If you don't breed have your dog neutered. It's really nonsense that the dogs gets less aktiv. Due to the change in hormones the dog burns less energy and needs less food. I have 3 neutered dogs all very energetic at the age of 4 5 and 6.
Neutering takes away the sharp edges of hormonal behaviour, often reduces aggression. Because of the less/non excisting sexdrive neuterd dogs often become more social to males and female dogs.
Mostly the training methods and attributes are the cause for behaviourproblems! Methods used with force and pain cause loads of problems. Methods using positive reinforcement and simultanious negative reinformement (choke chains / gentle leaders / shockcollars) are also very dangerous. Dogs recieves reward en punishment for the same behaviour. That kind of stuff would confuse the hell out of me
Problems often seen by those methods, these dogs develop a hate for other dogs, some men, other animals, aggression towards children, aggression towards the owner. Can get hyperaktiv, start mutulating themselves etc etc
Oh and most of Europe is for neutering! Mostly it is the "Boys" wo have a problem with it. All those masculine cultures to

We people breed and breed and breed with our dogs. If they want to get the dog population/breeds healthy again. arround 250 breeds have to disappear because the issues concerning health. (Gene Study by Gencouns).
The massive problems of Straydogs, the Greyhound Industry, Disposal of Galgo Espanols in Spain, Fighting Dogs, Dog Markets and Puppy Farms, Breeders for a Quick Buck etc all add up to those problems we are facing. We don't need more dogs that can be put to sleep every month. We don't need more puppies that go to shelters after 1 year because they cause problems. We don't need more suffering to certain breeds because we people think it comes with the breed. When do they finally wake up! Those problems we have with our dog population are caused by men and its about time people take responsabillity for their actions and not reflect their problems onto the dogs!