• Thread starter praiano63
I took some time away from gt7 but man, just signed up on patreon after testing some tunes and dude, you are on it! It reallly makes the game fun for a casual gamer like myself. There are a TON of cars you've updated, i had no idea. And the search engine /site? Keep it up my man! Thanks
I’m just a regular person, I never ever come home from work clean. I work hard for my money, my hands have the callouses to show. I have to take the soles out of my boots everyday so the sweat dries out of them overnight, otherwise I have wet feet from the start. I blew my nose at the end of work today and it was black from all of the dirt and dust I inhaled. I gladly spend some of my time working to contribute to his time and expertise. Trust me, I’m not sitting on any mountain top over here.

You are here on a message board, you know his tunes are legit. He lives a normal simple life, he’s not flying a private jet around. He’s trying to live his life. He’s dedicated over 15 years. So in order to make your life easier, apply yourself and ask around for extra work. Explain your situation, people will help you achieve your goal and maybe more!

Him adding a site is not the problem. You can fix this on your end by working just a fairly small amount. Ask your neighbors, friends, family, so on. Tell them seriously you are passionate enough about this race simulator that you look online for this man’s expertise. Maybe you will make enough that you can pay every month now.

I’m guessing it’s probably going to be easier than my chosen profession, and hopefully more lucrative than me as well. But I try to fix my situation when I need to. If you have hands to play, then you can most likely find a project to help someone with. Obviously this doesn’t apply to all. We are all in different situations. Why keep asking what is with this change? Change what you’re doing and find work. It won’t take long, you won’t need even a part time job to pay for this. Couple of hours max should suffice.

Tell the people around you, ask for their help. You will not regret it. Tell them it makes you happy to race, they will understand. Be happy with a turnkey rocket ship car every time. Get your situation where you want to be, not his. We are all trying to live life.
ack ack. fly me with balloons! Serious, spot on post bro. The 5 bucks is so so worth it. It's amazing what praiano can do Peace