Official Shift 2 Rants Thread (Vent away in here)

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
In drag race mode, it automatically switches to default and WILL stay at default.

for the ps3 at least..
I got shift 2 after a friend of mine said it was better than shift. They said the handling was better and how fun it was. Then I read reviews saying how much more of a simulation the game was this time around.

I played a couple races then gave it to my room mate.

That was the nail in the need for speed coffin (again...)
To each their own.

Personally, I love simulation games.

The thrill of racing of either simulation or arcade is to beat the competition. Some people prefer flashy arcade games, but me, I want boring, down to the numbers, mind numbing thought provoking details to figure out to try and beat the next guy.

I'm an engineer, I DARE you to try to bore me.

GT5 has great graphics and good physics and I get to go online and race against people and see how well I stack up.

I LOVE cars and I LOVE racing. My goal in life is to be a Designer / Engineer for a racing team somewhere, I used to race karts and would LOVE to go to a racing school and drive some real mean monsters.

People who are passionate about racing and what goes into it more likely prefer GT5 and Forza 3.

People who want fun racing casually pick up Shift 2.

(for people REALLY wanting to get into a simulation experience, go to and check out their rigs:tup:) <- I plug this because the former bassist in my band is co-creator and it is the most realistic PC racing sim you can get.
Don't feed the troll, he didn't even play it. ;)

True. But sometimes it's hard to tell when I've seen many people on this site (especially in the GT5 forum) who really think like that and think GT5 is the end all, be all that all racing games must be compared to. :banghead:
The thrill of racing of either simulation or arcade is to beat the competition. Some people prefer flashy arcade games, but me, I want boring, down to the numbers, mind numbing thought provoking details to figure out to try and beat the next guy.
Then I would understand why you would want a pc sim or one of those simulators your friend makes, but what makes you prefer GT5? It has a lot less numbers and details than Shift 2?

Don't get me wrong, I love GT5 for the sheer volume of cars, the physics, the tracks (24H Nürburgring with some friends online with day/night transition is orgasm-inducing :D), but on the simulation side, there's a lot that leaves to be desired, e.g. quirky online physics, weird/unrealistic upgrades and tuning, not enough tuning options, no useful telemetry. Shift 2 does all these things right.

Of course, Shift 2 has its own problems (just read this thread ;)), but detailed physics, advanced tuning and telemetry are not part of them. 👍 The horrible setups and FFB on some cars are a huge problem, as well as the freezing issues and the totally useless online, all unacceptable flaws IMO.

People who are passionate about racing and what goes into it more likely prefer GT5 and Forza 3.

People who want fun racing casually pick up Shift 2.
I think that's a blanket statement. I have more fun racing casually online with my friends in GT5 (picking weird car/track combos just for the fun of it) and I enjoy racing and setting up/tuning a car a lot more in Shift 2. Like you said: to each his own.

I just wish there would be at least one developer that gets it ALL right, instead of delivering a game with huge flaws. ;) So far, I have yet to come across one (and I've tried them all ;))
Shift2 physics is NOT it's strong point, patches may have decreased the floaty feeling but it's still there. If it had accurate telemetry then it's physics would be better. The usual response is "you have not or don't know how to tune a car", and my response is :lol:. It's fun for some time until you get serious then it all falls apart. This is not my gripe, I'm just reiterating what we already know.

My actual gripe is it's support for the clutch, it's simply a joke. Legends DLC and Drag racing DLC without proper support of a clutch, that's just silly bananas.

The Driver Duel Championship.. whoever came up with that idea should seriously get... well whatever bad thing you can come up with.

First of all, there's hardly anyone playing Shift 2 online. But it's still okay for the normal races. However, of these few people who do play online, almost none of them are doing this driver duel championship. It literally takes ages to actually get into a race here, especially at the higher rounds.

Now if that wasn't bad enough yet, there are no penalties whatsoever and the race is only ONE lap. Often you also get a very short track so the race is done within a few seconds. That is, if you safely make it to the finish line. Most of the people doing this championship just win by pushing others off the track. There is no way the opponent can recover fast enough since the race is just 1 lap, or even shorter if you fall 5 seconds behind.
I understand accidents happen, I've pushed others off the track as well cause I used my brakes too late or when my opponent makes an unexpected move. On GT5 I can easily react to this and avoid a collision but in Shift 2 I just can't seem to do this. When I cause a crash though, I usually wait for my opponent to catch up. But anyway, the usual people just crash into me at full speeds, without even trying to avoid. If that person can keep driving without going off himself it's an easy win. Otherwise it's just a matter of who hits the reset car button first.

But wait, that still isn't the worst part. This championship has MANY bugs. And this combined with the occasional freezes, it's really hard to complete. If you get a freeze while loading the track, you're right back at the qualifying round. This has happened to me just now while loading the track for the quarter final, after having to wait around 20 mins for someone to join the lobby.

