Official Shift 2 Rants Thread (Vent away in here)

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Omg I have bought this game after playing Gt5 and I want to throw it in the bin! What a crap game seriously. Well I have only played it for 4 hours but I was doing ok when I got to the lotus Elise stage around Suzuka. This thing danced all over the road like it was floating....... What? Do a forum search and to find you have to tweak this setting and that setting...... What? I tweaked a few setting for my DFGT wheel and the car and let me say it did nothing much. I then though maybe I will try something else... Bought an Evo X tuned suspension, set wheel settings and done a few laps around Mt panorama (why I bought the game) no good so I put racing tyres on it and still no good. For one of the best handling cars around it still danced all over the road and the steering deadzone felt like I was driving a car from the 1960's with a broken steering rack. Yes I know there is a deadzone setting, and yes I played with it and a the other settings. It gets better...... Next lap I am flying to the second corner flat out and the game freezes ......... What?
My first experience with my DFGT on GT5 was on the Nürburgring with a tuned Ferrari with the strength set on 5. Let me tell u it nearly ripped my hands off.... Now with NFS the strength is set to 100% and it still feels like power steering......
i will persist with the settings until I find some happiness........ But I feel ripped off. Don't get me started on the helmet view....

I wish I knew what people were talking about with this "floaty" feeling. The Elise or Exige or whichever it was felt good to me when I did that race.
It was bad first time. I went back to do it (even before the patch) and it was so perfect I beat my race time be a LOT (even more because of the time bug that does not count the 1st lap for race time :D).

I think that race happens to soon and because the grip starts only on lap 2, most people feel its bad.
So, what does this patch do? I don't really notice anything different.
So, what does this patch do? I don't really notice anything different.

Did you go into your controller/wheel settings and reset to default? Apparently you need to do this before you'll feel the effects of the patch.
I think that race happens to soon and because the grip starts only on lap 2, most people feel its bad.

Indeed! I golded it on second try. The first lap is stressful, but after that (when your tires have warmed up sufficiently) it becomes a lot easier and you can throw the Lotus around without too much sliding and loss of grip.
It was bad first time. I went back to do it (even before the patch) and it was so perfect I beat my race time be a LOT (even more because of the time bug that does not count the 1st lap for race time :D).

I think that race happens to soon and because the grip starts only on lap 2, most people feel its bad.

I'd agree, it's hard given the experience you have when you first play it, and you expect more for the little lotus. But after youve played the game for a bit, it's seems so much easier. I think also I tackle races a bit differently now, I'd don't feel I have to be leading by the end of the first lap :)
Did you go into your controller/wheel settings and reset to default? Apparently you need to do this before you'll feel the effects of the patch.

Come to think of it, I didn't. I'll try that.
Omg I have bought this game after playing Gt5 and I want to throw it in the bin! What a crap game seriously. Well I have only played it for 4 hours but I was doing ok when I got to the lotus Elise stage around Suzuka. This thing danced all over the road like it was floating....... What? Do a forum search and to find you have to tweak this setting and that setting...... What? I tweaked a few setting for my DFGT wheel and the car and let me say it did nothing much. I then though maybe I will try something else... Bought an Evo X tuned suspension, set wheel settings and done a few laps around Mt panorama (why I bought the game) no good so I put racing tyres on it and still no good. For one of the best handling cars around it still danced all over the road and the steering deadzone felt like I was driving a car from the 1960's with a broken steering rack. Yes I know there is a deadzone setting, and yes I played with it and a the other settings. It gets better...... Next lap I am flying to the second corner flat out and the game freezes ......... What?
My first experience with my DFGT on GT5 was on the Nürburgring with a tuned Ferrari with the strength set on 5. Let me tell u it nearly ripped my hands off.... Now with NFS the strength is set to 100% and it still feels like power steering......
i will persist with the settings until I find some happiness........ But I feel ripped off. Don't get me started on the helmet view....

