Official Shift 2 Rants Thread (Vent away in here)

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
So here goes nothing :P

I got S2U for free through my work on the release date and I threw it in when I first got it, hated it and gave up. Then I read about the 1.01 patch for PS3 so yesterday I loaded it up and spent some time fine-tuning the wheel calibration settings. With these tasks performed the game play now more closely resembles driving a car rather than a boat but there are still a few things I find very annoying.

1. The most difficult thing to do in the game, period, is pass a car on a straightaway / high speed section. This makes absolutely no sense. I have no idea why they make it so difficult to drive a car in the straight line but this whole rocking left to right thing and the steering going super light is horrible. I've driven real cars at high speeds on numerous racetracks in all drivetrain configurations on tires varying from 400+UTQG street tires to 40UTQG slicks and I have NEVER experienced this in any car. At speed you can give a faint suggestion to the game of where you'd like the car to go but placing it with any precision is impossible. *If anyone has a remedy for this let me know!*

2. The AI drives me nuts. I don't know if it's just a hard/elite setting but it's like you're driving with a field of Ayrton Sennas that commit to every corner regardless of the outcome (100% of the time favorable to the AI anyway), and dive-bomb every chance they get. Seriously making it out of turn 1 in most races requires about 30 restarts. Sure accidents historically happen in turn 1 of many races, but 29/30 times is a little nuts. The point of a game is to be enjoyable isn't it? Driving with the AI in the higher-level events just reminds me of playing GT5 online with a bunch of hacks who don't even attempt any sort of race etiquette. On top of that the AI seems to get some otherworldly grip advantage, I have on many occasions passed a car cleanly into the breaking zone of a hairpin and they some how carry more speed around the outside and are side-by-side exiting, then they *barely tap* me and I'm flipping hundreds of yards away while they drive off just fine. They also seem to be able to take the Karussel at the Nordschleife at around 80-90mph, when it's been proven that nearly any type of car be it standard or full-on race machines, take that corner at around 50-60mph (the same speed I can take it in with S2U).

Aside from those main issues I can deal with the rest of the game and find it to be better than I had expected (after playing Shift 1). If they would fix those issues, or even JUST the steering wobble the game would be extremely fun to play.

on these freaking forums. Ya dawg got it spot on.
I've already stopped playing Shift 2, thats how annoying it is. Seriously, this game is a huge letdown. I've pretty much given after completing the GT1 and GT3 championship. That handling in the game is simply not worth tolerating just to complete it. I thought maybe painting on cars would be the one thing I could spend time on, but its limited too. And nothing says lazy like reusing a trailer as both a commercial and the intro to the game 👎 One of two games I wasd looking very forward to and both disappointed me. At least the other one has handling thats manageble, this one is just trash. I doubt I'll spend anymore serious time in this game even with the new DLC content.
Have you tried adjusting your car's steering lock? The default setting is set up for wheel users and is way too high for a DS3. Once you dial it down to 10 controlling your car with a pad becomes much easier and accurate. 👍

I have been tweaking the settings for 3 hours straight now. Nothing major found. And I have almost gone trough every possible setting.
I've already stopped playing Shift 2, thats how annoying it is. Seriously, this game is a huge letdown. I've pretty much given after completing the GT1 and GT3 championship. That handling in the game is simply not worth tolerating just to complete it. I thought maybe painting on cars would be the one thing I could spend time on, but its limited too. And nothing says lazy like reusing a trailer as both a commercial and the intro to the game 👎

The marketing guys at EA surely would like to silence you mate! :D
But so true. I think that if SMS dont do something quickly it is time to put the Shift 2 down.
Ive had enought...
Mount Panorama endurance race

take 1 yesterday - 18 laps - 34 seconds lead - game freezes
take 2 yesterday - 4 laps - 3 seconds lead - game freezes
take 3 just now - 16 laps - 30 seconds lead - over 30 minutes racing - game freezes

That is really, really frustrating... because I really enjoy the game bugs and all but I just cant stand another freeze and Im affraid my Fat wont stand it either
... Im returning the game to the vendor because its a menace to my system and I might get it again cheap in a few months (if they patch it correctly)
Ive had enought...
Mount Panorama endurance race

take 1 yesterday - 18 laps - 34 seconds lead - game freezes
take 2 yesterday - 4 laps - 3 seconds lead - game freezes
take 3 just now - 16 laps - 30 seconds lead - over 30 minutes racing - game freezes

That is really, really frustrating... because I really enjoy the game bugs and all but I just cant stand another freeze and Im affraid my Fat wont stand it either
... Im returning the game to the vendor because its a menace to my system and I might get it again cheap in a few months (if they patch it correctly)

Take a deep breath man.I have to do this sometimes with this game,but only on Nurburgring.That track hates me.:)

I wouldn't trade this game as of yet.For all we know the 2nd part of the patch could be ready to go,but since PSN is not up it can't be forwarded.

Oh yeah,take a break from those endurance races,those can be frustrating.
Take a deep breath man.I have to do this sometimes with this game,but only on Nurburgring.That track hates me.:)

I wouldn't trade this game as of yet.For all we know the 2nd part of the patch could be ready to go,but since PSN is not up it can't be forwarded.

Oh yeah,take a break from those endurance races,those can be frustrating.

It happens to me too on the ring but I stopped doing time attack on the ring because of that...
Guess Ill hev to stop doing Mount panorama too and if the patch doesnt come soon Ill stop playing the game all together...
It happens to me too on the ring but I stopped doing time attack on the ring because of that...
Guess Ill hev to stop doing Mount panorama too and if the patch doesnt come soon Ill stop playing the game all together...