I really want to get the Platinum trophy as I'm very close to getting it. Just still need this driver duel championship trophy and 2 easier ones. Right now though, it just seems impossible. Really wonder what they were thinking when adding this championship without any penalties and with such short races. Did they think everyone will just drive fair for 6 races when they can just win easily by pushing people off the track?
I cannot understand how they can release a game with so many faults, bugs and glitches. :grumpy::crazy:

I completed around 55% of NFS Shift & couldn't cope with all that slowdown whenever a car in front kicked up some dust !!! 👎

Thought (wrongly) that the quality control & testing on this one would be 100%, or they'd risk putting racers off of the Need For Speed series forever.

I've been spending 99% of my (Gaming) time playing GT5 and although that's far from perfect at least PD issue regular updates / improvements.

It seems like NFS:Shift 2 has several fundamental flaws in its gameplay. :ouch:

I almost lost my mind today - I nailed a hot lap on Silverstone' 75 and would have been second on my Autolog there (@Romknight: I almost had your time beaten... in my 950PI 914/6 GT), it was perfect - then on the second lap I spun, destroyed the car... and was stuck there. So my perfect lap was gone. Because I couldnt finish a second one.


Why doesnt the game just save laptimes in realtime, goddamnit?!? :banghead:
Happened to me at Monza. I'd been spending an hour or two trying to beat my Autolog friends, managed to do it and crashed with terminal damage in the final lap. Good thing is, if you can do it once, you can do it twice: the day after, I beat my unsaved record by 3 tenths. Very addictive game altogether.
I almost lost my mind today - I nailed a hot lap on Silverstone' 75 and would have been second on my Autolog there (@Romknight: I almost had your time beaten... in my 950PI 914/6 GT), it was perfect - then on the second lap I spun, destroyed the car... and was stuck there. So my perfect lap was gone. Because I couldnt finish a second one.


Why doesnt the game just save laptimes in realtime, goddamnit?!? :banghead:

There's a button that resets your car and puts your wheels back on, you just need to make sure you have it bound to something for times like that...

I sort of wish I had a time machine that I could go back and tell you this yesterday.
D'OH! Of course, you re right - the infamous reset button that makes online play such a pain in the sitting organ! :crazy:

Wait, there's a reset button Online? :odd:
There's a button that resets your car and puts your wheels back on.

Same as Codemasters' flashback option: I don't use it. I think you just can't want a realistic sim and resort to this kind of tricks when something goes (very) wrong. Too handy. As I said before, frustrating as it is to have to do it all over again, if you manage to beat your lap time once, you most certainly will repeat the feat.
Same as Codemasters' flashback option: I don't use it. I think you just can't want a realistic sim and resort to this kind of tricks when something goes (very) wrong. Too handy. As I said before, frustrating as it is to have to do it all over again, if you manage to beat your lap time once, you most certainly will repeat the feat.

At least it's optional.

And you might as well throw GT5 and Forza in there too. GT5 has a fake driving aid (Skid Recovery Force) and Forza has a rewind button. But again, they're optional. IMO that doesn't detract from what these games are trying to replicate.
Exactly, it's a matter of choice: either you play fair or you cheat. I choose to accept my mistakes and improve the next time.
I cant believe i today wasted $60 for this game, and $20 for both DLC's. The driving just feels so wrong, and it will definetly be the last i buy in this series. The graphics suck, the cars feel all weird, and the feedback you get thru the DFGT just doesnt help at all.

All in all im totally dissapointed with this impulse purchase. What also sucks is that im not one for trading in my games, so if i hate them they just sit here collecting dust.

I used to piss and moan about GT5, so dang after this im very thankful for GT5 now. And NO im not trolling. Im just a very pissed off customer right now.

Edit: I will just add that the only decent thing i came across was the sound. Kudos to those who worked on that for EA.

I cant believe i today wasted $60 for this game, and $20 for both DLC's. The driving just feels so wrong, and it will definetly be the last i buy in this series. The graphics suck, the cars feel all weird, and the feedback you get thru the DFGT just doesnt help at all.

All in all im totally dissapointed with this impulse purchase. What also sucks is that im not one for trading in my games, so if i hate them they just sit here collecting dust.

I used to piss and moan about GT5, so dang after this im very thankful for GT5 now. And NO im not trolling. Im just a very pissed off customer right now.

Edit: I will just add that the only decent thing i came across was the sound. Kudos to those who worked on that for EA.


Have you read any of the S2U threads? There are some very accomplished sim racers here and many don't share your opinion so there must be something in your assessment that "prevents" you from seeing what others see.
If you are going to compare directly to GT5 or Forza without an open mind then just sell it. If you want something easy from the start then you are barking up the wrong tree. If you want a "racing" game with depth you have come to the right place - give it time! The same would hold true if you picked up one of the respected computer racing sims (GTR, Race, rFactor, etc.) - not the easiest but rewarding.

Edit: I will just add that the only decent thing i came across was the sound. Kudos to those who worked on that for EA.