I hate to bait a troll but I just gotta say you need to give this game more of a chance. 4 hours is not a long time to get used to a game. This is a different style of game to what I was used to as well but I got use to it and now I think its hella fun. You also have to re learn the style to play this game. Give the evo another go I think you will like it if you let the game prove itself. Id also like to know where you got a ferrari.
I am not a troll. If you read the last part of my post it says I will persist with different settings. I drove the Ferrari in GT5 because I already had the game before I got the wheel. I know this is a different game to GT5 and the handling does not concern me that much, it is more the deadzone and lack of force feedback in the wheel. I am sure this is what causes the car to dance all over the track. If you didnt experience this then I think u must not be using a DGFT or you are joking.... It is that bad. I was just really disappointed in the game and wanted to vent my anger. And this is only my opinion and I am not a fan boy troll. I used to enjoy NFS games for what they were a while ago.... Simple arcade style game but with this one they try to cross the line and they have done a bad job at it.
I am not a troll. If you read the last part of my post it says I will persist with different settings. I drove the Ferrari in GT5 because I already had the game before I got the wheel. I know this is a different game to GT5 and the handling does not concern me that much, it is more the deadzone and lack of force feedback in the wheel. I am sure this is what causes the car to dance all over the track. If you didnt experience this then I think u must not be using a DGFT or you are joking.... It is that bad. I was just really disappointed in the game and wanted to vent my anger. And this is only my opinion and I am not a fan boy troll. I used to enjoy NFS games for what they were a while ago.... Simple arcade style game but with this one they try to cross the line and they have done a bad job at it.

Again, I really wish I knew what you were talking about. I can control my cars just fine. They are not all over the place or anything. And I use a DFGT and I'm not kidding either. I used a controller at first when I first started playing because I thought the physics were going to be that bad. But when I gave my wheel a try, the game instantly became 1000 times better for me. But if you don't like the game, that's perfectly okay. This is the rant thread after all. I just don't see the problems some people are talking about.
Muoni, there surely is a point to Pacs rant. Try a stock Radical, its boderline uncontrollable. And the Elise or Exige or whatever is really bad, too. I m quite sure real Lotuses dont handle like a horrible POS, even with cold tires.

Plus I was extra WTFd when I did that hotlap event with the Koenigsegg, the forgotwhatitwas and the Apollo. I expected the Koenigsegg to try and kill me whenever I think about even slightly hitting the throttle. The Apollo should be very controllable and not all over the place, if it would be anything like the real car. Result in the game: Completely vice versa... :crazy:

PS: What is really starting to get to me is how much game breaking bugs there are. I just read that some have their LE content erased after installing the patch. Plus the story with the prize money not paid out. Come on SMS, I dont want to be scared everytime I start the game up if it is still all there... Thats horrible, how can these things pass bugfixing?!
The stock radical is a great handling car ...
It's weird how people experiences vary so much, I think you would have to quote your setup, and settings - perhaps you can get some suggestions

The exige is fine, after some practice, perhaps not as grippy as it is in real life, but it's controllable. SMS, have said they will check it.
(btw, have you forgotten how terrible the Elise is in gt5 on the top gear tracks, ok its on cs, but the exige in s2u is much better)

I can completely understand the rants handling with my fanatec wheel on the ps3 was very poor, but a bit of fiddling did improve it - though still not as good as the xbox handling :(
Muoni, there surely is a point to Pacs rant. Try a stock Radical, its boderline uncontrollable. And the Elise or Exige or whatever is really bad, too. I m quite sure real Lotuses dont handle like a horrible POS, even with cold tires.

I'm going to just have to do the Exige race again when I get the chance because I don't recall experiencing what he described.

When I do it, I will be sure to post my settings.
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I'm going to just have to do the Exige race again when I get the chance because I don't recall experiencing what he described.

When I do it, I will be sure to post my settings.

Oh I must point out that I am on PS3 as I have read in these forums that some versions are a bit different. But please yes post your settings as I will give them a go. Also I have an evo x so if you have car settings for that it would be great as well.
The stock radical is a great handling car ...
It's weird how people experiences vary so much, I think you would have to quote your setup, and settings - perhaps you can get some suggestions

The exige is fine, after some practice, perhaps not as grippy as it is in real life, but it's controllable. SMS, have said they will check it.
(btw, have you forgotten how terrible the Elise is in gt5 on the top gear tracks, ok its on cs, but the exige in s2u is much better)

I can completely understand the rants handling with my fanatec wheel on the ps3 was very poor, but a bit of fiddling did improve it - though still not as good as the xbox handling :(

No I actually like the Elise in GT5. Controllable oversteer is awesome it is like a big go kart. But again each to their own. Maybe some people have not played GT5 so their expectations are much lower. I think this helps my disappointment along somewhat even though I know that NFS is supposed to be more arcade style. I really hope that I get some good settings for NFS as I like the different tracks. I am getting tired of racing grand valley in GT5 :)
Oh I must point out that I am on PS3 as I have read in these forums that some versions are a bit different. But please yes post your settings as I will give them a go. Also I have an evo x so if you have car settings for that it would be great as well.

I'm using the PS3 version too. I was only able to play the game while renting it though. So hopefully, when I buy the game within the next few days, I can run that race again and see how the car behaves.

