Official Mission Hall Thread (help, hints, general discussion, etc.)

  • Thread starter justin_tyme
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I must really suck. I made it through all the I-B Missions easily enough. Then when I get to the 1st I-A Mission, damn that took me forever learning the track and the 2000GT. I think I must have raced it 15 times before winning. Now I'm on the 2nd I-A w/ the Fort GT, I've raced it about 6 or 7 times and I'm getting nowhere close.
I must really suck. I made it through all the I-B Missions easily enough. Then when I get to the 1st I-A Mission, damn that took me forever learning the track and the 2000GT. I think I must have raced it 15 times before winning. Now I'm on the 2nd I-A w/ the Fort GT, I've raced it about 6 or 7 times and I'm getting nowhere close.
Could you please refresh my memory and tell me what track the Ford GT was on?
This one is on Laguna Seca, where you have to pass the Viper Concept, then the Saleen, then the Camaro Race Car, then the C5R, and finally the Team Oreca. Wow, why do remember all that? Did it like three weeks ago. Weird.
I believe that would be the Laguna Seca.
Oh yeah, I hated that one. I had to do it about 5-7 times to finally get it. Just keep at it and when you really get used to the track you will get faster and faster.
The most important factor in this mission for me was the type of gearbox. I had problems as well - but when I changed from AT to MT my time improved with ca. 5 seconds.

It's a huge asset in this one to be able to shift down but keepíng high revs.
Not only for speed but also for handling.
I dnt see the difficulty in mission 11, i thought it was easy, tho i am stuck on 23 and 34. Will do 23 tonite with the advice from this thread, and i dnt know my way around th nurburg yet so am taking each corner completly blindly. lol gd luck to all. Missions are so much fun!!!
Thought after mastering Mission 11 with the help from the racing friends Famine and daan, Mission 12 (laguna Seca) would be easier.....3 hours later :yuck: i finally made it.....
next time you are around that race track, you might notice all that rubber on the's mine, apologies :)

main key for me (finally): braking earlier and accelerating through the apex! 💡 halleluja...
Took me a while to do mission 23, but after reading yr tips I managed it really easily on 3rd try. Mission 11 is a different matter. I havent been brave enough to venture back yet - maybe tonight.
After finally passing #34 (after about 1,000 tries), I finished #11 and and #14 today. I have now completed the Missions! I'm posting just to say that I used a DS2 and auto so it can be done. I know I'm not the first to do it, just wanted to give some more hope to those who use those methods.
Gentry Coach
After finally passing #34 (after about 1,000 tries), I finished #11 and and #14 today. I have now completed the Missions! I'm posting just to say that I used a DS2 and auto so it can be done. I know I'm not the first to do it, just wanted to give some more hope to those who use those methods.

Congratulations, dude. we are on the same boat mate. i also completed the mission with the DS2 controller in automatic transmission. After many times of practices and it finally lead me to an accomplishment.

May i raise a topic here, but not sure how many people are interested to talk about it. Anyway, here it goes, A lot of people think M34 is hard, however for a guy who are someone easily get gold in the license tests, shouldn't find M34 too hard. I myself find each time i try the mission again, the cornering speed is slightly different, sometimes i can go a little faster. I was thinking, for some gold license test, where require to do 2 - 3 corners. The one i've done is close to perfect is always hard to beat( when i retry i can see my ghost car ). During the re-tries, when i have done a quite good turn, but compare to my "close to perfect" cornering ghost, it was about half car or even more distance.

SO my conclusion is if you can turn each corner at "close to perfect" speed. Then i guess the finishing time on M34 on Japanese version, would be at least 5 - 10secs that much. I am here to request one of those perfect lapping video on M34, especially from someone else think it was easy to get all gold licences. And i guess this would be a very nice and interesting video for everyone to watch.

My "works every time" technique (done it three times now, first time every time) is to never change gear ever. On approach to the first turn, draft and pass underneath the pack, move back to the top yellow line and then switch to in-car/rear view for the straight. Pick a car to allow past - let him slipstream you and then move to the outside to avoid him - he WILL hit you if you don't. Stupid bugger. Flick in behind him, slipstream and pass on the inside on the next turn, then back up to the top yellow line. Keep doing this and you'll spot the yellow GT-R on your third turn. Carry on doing this until the LAST turn.

On the last turn, slipstream and pass on the inside, then stay low until you're approaching the draft zone of the yellow GT-R. Snick up and slipstream him, pass on the inside and stay low again.

You win. Hurrah!
I tried this loosely and didn't think it was going to work so I did a couple attempts of trying to push a car the entire way. Finally I gave up on that and carefully re-read your strategy...It worked the first time I actually did exactly what you said to to! WOOHOO! :dopey:
I managed to do 23 last night.

The video helped as I followed the cars on the bottom of the track through the first turn. Previously I had followed the cars at the top of the track.

For some reason the AI Cars did not catch me on the first run on the back straight but midway through the turn. I let 1 pass and very quickly caught its stream and got back in front.

The rest went according to plan except after 2.5 laps. I appeared to be catching the first placed car earlier than I expected but then the pack passed me. I tried to stay calm and followed the lowest car on the track. Problem was I went to pass too late and hit the back of the AI car and got a 5sec penalty.

I still seemed to be in the draft and managed to pass the second place car and get straight into the draft of the first placed car and just got over the line first.

I saved the replay but do not have the ability to transfer it to computer at the moment.

