Tried online for the 1st time today. What a disappointment.
Maybe it's because I just played now (1pm east coast time), but there was literally only 2 other people online. So I did a 3 player race.
I used my lancia delta (upgraded it to about 860 points), against a guy with a similarly upgraded golf and a guy in a lotus.
Lotus driver quit during the 2nd of 5 laps because the golf driver kept crashing into him. I was out in front by a sizable margin.
Then the golf driver caught up to me after I took it too slow through some turns. He proceeded to ram the back of my car on a turn, even though he could've slid right under me. I end up crashed in the grass, he of course drives away scot free and wins.
The two of us did a rematch, and he bumped/crashed me three more times, but I was able to recover or catch back up. At the last turn I was ahead, he caught me on the straightaway, and bumped me again even though he could have flown right past me. For some reason he slowed down then like 50 ft from the finish, so I rammed him out of the way and reversed my way over the line.
It's great that the only aspect of the game for me that would give it replay value involves basically no one online racing, and the only online drivers driving like it's a demolition derby.