PlayStation 4 General DiscussionPS4 

  • Thread starter Sier_Pinski
I would expect (hope) most of the big Sony games to be released with the console. So Killzone, GT, God of War, LBP, Uncharted, Resistance, InFamous would certainly help shifting consoles early doors.

There's been a bit of discussion in the industry about this endemic 'sequal-itous' running through console gaming. Times are tough and it seems publishers including Sony don't like taking risks on new IP's as much as they used to and as a result out come the changing numbers which means it all gets quite stale.

Sure big franchises are good but it would be nice to get a few more new IP's out there.

Agree, I'm sure they make quite a bit off of home, but it has just become too laggy and has too many loading screens.. will be interesting to see how they upgrade it on ps4.

I used to really like Home but after the major re-brand a year ago I feel they totally destroyed it. It never even really turned out in the beginning like it was supposed to and its such a shame because it had loads of potential.

It does actually make a decent amount of money but it has never achieved universal acclaim or use from all PS3 owners. They kept it in Beta forever just so they could kill it off whenever they like and they might do away with it for PS4. If they don't put it back to its original design and idea I wouldn't be that bothered anyway.
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You generally see new IPs at the launch of a console, I read an article about it aaaages ago and it basically said that publishers use the new tech to push their new IPs, gamers get bored of yet another sequel (as we're discussing here) and basically it's felt that fresh ideas (or old ideas wrapped up in a fresh package) are needed, but sequels to established IPs are expected too, so of course we'll see GT6, Uncharted 4, Tekken 3x10^4 and all that as well. But I'm sure we'll see at least one new IP at launch and more in the first year of the PS4's life than, say, last year.
Released 15 minutes ago, Vita is supposed to be tomorrow. Hope to see PS4 on the 20th

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Well, nothing shocking, article that the PS4 will be streaming. But streaming games has advantages, many advantages.

It may have many advantages (no downloads, that may be the only one actually) but the disadvantages are crippling: Variable quality graphics, multiplied ping, a stable Internet connection required even to play an offline game, being hamstrung by data limits, not actually owning a physical or downloaded copy of the game (thus being entirely at the mercy of the provider)... I think I'm missing some. As we discussed earlier on in the thread, streaming would be acceptable for backwards compatibility and as an option for new games, but as soon as they decide to push 100% cloud gaming it'll be a problem.
I've just realised I'm not going to be able to watch this live, I know it's a few days to go but would someone be able to do me a favour and as soon as one is available PM me with a link to an on demand video that does NOT reveal anything from it? I'd still like to watch it with an air of surprise in otherwords, so I'd just need a direct link to a replay stream that reveals nothing on the page.

Because trying to browse and find one myself without spoiling anything is probably impossible but with a PM I can just go there direct without looking at anything.

I think it is at 23pm GMT.

It is yes but I know I won't be by a computer at that time to watch it so yeah, a PM the next morning with a link to a spoiler free on demand video would be highly appreciated.
I'll try Simon, if you want I could get the embed link and stick it on a blank page on a website for you.

Thanks, anything so long as I can just play the stream from the start with no indication of what happened without viewing any threads to find it.
It may have many advantages (no downloads, that may be the only one actually) but the disadvantages are crippling: Variable quality graphics, multiplied ping, a stable Internet connection required even to play an offline game, being hamstrung by data limits, not actually owning a physical or downloaded copy of the game (thus being entirely at the mercy of the provider)... I think I'm missing some. As we discussed earlier on in the thread, streaming would be acceptable for backwards compatibility and as an option for new games, but as soon as they decide to push 100% cloud gaming it'll be a problem.

I know i know...but by the time it really is all cloudy and fun the problems you are mentioning wont be there. Internet speed and stability will improve rapidly next 5 years. But for me and many like me that have fiber 100-1000mbit up/down want this now, not wait untill all other catch. Someone must be the groundbreaker :)
Well, we will find out soon. I think this is Sonys chance to shine. I think they are going to present streaming now and feel the opinion untill release so they can polish it when PS4 is released.
Dont know if it is more realistic. Depending on how the client is connected and the state of the router at the place. But as a trendfactor if the total speed is getting better or not then it is interresting. There are still millions and millions of homes that have 20Mbit+ connection. But if they use it or not is another question. I know many here in Sweden have access to fiber or cableinternet that gives them access to 100Mbit or more but they just pay to use 2Mbit because they only surf. In the same building i have a friend that is a gamer and he of course has PS3 and PC and 100Mbit because he streams movies, plays and has many other devices connected and he know the importance of a good router too to fix many devices without loosing too much quality. So even if there is good internetconnection it doesnt mean people use it. But perhaps if more and more push the development into clouds, streaming, ondemand they will sooner rather than later actually move up. And hopefully change router too :)

PS: i would rather call it "state of the use using internetr" rather than internet.

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