I think the reason why I seemed to still win without the perfect race is that on about 3-4 occasions the AI cars hit into the back of me which made me go quicker.
This mission has really nothing to it, all you have to do is avoid hitting the cars, draft when given the chance, pull out of the way when the other cars are approaching, and you'll do it comfortably. on my first go i did it, i bet first place by 1.6 seconds, with a tome of 7:03.411
Driving manual HELPS A LOT!!
For example, on the one with the 3 lap race w/the 2000GT, I used manual so I could shift to 1st to get more power out of the turns... :)
Now tell me is this normal......
I went to mission 34 and I beat it...On my first try...Beginners luck or what?
I did it like before I even got started on the Sunday Cup(which was a LONG time ago :dopey: ) I just did it for fun...and I won!! I did'nt even know the track(which was Nurburgring....I tried the other races thinking they would be easy...but they seem a lot harder...right now I just need missions 22-28 and 32...
I don't know... was beating mission 34 first try normal...
I think I'm infected the Granturitis, a sickness of GT4 lol :dopey: :dopey:


I could POSSIBLY believe you if you had already used the car on the track in say the 4H Nurburgring enduro and you were comefortable with the car and the track, but with your claim you have lost all credibility ever on these boards.

I could POSSIBLY believe you if you had already used the car on the track in say the 4H Nurburgring enduro and you were comefortable with the car and the track, but with your claim you have lost all credibility ever on these boards.

It took me over 20 attempt to get gold on the S-16 license plus extra practice on arcade mode in a 9X Calsonic GT-R. I though that I'm a ok driver. Totally agree kythebomb.
Sure the driving tests are hard. All u need to do is set minor goals for urself throughout the lap. Like when I did nurburgring I made sure that I was x amount of seconds behind the top car. And if I failed the test then I would do it again and try to beat my split times. I kept repeating this process until I eventually refined the lap to such an extent that I WON! The 1 lap magics are meant to be very less than half a second. I overtook the 300 sl about 5 metres b4 the finish line and I can honestly say that I could not have done a better lap. The key is to drive agressively and do NOT BRAKE HEAVILY.
Come on guys, they aren't THAT hard. The license test aren't challenging, at least these can be. A few remind me of some of the chase test in GT4p, I enjoyed those. I enjoyed each one of them and only a few of the last ones took me more than a few tries....

Just stick to it, keep practicing and you'll learn. They will make you a better driver.

If they aren't that hard how many of them do you have done? Answer that.
So am I the only one having problems with the SlipStream Battle? Atleast that what it seems like since the last 2 pages dont have much info on that!. I only have to do 2 missions. The SlipStream battle and the M34. But M34 I think within a few days, spending few hours on it I can do it. But the SlipStream battle just seems unbelievable. I mean the closest I've gotten to the front running skyline is 2.8xx seconds (at the finish).

Any suggestions please?

I can't see why people are having problems with mission 34!? My first and only PS2 game is GT4 (ok, I played GT3 for a few days, but I traded it when I bought Halo 2) and I completed mission 34 on my third try or so. I didn't find it that hard. Maybe, but just maybe, that's because I've been driving Nürburgring about 150-200 times in Project Gotham Racing 2 :)
These missions are bastardz! Ok, so I don't give myself a challenge in most of the game, I get cars that are way overpowered for what I'm racing against. Anyway, I fly through missions 1-10 easily. Then 11 gives me my first real challenge in the game. I spent a couple of hours on it, then spent several hours on mission 12 in the Ford GT on Laguna Seca, then the Peugot rally car in mission 13 only takes me about an hour. So, I figure I'm getting used to the game, then wham! Mission 14, what is this piece of **** SuperBird? My god, this car might be ok if there weren't something called turns, and 5th gear! This is the ****tiest car ever!
Two points i felt i needed to bring out (no, I'm not taking shots at anyone, but...)

1: D-Logan, every single mission race is a matter of KNOWING EACH CAR AND TRACK WELL as they work with each other. If you know proper racing techniques and get used to the feeling of certain cars on certain tracks, you will be able to do the mission eventually. There's no use in getting frustrated.

2:mpbarry, i disagree with you. In some cases, heavy breaking IS necessary, but in some it isnt. It depends on the turn. Mainly, it's just the TIMING of the braking that makes the biggest difference. After I found the right spots at Nurburgring to brake and accelerate, the track was cake

Click on GT4 videos. Scroll down to Mission 23.

OMFG!!!! Thanks FAMINE :) :D
This is increadible, YOU'RE A GOD :)...

sorry for the caps lock, i just got a little excited, coz frankly only that mission was the frustrating one, I really dont mind doing the SLR (M34) for ten thousand times, but those stock skylines on a boring straight line was just a pain in the back side.
I can't see why people are having problems with mission 34!? My first and only PS2 game is GT4 (ok, I played GT3 for a few days, but I traded it when I bought Halo 2) and I completed mission 34 on my third try or so. I didn't find it that hard. Maybe, but just maybe, that's because I've been driving Nürburgring about 150-200 times in Project Gotham Racing 2 :)

And you probably have the PAL version which gives you an 8 second head start. Not to take the air out of your tires, but 8 additional makes a big difference.
I think the Missions are a lot easier than I expected. I can't seem to understand why so many said they hate them or are having such a hard time with them. The first few I tried were the hardest, IMO. But now I can complete them in the first try, or second. But, I have yet to try Mission 34, but it doesn't seem to be too bad.

Mission 34: Start off 2:03 down and finish before 9:13. That means you need to complete the Nurb in 7:10 in the Merc SLR. That's a challenge, but not difficult. Ovoiding the cars is going to be my only difficult task. Everytime I try to go around those stupid bastards, they block me, causing me to hit them and get a penalty. Stupid AI.
I did the Superbird mission on like my 3rd try.

Perhaps it's because I have the DFP, but I found it pretty easy...

1st try; remembering the course and learning the car a bit.

2nd try; learning the car a bit more and getting a few critical corners down.

3rd try; done, dead, finito. Not too difficult once you get the hang of the handling.

I thought it was a real fun challenge trying to drive a boat like that on asphalt.
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