convert everyone they meet to Christianity. :lol:
If you go by a very limited subset of what kind of Koreans you see abroad in a certain situation, you'll get a very skewed view of Koreans. If I went by my college years, I'd tell you Koreans were overtalkative religious zealots who try to convert everyone they meet to Christianity. :lol:

That is what I stated, I did think my conclusion was not very well founded, it just struck me at the time.

The Getz?
Uh... know very many adopted kids? Aggression is a sign more of an underlying psychological conflict (abandonment issues, "I don't look like everyone else" issues, family integration issues) than a racial trait.

There was a group of 3 children placed by a judge with my sister at one time. Really generous of my sister to accept this. However 1 of the kids really had this issue above and will not be placed in families anymore; this after my sister was forced to ask for a psychological evaluation. We had some other hosting of kids in the family and there too the kid had suffered too much to be able to accept the love that came from the family.

Adoption is a nice gesture, but not easy for the person adopted since they carry a heavy history.

To come back to the nicest person from Korean decent that I knew, his family was 1 adopted kid, 1 own kid, 1 adopted kid, 1 own kid, ... up to a family of 10 kids (all adopted as babies). The environment was super it seemed. This person was not aggressive, he would do things with a smile, good intentioned, but still the execution was more brutal then what I did expect.


Going from my believe that Humans are not determined by genetic but more by cultural influences in their behaviour, it might be that the communist society propagates ruthless behaviour.

I recently read about Mao and I'm reading about Stalin and it is clear that both of these saw brutality as a management tool.
So that could explain the attitude of the Koreans.
That is what I stated, I did think my conclusion was not very well founded, it just struck me at the time.

There was a group of 3 children placed by a judge with my sister at one time. Really generous of my sister to accept this. However 1 of the kids really had this issue above and will not be placed in families anymore; this after my sister was forced to ask for a psychological evaluation. We had some other hosting of kids in the family and there too the kid had suffered too much to be able to accept the love that came from the family.

Adoption is a nice gesture, but not easy for the person adopted since they carry a heavy history.

To come back to the nicest person from Korean decent that I knew, his family was 1 adopted kid, 1 own kid, 1 adopted kid, 1 own kid, ... up to a family of 10 kids (all adopted as babies). The environment was super it seemed. This person was not aggressive, he would do things with a smile, good intentioned, but still the execution was more brutal then what I did expect.


Going from my believe that Humans are not determined by genetic but more by cultural influences in their behaviour, it might be that the communist society propagates ruthless behaviour.

I recently read about Mao and I'm reading about Stalin and it is clear that both of these saw brutality as a management tool.
So that could explain the attitude of the Koreans.

Which is probably why communism doesn't work!
Adoption is a nice gesture, but not easy for the person adopted since they carry a heavy history.

Too true. 👍

Going from my believe that Humans are not determined by genetic but more by cultural influences in their behaviour, it might be that the communist society propagates ruthless behaviour.

Or we could just say that it's not a very supportive environment to begin with. While child abuse and poor rearing tends to create more violent children, it can just as easily lead to withdrawn and a-social children as it can lead to slightly tempermental ones. In this case, I'd say slightly tempermental yet socially functional is preferable.

Going from my believe that Humans are not determined by genetic but more by cultural influences in their behaviour, it might be that the communist society propagates ruthless behaviour.

I recently read about Mao and I'm reading about Stalin and it is clear that both of these saw brutality as a management tool.
So that could explain the attitude of the Koreans.

Oh I hate arguments about Communism....
I recently read about Mao and I'm reading about Stalin and it is clear that both of these saw brutality as a management tool.
So that could explain the attitude of the Koreans.

Which is probably why communism doesn't work!

Well whoever you read didn't explore nearly as far as he or she could have. Brutality wasn't just a management tool. Instead of prices, they use violence and fear as the primary organizational force. In a communist state, brutality is the only thing that keeps the system trudging along. The lack of sustainability is revealed after so many people are killed.

Similarly dangerous is the collectivist attitude that all Koreans are brutal commies. There is more to your acquaintance's behavior than just the fact that they came from a communist state or are Korean.
Instead of prices, they use violence and fear as the primary organizational force.