Will be sure to post here what happens.
How the hell can you say the stock Radical in Shift2 is handling well? You cant even keep the damn thing straight! With a wheel! :crazy:
How the hell can you say the stock Radical in Shift2 is handling well? You cant even keep the damn thing straight! With a wheel! :crazy:

As I say bizarre, obviously different setups are working / not working for people.
i used stock radical on all the works races, including championship and it was great ( it's why i didn't both upgrading anything to works) this was with a fanatec wheel on xbox. But as posted on ps3 patch thread, I've also tested the radical on the ps3 and it's was fine too ( baring in mind comments I'd made on in other post about xbox/ps3 differences)
I don't know what the 🤬 happened with the patch but it's destroyed the game. Every time I do a timetrial it always 🤬 up at the end, the car stops and I can't do anything, none of the buttons work and the screen goes all wonky(the HUD tilts and does other weird things). Basically all I can do is say 🤬 it and quit, voiding any lap times and track progress I've made.

It never did this before the patch.

I was going to buy the DLC when PSN came back up, but now I'm just going to save myself $10 until they get this fixed.
AAARRGGGHHH I just lost my Porsche Spyder works custom livery. Took me over 4 hours work. :scared::scared::scared::scared:
I noticed that when I selected custom livery on other cars one or two of them also had that livery on but I didnt pay any attention to it because its a bug (obviously) and I ddint want custom liverys on the other cars. But them I sold those cars and even not having selected thje custom livery for them I lost my livery on the original one that I didnt sell.:crazy:
To be honest Im not sure if that was the reason but why would it happen them? besides being a bug?
it´s always the same with EA.

Before the release they praise the game, that it´s a new generation of racing, and better than any other racing game. then the game comes out and isn´t even developed 70% (or less).

i really want to like shift2. i really tried to get nice settings for my g27. but imo there´s no way to get a good feeling for the car in this game. it feels like jelly and i´m always unsure what to do in certain situations. you don´t feel the tail when it slips away (something i noticed in f12010, too) and that is very important to know what the car does...

another thing is the moving headcam. i always think the car turns and it´s hard to get used to this. unfortunately there´s no way to turn this annoying thing off...

it´s a big joke that EA told us they want to challenge gt5 with this game. they can´t be serious about that. imo the handling isn´t even close to a simulation. the many bugs support my opinion of this game and after 2 big disappointments i think this is the last "racing game" of ea i played.



one more thing: i´m very familiar with the nordschleife and in other games like gtr or gt5 i do good lap times without spinning the car. i tried the first race with that mclaren mp4 in shift2 and turned the car in the first sector about 10 times. physics of this game are so bad, i can´t even find the right words to describe this mess :D
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another thing is the moving headcam. i always think the car turns and it´s hard to get used to this. unfortunately there´s no way to turn this annoying thing off...

Are you sure you've actually played the game before writing this rant? There are plenty of other views you can use, including an excellent static cockpit view.

it´s a big joke that EA told us they want to challenge gt5 with this game. they can´t be serious about that. imo the handling isn´t even close to a simulation. the many bugs support my opinion of this game and after 2 big disappointments i think this is the last "racing game" of ea i played.

If you read the other threads in this forum, you'll find that are lots of people who disagree with you and who haven't even touched GT5 since buying S2U. Actually, I think S2U blows GT5 out of the water in virtually every aspect of what makes a racing game fun, engaging and interesting.

one more thing: i´m very familiar with the nordschleife and in other games like gtr or gt5 i do good lap times without spinning the car. i tried the first race with that mclaren mp4 in shift2 and turned the car in the first sector about 10 times. physics of this game are so bad, i can´t even find the right words to describe this mess :D

The physics, and many people around here do agree, are quite realistic. Perhaps games like GT5 make it seem far too easy to do high speed laps in hypercars around the most challenging track in the world - especially when your tires are still cold and hence still lack any sort of grip.

My recommendation would be to set up the game (and the car) properly, unlearn GT5 from your brain and give S2U a new chance. It will be a rewarding experience! 👍
Please post your console, controller and settings please as I would like to experience this game as you do. To say this game blows GT5 out of the water is nonsense. You don't see a RANTING thread on the game as a whole on GT5.
I tried Shift 2 last night for a few hours then went back to GT5. GT5 seems to have the physics down well for the most part. That said, there are a few things that could be taken from shift 2 to make GT5 even better. I like the rumble effect in the steering wheel in shift 2 that is just an audio effect in GT5. Though I remember someone from Sony saying that the DFGT can't handle all the effects they were sending to it. I wonder if the Thrustmaster is any better at the rumble effect.

