Polyphony Digital partnership with Ayrton Senna Institute announced

But when there's more news, it's easy to use the search function, find this thread and post in it. Then it will pop up again to the front page.
And the Senna discussion in the BGS thread doesn't appear until page 13 or something, and it will probably be followed by other topics for ten or so pages as other news appear from the game show, which will make it harder to find than this thread.

Once again it is in several threads we have plenty of speculation to go around, I'm not sure why people like to speculate on the same topic in multiple threads over in over. It is news worthy of course but I also think not all of the threads in regard to GT6 being at such and such game show were needed either and even questioned that too since the GT6 news feed is good enough.

Either way when more news comes I'm sure this thread may be relevant, but so will the others that also reported on this prior.

Why wouldn't this deserve it's own thread? It's a new reveal like Bathurst or Goodwood and those have their own thread. It seems like it makes a lot more sense to have a thread dedicated to the topic rather than keep discussing in the BGS which will also have videos of other cars/tracks posted from the show floor.

So every tiny portion of GT deserves a thread by your standard then? If say metallic fuchsia was the next color to be released would the multi hues at varying angles beat the subject matter? Quite honestly and realistically, somethings are better left to the small coverage garnered on the news feed. Mount Panorama (Bathurst is a race not the track) was being talked about well before a GT6 sub forum even came to light and Goodwood had its moments as well like that. I don't recall anyone setting up threads about Gordon and Vettel being "included" in GT5.

How do you know its all dlc? Thats the thing about waiting. To me it matters little if senna dlc is actually dlc or included on the game. Same with other things. I'm happy to wait and see whats on the disc. If things are added then its a plus, as long as it isnt something thats core to how the game plays. And even then, tire wear updates, pp value changes etc. were things I really didn't mind in gt5 as far as updates are concerned.

So your not a rational shopper but a loyalist or impulse type? You see (perhaps not) why others would rather get info up front instead of the run around. It seems you don't mind much of what PD does or in this case doesn't do, which is a leaning view against someone that is usually objective for the most part on GT matters (person being Samus that is).
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When I read the title at the news Page I screamed like a little girl, still don't understand anything though what exactly are we getting and when? also will it be free?
PD are on hell of a bizarre company.

"Yes, our blockbuster title may have this obscure old car, because Kaz drove one once. Also, here are four terrifying avatars of legendary racing drivers which appear in this game once. And don't forget the features that we promised you years ago, and those which we removed from the series for no reason."
PD are on hell of a bizarre company.

"Yes, our blockbuster title may have this obscure old car, because Kaz drove one once. Also, here are four terrifying avatars of legendary racing drivers which appear in this game once. And don't forget the features that we promised you years ago, and those which we removed from the series for no reason."

You mean the good ones but keeping the bad features that no one wants. Though I must say it was a good move to pull the exp level system.
You mean the good ones but keeping the bad features that no one wants. Though I must say it was a good move to pull the exp level system.

Yes that was good. I was mentioning the pulling of leaderboards and real-time weather updates for tracks in GT5P.
How do you know its all dlc? Thats the thing about waiting. To me it matters little if senna dlc is actually dlc or included on the game. Same with other things. I'm happy to wait and see whats on the disc. If things are added then its a plus, as long as it isnt something thats core to how the game plays. And even then, tire wear updates, pp value changes etc. were things I really didn't mind in gt5 as far as updates are concerned.

I know it's all going to be an update, because that's what it says. Nowhere does it say any of this is on disc. Personally I'd rather wait to start with a fully fleshed out game, rather than get things as an update once I've already finished half the game like GT5.

It's just really bizarre they're only telling us about what is coming in updates rather than what's on the disc.
I rather wait for Kaz to fully knows what's included in the Senna content, before coming out announcing something that might not even be there. Included on disk, DLC or update, it doesn't matter to me as long as the content inself is "done".

