Official Playstation Store Thread

Well, now that I finally have a faster internet connection, I can safely say that the PSN's downloads are definitely slower for me than XBL's. On my old DSL line, they were both equal, so I never noticed until yesterday and today. I'd estimate roughly half the speed, depending on what else is going on. Last night I downloaded the Ace Combat 6 demo on XBL, it was done in maybe fifteen minutes. Tonight, it took almost two hours to download the new GT5P video, which was only slightly larger than the AC6 demo. In fact, I'll still be letting it download overnight for the other videos and the NFS demo.. barely a Gig and a half, and yet it's going to take upwards of 5-6 hours to download it all. That ain't right.

I was also not a part of the Bioshock, Halo 3 Beta, or Forza 2 demo fiasco. When Mass Effect drops a demo, I will likely not download that the day of release so my comments remain true, so as to avoid crow eating.

Fixed for truth and accuracy. Corrections noted with bold typeface.
Oh wow did the demos that I tried look like garbage... thanks M$ for some more great ****ty ports. :rolleyes:

Juiced 2
NFS: Pro Street

I checked all my settings and went to gt5p to make sure it wasn't me too.

I went to the 360 to check their version of Timeshift too. Not even close...

Again.. not really a competition when you're buying everything off. :rolleyes:
I do too, but I am just saying I hope they weren't teasing this. That would be quite a disappointment.

For me the series peaked at TM2. Three was OK but the boards weren't very creative and it was WAAAAYYYYY too easy. I did like TM4, I mean I could play as Rob Zombie or use a nuke as a weapon, but it still paled to TM2. If I recall the license was sold after TM2 and so that explains the change.
also agreed, I hated TM3 but 4 was kinda cool, 2 is still the best

Before someone comments: I realize a lot of people liked Black, but I never got to play more than a demo.
You should rent Black, it sort of makes up for the past 2 games though it feels very different. What people need to know about is Twisted Metal Head On which is the true heir to the TM2 throne, unfortunately it's only for PSP

Tonight, it took almost two hours to download the new GT5P video.
Just to check to see how long it would take to download that video today I went ahead and downloaded it again:

First I did a speed test using the browser on the PS3:


Then I went to the US Store, started the download, and was careful to log the exact times:

GT5P TGS Video				
  Start		  25%		  50%		  75%		 100%
11:54:00	11:56:15	11:58:30	12:00:45	12:03:00

Download Time =	9 Minutes			
File Size =	414 MB			
Transfer Rate =	46 MB/min = 6133 kb/s

For those that have access to their PS3 right now, perhaps you could do a similar test, first checking your PS3's current download connection times, then download this file and make note of the times, and see how your download compares.

Regardless, if it took Jedi almost two hours, then it very likely confirms he was just up against a massive traffic jam on the net, and that it is not reflective of normal download times.
I have been contemplating Crash Bandicoot as well as Rampage: World Tour for a while. I was contemplating Rally Cross, but while making sure I didn't still have my old TM2 copy I found I still have Rally Cross along with Hydro Thunder GT1, GT2, Resident Evil 2, and Namco Museum vol. 2.

I just noticed a new thing on the PS Store today. When you Add Funds to your wallet you can add the exact amount you need. I couldn't do that before. Always had a few coins left.
I just noticed a new thing on the PS Store today. When you Add Funds to your wallet you can add the exact amount you need. I couldn't do that before. Always had a few coins left.

Thats great news, I hated it before where the increments of adding funds where massively apart...

DN, i saw you had a lot of PSN accounts. Do they all have different content?

Yes, all of the stores have alot of different content be that demos, trailers etc...

Thats why its good to have a few in different regions, so you can get things like the GT5P demo...

Thnx for the quick reply Robin +Rep:tup:. I only have a European, NA and a Japanese account. Would it be good if i also opend a Hong Kong account?
Thnx for the quick reply Robin +Rep:tup:. I only have a European, NA and a Japanese account. Would it be good if i also opend a Hong Kong account?

Thanks for the rep :)

I have all the same as you plus a HK account I think that covers the world well enough.

The HK one is good for getting stuff that maybe released in Japan in Japaniese as an English option early... like for example GTHD before it ended up in all the other worldwide stores. My bet is that it will be the first store to have the GT5P demo in english.

Apart from that there is not as much difference as lets say the US and UK store which have totally different content most of the time.