I'll try to play shift 2 some more today and see if I can enjoy it more.
Please post your console, controller and settings please as I would like to experience this game as you do.

PS3, patch 1.01 installed
HKS Racing Controller
Steering sensitivity 4, Steering deadzone 3
Elite driving model with ABS on and Stability assist on. Everything else off.

Steering lock for most cars: 10-12 ( <-- this is the crucial setting to make cars handle accurately for my setup)

Also: keep in mind that most cars off the car lot come with suspension at their softest settings and tire pressure that's far too high for racing. Before racing, you always must tune a bit - unlike in GT5 where cars are set up for racing by default.

Hope this helps! 👍

To say this game blows GT5 out of the water is nonsense.

Why? GT5 isn't a game. It's a dull, sterile, mathematical physics model on a bluray disk. S2U on the other hand does everything to draw you into the racing. It's a full-on visceral experience that batters your senses from start to finish, while you're racing an actually intelligent and competitive AI.

You don't see a RANTING thread on the game as a whole on GT5.

Instead you see dozens of threads discussing everything that's wrong with GT5. To me it's the most disappointing high-profile game release ever - especially after 5 years of hype-building by PD and Sony.
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I tried Shift 2 last night for a few hours then went back to GT5. GT5 seems to have the physics down well for the most part. That said, there are a few things that could be taken from shift 2 to make GT5 even better. I like the rumble effect in the steering wheel in shift 2 that is just an audio effect in GT5. Though I remember someone from Sony saying that the DFGT can't handle all the effects they were sending to it. I wonder if the Thrustmaster is any better at the rumble effect.

I'll try to play shift 2 some more today and see if I can enjoy it more.

No there is feedback. You must have the wrong settings. Try a rally in GT5 and tell me there is no runble and shake, you feel every grain of gravel.
@brambos: have you ever played both games with a steering wheel? i think there´s a big difference between playing with a ds3/hks pad and a proper wheel like the g27. i spent hours of testing several options with the wheel and the cars as well, but i failed to find a setting which gives me at least a bit fun in this game. mby with a pad it´s fun, can´t tell because i didn´t touch a racing game with a pad since i have the wheel. it´s a step backwards, which i won´t do.

honestly, i was really impartial before testing s2u. i really wanted to have fun with the game, but like in shift1 it disappointed me again. i didn´t find the static cockpit view, mby i´ll give it another try with this one. but this won´t stash away the fact that i don´t "feel" the car sufficiently.

we can spend hours on discussing how realistic or unrealistic gt5 and s2u are. imho i can´t tell what, f.e., a mclaren f1 feels in real life, since i never drove one. but gt5 gives me a much better impression how it actually could feel to sit in such a car. PLUS it´s awesome fun in gt5 to drive because you feel every movement of the car, especially under-/oversteering. so for me the fun is given in gt5, in s2u not. it´s like driving jelly around the corner...
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This game blows GT5 out of the water, if only they fixed all the bugs it would be nearly perfect... (pit stop, qualys, flags, etc, etc,etc needed too) and if I could set up a custom championship with the AI I wouldnt even need the online.

But they have the fix the damn bugs... especialy the freezing because it is a shame if they leave the game as it is, and if they dont Ill be using this thread a lot.
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This game blows GT5 out of the water, if only they fixed all the bugs it would be nearly perfect...

You do realize that this is a completely subjective, and more than arguable-to say the least- opinion, don't You?!
Look I respect every one's opinion, even if I don't agree with them but to say that Shift 2 blows GT5 as a racing game it's a little over the top.
I'm not that much disappointed with SU2 because it was exactly what I expected :a very funny arcade racer!
I've played Shift 1 for months and I enjoyed plenty of other arcade racers on the PS3 like SSV8, SSV8NC, Dirt 1 &2 and even Grid, so I'm not a GT fan-boy or a "Hardcore sim driver" and although I must agree that SU2 is a better GAME than GT5 in many aspects:


-Track selection

-Ability to save one tune for each track,etc

It doesn't even come close to GT5 in the way the cars connect to the track(physics engine)-I won't even begin to discuss which one is more "realist" just referring to one handling feeling more "right" than other- because You can pretty much powerslide any car through any corner just feathering the throttle and in the graphical aspect.
Before You ask I'm driving in Elite without any assists-not even ABS, as I did in GT5- in a DS3.
But that's just other subjective opinion from someone who enjoys both games.:sly:;)

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