Only if the game is fundamentally terrible and not worth playing. GT4 was the only GT game I gave up on before the next one (GT5P) was released. It was because it was horribly frustrating to need to earn money to buy new cars over and over. At one point I saved up 10,000,000 or so, but it went down faster than it went up and I got sick of it, because the game was designed in such a way that it put earning credits over having fun.
I'm not even arguing that GT5 is badly designed, far from it. Because it
is badly designed. And, as you can see, the general idea of not giving everything to the player at once isn't a new idea to the GT series.
This whole idea of progression is as old as the franchise itself. And, whether it's a good idea or a bad one, it obviously is an idea PD wants to stick with.
That's all I'm saying: Don't expect PD to change the progression in a way that opposed this general idea.
I think the whole idea of unlocking needs to go. Keep it and fix it for those who love it, but it is the furthest thing from necessary. As for your comment on PD, that's my point. If they do not act reasonably, you can't blame anyone but them. If you're implying that PD will by default, defy common sense, then it's impossible to say that dupers played a role in bringing the trade limit about. PD is PD, and they'll just do what they want without reason
Uhm, no. I'm not saying they're acting for no reason, they just come to strange conclusions and, therefore, come up with strange solutions, that's all.
Saying that progression has no place in the game is, in my opinion at least, just as unreasonable as PD's ways of fixing stuff. It's one of the main points that makes the Gran Turismo-esque sub genre of racers (and not only of those, of a lot of arcade racers as well).
You're not complaining about having to shoot people in Call of Duty, as that's one of the primary points of the game's design and it's the same with GT's progression.
Another problem, we're left to assume their reasoning because they say nothing to us. 1.07 wasn't even announced. As for the problems you listed, there are just better solutions, like the ones I suggested before. I also wonder why Sony never did anything about all the accounts I and other people made before GT5 anyway. I'm not talking about a couple, I probably made a dozen before GT5, and I know people who would frequently change PSN's because they can't change their PSN name. It's all the same. Why does it only matter now?
On bandwith, the same number of accounts are active always. A Duper can only use one account at once, maybe 2. This isn't really a big issue.
It was just an assumption and it could very well be a combination of a lot of reasons. As I said, it doesn't really matter. There was an action and now it caused a reaction. That's about all there really is to it.
A bit of a contradiction. We don't even know if the restriction was done in reaction to duping. I used the term 'protect people from duping' before because duping is one of the hot topics associated with 1.07 on GTP.
This was bound to come up. Put, what other reason would realistically have caused them to actually get to work on something like the limitation of trading?
And duping becamse such a hot topic because, as you can see, a
few people are getting hysteric fits because they'll have to get by without duping.
If this is true, then there is no logic behind their 1.07 decision, so you can't blame dupers.
There's no logic as to why they would stop duping by limiting trading. That's all. No dupers = no (stupid) actions taken by PD.
But they made seasonal events and now bumped up XP to something like 3 times as much.
It doesn't enable you to completely bypass it, though. You still have to play A-Spec instead of creating a dozen of PSN acounts to get your hands at the content you would otherwise need to paly for.
A-Spec needs an incentive before it can lose one. PD's job is to make a game that sells. That loosely implies that the game should be good, and you make a game good by satisfying the people who want to buy the game.
Meh, there's a lot more to fix than just adding a 'Unlock All' button. Besides, as can be seen in other games, progression works. There weren't these kinds of complaints in the Forza community, as the money glitch was fixed in the early days of Forza 3.
Besides, I'm kind of getting the feeling that that's partially due to the GT community, not only due to the game being better designed.
Yes PD has our GT5 money, but they might want our GT5 DLC money, and they certainly want our GT6 money. They can't drop GT5, even if the only thing that drives them turns out to be profit. If they want to maximize profit, they pretty much have an obligation to make fans happy.
Appearently, they can sell a half-arsed game very well. GT5 proves this. And, that's actually a good enough reason to artificially elongate the game: People aren't buying DLC if they already moved on to another game.
Whether the actions PD take to keep the players bound to GT5 are good ones, that's a completely different topic.
Maybe, but I doubt it. I could not care about something so trivial, and it seems like the only people who would care are the ones who oppose duping. Dupers don't care about rarity and find intrinsic value in the game. They don't need a reward to keep playing. If anything, everyone probably wants the replica idea. Dupers would get to play the game in full. Achievers would get to grind Indy for an exclusive prize. Everyone wins.
I consider it a flawed idea. Mainly because the primary reason dupers dupe is to have everything at their disposal anyways. Hey, some of those big, bad achievers could come up with 'No Replica' online lobbies. And we can't have that, can we?
If duping was confined to GTP/fan sites for the most part, it probably had virtually no effect on the servers. Given that 99% of the time when I brought a X1 or Mark IV [before it starts, neither duped, and they're no more valuable than duped cars] into a room, all I got were oohs and ahs, I'd bet it didn't get to the mainstream players. But I could be wrong.
Whether it got out to the majority of palyers is completely irrelevant. It caused enough commotion to get PDs attention. That's all.
But then, you can only blame PD. We don't know what the reason is, and if the reason wasn't logical, then it's all PD's fault for not being logical.