The HK one is good for getting stuff that maybe released in Japan in Japaniese as an English option early... like for example GTHD before it ended up in all the other worldwide stores. My bet is that it will be the first store to have the GT5P demo in english.

I never thought of it that way. Better start checking the HK account again. Not much happening there.
That's new for Europe? I'm not sure when the US was first able to do that but it's been like that since I got my PS3 in June.
And since December of last year for me. I can't say how it works in Europe, but on the US PS store, as long as you select your items first, and then when it asks you to add money to your account, it always puts in the exact amount you owe, thus allowing you to always have a $0 balance.

With the 360 and XBL, you not only have to convert your money to "Microsoft Points", but you can't put in the exact amount of "points" needed to make a purchase so that you can always have a 0 point balance on your account.
With the 360 and XBL, you not only have to convert your money to "Microsoft Points", but you can't put in the exact amount of "points" needed to make a purchase so that you can always have a 0 point balance on your account.
It is the same for the Virtual Console on the Wii. You have Wii points, although I will give Nintendo credit for not trying to confuse customers with an odd points to money system. On the Wii one point = $.01. So a 500 point game = $5.00, 800 points = $8.00, 1000 points = $10.00, etc.

Of course Nintendo loses respect for their outrageous pricing system. $5 for NES games, $8 for SNES/Genesis, and $10 for N64, while PS1 games are on the PSN for $6 (SOTN being the only exception). And they do make exceptions to their pricing scheme, like previously unreleased in the US games have an extra buck thrown on them.
I've been trying to download again yesterday (Juiced 2), however what I have found is that if I am not in a game whilst downloading it is as quick as it should be, however if I go into a game, say Dirt, the download practically stops. It was on 10% before I went on DiRT then when I came off (about an hour later) it was on 11%. Whats going on?
After playing the NFS Pro Street demo I can see that EA has once again outdone themselves....

I have never seen such a bigger pile of rubbish on a next gen system... dear god it looks as bad as the original underground, most wanted looks way better than this on PS2! and HP2 still has the best visuals ever which are more clear than detailed...

I thought the game would look identical to the trailers... NO, the intro video... NO, the screen shots... NO...... Its a total joke! Its MAKE BELIEVE...

Maybe the good graphics are only reserved for the 360??... it would figure as EA thinks more consoles... more money.

The damage models are seriously poor, there are jaggies everywhere, no more freeroam, shed loads of advertising, rubbish AI.. the list goes on. The only thing thats good is the smoke... but like thats the most important thing!

The games setting style is un-interesting and it seems to have gone back a step in the immaturity department...

This demo is like 900MB+ and timeshift gives better quality visuals for less than half that!... whats in all that bloat, some announcers voice over saying how "narly" everything is!

I seriously find it comical that EA can be so blatant about disregarding an entire system which keeps getting stronger...

The Simpsons game is about the only thing ive seen from EA looking good on PS3 but its not hard seeing as its all flat objects drawn in cell style graphics..

Oh well, until the NFS franchise leaves EA is probably going to be like this forever...

I agree with you for the most part, Robin. The demo was a dissapointment to the fullest. Definitely didnt even come close to the trailers and other vids as i was expecting.
After playing the NFS Pro Street demo I can see that EA has once again outdone themselves....

I have never seen such a bigger pile of rubbish on a next gen system... dear god it looks as bad as the original underground, most wanted looks way better than this on PS2! and HP2 still has the best visuals ever which are more clear than detailed...

I thought the game would look identical to the trailers... NO, the intro video... NO, the screen shots... NO...... Its a total joke! Its MAKE BELIEVE...

Maybe the good graphics are only reserved for the 360??... it would figure as EA thinks more consoles... more money.

The damage models are seriously poor, there are jaggies everywhere, no more freeroam, shed loads of advertising, rubbish AI.. the list goes on. The only thing thats good is the smoke... but like thats the most important thing!

The games setting style is un-interesting and it seems to have gone back a step in the immaturity department...

This demo is like 900MB+ and timeshift gives better quality visuals for less than half that!... whats in all that bloat, some announcers voice over saying how "narly" everything is!

I seriously find it comical that EA can be so blatant about disregarding an entire system which keeps getting stronger...

The Simpsons game is about the only thing ive seen from EA looking good on PS3 but its not hard seeing as its all flat objects drawn in cell style graphics..

Oh well, until the NFS franchise leaves EA is probably going to be like this forever...


