PD doesn't have one because it doesn't have any exclusive licensing deal that could interest EA (that we know of). Sony may refuse to license EA games (which is a daring, perhaps suicidal move), or offer licensing at a lower cost (which I suspect is what happened with MS/T10 and EA - remember, the licensing fees alone may be up to 10$ per unit sold).
Whatever happened in between EA and T10 (whether an exclusive license agreement with a manufacturer was used as a bargaining chip, status as a first-party developer was pulled to obtain EA a "privileged" status on Xbox and PC, or a lot of money simply changed hands), I don't see that happening again with PD.
P.S: of course, take what I say with a generous pinch of salt. I am in no way an insider to the gaming industry, and what I say is pure guesswork stemming from a tenuous grasp of copyright/trademark laws and economics.