Official Shift 2 Rants Thread (Vent away in here)

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
I'm honestly surprised they didn't include the Parnalli Jones or the recent Boss 302, would've thought the hype

Hype? Never heard of those... I guess those must be an American thing. Keep in mind that outside the US Mustangs are considered just another not-too-pretty Ford car. Most of the cars on the current carlist have a more global relevance - and there are plenty of US cars including 'stangs' already on there.

I feel the current car list is pretty well balanced.
Hype? Never heard of those...

There was alot of hype around them. The Parnelli Jones Mustang came out I think not too long long after Shift 1 (promoted alongside the Mustang Competing in the Contenental Tire Series) and last year, there was alot of talk around the Boss 302 since it was bringing back the nameplate of the Trans-Am Mustangs from the 60s.
Yeah uhm... how can we tell you 'murricans politely... Well, outside of the US of A, the current 'stang is not such a big deal, to say the least.

The only Mustangs that other parts of the world are interested in are the cool old ones from the 60s and early 70s. But we re getting off topic here.
@Racecar, I didn't know u were from Dallas, I'am to.:) Don't worry, the only reason the new 302 mustang isn't to popular "around the world" is because beat the Audi r8's time at Leguna Seca. Most people over the pond aren't to happy about that, atleast Audi fans anyway:sly:.
Back on topic here.

The drifting is this game is terrible. There is no need to change grip levels in the code for drifting, but SMS did.
Yeah uhm... how can we tell you 'murricans politely...

I'm not exactly going to be mad if you do:lol: but I do prefer "American" over that stereotypical term as I don't speak like that. I mention not having those other mustangs simply due to the fact that they actually included Vaugh Gittin Jr's Drift Mustang and it (alogn with its driver) is not popular worldwide.

On-topic: Is it just me or do the V8s seem exadurated?
Don't worry, the only reason the new 302 mustang isn't to popular "around the world" is because beat the Audi r8's time at Leguna Seca. Most people over the pond aren't to happy about that, atleast Audi fans anyway:sly:.

Either that, or they don't even know about it because news about what American cars do on American racetracks generally doesn't really interest 'people over the pond'.

Back on topic now.
@Racecar, I didn't know u were from Dallas, I'am to.:) Don't worry, the only reason the new 302 mustang isn't to popular "around the world" is because beat the Audi r8's time at Leguna Seca. Most people over the pond aren't to happy about that, atleast Audi fans anyway:sly:.

I'm sure that Audi fans who aren't insecure brand jingoists are just fine with it.

You might find this surprising, but some people don't read a thread about S2U and expect to talk and post exclusively about your favorite car. Shocking, I know. You have a whole thread to talk about Mustangs. How about you take it over there?

Either that, or they don't even know about it because news about what American cars do on American racetracks generally doesn't really interest 'people over the pond'..

Hmm. Ironic then that so many people in other countries complain we Americans don't have much interest in the world outside our borders...

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Why can they just make the damn 36mb 1.02 patch file available in Europe and rest of the world... its been up in the USA for a week now. What is the problem?
I could understand any explanation even if it was something like «it will take one month or something» or «its been sent back we found a problem in QA» but nothing, not a word... Is this any way to treat the customers... If I did something like this in my line of work I would be in a lot of trouble.
Ok completly forget what I said before, that was outa line. Been at the drag Strip to long. Things can get outta hand there if its one of those open to the public events. Some one walks up to a bunch of Ford guys and says Chevy everybody is at eachothers throats arguing. Not to mention I used to just post at the Need for Speed forum:nervous:. I'm sorry if I offended anybody. I just think more people should know about popular cars everywhere. Like whats new in Europe or Japan. That way good cars can get the appreciation they deserve. Like the Cobra R or the Capri.:)

Back on topic: I can't really think of anything wrong with the game other than a couple of gliches.
Ok completly forget what I said before, that was outa line. Been at the drag Strip to long. Things can get outta hand there if its one of those open to the public events. Some one walks up to a bunch of Ford guys and says Chevy everybody is at eachothers throats arguing. Not to mention I used to just post at the Need for Speed forum:nervous:. I'm sorry if I offended anybody. I just think more people should know about popular cars everywhere. Like whats new in Europe or Japan. That way good cars can get the appreciation they deserve. Like the Cobra R or the Capri.:)

Back on topic: I can't really think of anything wrong with the game other than a couple of gliches.

I dont think you did anything wrong... to each is own... You want more Mustangs fair enough.... but me all I WANT IS THE 1.02 PATCH:ouch:
I dont think you did anything wrong... to each is own... You want more Mustangs fair enough....

In case there is any... confusion.

Wanting more Mustangs is not a problem at all. Bringing it up three times in this thread when he's already created another thread to talk about wanting Mustangs, then going off into OT chatter about how Mustangs are faster than blah blah.. That's not what this thread is for.

Let's get back on topic. Anyone ever notice how you've got these half nekid wimmen standing around the grid and some of them are like three inches away from these flames shooting out your exhaust with their bare legs? What's up with that? I think this should be priority one on their list of bugs.

Anyone ever notice how you've got these half nekid wimmen standing around the grid and some of them are like three inches away from these flames shooting out your exhaust with their bare legs? What's up with that?

I noticed that. They aren't exactly wearing flame-retardant protective suits or anything (and if they are, they're only protecting selected bits). :scared:
Anyone ever notice how you've got these half nekid wimmen standing around the grid and some of them are like three inches away from these flames shooting out your exhaust with their bare legs? What's up with that? I think this should be priority one on their list of bugs.


Is it wrong that I was too busy staring to notice? :lol: Looking it now though, that is dangerously close, Unless there is some force field I'm not aware of.
How about adding eg6 into Shift 2's roster?


Here is my rant..... the steering system sucks for drifting..... It was just right in Shift with changing settings. Shift 2 they purposely made it harder. I messed with it for an hour using a youtube members settings. But they dont work 100%(still coming up short by a few hundred points). I'm having trouble passing the drift challenges in career mode. Its frustrating that other games don't need massive tinkering to drift in a default mode.

I use a G27 and can drift fine in GT5 and shift. Shift2 is really depressing in drifting with a wheel.
Ever pick up a pen almost at 1/4 of its length between your index and thumb and shake it up and down? It seems like it bends?

Maybe its just an effect like blur which THEY think it happens...:crazy:

Anyway, I know my mirrors get blurred due to vibration but they definitely don't wobble. I'm talking about my motorcycle because my car is incapable of even think of going fast :grumpy:
One of my other observations is: why are the side-mirrors all loose and wobbly? My own Audi's mirrors don't shake like that, not even at high speed! :crazy:

I noticed that with basically all the cars, even more so with the GT cars. The Hoods also flap about at high speed.
There was a video from a while back that said they intended to make the hoods wobble.

So that was on purpose. It kind of bugs me though that it happens on High Downforce cars, with Hoods that purposely have all these slits and holes to relieve hood pressure.
I notice the hoods shudder at the top end of the engine rev range of high powered cars, implying its the NHV from the drivetrain thats being transmitted to the bodywork. A nice touch.

Shift 2 is possably the worst game I have ever played in rergards to freezing. I can hardly play it it freezes so often. Which really sucks because otherwise I absolutly love it. I keep trying once in a while to play it but i'm lucky most of the time to get a full race in. Some times not even a full lap. Any one else having this much trouble? I really dont want to get rid of it BUT.....