Interesting observation, will have to play with the diff settings and perhaps even tweak the camber/toe/rebound/ABR to perfect that rotation on exits.
We are all here to learn...I think...and I join you in thanking all those that have helped me as well. If you are into learning about the underlying principles and mechanics of driving clean and fast, Scott's introductory content is a great place to start. 👍
Great posted video. I used his track guide to garner a top ten qual time with the 356 at Brands Indy. My first ever showing on my regions top ten.
All-I only just updated last night late. I drove some this morning-keeping the same combo I was driving pre update which was Brands.
The hairpin is much better now in the mr I was using. It doesn’t snap oversteer as easily when bringing in the power on exit.
To me it seems the physics are more forgiving, but I haven’t driven enough across classes to really put my finger on it. My guess is that this update will limit wheel users advantage somewhat in certain situations that I like to take advantage of...I’m not sure this is good for me...
So far I can say I don’t like the forgiveness of the grass when you hang part of a tire off at Brands.
I like the way you can apply power correctly on hairpins in mr though. The game imo has always been touchy about that...
The jury is still out for me. It drives well still, I just need more seat time to say anything definitive. The progressive grip loss has been good for a couple updates now, the weight transfer stuff has been good...
We are on rm tires for Brands which should be quite sticky...I need to do more extensive testing. I can say though that my friends list qual times all went down a fair amount since the beginning of the week and a short session today got me down another three tenths. So more grip for RM tires...More forgiving to get on throttle early on exit...
I’m torn, I am not sure about this...The hairpins behavior before was a problem. It shouldn’t have been THAT hard to get power down, the rs01 squirted a ton before with even partial throttle anywhere near the power. Sweet spot in hairpins...
It was unrealistically squirrelly imo. I think now though that high speed corners are made too easy...
The jury is definitely out on this latest change...
It still drives good, but it’s definitely more forgiving which is going to maybe make it hard for better drivers to separate themselves.
I need more seat time...