I usually dont even mind reading flame posts. But this one has a point. +REP actually. But the problem is what happens under the table when our best friend Microsoft pays a visit. I already created a thread for that.

Anyway despite all this i always buy the NFS games. It's like a drug, i've had all of them since NFS 2 Special Edition. I really want to know what's next in NFS. Even though the latest NFS games has only lasted a week or so.
See this is why I hate playing demos, they always feel poorly done and unfinished. This is not saying that Pro Street is going to be good, but I would at least give it a rent before I totally wrote it off. And I don't care what system it is, I think the 360 and PS3 demos for the most part feel poorly done and rushed to their respective stores.
See this is why I hate playing demos, they always feel poorly done and unfinished. This is not saying that Pro Street is going to be good, but I would at least give it a rent before I totally wrote it off. And I don't care what system it is, I think the 360 and PS3 demos for the most part feel poorly done and rushed to their respective stores.
All EA demos feel this way. Other demos aren't much better but EA is by far the most incomplete when it comes to their demos.

I try the demos but I still rent any game that I have an interest in.
Anyone answer my dilemma?
It is hard to say as I have never had that happen. It could be that DiRT uses the HD or Internet in a way that slows down the DL or there could have just been a coincidental network slow down at that exact time.
It is hard to say as I have never had that happen. It could be that DiRT uses the HD or Internet in a way that slows down the DL or there could have just been a coincidental network slow down at that exact time.

DiRT does use the internet, like as soon as you have completed a stage it uploads your time to the internet, would that make a difference?
DiRT does use the internet, like as soon as you have completed a stage it uploads your time to the internet, would that make a difference?
Possibly. It could either pause or slow down your background downloads so the game runs without any lag. I know I can't run DLs and Warhawk at the same time.
DiRT does use the internet, like as soon as you have completed a stage it uploads your time to the internet, would that make a difference?
Just a few posts before this one:

Here are the things that will cause the background downloading to pause:
  • Playing a Blu-ray Disc or DVD
  • Using network features of online games
    (+ while any game is in process of ending, background downloading will be stopped temporarily)
  • Starting PS2 format software
  • Starting Folding@home
  • Using voice/video chat
  • Performing a system update
  • Adjusting network settings
Hey guys I really like TimeShift now. my first impression was a bad one. but once i got used to stopping time I'm really digging it. The time stopping is also mixed into gameplay very well and the demo is a good showing of what the game offers. I like the graphics and they are better than Fear and Rainbow Six Vegas. I give the Time Shift demo a 8/10
Just to check to see how long it would take to download that video today I went ahead and downloaded it again:

First I did a speed test using the browser on the PS3:


Then I went to the US Store, started the download, and was careful to log the exact times:

GT5P TGS Video				
  Start		  25%		  50%		  75%		 100%
11:54:00	11:56:15	11:58:30	12:00:45	12:03:00

Download Time =	9 Minutes			
File Size =	414 MB			
Transfer Rate =	46 MB/min = 6133 kb/s

For those that have access to their PS3 right now, perhaps you could do a similar test, first checking your PS3's current download connection times, then download this file and make note of the times, and see how your download compares.

Regardless, if it took Jedi almost two hours, then it very likely confirms he was just up against a massive traffic jam on the net, and that it is not reflective of normal download times.
There's definitely something going on. I did a similar test tonight, downloading (or attempting to) the Heavenly Sword demo. 994MB, I think? Anyway, after precisely seventy-five minutes (1h15m), the download was only 18% complete, and I cancelled it.

I ran several speedtests afterwards, and my connection is topping out at only around 3Mb/sec, which is less than half of what it usually runs at (it's a 8Mb/sec connection, and when I got it hooked up earlier this week, it topped out at 8321Kb/sec). So it's running slower than it should, certainly, but still not slow enough to account for how long that download is taking. There's something interfering somewhere along the way.

Any idea where the North American servers are hosted?

Anyway, I cancelled the HS demo because I'd already played it on my old hard drive, and downloaded it again only as a test. I'll put it to the test again on Thursday in downloading the Uncharted demo, but I think it's safe to say I'll be up against traffic again that day, since everybody else with a PS3 will also be downloading it. I'll try to track how long the download takes on Thursday. It's just odd to see that level of variance between downloads. Are you here in Texas, DN? I saw you using the Austin server on You'd think we'd get similar download times...

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