Official GranTracker Thread

Not wanting to go off topic but as my new new rig turns up tomorrow, I've been getting ready for both PC and PS5 gaming. I got this to switch my wheel, keyboard, mouse and a 2TB SSD between the PS5 and the PC.

So far it appears to be working okay. I can run on the PS5, use the keyboard and mouse for chats and then offload video/pictures to the SSD. Then I can switch it to the computer and everything, including the SSD is there where I can the easily dump the stuff down to my home NAS (48TB - legacy of a failed YouTuber video storage :)). From there I can access it on my Macs in other parts of the house.

If I find a video editor for Windows 11 that natively works with WebM then I might use that of basic edits...
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The downloading of the new race weeks isn't working for me. I clicked the button to download the new information, it said it downloaded successfully and then when I added a new race week for week 49 all three entries were blank.
The downloading of the new race weeks isn't working for me. I clicked the button to download the new information, it said it downloaded successfully and then when I added a new race week for week 49 all three entries were blank.
In your logs folder, which you can get to using the menu item "Help->Open Logs Folder" (NOT "Help->Open Logs File"), there should be a folder named "dataUpdateLogs".

Can you send me that file? You can use the menu item "Help->Email Support" to open an email to me. Then attach that file.


GranTracker v3.0.1 has just been released.

Get it here:


You’ll have to upgrade to this version before you can download any new Data Updates.


Race Week Data Updates can now include new Tire Types, which will automatically be added to your current list of Tire Types, as needed.

Bug Fixes​

Fixed a few bugs with the new Data Update feature.

GranTracker v3.0.2 has just been released.

Get it here:

Bug Fixes​

Fixed a couple of bugs introduced in v3.0.1 where making changes to Race Weeks or Tracks would cause GranTracker to crash. The bug didn’t affect your data - you could just restart GranTacker and everything would be fine. But obviously having the program crash is not the best behavior.


Also, week 2023-50 Data Update is available. I'm working on the Nürburgring Nordschleife map right now, and it will hopefully be available later today.
I have a "bug" related to screen shot imports. The process is fine but the viewer does not work when the file path is constructed in a particular way. It returns the following error:
Screenshot 2023-12-12 at 12.44.48 AM.png

This only happens when I am uploading photos that are inside one of my race "directories". I record the race and pertinent screenshots such as the starting grid, the finishing grid, my trophy and now the post lobby results. I group all this in a folder that I name as per the race recording (it has the timestamp when the lobby starts so it is accurate to within the minute). I then use a tool (A Better Finder Rename) that reformats the folder name to something like this:

2023.12.11-22.50 | wk 50 | B #01

Either it is the periods (.), the pipe (|) or the hash (#) but the image preview does not like something with this name.

Screenshot 2023-12-12 at 12.45.04 AM.png
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Nice system Normsk. You mentioned that you had a job in data or IT right? Fellow data analyst and data manager here.
Yes, I'm a Data Architect. I build data solutions; the DataOps and DevOps needed to support them, the toolset selections and application, as well as the modeling and warehousing of such data for business insights. I'm pretty much a one stop shop for the EdTech company I work for..
Yes, I'm a Data Architect. I build data solutions; the DataOps and DevOps needed to support them, the toolset selections and application, as well as the modeling and warehousing of such data for business insights. I'm pretty much a one stop shop for the EdTech company I work for..
So I've been brainstorming your request to be able to add races manually. I have some questions for mr. one stop shop. :lol: I've probably asked some of this before, but here we go:

1) What do you want the timestamp to default to? I was thinking that for the first race you add, it would just default to now. But if you manually enter more than one race in a row, I could have the next one default to a short time after the previous timestamp. What do you think?

2) For DR and SR, I'm not sure what to do. Once you've entered the timestamp, I could give you "Ctrl+D" to dup the previous race's values. But before you dup them, what should they default to?

3) It's conceivable that I could add a "No DR Update" and/or "No SR Update" for those races that don't affect DR/SR. The values, when viewed in the Table or Chart, would automatically show the previous values (in other words, I wouldn't store the DR for a "No DR Update" kind of race - I would fetch the prior value real time, whenever I need it).