I do not completely agree on this:
* Lenin was liberating Russia from the terror of the Tsars.
* Mao was liberating China from rule of the Landlords.

Combine this with an improvement of the situation of the common man and the more correct distribution of wealth in society and you will be able to motivate a lot of people.

1) Communism did a lot of good too to the regions where it reigned.
2) It seems that the price to pay was high, too high?

As for most history, there are 3 stories:
1) the people doing it
2) the people opposing it
3) the truth

It is just that the third one is most difficult to find.

On North Korea wikipedia:
The country's government follows the Juche ideology of self-reliance, developed by the country's former President, Kim Il-Sung.

Who says that a self sufficient system is not better then a system where the markets go crazy with a little wind in the US, a conflict on gas going through pipes in Russia or some conflicts between countries in the Middle-East or Africa.

Problem is that their system does not seem to work (wikipedia again):

Famine status

North Korea has not yet resumed its food self-sufficiency and relies on external food aid from China, Japan, South Korea and the United States. In 2002, North Korea requested that food supplies no longer be delivered. (Woo-Cummings, 2002)

In the mid-2000s, the World Food Program reported that famine conditions were in imminent danger of returning to North Korea, and the government was reported to have mobilized millions of city-dwellers to help rice farmers.

As of 2009, famine continues to be a problem for North Korea, although less so than in the mid to late '90s. Flooding in 2007 and reductions in food aid exacerbate the problem, however.
Maybe SK can bribe NK with some free Genesis Coupes. I'd take that bribe.
famine continues to be a problem for North Korea

Yeah I heard those North Koreans are struggling to beat Famines Lap times.

(Sorry for the joke, I know famine's are no laughing matter, I just couldn't resist.)

I personally think this whole Korea will all just blow over for the next few years, until it either gets cleared up or somebody throws the first punch and starts something.
...all this could be avoided if NK were in the 2010 FIFA World Cup final instead of Spain. See what happened with Soviet Union when they lost a soccer final to the Netherlands in 88
Seoul, South Korea (CNN) -- North Korea on Tuesday fired artillery into the sea near its tense western sea border with South Korea, injuring at least four South Korean soldiers and two civilians, the Yonhap news agency reported.
At least 200 rounds of artillery hit an inhabited South Korean island after the North started firing about 2:30 p.m. local time, Yonhap said.
South Korea's military responded with 80 rounds of artillery and deployed fighter jets to counter the fire, the report said.
The South Korean army also raised its alert condition, the report said.
Images of plumes of smoke were quickly broadcast on Yonhap television from the island of Yeonpyeong, but it was not immediately clear what the artillery had hit.
The island that was hit has a total of about 1,300 residents, a fisherman who lives on the island told Yonhap.
The South Korean government immediately called an emergency meeting of its security ministers.


Should I be scared right now? Because I kind of am.. :nervous: Here comes WW3.
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It is just boasting of North Korea, they will not have a lot of support from any allies at this moment.

I guess the international community should be very diplomatic on this and avoid any escalation to a larger scale. Support South Korea, but with structures to talk, not to shoot.
There's already a ten-page discussion on the North and their current relationship with the South further down the first page of this sub-forum, so I'm going to merge the threads.

Edit: merged.
My classmate was just talking about the two Koreas fighting just as we left Irish class. I thought he was just talking crap as usual.
It certainly seems a lot more serious than the usual tension. Let's hope this doesn't end in a war.
Dare I say it, but war might be the best outcome - it would force action against Pyongyang, maybe replace the hardliners with someone who is actually aware that their country is in crisis. Unlike the Middle East, North Korea isn't populated by an insurgency totally willing to die if it means repelling an invasion. Of course, war would result in countless deaths and if the North have The Bomb ...
I just checked this thread again to see if NK had been replaced with 120,000 sq km of bare dirt and apparently it hasn't. Yet. Disappointed.

Out I go again.
I find that rather offensive GT Pro, considering the vast amount of innocent people in NK.
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