POLL: Do You Like The <1,000,000 Cr. Gift Restriction?

So, guys, when you fire up GT5, sth. like "gifting limit has been lifted" is stated in the news section, is that true? Can we send cars worth more than a mil again?
And abreviating the time needed to get where you want to be, that#s not altering the way the game palys? I think it does.

You still need to earn the crdits by playing the game. Duping helps because you don't need to play the game exactly the same way multiple times one after another. You can't dupe what you don't have. And the only challenge in gt5 is the beginning when you have limited funds and then there are also the special events which are not made super easy like the rest of the game. They are for the most part still easy but not grind easy like most of the game.

I've said it already multiple times that duping only helps you to get multiple cars when you already have the funds. It does not help you get there faster, it does not make the game easier for you and as a whole the early part of the game is dupe-free anyways by design.

Only thing changed is the car collecting aspect of gt5. Instead of long one time grind you now grind forever.

Time is always the ultimate limit of resources. With infinite time, all ingame resources become unlimited. But, as you might have noticed, XP and credits are the limitations and boundaries in which GTLifes acts.
Plus, you can save up money while palyying through the single player for quite a bit. You know, I don't consider it to be grinding if you do every race once.

No, with infinite time in 95% of games does not guarantee infinite funds like in gt5 which belongs to the 5%. Most (95%) games have this thing called difficulty levels with the the game getting harder and more rewarding and towards the end the gaming experience stays fresh, challenging and rewarding and is not repetitive. Just adding time and doing the same thing multiple times does not automatically give you unlimited resources.

Because in gt5 the only such difficulty level is the boredom of grinding and surviving it it makes the game a pure example of infinite time = inifinite resources. But it sure is boring and repetitive!

The only boundaries in gt5 is time. Endless mindless repetition gets you the best resources. If that is worth the "honesty" of the grind that's up to everyone to decide for themselves.

Once again saving is grinding. Saving money to get better is fun in the beginning but when your only option to "save money" is to drive around indy oval in zr1 it kind of sucks. You know? And I was not eve hit so hard with the unreasonable car prizes and rediculous price moneys and out of place car prices. I like cheap powerful road cars with no tuning. It's kind of cheap to play that way and I still had to grind a ton.

This kinda contradicts the point before. If you can get a good enough amount of money to get somewhere in GTLife, what's the point of duping? Getting more stuff faster? Because that's what it's boiling down to, as far as I can tell.

The point is getting stuff without grinding.

You know, I'm getting the feeling that people would do Indy because it awards the most credits per time even if there were less 'grindy' alternatives.

You know, your feeling is pretty much spot on. Grinding indy makes the grinding process go faster.

To each their own, I guess. Knowing myself, I wouldn't even touch a gifted car that didn't originate from my own car dealership.

Why? Are you saying you are more righteus player or honest player because you actually grind the same competitions inside the game over and over again? Do something that takes absolutely no skill and is only matter of time invested into the game?

Do you understand the concept of ethics in videogames? Do you understand that what is morally good in a videogame is different from real life because morals in a videogame are defined by the game context itself?

You can't just assume you have the magical wisdom of knowing what the horn sound collecting game developer had in his mind when he was designing the a-spec mode of gt5?

I will of course allow you to enjoy yourself the best way you want. Personally I like driving cars in gt5. Duping cars does not make it any less fun or anything else. But maybe that's why i'm such a cheater and douchebag? You can sit on high horse for all day. If it makes you feel "better than someone else" I guess good for you. I'm still not playing gt5 to please your feelings :)

It's cool if it made the game better for you. I just don't get how acquring more cars remedies the flaws that I find the most annoying, I guess.
It's cool to get a whole host of cars, but driving a lot of different cars doesn't make, say, the AI more challenging to me. That's why I don't geet how it improves the game.

I like driving cars. I like driving different cars. Gt5 has lots of different cars. You get more cars effectively by grinding money. Driving the cars is fun. Grinding is not fun. Doing more driving in different cars is more fun than grinding so maximising the driving and minimising the grinding makes it a better game. And drivng the cars means doing the arcade races because that way you can get some kind of challenging races going on with the crappy ai. So I'm not getting a dime of credits despite doing lots of races.
As I mentioned earlier: Getting aaccess to most cars and thereby enabling you to use the best car possible for each and every event had an effect on the single player mode. Plus, as you could see by the amount of X2010s flying around, there's that downside as well:
As soon as the cars lost value and were thrown around like nothing, bypassing the whole XP system (and A-Spec mode, basically) became as easy as begging for (for example) an X2010.