What do you think? Any other ideas? Thanks.
So I've been brainstorming your request to be able to add races manually. I have some questions for mr. one stop shop. :lol: I've probably asked some of this before, but here we go:

1) What do you want the timestamp to default to? I was thinking that for the first race you add, it would just default to now. But if you manually enter more than one race in a row, I could have the next one default to a short time after the previous timestamp. What do you think?

2) For DR and SR, I'm not sure what to do. Once you've entered the timestamp, I could give you "Ctrl+D" to dup the previous race's values. But before you dup them, what should they default to?

3) It's conceivable that I could add a "No DR Update" and/or "No SR Update" for those races that don't affect DR/SR. The values, when viewed in the Table or Chart, would automatically show the previous values (in other words, I wouldn't store the DR for a "No DR Update" kind of race - I would fetch the prior value real time, whenever I need it).

What do you think? Any other ideas? Thanks.
Sorry, got busy..

1) Tricky one. Given that it usually takes a minute to enter a race entry I would just default to the current time with a note that the user should update the time to reflect the time the race took place. If they don't and they try to enter a new manual event with the same time (within the same minute) then throw a warning that entry cannot be saved due to conflicting event date/time. If that happens, they cursor should default back to the date/time box to allow them to update it.

2 & 3) For DR and SR I would just default the values to the be +0% and +0% change for each if possible or even just null for no entry. Today, a user can override the % for the class if need be so that could be the same. Today I have custom fields for no DR and no SR boolean flags. These should become standard, then for manual entries these should default to true and DR calculation should be ignored.

The manual entry should default to race A as that is usually the one where people may not capture screenshot. However, I sometimes need to do a "manual" entry when I forget to grab the screenshot but I may have other data and I can work out the approximate DR change. If I say, come in 4th, I may determine (based on the competition) that that is worth a 3% increase and that my DR changed from 33% to 36%. Today I would clone the screenshot from the prior race, modify the filename, upload to GranTracker, then override the DR field and enter 36%. That appears to lock in the DR calculated value.

So my thought is this:
1) Default date/time to current.
2) Default new "No DR" and "No SR" fields to true. In the chart if these are true then ignore any DR change for this record.
3) If the user overrides "No DR" and/or "No SR" to set these to false, then calculate the DR based on any value entered for DR or SR % as you would today. Then in the chart, this should calculate per normal.

Screenshot 2023-12-13 at 5.58.24 PM.png

Also for regular screenshot uploads the new "No DR" and "No SR" should default to false.

Might this work?
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Thanks, that's dedication, what time are you up in the middle of the night to sort that out so quickly?
Thanks. I'm usually up before 3 (it's just how my sleep cycle works, along with the meds I take). This time I woke up earlier to pee, so I figured I'd do it then (after peeing, of course). :lol:
I got a couple of issues with custom fields. I'm trying to create a field for my finishing time offset from 1st place called "Time From 1st". First I set it as type "Time" which allows me to enter the time, say 3.499 and that is okay. However, when I won, it does not allow me to enter a time of 0. It displays blank. You can argue that is fine as there is no offset, but it makes me think that I forgot to complete the field. I'd like it to be zero.

So I tried a different field, this time with type "Number". This only allows you to enter integers. It does not allow you to enter the fractional component.

My final solution? I'm just treating it as a text entry for now. That I can put in anything... Still, you may want to look at the other two cases.
Hmm, interesting. There's a couple of tacks I can take to solve this - I'll see which works best. Thanks for telling me!

On a different subject, when you use the Data Update feature to add new Race Weeks, and one or more of the races specifies a car I can't find in your cars list, what do you think it should do? Right now it just tells you to add it yourself. But I'm not thrilled with that.

I could add the car if it's not there. But the problem is, you may have already added the car manually, with something a little different in the title. So if I add a new car automatically, now you'll have duplicate cars (kind of, anyway). That doesn't really matter, unless you've already done some races with the existing car, then you do races with the new car, and if you try to filter on the car, you probably won't see results that make sense.

I hope that makes sense. So I've been working on a way to merge races from one car into another. but It's turning out to be a bigger deal than I thought it would, user-interface-wise.

So my question is, do you think I should leave it as is - telling you to add the cars yourself? Or should I go ahead and add the cars anyway, and not worry about if you have semi-duplicate cars?
On a different subject, when you use the Data Update feature to add new Race Weeks, and one or more of the races specifies a car I can't find in your cars list, what do you think it should do? Right now it just tells you to add it yourself. But I'm not thrilled with that.
I would not worry about it. You are already providing an excellent tool. I think the new car issue will go away over time as users update their list to reflect your names.

