Official Shift 2 Rants Thread (Vent away in here)

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
I dont now and Im not interested in knowing I just wish he didnt place a message on my profile page calling me a fanboy... Im not the one going over to the GT5 forum ranting about GT5 and praising Shift2... his thread would have been better accepted there IMO
I dont now and Im not interested in knowing I just wish he didnt place a message on my profile page calling me a fanboy...

I had one of those too some time ago. Just report him and forget about him. They're not worth the energy.
I had one of those too some time ago. Just report him and forget about him. They're not worth the energy.

The mods have alot of work allready and I just deleted the content of the msg, but if he does it again thats what I will do for sure... ;)
You have every right to rant away and state your opinion but you have to accept that other people might have diferent opinions and you dont have the right to place messages on other users profiles calling them Fanboys just because they dont agree with you... I have my issues with Shift, it is far from perfect but it is alot more fun and addictive than GT5 in my book. and the lag after 1.02 is very acceptable at least in my system with my controler... the thing is - I was a very big fan of the GT series (fanboy if you wish) and bought a PS3 just because of that game and I after all the wait I really think they came out short... hell even GT4 was a better game IMO and with a lot more events... I was very disapointed. With shift it was the other way around... but that does not make me a fanboy... Yes the game takes some skill to drive the faster cars... and, unlike GT5, the faster the cars the harder it is to beat the AI - I think you dont need to be a fanboy to acknoledge that... Im sorry if you cant take that but do not place anymore messages on my profile... you can PM me if you wish but the next message of that kind and I will have to report you.

Nah it was you stuning comment that it doesn't matter what patch they release I wouldn't like the game made me post on your wall.
I wanted to like shift but a driving game where the car doesn't turn when you turn the wheel is completely unacceptable.How on earth could they get that so wrong and release the game anyway?
The game is not hard its just annoying due to the input lag and how anyone can say that wasps in a jar makes good engine sounds is baffling.
Nah it was you stuning comment that it doesn't matter what patch they release I wouldn't like the game made me post on your wall.
I wanted to like shift but a driving game where the car doesn't turn when you turn the wheel is completely unacceptable.How on earth could they get that so wrong and release the game anyway?
The game is not hard its just annoying due to the input lag and how anyone can say that wasps in a jar makes good engine sounds is baffling.

What does that have to do with being a fanboy? and its true - if you dont like the game so far you will never like it no matter what because the only big flaw the game currently has technicly speaking is the freezing issue on the PS3, there are a few other bugs and less well acomplished stuff but none are game breaking. So I just assumed that if you didnt even like what I consider to be one of the games strongest aspects (the sound) especially comparing it to GT5 you definitly never will (it was you who started comparing it). The patches may fix the bugs but they dont dramaticly change any game - just look at GT5 - patch 9 allready and the game still feels the same.

The game on hard can be quite a challenge but in a fun way IMO. Wasps in jars? are you sure you dont have your speakers broken?

And just because I dont agree with someone that doesnt mean Ill start spamming his personal profile... if I think someone has disrespected me I either send a PM or report him to the mods, so I suggest that next time you do the same and who knows if you are right you can get someone banned...
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Alright people, let me make this clear. This is a rant thread about Shift 2. If there is something about the game you dislike and wish to share, here is where you do it and without fear of reprisal. No calling people fanboys or stupid children. Discussion about the issues and dislikes are okay and encouraged, but taking defensive positions and insulting each other is not on and will result in a formal warning or infraction if it continues. Let's all play nice.
Since I raved in the other thread how great the modern iron series was, I have to rant about the muscle car championship today. I had to restart the Ambush Canyon race over 30 times before I finally could make it past the tunnel after the second curve. No matter how careful I was, I was spun out from behind by an opponent or sucked in from the ultramagnetic armco in the tunnel. I was sucked into the barriers from half a meter away at around 60 kph, what the freaky f:censored:ing hell??? And thats the worst spot in the game for that, you just cant escape, not even by breaking, shifting down, turning the wheel 180° to the right. In the name of all thats holy, what on earth were they thinking when they implemented that ridiculous magneto crap?!?