But how does getting a X1 effect your level at all? From release, one could gift a X1 and do the same thing to the level system. Now, people can share the X1 and do the same thing to the level system. So duping can't be the problem, because features added by PD have the same effect on the leveling system.

I'd argue that car sharing beats duping in terms of A-Spec domination, because you can put up a single car, but 99 people can use it at once hassle free. It's fairly easy to get two X1's per game, so you could make that 100 people [1 X1 for host, 2nd X1 split between 99 people, and those 99 people are now free from paying GT Auto for engine/oil/chassis].

So how is trying to get more cars per (for example) day than the game would normaly allow you to get not greedy?
And, as evidenced by PD acting against duping, it appears that players aren't supposed to acquire the cars that way. I mean, big suprise there...
By that definition, you could say that any trading/gifting is greedy. Your own copy of GT5 has everything in it, it's just that you'll need to grind Indy more to get it all if you don't dupe. Wanting access to 1000 cars in a 1000 car game isn't excessive, it's logical.

Also, would the people who want 1000 cars who don't dupe be greedy? You wouldn't need 1000 cars to beat A-Spec. Nor do you need things like Silver Chrome. Some people seem to like those.

And again, there is no suppose. PD could very much be against duping. Doesn't make it such that people aren't supposed to dupe. It only tells us that PD doesn't want people to dupe. Though with their unbreakable resolve to say almost nothing to us, who knows why they're doing it.

Kinda arbitrary how you're deciding what's greedy and what isn't
You call duping greedy.

You do realise that all of those gifts come at the expense of someone are not free, which pretty much invalidates those comparisions?
How so? Come at the expensive of who? [Did you leave out a word, the quote doesn't quite make sense]

Uhm, no. There doesn't need to be a law that forces people to play GT5 in a certain way. PD seems to be able to do so pretty well.
But the thing is, you would need* to follow a law. You have no obligation to do what PD says.

*Laws, like PD, are not just by default, though we can assume most are for the sake of this argument.

Sticking with your Scrabble example: I wouldn't even know about that.First of, because it has no noticible effect on anything i do, as opposed to duping. Take a look at the market place for example, or at the limitations done to trading.
If someone played Scrabble by their own rules and that caused someone from the Scrabble Company to come to my homw to take all the 'E's out of my Scrabble Box, I'd be pretty inclined to shake my head at the people who felt the need to play by their own rules.
I find this example very fitting. The problem would be the Scrabble company being irrational, yet you would blame people who do nothing wrong. It's exactly what's happening here.

(The length of these posts is really getting out of hand, by the way :lol:)

Far better than useless one liners.
So, guys, when you fire up GT5, sth. like "gifting limit has been lifted" is stated in the news section, is that true? Can we send cars worth more than a mil again?

Yep, lifted a couple days ago but expires on 3/3 supposedly...better get those trades in!
Another idea:idea:
The amount of cars that you can send can total 1,000,000 cr, no matter how many cars that is:sly:
That means you can send 200 Karts per day:cheers:
Another idea:idea:
The amount of cars that you can send can total 1,000,000 cr, no matter how many cars that is:sly:
That means you can send 200 Karts per day:cheers:

That is actually a good idea if you made it Cr2m. If you traded a Miura then say you couldn't trade for a week.
Maybe, if everyone that duped and took advantage of the system didn't do so, this wouldn't have happened. You only have yourselves to blame (cheaters).

Personally not too bothered, don't really trade anyway. This WILL make the "Car Collector" trophy much harder to get though.

It's narrow minded coments like that, that make me wanna slap somebody. Firstly, the game is flawed with many issues, so why not fix that instead of changing the gifting system, which all be it has been exploited due to the flaws in the game.

Secondly, i paid money for the game and therefore i should have a right to all the cars within the game. Trading for them is the only way i can see myself doing that unless i want to keep playing the game when GT9 comes out on the PS5 so i can make enough Cr. to buy all the 10 million plus cars.

