Playstation 3 System Update Thread

Is it me or has the web browser sped up since the 2.00 update, Im sure everything is going faster, maybe they tweaked the code but they still have a long way to go before firefox speeds.

Yeah it seems pretty fast, but still freezes too many times.

o XMB™ (XrossMediaBar) is now accessible during gameplay.

How? The PS button?
And it screws up .mp4 video playback (at least ones with h264 codec)
It is same with 2.01.
None of mine are messed up, so ones from the PS Store and made with PS3 Video 9 work.
Here is the official release information for what is included in 2.01...

About the PLAYSTATION®3 system software version 2.01 update

An update to the PS3™ system software was released on November 20, 2007. If you update your PS3™ system, the system software will be version 2.01. The following features have been updated..

The PLAYSTATION®3 system software version 2.01 update includes the following:

The operating stability of some PLAYSTATION®3 format software has been improved.

The stability of the system software has been improved for some operations including the use of the Internet browser and information board.

The operating stability when outputting upscaled PlayStation®2 format software has been improved. *1

The “Remote Start” specifications have been changed to prevent an unintentional remote start by the user. *2

*1 Only for models that support playback of PlayStation®2 format software. > See details

*2 When setting [Start Remote Play] in [Settings]>[Remote Play Settings] to [On], the PS3® sometimes starts unintentionally depending on the type of network device being used. To avoid this, after the PS3® has been started remotely via the Internet, the [Remote Start] >[Enable remote start via the Internet]settings will automatically become invalid when there is no remote play communication for a given period of time and the PS3® will turn off.

My system since the 2.0 update seems a bit slow in starting games ...etc I hope this fixes the issue
Well, Sony funked up with 2.01. With 2.00 you could play multi-channel SACD via DTS surround through the optical (Toslink/SPDIF) connection. That was pretty cool.
With 2.01 you can't. Not a problem as such as the PS3 didn't do that originally but if you had just got an SACD to play and then found out it no longer works you may be pretty angry about it.
I hope Sony puts it back as it was a nice addition and saved me using my DVD/SACD player. Luckily I still have it. Damn stupid all the same.
Well, Sony funked up with 2.01. With 2.00 you could play multi-channel SACD via DTS surround through the optical (Toslink/SPDIF) connection. That was pretty cool.
With 2.01 you can't. Not a problem as such as the PS3 didn't do that originally but if you had just got an SACD to play and then found out it no longer works you may be pretty angry about it.
I hope Sony puts it back as it was a nice addition and saved me using my DVD/SACD player. Luckily I still have it. Damn stupid all the same.

I seriously dont think that most people care about that. I have no idea what you are even talking about.
Maybe most don't. But for those that do know about it it's a real let down. I'm sure Sony had their reasons but still. I'm hoping it is re-introduced at some point. It was a nice extra. Such a shame it's gone.
Um I wouldn't say that.. Still having problems with GT4 and Gt3.. no problems with Gt2 or I don't think Gt1 :) hmmmm.. :( oh well... Hmmmmm I wonder if I changed some settings that would help. Hmm I guess not... still trying to figure it out. Btw if anyone is wondering I have the 80GB NTSC btw with the Motor Storm that came with it. Could the 80 GB be the problem? I'm not planning returning anyway. It worked fine the first day I got it then after doing all the updates the game doesn't work anymore? Hmmmm.... I thought about purchasing another copy of the game just to see something.... I might do that... Hoping really soon for a another update! When do you think the next one will be out everyone? Rumor has it that it might be coming out tomorrow.. an early birthday gift maybe ;) So far so good, downloaded last night and GT4 worked just fine! :) ---- Randy
not only that, but if you have a PSP and you update it as well you can play ps1 whatever ps1 game is in the slot over the internet
And now im waiting to see the firmware fix which always comes out a few days after to fix the one previously released! hahaha Its seems a trend with sony at the moment! :sly:
And now im waiting to see the firmware fix which always comes out a few days after to fix the one previously released! hahaha Its seems a trend with sony at the moment! :sly:

Thats true :lol:

Nothing bad about Sony, they fix the problems in short time.
And now im waiting to see the firmware fix which always comes out a few days after to fix the one previously released! hahaha Its seems a trend with sony at the moment! :sly:

I don't know if this 2.10 Firmware Update is faulty, or not, but I just found out yesterday that my PS3 won't read a PS3 game disk. I posted the following in a thread complaining about this issue at the forums:

"I only own two PS3 games....Oblivion and Folklore. I 'finished' playing Folklore about two weeks ago, and started playing Wild Arms 5, a PS2 game that works perfectly well on my 60GB PS3 (purchase date: 12/24/06 from Best Buy with the Product Replacement Plan). I went ahead and updated the Firmware to 2.10 on the day that it became available.