I was never so frustrated with a video game since my very first game boy... that I punched to death in 1991! Now as a 30 yr old man I was thiiiiiiiiiis close to completely losing it and throwing my wheel through the TV!!! :grumpy:

Generally: WHY the stupid, unnecessary magnetic effect?! WHY can opponents spin you out with so goddamn easily?!? Do you really have to do everything you can to make the game hell on earth for the players, SMS?!?
the only cristisism from me is when you are making a livery for yur car and you cant see where your putting the stuff!
Oh and another bonus rant: If I was Ron Dennis, I would track down Ian Bell and suckerpunch him in the face, then sue SMS for everything they have and their last pair of boxers cause there is NO WAY IN HELL a real MP4-12C handles even remotely similar to that borderline uncontrollable POS in Shift 2... I m quite sure the real thing can drive in a straight line without a problem and probably even take a corner at normal speed without being all over the place with its nose like a goddamn beagle on steroids! :yuck:
I love this game, but sometimes I wonder what the heck SMS was thinking. I did a endurance race in Road America with a LFA Lexus (Works). Everything was going great, the car was stable and grippy. Then all of a sudden on the 18/20 lap, the car started acting crazy. It was moving everywhere, and I couldn't get any grip. Then I spun out ended up in 8th:grumpy:. I couldn't understand it until I switched to the telementry screen. The rear tires were yellow. Why the 🤬 would u put tire degradation in a game that doesn't let u pit.
I love this game, but sometimes I wonder what the heck SMS was thinking. I did a endurance race in Road America with a LFA Lexus (Works). Everything was going great, the car was stable and grippy. Then all of a sudden on the 18/20 lap, the car started acting crazy. It was moving everywhere, and I couldn't get any grip. Then I spun out ended up in 8th:grumpy:. I couldn't understand it until I switched to the telementry screen. The rear tires were yellow. Why the 🤬 would u put tire degradation in a game that doesn't let u pit.

To provide a reason for players not to have setups with crazy camber angles. To give a penalty for going too fast and sliding your car into every corner. To reward the players who drive smoothly and cleanly and look after their tyres.

It's just like a sprint race (despite the fact that it's called endurance, yes, I know). You have your one set of tyres on the car, and you have to look after them, especially in high powered road cars that like to spin the tyres up. If you don't look after them, you will have serious problems finishing the race.
To provide a reason for players not to have setups with crazy camber angles. To give a penalty for going too fast and sliding your car into every corner. To reward the players who drive smoothly and cleanly and look after their tyres.

It's just like a sprint race (despite the fact that it's called endurance, yes, I know). You have your one set of tyres on the car, and you have to look after them, especially in high powered road cars that like to spin the tyres up. If you don't look after them, you will have serious problems finishing the race.

Yea thats what I figured, but the thing is I barely spent my tires that much. I also hate sliding through corners, I might as well be drifting. I let off the gas as soon as I hear screeching.
Just a quick observation / rant. I've been trying for a long time to get through Nortdschleife Endurance. I have tried many cars and tunes. The one truly disheartening is when I tried a Gumpert Works, astonishingly fast car, with a decent tune it should be able to win.
After a couple of laps it was obvious I would not be able to win the event. The lead Gumperts were lapping in the 6 minute range putting the complete times ahead of the 33.5 minute regional best and only 2 or so minutes off the world best.
I would have to graduate to the top 10 %, or higher, of drivers on the planet to get that good.
All settings used. The times quoted are everything on easy apart from brake assist. I've tried every other setting too. Shame. 👎
Just a quick observation / rant. I've been trying for a long time to get through Nortdschleife Endurance. I have tried many cars and tunes. The one truly disheartening is when I tried a Gumpert Works, astonishingly fast car, with a decent tune it should be able to win.
After a couple of laps it was obvious I would not be able to win the event. The lead Gumperts were lapping in the 6 minute range putting the complete times ahead of the 33.5 minute regional best and only 2 or so minutes off the world best.
I would have to graduate to the top 10 %, or higher, of drivers on the planet to get that good.
All settings used. The times quoted are everything on easy apart from brake assist. I've tried every other setting too. Shame. 👎

The opposition cars are chosen relative to your car. You cannot get an easier race by choosing a faster car, as it upgrades all the opposition too. Your options are:

1. Turn the difficulty down.
2. Lose a lot until the AI automatically downgrades itself to match your new perceived lower skill level.
3. Practise until you're fast enough to take them on.

There's no easy way to beat hard races in Shift. There's no magic car that you can take and destroy them like you can in GT5. Some cars are naturally easier to drive fast, but that's about as far as it goes.

The good thing you can take from this is that the computer thinks that based on your past driving you SHOULD be able to compete with it on that level. Maybe it's wrong, but maybe it's just trying to push you to the limit of what you're capable of.
I love this game, but sometimes I wonder what the heck SMS was thinking. I did a endurance race in Road America with a LFA Lexus (Works). Everything was going great, the car was stable and grippy. Then all of a sudden on the 18/20 lap, the car started acting crazy. It was moving everywhere, and I couldn't get any grip. Then I spun out ended up in 8th:grumpy:. I couldn't understand it until I switched to the telementry screen. The rear tires were yellow. Why the 🤬 would u put tire degradation in a game that doesn't let u pit.