Words of wisdom right there:tup:

When I read the title at the news Page I screamed like a little girl, still don't understand anything though what exactly are we getting and when? also will it be free?

Don't know when it's coming or if it's free..but I doubt it'll be free if Interlagos is part of the deal. It'll be a "Senna Package", and I'm guessing $9.99.

Imagine it's summer 2010 and PD announces, "Guess what fellas, we've got F1 driver SebVet, 4 time Nascar Champ Jeff Gordon, and a tie in with Top Gear, the greatest car show in the history of the planet"

Now think about how it was implemented in the game. Yeah.... PD has a lot, A LOT, of work to do to make this content meaningful. If it's just slapped in there in some weak fashion like in GT5, it'll be a real disservice to the memory and legacy of Senna, and an embarassment to the franchise.
I can see it now. CGI Senna-lizardman: "...and don't forget to crash into your rivals when trying to win a championship"
Imagine it's summer 2010 and PD announces, "Guess what fellas, we've got F1 driver SebVet, 4 time Nascar Champ Jeff Gordon, and a tie in with Top Gear, the greatest car show in the history of the planet"

Now think about how it was implemented in the game. Yeah.... PD has a lot, A LOT, of work to do to make this content meaningful. If it's just slapped in there in some weak fashion like in GT5, it'll be a real disservice to the memory and legacy of Senna, and an embarassment to the franchise.
Atleast they stated it wasn't on disc from the start. This might give them a bit more to work on it.
Maybe, but they said updates, so it's about as ambigous as the Course Maker. Not sure what it entails, or if it costs money.

I thought some of the profits were going to his institute? Need to take money from someone before you can give it away.
I thought some of the profits were going to his foundation? Need to take money from someone before you can give it away.
They mentioned profit for selling the game itself (GT6), not about the DLC/update/magic file of evil's bane. I'd still be willing to pay for it if it's DLC that actually profits these children.
I can see it now. CGI Senna-lizardman: "...and don't forget to crash into your rivals when trying to win a championship"

If you no longer go for a gap, you are not a racing driver plus you don't have damage here so go on son give him a Shunt - Ayrton Senna
So we're left wondering yet again. This is really starting to get annoying :P
You might consider that the game is just a little over a month from release... closer than it's ever been! :D

Once again, I know I'm the oddball here, but I'm really excited over the prospect of getting a Gran Turismo game in which I know almost nothing. We still don't know if we're getting used cars! That's how little hard info we have about game content. But I like it. This is going to make GT6 like a treasure box when I open it, unless they give in and dump a whole load of info in the weeks upcoming. If they do, which isn't unlikely, I'm probably just going to give GT Planet a peek now and then. Which, bonus for some of you who are tired of me gushing about GT6. Free unfettered complaining!

As of midnight, GT6 is exactly six weeks away from release. If Kaz and SONY don't dump it all in our laps beforehand, that's really not a long time to wait.
They mentioned profit for selling the game itself (GT6), not about the DLC/update/magic file of evil's bane. I'd still be willing to pay for it if it's DLC that actually profits these children.

Oh wow. Kinda wonder if it's just the Brazil sale profits then.

If they do release it as paid DLC (they should charge something) I hope they donate from worldwide sales.
I will stay away from GT6 news and discussion within 2 weeks from release, so when I get the game, it will be like it was back in the 90's when I bought my 1st GT :D
So your not a rational shopper but a loyalist or impulse type? You see (perhaps not) why others would rather get info up front instead of the run around. It seems you don't mind much of what PD does or in this case doesn't do, which is a leaning view against someone that is usually objective for the most part on GT matters (person being Samus that is).

You assume things. I said I don't mind the add ons as long as its not core parts of the game left out. I've also repeatedly said to wait for more information before jumping the gun. So your little rationale is wrong and not needed.
So what can we expect? Williams FW16 or McLaren MP4/4 or Lotus 97T or a racing suit+helmet based on the McLaren years?

Looks good an all, but it better be cars and hopefully a track (Imola).

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