I recently received an email notification that there was a free download for Folklore, so I inserted the Folklore disk, downloaded and installed the free add-on, and then realized that I wasn't able to see the icon indicating that the Folklore disk was in the drive. I ejected the disk, re-inserted it, noticed a spinning icon at the upper right-hand corner of my TV screen, but it disappeared after a few seconds, and that was it.

I thought that the disk might be scratched, even though there is no sign of damage whatsoever, so I tried the Oblivion disk.....same thing never loaded up. I tried the Wild Arms 5 disk, and it loads right up. I can replace my PS3 at Best Buy, but I have so much data such as demos (GTHD, GT5P), music, photos...etc. and I don't really know if I can back all of this stuff up and easily install it on a replacement system. I really would like another 60GB because of the backwards compatibility functions, but I don't know if some are still available (in my area)."

It seems like quite a few folks posting on the aforesaid site are having similar problems since updating the Firmware to 2.10. Has anyone here experienced this type of problem?
My PS3 still plays PS3 games. ;)

I'd call SONY tech support (1-800-345-SONY) and see if there is anything they could troubleshoot. If you do end up needing to send it somewhere, buy an 80GB external hard drive (from somewhere you can return it to...WalMart would probably take it back, maybe Best Buy too, check first) and back the data up on it using the PS3's own backup utility.
I hadn't tried playing a PS1 game over remote play until just now. Why was this implemented? The response time is still too slow to enjoy the game. I think Spyro may be playable but only because it is a platformer. Anything else is going to be bad.

Edit: Oops...forgot I had just posted here.
TigJackson, maybe something went wrong during the add on download that corrupted part of the system, these things can happen I guess its just pretty rare that they do.

hmmm..... your best bet would be to try and find someone else with an Oblivion or Folklore disc and try that in your system... that way you can rule out that its the disc... Its odd that some of your games work and other don't..

Thats probably the first thing to do, failing that I would call Sony, your PS3 is probably still under warranty, maybe they can even give you a tip to fix it without needing a new one (like maybe send you a special disc that does something!).

My PS3 is still unable to read PS3 game discs, or any Blu-Ray disc for that matter. It will read PS2 games, DVDs, and mp3 music discs. Everything else that the system can do seems to be working perfectly well.

I was unable to speak with anyone at SONY Tech Support (1-800-345-SONY) on the 24th, 26th, 27th, or 28th of December, 2007. I was finally able to speak with someone yesterday, and he simply instructed me to Restore the Default Settings, which was the first thing that I had tried when I found out I had a problem.

He then suggested that I wait for the next Firmware Update, due to the fact that I had installed 2.10 through a wireless connection, and I may have lost some 'data packets' in the process. I suppose that I'll download the next Firmware Update to my computer and install it through the USB port.

I could exchange the 60GB PS3 for an 80GB PS3 with my Best Buy Product Replacement Plan, today if I wanted, but I suppose that I'll wait a while before I do that.
My PS3 is still unable to read PS3 game discs, or any Blu-Ray disc for that matter. It will read PS2 games, DVDs, and mp3 music discs. Everything else that the system can do seems to be working perfectly well.

I was unable to speak with anyone at SONY Tech Support (1-800-345-SONY) on the 24th, 26th, 27th, or 28th of December, 2007. I was finally able to speak with someone yesterday, and he simply instructed me to Restore the Default Settings, which was the first thing that I had tried when I found out I had a problem.

He then suggested that I wait for the next Firmware Update, due to the fact that I had installed 2.10 through a wireless connection, and I may have lost some 'data packets' in the process. I suppose that I'll download the next Firmware Update to my computer and install it through the USB port.

I could exchange the 60GB PS3 for an 80GB PS3 with my Best Buy Product Replacement Plan, today if I wanted, but I suppose that I'll wait a while before I do that.

Sounds like the guy you spoke to was a top-notch halfwit.. IF your update should lose packets along the way, there is no way in hell the PS3 will accept the update as usable. If that was the case, hacking the firmware would be a piece of pie..

If the PS3 didn't validate a firmware update in at least 2 ways, Sony are even stupider than I would have ever guessed - And since the PS3 hasn't been hacked yet, I don't suspect that's the issue...
Is it only me who have some issues with the DivX Support? Some vids doesn't work and some do, some freezes at certain points of the film. It's annoying but maybe there is a fix on the way? But it can't be only me, right? :ill:
Is it only me who have some issues with the DivX Support? Some vids doesn't work and some do, some freezes at certain points of the film. It's annoying but maybe there is a fix on the way? But it can't be only me, right? :ill:

I have some divx's that are not compatable its odd but maybe its just the way some of them are encoded, as for freezing it maybe due to the divx plugin on the PS3 not being as robust as on a PC... If my files do play they don't freeze so I can't really help there..

Also just check that they arnt Xvid... sometimes I don't even notice and then find out thats the reason they dont play on the PS3.