It seems the only time this happens(to me) is when i'm driving a really fast car on these two tracks.If i use a B,C or D class car everything runs pretty smoothly.
With you there. They need to URGENTLY fix:

1. The straight line swaying
2. The dropped/slack Force Feedback during high speed corners
3. The insanely aggressive AI which will tag you every opportunity it gets and you spin off and crash - or just bring back Shift 1 aggression points and dump the ridiculous crash physics.
4. Lack of money in the game (grinding the same races over and over for money in this game makes no sense)
5. Game crashing/freezing in middle of a race

Then and only then will I ever spend money again on a future EA game.

So I've played a little more and have made a few additional observations. For one, full-on racecars aren't nearly as susceptible to the swaying, it still happens but it's alllllmost tolerable. After driving a racecar you'll never want to drive a street car, even a "works" car, again. Although the lack of feel in the steering at high speed is still there. I understand they're trying to simulate loss of grip by exceeding the optimum slip angle, but it doesn't feel like that in a real car - unless you locked up the front brakes and then turned. I've learned to just give up on the AI and pretend you're in "a real race" and deal with getting hit - in the endurance events you have more than enough time to get through the field anyway. I've also started running off the racing line (surprisingly no loss of grip, even though it's evident by all the clunking that you're running over marbles) when I know there is a car I have just passed, just to keep them from pit-maneuvering me. However I have discovered one new thing that bugs the **** out of me - when an AI car crashes badly, they stay parked on the track... for the entire race. I've encountered this twice now, once on Spa Endurance on the exit of Eau Rougue and once at the Nordschleife on the downhill section in schwalbenschwanz (SP?) and it's really aggravating. In "real life" the driver would at least pull off to the side of the track before being extracted by the tow trucks.
Im sick and tired of ranting in forums and bug reporting and freezing issues and loosing liverys so I finaly decided to e-mail EA costumer support with all my issues with the game and Im waiting an answer before I return the game to the vendor...
They must receive a large quantity of emails per day... I don't think we can expect them to answer promptly.
A patch will be released before that happens :D
I don't often rant or complain about anything to customer service departments. I contacted EA some time back about my problems with receiving bonus cash, etc. and the potential inability to buy the cars I would need to complete the game. I requested they compensate me by crediting me the value of the "All cars" pack.

I did receive responses, but most of them didn't seem to even understand what I was saying. I'm guessing the customer response center is not in the U.S. Then, after pressing the issue a bit, they just said they didn't have the authority to fulfill my request.

So...don't expect much. 👎
does shift 2 still have that weird looking blur vision when your car is moving really fast?

Its intentionally done. Had you followed or read up on the game prior to its release, you know this. Your complaint is invalid.

I dislike when impatience shows a bit of ignorance with some of you guys on here. I am specifically speaking of the handling rants. I am sure most of you gave GT5 the fair chance to correct issues, why not S2U. For those of us that have the latest patches are loving the handling now.

This game as been out for less than 3 months. They listened and read the feedback and corrected the issues most people had. Giving time, any game is capable of being fixed via patch(es) if the developer cares enough to do so. A good game on release day has just changed to an awesome game with these patches. Add dlc and possible future dlc, will only extend the life of the game.
Agreed, but GT1 cars are a bit to much for me... I lack the much needed concentration :D

I get distracted too.

Sometimes during a race i'll start to think about what kind of food i will fix for supper and then i almost spin out :lol:
Anyone notice this game suddenly comes to life when you reach Endurance, GT3 and GT1?

I am in for a big treat then. I keep going back to replay other stuff. I up to the Muscle car but haven't actually raced in the events. If I am having as much fun as I am now without GT1, GT3 and Endurance, this game will definitely retire GT5 for me.

If they gave us dlc after less than 3 months, we can bet we will see more to extend this game. S2U will basically be putting salt in a wound to GT5 like my Dallas Mavericks put salt in woulds to the Lakers by draining 3's,lol.
Honestly, GT1 and GT3 are the only cars worth driving for me (along with select others like the BMW M3 GT2). Everything else isn't worth it. I essentially brought my way into those series via those car packs on PSN and got all the cars available (minus the ones you win), thats how fed up with the game I was. I've never done that before with a game. I was tempted to with Dirt 2 but actually earned everything the hard way and actually had fun doing it. This game is simply not worth it. This supposed patch has done nothing for me, feels exactly the same. Sticky A.I. cars, bad handling and terrible night racing. Hell, I've done so many laps around Nurburgring in both day & night on other sims and did just fine. This game is completely frustraiting to drive at night, the headlights do nothing for visibility on here on top of the fact that the track is terribly modeled and cars handle poorly around it. Painting cars will probably be the only thing worth doing ironically enough. I doubt even the legends pack will convince me to spend more time racing it.
Off topic posts deleted.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled complaint thread.
Here's my first and only rant:
Why do we have to wait a week after the US got it?

Needs more Mustangs.:) And those endurence races are what i live for.:drool: Being able to race my car against gt1 cars is awsome. Its like throwing a giant middle finger up at them because my car as built by me, and their cars are built by large companies and still lose.
Needs MOAR Mustangs.:)

Fixed :sly:

I'm honestly surprised they didn't include the Parnalli Jones or the recent Boss 302, would've thought the hype those two got would've at least gotten them to notice