I can see your frustration but in 'reality' a 20 lapper wouldnt need pit stops, i.e BTCC for example. I am glad the enduro isn't some stupid 100 lap marathon which you end up getting the computer to play as you do something else (GT5)...... so 20 laps no pits, and last few laps on the edge of grip as tyres go off......certainly exciting and the enduro races have me crossing the line fists pumping and whooping and holarin'!!! .....i'm 34 FFS!!! :crazy:

The opposition cars are chosen relative to your car. You cannot get an easier race by choosing a faster car, as it upgrades all the opposition too. Your options are:

1. Turn the difficulty down.
2. Lose a lot until the AI automatically downgrades itself to match your new perceived lower skill level.
3. Practise until you're fast enough to take them on.

There's no easy way to beat hard races in Shift. There's no magic car that you can take and destroy them like you can in GT5. Some cars are naturally easier to drive fast, but that's about as far as it goes.

The good thing you can take from this is that the computer thinks that based on your past driving you SHOULD be able to compete with it on that level. Maybe it's wrong, but maybe it's just trying to push you to the limit of what you're capable of.

In fact it is the other way around the slower the car the easier it is to beat the AI... the faster the car the harder it gets because you are more likely to commit mistakes in fast cars and they are harder to drive... and that is one thing I like about the game... it is alot more realistic that way IMO.

So if anyone is having trouble beating the AI they should drive the slowest car possible (with the less PI possible) and turn down the dificulty settings...
Had pretty much no freezes ever since I got the game (maybe 2 or 3 in menu's or while loading track), then today I works converted my Gumpert Apollo and got 2 freezes while racing within like 10 mins. Wasn't even at high speed either, both times below 300 km/h. Very annoying to say the least..

Playstation Store better get back up soon to get the DLC and actually be able to play online. Getting pretty bored/annoyed with this game and not just because of these 2 freezes just now. :P
im not sure if anyone has mentioned this but OH MY GOD THE NURBURGRING IS S**T!!! i know it off by heart in gt5 (a respectable time of 6:52, no aids) and have gone around it in real life on one of the public days... shift's one is almost fictional
Finally get to try the Limited Edition extra stuff and I'm already very annoyed again... Trying to do the manufacturer showdowns, so far the game already froze twice on me while loading the track for the 2nd race. First I thought I might just be able to continue since it keeps saving between races but no.. have to do the first race again as well.
Now it wouldn't matter much if the AI actually behaved normal, but it's insane. In corners they catch up so quickly, it's like they're on rails while I'm driving on ice myself with some of these loaner cars. And even though I barely win from them I'm still setting a few regional records so it seems a bit weird. I really like some challenging AI, but this is just stupid. It's like they fitted them with some grippy tyres that don't even excist in the game.
And then you get to the Lotus Exige, Porsche Cayman one and you just blast away from the Exige in the Cayman. Really like the concept of these races but some of the cars chosen just aren't good to match eachother. One will be a lot faster than the other.

Someone please tell me the Legends and Speedhunters DLC races are better than these crappy races, otherwise I'll just give up on this game right now. Not even sure if I want to pay 10 euros for each anyway. Is it worth it?

Edit: It just froze for the 3rd time, again while loading a 2nd race in the manufacturer showdowns.
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Finally finished with these, now I'm doing the old vs new races.. Again I don't get it, the faster car really is a lot faster. Whenever the AI has the fast car and I take the slow car I end up trying to block the AI in the last few corners. And when I take the faster car I pass the AI halfway through the race. Again, I do like the concept of this old vs new, but why didn't they give the slower car some upgrades or a bigger lead at the start. Did they even try these Limited Edition events themselves? Hope at least the single-type races will be better.

Edit: Meant to edit this into my last post but somehow posted a new reply.
The game freezing is starting to get annoying. Trying to put down some fast laps at the Nurburgring and freezes on the long straight every time. Don't matter what car, if the car is fast it will freeze. 👎
The game freezing is starting to get annoying. Trying to put down some fast laps at the Nurburgring and freezes on the long straight every time. Don't matter what car, if the car is fast it will freeze. 👎

Didn't have a freeze on that straight yet, mine always freezes earlier when I'm not even driving fast yet (around 260 km/h in a car that can go 350 km/h+). Only had in the works Apollo and Murciélago so far though, usually freezes in menu's or while loading here, not that often when actually racing.

Anyway, just saw another cool feature just for the Limited Edition events. Getting diqualified when hitting the AI. Was all fine to me till I used my brakes a bit too early and the AI just drives into me without even trying to evade. Guess what happened. And no, it was not the AI that got diqualified. :rolleyes:
I want to know WHICH 🤬 thought it was cool to have the default control layout (at least, on the PS3) instead of the ability to use the custom controls.

ESPECIALLY, since what was once the throttle (for me) is now the shifter.

:grumpy: to the 99th power.
Hi :) You can set up a custom control configuation in options

Unless I've misunderstood and you're saying that you could before but now can't?