Thirdly, what does it matter to PD that trading has been exploited? They have thier/my/your money and will continue to make more money from continued sales.

Fourthly, the trophy "Car Collector" can be achieved by buying 1000 carts genius. It only cost you 1500 Cr. per cart after the resale of 3500.

Fifthly, part of the 1.07 update regarding trade that has also been the biggest upset for me is the 1 trade of a car per console. I share my console with my brother and that has completley stuffed everything considering that we are both hunting for all the cars. Now we have to take turns in trading. Good job PD, i supported you through all the haters saying you haven't got a clue. Shame they are right.

Also, all the people that don't trade or dupe shouldn't be commenting either. What does it matter to you what someone else does or has in the game? Play your game while they play thier own.
It's narrow minded coments like that, that make me wanna slap somebody. Firstly, the game is flawed with many issues, so why not fix that instead of changing the gifting system, which all be it has been exploited due to the flaws in the game.

Secondly, i paid money for the game and therefore i should have a right to all the cars within the game. Trading for them is the only way i can see myself doing that unless i want to keep playing the game when GT9 comes out on the PS5 so i can make enough Cr. to buy all the 10 million plus cars.

Thirdly, what does it matter to PD that trading has been exploited? They have thier/my/your money and will continue to make more money from continued sales.

Fourthly, the trophy "Car Collector" can be achieved by buying 1000 carts genius. It only cost you 1500 Cr. per cart after the resale of 3500.

Fifthly, part of the 1.07 update regarding trade that has also been the biggest upset for me is the 1 trade of a car per console. I share my console with my brother and that has completley stuffed everything considering that we are both hunting for all the cars. Now we have to take turns in trading. Good job PD, i supported you through all the haters saying you haven't got a clue. Shame they are right.

Also, all the people that don't trade or dupe shouldn't be commenting either. What does it matter to you what someone else does or has in the game? Play your game while they play thier own.


I think this cut off of trading cars over 1,000,000 is ridiculous to say the least! It seems like the only argument in favor of is that some people are sick of others duping the x2010! Well guess what? We all payed $63.47 after tax for this game! If people want to dupe and trade then so what it is their right to do it after paying for the d4mn game!
As ever, we see that some people are so sensitive they find themselves effected by how other people play the single player mode of a game.
I love the idea, only for now, because my neighbour, asked me to send him my Minolta to do some events, n i reallllly didnt want to, n PD saved me!! :D
Secondly, i paid money for the game and therefore i should have a right to all the cars within the game.

No. You paid money to purchase the game. The whole idea of "I paid for it so I it should be the way I wanted" is just plain wrong. You paid for the game. Not for the cars. You paid for the game which also means you paid for the game developer to choose any game mechanic he pleases to deal the cars in the game. The game dev may choose totally awful grinding way like in gt5 but your money does not give you right to anything really.

Should you automatically get the best tech tanks and infinite money in c&conquer, bazookas and infinite ammo in resident evil and infinite health and cars in GTAs "because I paid for the game and I should have right to all content"...?

It doesn't work that way. Your only right is to play the game. The game mechanic may be flawed, dull, repetitive, uninteresting, easy or just strange. Imagine if you bought a DLC for some game but you still needed to buy the contents with your game money too? Would that be unfair too "because you paid it for it and have the right...". No.

Not that I disagree with you but I just don't agree personally at all with that "I paid for it" argument. You of course have all the rights to do anything you want with your own property but that isn't the same thing.

It's pretty similar argument like the "I'm busy with my life or just lazy so gt5 should be really easy so I can just casually finish it in two evenings because i'm not too good player either".

You can of course criticize and post valid complaints about the game mechanics but the devs don't even need to listen to you. Like in gt5 they can do what they want regardless of what the players of the game want. And as game developers they have the right to make the game anything they want no matter how many copies you bought.
Putting aside any discussion of morality. The end result for me (and I don't do any trading) is that it will definitely reduce the ability for me to enjoy this game. Until the AI is improved the racing is just rubbish. The only enjoyment I had left in the game is racing against a friend. Where we pass each other a 'duplicated' car & tune that we have decided to race against each other, but I'm not going to bother trying to grind tedious A spec, awful 'chase the pigeon' seasonals, or super dull B-spec to get cash to try out cars & tuning combinations.