Because the dupers still caused it. There's a difference between the cause and the reason they acted the way they did.
For example:
Reason to act: Too many PSN accounts. Cause of the reason: The dupers.
Reason to act: PD wants to keep people bound to GT5 longer. Cause of the reason: The dupers.
It's not hard at all. The only thing I've ever had to do to argue against decisions in GT5 was use common sense.
Your whole argument is this:
'GT5 is badly designed, so it's cool if we're cheating the hell out of it and if PD doesn't want that, that's their fault.'
And, sorry, but no, it's not PDs fault that you're resorting to cheating. They may have given you an incentive to do so (by badly designing the game), but they're not holding a gun to your head, forcing you to dupe. That's your own impatience and greed, or your urge to 'play' the game the way you want it to, as you put it.
I participate in duping arguments because they're common, and they are true debates, unlike threads such as "What's your favorite car?". I don't care if they are futile, I enjoy the debate, not just winning the debate.
I defend duping because I'd love to see devs wake up and realize that mandatory unlocks are a terrible idea and that they should try to make games good. I also hate the ridiculous notion that there is a "right" way to do things, and that games = real life so that dupers are all bank robbers, yadayada - especially because some people probably carry this attitude over to real life and like to call things that they disagree with wrong out of ignornace and using tradition over reason.
For one thing, the whole 'mandatory unlocks are a terrible idea' thing is an opinion at best. I mean, seriously, the kidn of career mode has been a long running main point of the GT franchise and one of the things that actually sets it apart from other racing sims.
And, as you can see when looking at other games, the basic idea of unlocking stuff just works. It works with games like ToCa Race Driver, Grid, Shift, Forza. And in non-racing games as well.
It just doesn't work with the kind of players that kind of seems to think that you need to have access to everything to play the game.
I sure hope that race drivers have a crapload of race cars at their disposal, because racing only one for longer periods of time is totally wrong, isn't it?
So pd made the game and in the game was this possibility of duping which has now gone on for 4 months and finally pd decides to do something (bad) about it? It's been known by everyone for ages so to speak.
First of, PD didn't make the game with duping available. It became available because they unlocked/had to unlock the gamesaves.
It's not the dupers' fault.
It never is the fault of the ones that abused a given feature, I guess.
Pd can once again blame only itself for
a) providing a game mechanic that allows "free money" easily simply because of bad design
And the design has now been fixed.
b) not fixing the known "problem" for 4 months. Not even letting anyone know it is a problem and why it is.
So, if they don't do it in four months, they may not do it all? I sure hope you like all the others flaws the game has, then.
c) not even publicly acknowledge it is a problem that is going to be fixed
What, do you need them to actually spell it out when it's plain as day to see what's going on?
d) almost totally screw over people who lended (or were in process of trading) their expensive cars to other persons by a surprise update that made it impossible for these people to get their cars back
And they undid it for a while so you can get you stuff back.
e) making such an awful job on fixing the problem that it basically kills trading of any valuable cars. Only value a car has in trading now is its rareness in ucd. Basically that means trading only ugly looking cheap standard cars.
The cars lost basically all of their supposed 'value' when people started duping them like mad. Want proof of that? Take a peek at the amount of X2010s being thrown around. But I do agree that it's not the best solution.
g) The 20 million credits limit makes the problem 20 millions times worse.
Because you're loosing, like, 10'000 credits when you 'top it off' before buying an expensive car?
h) The game was also shipped by this stupid birthday car duping feature. Pd has had literally 4 months to disable gifting of bd cars but instead they want to kill all trading of above 1 mill valued cars.
Because they probably can't track whether a car was acquired by a glitch or not?
i) Killing the trading now of high valued gives everyone who has used the duping a massive headstart into the game (offline and especially online) because they have had all the time to get all the cars they have wanted for basically at no cost. New players are in for even bigger grind fest and car collecting is no more about car collecting. It is more about grinding than it even was before. Luckily rubberbands are cheap.
Wait, isn't one of the main arguments of the dupers that duping doesn't affect anyone aside from the dupers themselves? How can it be considered a headstart, then?
j) the used car slot suffers a TON. Now you need to be about 1 millions times luckier than ever before to find the car you want and having the money to pay it.
Which would be fixed by just reserving a car or locking the UCD instead of being a reason to allow duping.
k) and you still can get any car you want. Just get your credits to 20mill or so and make a backup of your save. Start a game, buy a car and drive it. Then stop the game and copy back your old save game. Car gone, money back.
This is actually an anti-duping argument. That way, you can try the cars you want without actually acquiring them in illegitimate ways.
l) not provide a trading feature. People want to trade cars for crying out loud. Part of gt is car collecting and being able to trade cars added a nice community aspect to gt5.
Which was basically ruined by duping in the first place.
m) good luck trying to find a historic car for the historic car challenge!
Online Collector Dealership?
Yeah, the dupers are the problem:
a) created few psn extra accounts
b) ehm sent too much data over internets...?
Just possible reasons why PD doesn't like duping. What the problem PD had with duping was exactly, I don't know. But: Nobody doing it = Nobody casing that problem. Simple, really.