How about damage... can't bounce off things in this one.
Have you read any of the S2U threads? There are some very accomplished sim racers here and many don't share your opinion so there must be something in your assessment that "prevents" you from seeing what others see.

Here we go with the "if You don't like what I like, Your wrong and I'm right" attitude.👎
That's how flame-wars start!:indiff:

If you are going to compare directly to GT5 or Forza without an open mind then just sell it. If you want something easy from the start then you are barking up the wrong tree. If you want a "racing" game with depth you have come to the right place - give it time! The same would hold true if you picked up one of the respected computer racing sims (GTR, Race, rFactor, etc.) - not the easiest but rewarding.

And again that's just Your opinion, at least until You show me Your amazing driving skills in GT5 doing easily the Ring 24 hour version in the wet in a RUF with sports hard mounted and NO ABS...than You can say it's easy all you want.

How about damage... can't bounce off things in this one.

No You just...get GLUED to them.:yuck:
What really is a major, major, MAJOR pain in the ssa backwards is the whole online mode. I hate it with all of my guts.

1. I have yet to participate in a clean random race without at least one idiot bumping and smashing all of the others like crazy. After 4,5 hrs of online play...
2. Even if you do have a clean race (most likely with friends), the collisions are laggy or buggy or just broken, dunno. Yesterday I had a race against RomKnight and I was perfectly braking behind him in a hairpin... or so I thought, until I saw the rear of his Capri rising in the air and being stuck underneath a car 3 meters in front of me! :crazy:
Another race I was besides another driver, both going in a straight line without steering and with space between them when all of a sudden -> MEGACRASH! And I got banned for ramming for that after the race! :guilty:
3. The driver duel is a joke, a pure joke. From round 3 on you wait forever until you get an opponent and all of them just smash you out in the first corner. I have yet to reach a higher round than quarterfinal for that. If you even get the chance to race, in 2 instances the race was over after 5 seconds in the decisive round for... whatever reason?!? And of course you have to do it for a stupid trophy...

Why SMS didnt include a 5 second fine for smashing opponents off track is beyond me. But I m obviously very bad in the whole smashing game, its always me who get spun out, turned around, smashed off. Maybe I have to learn the fine arts of Shift Kun Do! :yuck:
Here we go with the "if You don't like what I like, Your wrong and I'm right" attitude.👎
That's how flame-wars start!:indiff:

Damn, I know I should have added my normal disclaimer ("in my opinion"):nervous:

avrore, are you a lawyer? You sure like to debate! And I know better than to start one with you so I am outta here (thread)...

BTW, of coarse I respect this gents opinion - I understand not everyone will like S2U or GT5 or xxx. The main point I was trying to make was "just give S2U a little time before making rash judgements" as I remember when I first starting playing S2U.

Good day!
Have you read any of the S2U threads? There are some very accomplished sim racers here and many don't share your opinion so there must be something in your assessment that "prevents" you from seeing what others see.
If you are going to compare directly to GT5 or Forza without an open mind then just sell it. If you want something easy from the start then you are barking up the wrong tree. If you want a "racing" game with depth you have come to the right place - give it time! The same would hold true if you picked up one of the respected computer racing sims (GTR, Race, rFactor, etc.) - not the easiest but rewarding.

How about damage... can't bounce off things in this one.

Well, now that ive slept and calmed down im sure i will give it another go.

Its funny you mention GTR, and Race because i own both those (GTL and P&G owner to btw) for the PC, and i enjoy all those immensly. Maybe more so than GT5 if im honest. The graphics are top notch, and the sound and overall feel of those games were perfect to me.

Like i said i will give S2U another go, and see what comes of it. Heck i spent close to $100 for it, so it would make for a very expensive coaster.

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Well, now that ive slept and calmed down im sure i will give it another go.

Its funny you mention GTR, and Race because i own both those (GTL and P&G owner to btw) for the PC, and i enjoy all those immensly. Maybe more so than GT5 if im honest. The graphics are top notch, and the sound and overall feel of those games were perfect to me.

Like i said i will give S2U another go, and see what comes of it. Heck i spent close to $100 for it, so it would make for a very expensive coaster.


I came from the same (some GT5, a lot of computer sims) and after my first couple of hours with S2U I thought the same as you.

If you want a rush, run the Nordschleife in something to get you under the 7 minute mark for an example - what a rush! If S2U was completely rubbish that wouldn't be possible. Note, many have had problems with this track and a high PI car but I have run this many times with my Zonda Roadster HP Edition without any freezing. And I am an old fart - if I can handle it anyone can!

Hope you enjoy!
Great thread! I can't turn the car right, the damage sucks, the car choice sucks, the online sucks because all people do is crash, and the DLC is way overpriced. The AI sucks, EA sucks at racing games, THIS GAME SUCKS.
Great thread! I can't turn the car right, the damage sucks, the car choice sucks, the online sucks because all people do is crash, and the DLC is way overpriced. The AI sucks, EA sucks at racing games, THIS GAME SUCKS.

EA did not make this game. They just published it.