The worse thing for me though is just how incredibly petty it is. Duping affects no one other than the duper. Trading is external to the game and a system that emerged from the payer base and affects PD or Sony in no way.

Kaz or PD in general or Sony have become a bunch of control freak 🤬 I am personally tired of this 🤬

I can't possibly recommend this game to anyone, despite having been a GT fan since GT1
No. You paid money to purchase the game. The whole idea of "I paid for it so I it should be the way I wanted" is just plain wrong. You paid for the game. Not for the cars. You paid for the game which also means you paid for the game developer to choose any game mechanic he pleases to deal the cars in the game. The game dev may choose totally awful grinding way like in gt5 but your money does not give you right to anything really.

WOW... your point is way off. The game consists of many elements. One of which are the cars. So i paid for the cars. I don't buy a house without a roof... or a car without an engine. Or shoes without laces. My money gives me the right to obtain whatever is in the game... i still can, but not in any reasonable time frame.

Should you automatically get the best tech tanks and infinite money in c&conquer, bazookas and infinite ammo in resident evil and infinite health and cars in GTAs "because I paid for the game and I should have right to all content"...?

I never said i should automatically get anything. With trading the way it was, doesn't mean i would automatically get all the cars. It meant that i had a good chance at getting them before my 72nd birthday.

It doesn't work that way. Your only right is to play the game. The game mechanic may be flawed, dull, repetitive, uninteresting, easy or just strange. Imagine if you bought a DLC for some game but you still needed to buy the contents with your game money too? Would that be unfair too "because you paid it for it and have the right...". No.

Way off the point again. The game allowed this to begin with. Its been taken away now. Again... if i buy/build a new house i don't expect the builder to knock on my door 3 months later telling me that he/she is taking my roof back. Or BMW telling me they are taking the engine out of my car that i just bought back... lace's out of shoes... etc etc.

Not that I disagree with you but I just don't agree personally at all with that "I paid for it" argument. You of course have all the rights to do anything you want with your own property but that isn't the same thing.

If my game and the content/structure of the game was payed for by myself and has now been changed to something other than what i had origionally paid for (that is no better but indeed worse) how is that not the same thing?

It's pretty similar argument like the "I'm busy with my life or just lazy so gt5 should be really easy so I can just casually finish it in two evenings because i'm not too good player either".

Calculate the amount of hours it would take to buy every 1 million to 20 million credit car in the game. I don't, nor have i said that i'm too busy to play the game so give me everything straight away. Obtaining all those cars (that now can't be gifted) would take an effort that nobody, hell... no two people could do.

You can of course criticize and post valid complaints about the game mechanics but the devs don't even need to listen to you. Like in gt5 they can do what they want regardless of what the players of the game want. And as game developers they have the right to make the game anything they want no matter how many copies you bought.

I never said PD couldn't do anything that "I" don't want them to do. I'm stating that it blows. The morons that cry about duping and let other peoples game play affect them has led PD to implement this restriction. If the masses of skirt wearing sissy boys didn't cry about duping and gifting expensive cars, this wouldn't have happened. PD does listen, hence some of the major parts of all the updates are on the back of cry babies. Now they have gone too far.
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I am totally against the $100,000 restriction on gifting cars!
I have 4 profiles on my ps3, i only duped 1 car and it wasn't on purpose(a 330 i BMW). I do take advantage of many of the seasonal races on each profile to win money, but my cars are paid for and earned. It is also quite an advantage having these profiles because in the used car lot different cars come at different times, therefore I have more of a selection to choose from.
They are possibly going to add so many restrictions that it is going to hurt the sales of this game if they don't watch it.
heck, it is just a game anyway, and some folks enjoy just finding ways to cheat.
The fact that new players will be at a distinct disadvantage to players who started 5 months ago seems an untenable situation....
I drive the cars in GT5 (Premium if I have a choice); I don't trade, or collect them; so I could care less about the 'gifting' restriction.
I think this cut off of trading cars over 1,000,000 is ridiculous to say the least! It seems like the only argument in favor of is that some people are sick of others duping the x2010! Well guess what? We all payed $63.47 after tax for this game! If people want to dupe and trade then so what it is their right to do it after paying for the d4mn game!