I had this pop up. I simply edited my name to match yours and I did not have the pop up again. You can always add the option to add the car automatically if the user knows their database is not up to date.

Now if you really wanted to get clever, you can auto add the vehicle/track and then have a new popup alerting the user with the option to migrate an existing vehicle/track to the new name (if they had previously added it) so that history is aligned. But personally, I don't think it is worth the effort. If you are doing data collection you may know how many users you have of your tool and also how many may have the name issue. If it remains an issue going forward then do the work. I don't think that will be the case though.
I had this pop up. I simply edited my name to match yours and I did not have the pop up again.
I don't know what this means. Was there supposed to be a picture with this?
Now if you really wanted to get clever, you can auto add the vehicle/track and then have a new popup alerting the user with the option to migrate an existing vehicle/track to the new name (if they had previously added it) so that history is aligned. But personally, I don't think it is worth the effort. If you are doing data collection you may know how many users you have of your tool and also how many may have the name issue. If it remains an issue going forward then do the work. I don't think that will be the case though.
Yeah. that's what I've been working on for the past couple of weeks. The logic behind merging cars, or just transfering races, is easy and it's complete. Its finding the right way to present it to the user that's the hard part.

We'll see what I end up with.
I don't know what this means. Was there supposed to be a picture with this?
No picture. I was referring to your message about manually having to add cars. I don't have that now so I what not sure if it was a popup dialog or something, so I just called it a popup.
No picture. I was referring to your message about manually having to add cars. I don't have that now so I what not sure if it was a popup dialog or something, so I just called it a popup.
Oooooh, I get it now. When you said "I edited my name to match yours", I was thinking you somehow needed to edit your personal name - not the car name. I'm an idiot! :lol:

And yes, what you did was perfect.
Data Update for week 2023-52 should now be available.

I would have had this up earlier but the maps took longer than normal, especially since I found a problem with one of the existing maps.

In the future if there's new maps I need to make, I'm going to upload the new Week as soon as it's done, then upload the Maps when they're done. So if you run GranTracker between when I upload the Week and when I upload the Maps, and you download the Data Update for the new week, then later on you run GranTracker again after I've uploaded the new maps, you'll be prompted about new Data Updates again.

I hope that makes sense, but regardless, you'll figure it out.
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Thank a lot for your nice tool, Daniel :)

How can I display my DR points in the table, please?
(version 3.0.2.)

Best from Brittany
Thank a lot for your nice tool, Daniel :)

How can I display my DR points in the table, please?
(version 3.0.2.)

Best from Brittany
You're quite welcome.

Right-click on the table somewhere, then click "Select Columns". You can show and hide whatever you need, and also re-order the columns if you want to.

Hope that helps!
You're quite welcome.

Right-click on the table somewhere, then click "Select Columns". You can show and hide whatever you need, and also re-order the columns if you want to.

Hope that helps!
That's perfect, thanks a lot for the fast and efficient answer :)
For any of you that are stats nerds, here's all my races for this year, in TSV format. I'd love to see how some of you could slice and dice it. Or not, if you don't want to.


    30.7 KB · Views: 12
Might have a go at this one day (or might not). I few things I could think of to start with would be:

  • Bar chart of race track, ordered by race count - to see tracks you favor
  • Bar chart of car, ordered by race count - to see cars you favor
  • Sportmanship quality by month - average out SR by month
  • Quadant chart of tracks against DR gain/fall to see which tracks improve your DR on versus those you lose
  • Quadant chart of car against DR gain/fall to see which cars improve your DR on versus those you lose
  • Average (mean, medium and mode) position change by starting position
Things start to get interesting as you try to correlate relationships. Say, how finishing position is affected by your DR points, how day of the week affects your start and end positions, and if lower SR results in lower finishes.

I might upload this to Tableau Public, if that is okay with you, to see what I can do.
Data Update for week 2023-53 should now be available.

Happy new year, everyone!
Thanks, I've installed the update, but I can't import my latest screen shot. It reports "You don't have a Race Week setup for this date yet.". Could it be to do with the fact the new week is shown as "2023-53"? Although the start date time is correct showing "2024/01/01 07:00"