I got the CE, so I paid $100 plus shipping.
The fact that new players will be at a distinct disadvantage to players who started 5 months ago seems an untenable situation....

more importantly the game will be less enjoyable for them as it will take forever to get the cars they desire, the cars they want to enjoy driving, which is what most people bought this game for, the people against duping thing grinding their way to certain cars is an acheivement to brag about down the pub, its a wast of life thats what it is, i bought this game to enjoy it not go round indyy course 10.000 times or rerace races that were not even close to being a race in the first place, people that dont dupe or are against it well video games must be their life, this game will be even less enjoyable for those without the internet
The fact that new players will be at a distinct disadvantage to players who started 5 months ago seems an untenable situation....

Exactly. The new restriction is a reward for early dupers and a penalty for new users. "For great justice..." :banghead:
They probably just want to fix the gifting system. And after all, if they made some special cars cost 20 000 000 credits in the game, do you seriously think they were just gonna sit and watch while an X2010 tsunami washed away all of the gameplay progression?
I couldn't vote in the poll as I neither like or dislike it. If I gift a car then that is what it is, a gift. As I am still trying to collect as many cars as possible I can not afford to just give away a car worth 1 million credits or more.
we paid OUR MONEY its OUR GAME now LET the OWNERS of OUR game do what WE 🤬 WANT with WHAT WE 🤬 PAID FOR... COME ON PD!!

That's where you're wrong. The game is still owned by PD. You just purchased a copy of it for personal consumtion. Besides, the gifting feature is part of the online service and you haven't purchased that.
Paid $70.00 for the game, I should be able to send as many cars as I want to whoever I want regardless of price.

PD has been taking very "Nazi" decisions so far IMO.

Maybe by 2015 I should be able to buy most of the 5-20mil cars WITHOUT pointless griding.
Simple. Acquiring cars is supposed time. Duping abreviates that process. Thus, it shortens the time a given player spends with GT5.
Now, binding a player to GT5 for longer periods of time won't make them more money, but it will probably keep the player from going for a product cumpeeting with GT5, which, in the long run, will increase future sales (as the player is less likely to jump ship).

Actually, what seems to be happening is quite the opposite. This is only making GT5 look like a game where you have no choice but to put in serious work to get the valuable cars. If the game is unbeatable, I'm likely not to even give the next in the series a chance. The only sure way to keep people coming back is to let them play the game the way they want to play it. If you force people into a certain method of completing the game then they are likely to become bored and just stop. I had well over half the cars in FM3 before my data corrupted, and the only reason i kept coming back was because it was easy to get cars. I'm not saying I hate GT5 for not having an auction house, but taking away the closest thing to it was a bad decision from a business perspective. Imagine if T10 decided to scrap the auction house because it made it too easy to get cars.

This isn't a Forza Vs. GT5 post, but even though Forza may not have as many fans as GT5, most of the fans tend to stick with it allot longer than GT5 fans. And i think that's because Forza allows you to play the game how you want. You could build your entire collection of cars without even completing a race if you were clever enough. T10 even had an auction house first come first serve give away of some of the more valuable cars, and weekly giveaways of custom cars, which probably helped them convince a few of the players with less time to continue playing the game, and recommend it to their friends.

My point is that PD should try to be allot less strict about how certain features of their game are used and let people play the game the way they enjoy it, that way they will be more likely to consider the game in the future, or recommend it to friends.

Disclaimer: Again, not trying to bash Forza or GT5, just making a comparison of certain aspects to make a point about what keeps customers happy. I love both games equally because they each have their pros and cons that some may not agree with. If you choose to respond to this please do not do so as a flamer and keep your reply civil.
My point is that PD should try to be allot less strict about how certain features of their game are used and let people play the game the way they enjoy it, that way they will be more likely to consider the game in the future, or recommend it to friends.

A good point. Two of my friends that used to play GT1/2/3/4 with me canceled their plans to buy GT5 when I had to tell them that in GT5 the top 10 cars alone cost 165,000,000 credits and the fastest way to get them is to grind a single race (Like the Wind - Indianapolis) 2,358 times. :yuck: