Presidential Election: 2012

  • Thread starter Omnis
I agree. The Politicians and their connection to Wall ST Corps should be the Target. But, that will never happen, regardless of what you guys are attempting here. Eventually the Corps will merge into Even more consolidated Mega-Multi National Corps that will rule us all. Someone willing to take those giants on is the only solution.
It amazes me that you don't think information can spread to the point of destroying a politician's career but do think it can be spread enough to destroy corporations. If it can't be done one way it can't be done the other.

I will choose the action that is least likely to find us in ruins.

You can see over generations How much less we have than we did in the 50's.
Define less. You speak of generations. My grandmother is 97 and she can't believe how much we have today when they used to save the butcher's paper on their meat just so they had paper for school. And it wasn't because she was poor by the standards of the time, but that paper wasn't readily available. The idea of throwing paper away is beyond her because one sheet of paper was all she had for a week.

As far as Prison time for execs. Everyone knows they don't do the same kind of time as the average criminal who robs someone.
So 25 years in one case, 45 in another are too short?

Even if they do do any time at all. They still leave jail wealthy and happy men.
As I said before, they have to be truly successful to reach the position to destroy entire companies and rip off shareholders. They didn't steal their way to the top. Once you takeaway the money they stole, plus any extra compensations deemed appropriate, it does suck that they might still be rich, but somewhere in there is honestly earned money.

I can only think of Madoff or whoever and someone in a banking scandal or something.
Granted, I didn't include Madoff because I didn't consider a Ponzi investment scheme to be the same as a corporate scandal, but hey it was done via an LLC.

Bernie Madoff has been sentenced to 150 years, and as for serving prison time like other criminals there have been reports that he has been in multiple prison yard fights, and has had to receive treatment for stress-related hives and rumors of facial lacerations and even broken ribs and a punctured lung, although he claims his hospitalization was due to hypertension. Heck even if it was just hypertension clearly his stress levels are very elevated. Call me crazy but I bet even white collar criminals locked away from women for years eventually have guys who get the the nickname Bowling Ball Bag Bob while they do the Silence of the Lambs dance.

Enron? I think the examples of execs getting off virtually scott free while bilking millions of people far outweigh the couple examples you may or may not be able to recall.
Um, the first example I recalled was ENRON. Lay was to serve 45 years. But he died. Sorry he didn't get the same kind of prison sentence other criminals do. Skilling is facing 24 years and 4 months. Yes, Arthur Anderson, charged with obstruction, had their guilty verdict overturned by the US Supreme Court due to procedural issues, but their name was so tarnished that it has not been able to maintain viability. And the NatWest three got off light with only 37 months in prison, but they also worked out a bargain that likely played a role in catching Lay and Skilling.

So, let's try again. Actual evidence of a trend. Not just anecdotes of what you think has happened. I won't deny that some executives probably get away while the getting is good and the hundreds or thousands of unknowing employees suffer the legal consequences, but it seems to me that when the evidence is there to tie wrongdoing, not just poor management, to individuals they do suffer the consequences.
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Im done arguing. I don't even care enough to research this crap and no one else does either, So what's the point? Besides to argue. It takes to long in a forum in this format. Waste of time. We could counter all day back and forth. I will give you one last example because it's all I have patience for now.
People still have way less today and I am not talking about electronic do-dads that impress grannies. We have less job/retirement security and less of the things we actually ought to care about and an abundance of Frivolous junk and media to placate us. It was easier for my grandfather to buy a home and retire comfortably on an average salary than it is today. Your completely ignorant of the facts if you think it is easier to afford a house and retire nowadays then back then. Less Company's providing benefits etc. You want to hide your head in the sand and stand on COMPETITION and Capitol markets blah blah. Whatever. I only care enough about politics to know it's BS. Blowhards, both in and outside of it, like to speculate or pontificate on it to seem like they know what's up. I should know that anyone who wants to participate in it for the sake of argument is just as lame and self serving as the fat cats themselves. My only real point is that there was too much connection between Money/Corps and government, which I am sure we all can agree on. The rest, who cares how it's achieved. It aint going to happen here on GTP though, I know that much. The sentiment can't even get traction in social media yet. Maybe Twitter kind of? I am out. Peace
It was easier for my grandfather to buy a home and retire comfortably on an average salary than it is today.

The average salary buys more today than it did then (based on a chart only a few pages back). Something tells me that most of our grandfathers were much harder workers than we are and took less for granted too.
The average salary buys more today than it did then (based on a chart only a few pages back). Something tells me that most of our grandfathers were much harder workers than we are and took less for granted too.
This. In a way I'm embarrassed to be a part of the generation I am because everybody is a little bitch. But then there are the facts: It's simply more difficult today to build an average lifestyle for one's self. Unless you get lucky with some big happy corporation during high school (Kroger and UPS are two local examples) then you're unlikely to make that life for yourself without a college education. Back when my dad started working in machine trades (high school) it was a busy, reliable, well-paying and highly respected trade. You can't blame his generation for not planning for the near-failure of their trade 40 years later. After all, why would anybody plan for such a thing when everything is prone to failure?

What I'm doing, trying to become an airline captain, is basically just another skilled trades job. Sure, you need at least a 4-year degree to get it. Funny thing, airlines literally do not care what degree it is, because a college degree literally does not apply to flying an airplane in any way. Well, maybe you'll be better at paperwork or something.

Thankfully though, my generation is so bothered by hard work that we've got plenty of free time to fix the screw ups made by previous generations because they were working too damn hard and not paying attention to things that actually mattered.
Im done arguing. I don't even care enough to research this crap and no one else does either,
Don't offer an opinion if you are going to get moody when someone asks you to back it up. You jumped in the middle of what was obviously a debate. Not sure what you expected to happen.

So what's the point? Besides to argue.
You posted. You tell me.

People still have way less today and I am not talking about electronic do-dads that impress grannies.
A pack of paper is an electronic do-dad? Granted my grandmother has gone from a time before telephones were common to video chatting with her great-grandchildren, but she's been amazed at our society's consumerism and amount of self-entitlement since I was born. She says we have more than she could have ever imagined and yet complain about not having enough.

We have less job/retirement security and less of the things we actually ought to care about and an abundance of Frivolous junk and media to placate us.
Anyone else see a connection?

It was easier for my grandfather to buy a home and retire comfortably on an average salary than it is today.
Did he have multiple computers, TVs, mobile phones, video games, video players, GPS, etc and all the monthly fees that come with them? Did he think he deserved anything he didn't have or did he work long hours or multiple jobs to earn the money necessary to own the things he wants?

Your completely ignorant of the facts if you think it is easier to afford a house and retire nowadays then back then.
We are currently on one income with a child and I still have more money than my grandparents did at my age. The only reason why my grandmother is worth a lot now is because they purchased farm land at pennies an acre that is now worth $20,000 an acre.

Blowhards, both in and outside of it, like to speculate or pontificate on it to seem like they know what's up. I should know that anyone who wants to participate in it for the sake of argument is just as lame and self serving as the fat cats themselves.
People like this:
No. You are wrong. A corporation has rights to own land and such, just like a person, but is not subject to the law like a person is. Do your research.

I think you jumped in because you do strongly believe in what you are saying and you realize that making people in society realize that they are just creating part of the problem starts with small battles. It is the entire concept behind grassroots movements.
No ones backing anything up here or doing any research. Just spouting garbage, then taking someone elses quotes out of context and never really addressing them or providing facts to back claims. Wasted time bros.
Look how the first entry after mine omits the fact that I said nobody is researching their claims and backing them up. Out of context #1
Response #2 refers to how it's easier to buy things now. Of course, labors cheaper in foreign countries where most consumer products are made. Doesn't change the fact that staples such as housing, insurance and gas and taxes have inflated at a rate that far out paces are wage increases. Enjoy your Chinese crap from Target though.

3rd response? not sure what he is saying other than hes a potential airline pilot. Good for him.

4th response. 1st two quotes should have been left together if you want to understand where I am coming from,but you don't, so You cut them up and make fun somehow.
3rd quote? Who cares what your Granny thinks. Shes not an expert nor does she matter to anyone but you. Why would I argue with you or her about your opinion.
No my Grandfather didn't have computers ever, so? Somehow he was poorer for it?

The rest is just to take shots however you can, Glad you earn single handedly, more than your grand parents. Pretty sure the near 6 figures I pulled down my last full year of construction would dwarf what mine made as well. Does not make us rich though.

I don't think society is creating part or any of the problem, government is. I did not come in here to debate anything. Just to point out that it's a messed up system of financial control over the people run by elitist elephants and donkeys with help from Wall St and Big Corps. This financial system of Highs and lows, crashes and rebounds happens, not by accident, but is manipulated so the wealthy can get new investment capitol all the time to re-invest and grow more money. The rest of us just get crushed under a mountain of debt, failed social security, lousy healthcare, poor job market etc etc etc.

To be honest. What are you guys even debating? Is it over all ideas or just perceived errors in each persons post? Seems like people more about arguing, for arguments sake, rather than having any cold hard convictions, or facts. Mostly just opinion or out of context quote taking. Who's on what side arguing what? Why am I a target?
Anyone else see a connection?
You're right. But do you give any of the blame to corporations for the extreme wanting people have these days? Cell phones for example, do you blame Apple and AT&T for creating such a weird need to consume things? I do. But I also do not have a cell phone (no lie!). Pretty much every luxury I have has been received as a gift that I didn't ask for (PS3 ans G27 come to mind:)). But I do give credit to massive corporations for warping people's perception of what is a need.
Anyone seen this yet?

If this guy becomes president I will seriously consider leaving the country as soon as I can. Fortunately, the people of youtube seem to agree with me (look at the likes/dislikes). Unfortunately, this video probably has little effect on a majority of the people who were already voting for him.
It amazes me that you don't think information can spread to the point of destroying a politician's career but do think it can be spread enough to destroy corporations. If it can't be done one way it can't be done the other.

I will choose the action that is least likely to find us in ruins.

Define less. You speak of generations. My grandmother is 97 and she can't believe how much we have today when they used to save the butcher's paper on their meat just so they had paper for school. And it wasn't because she was poor by the standards of the time, but that paper wasn't readily available. The idea of throwing paper away is beyond her because one sheet of paper was all she had for a week.

So 25 years in one case, 45 in another are too short?

As I said before, they have to be truly successful to reach the position to destroy entire companies and rip off shareholders. They didn't steal their way to the top. Once you takeaway the money they stole, plus any extra compensations deemed appropriate, it does suck that they might still be rich, but somewhere in there is honestly earned money.

Granted, I didn't include Madoff because I didn't consider a Ponzi investment scheme to be the same as a corporate scandal, but hey it was done via an LLC.

Bernie Madoff has been sentenced to 150 years, and as for serving prison time like other criminals there have been reports that he has been in multiple prison yard fights, and has had to receive treatment for stress-related hives and rumors of facial lacerations and even broken ribs and a punctured lung, although he claims his hospitalization was due to hypertension. Heck even if it was just hypertension clearly his stress levels are very elevated. Call me crazy but I bet even white collar criminals locked away from women for years eventually have guys who get the the nickname Bowling Ball Bag Bob while they do the Silence of the Lambs dance.

Um, the first example I recalled was ENRON. Lay was to serve 45 years. But he died. Sorry he didn't get the same kind of prison sentence other criminals do. Skilling is facing 24 years and 4 months. Yes, Arthur Anderson, charged with obstruction, had their guilty verdict overturned by the US Supreme Court due to procedural issues, but their name was so tarnished that it has not been able to maintain viability. And the NatWest three got off light with only 37 months in prison, but they also worked out a bargain that likely played a role in catching Lay and Skilling.

So, let's try again. Actual evidence of a trend. Not just anecdotes of what you think has happened. I won't deny that some executives probably get away while the getting is good and the hundreds or thousands of unknowing employees suffer the legal consequences, but it seems to me that when the evidence is there to tie wrongdoing, not just poor management, to individuals they do suffer the consequences.

Less than five examples of punishment for corporate white collar crime? maybe you should try again. LOL trend my ass. Whats more These were probably just fall guys who allowed others to get off scott free.
I would say the percentage of white collar criminals that get caught has to be in the 1% category as well. For the most part, the only ones to investigate it are the people participating in the fraud at high up levels. These White collar criminals that get caught most likely pissed someone off on the inside and got ratted out as your argument supports.
"And the NatWest three got off light with only 37 months in prison, but they also worked out a bargain that likely played a role in catching Lay and Skilling".

Thought it worth mentioning too that these five or so you mention are some very small fish in the grand scheme of things too. No ones ever catching a whopper.
Anyone seen this yet?
He is a 🤬 piece of 🤬! :lol:
I once said that if everyone that thinks they are going to heaven goes to heaven then I'd rather go to hell. People like him are why.
Unfortunately, this video probably has little effect on a majority of the people who were already voting for him.
I think Ron Paul supporters are the only Republicans that can work youtube.

And I know Spermin' Herman Cain is out of the race for now, but, "He allied himself closely with cigarette makers fighting restaurant smoking bans, spoke out against lowering blood-alcohol limits as a way to prevent drunken driving, fought an increase in the minimum wage and opposed a patients’ bill of rights — all in keeping with the interests of the industry he represented."

I think Republican will be a synonym for crazy if people like these two are representing main stream republicans. In other words, Obama will have no competition.
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Anyone seen this yet?

If this guy becomes president I will seriously consider leaving the country as soon as I can. Fortunately, the people of youtube seem to agree with me (look at the likes/dislikes). Unfortunately, this video probably has little effect on a majority of the people who were already voting for him.

Yea I saw that and did some circulating of it. It's like an SNL bit. You expect hear the audience laughing or something. Absurd.
Gay people are inferior beings and simply cannot be trusted with guns.

*According to Rick Perry.
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Gay people are inferior beings and simply cannot be trusted with guns.

*According to Rick Perry.

It's hilarious (in a sad way) that you have to put the asterisk there :lol:
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Since you didn't use quotes or address anyone by name I can only respond to what I believe is directed at me.

4th response. 1st two quotes should have been left together if you want to understand where I am coming from,but you don't, so You cut them up and make fun somehow.
You're right. I should have made the first quote just the "I'm done arguing" bit and then directed you to rule 7 of the Unofficial Opinion Forums Guide.

My second point still stands. You jumped in to add your two cents, and now ask what's the point. Why did you jump in if you think it is pointless?

3rd quote? Who cares what your Granny thinks. Shes not an expert nor does she matter to anyone but you. Why would I argue with you or her about your opinion.
You are claiming that we have less now than people who lived through The Great Depression. People who had to scrounge just to have paper. The poorest of Americans today have more than my grandparents ever hoped to have.

No my Grandfather didn't have computers ever, so? Somehow he was poorer for it?
I did not say that. You said he was able to buy a home and retire on an average salary much easier than people today. I was pointing out all the consumerism based stuff that people spend money on today. Instead of three game systems and dozens of video games we could invest those hundreds or thousands of dollars a year toward retirement. Heck, Dave Ramsey likes to point out how a pack a day smoker who quits smoking and invests the money saved to only average 10% could retire with millions. My mom is very anti-consumerism, not having cable or satellite, barely even watching TV. I sat in with her meeting with her financial adviser last month and she will retire with enough to pull in $50,000 a year from interest. Your grandfather didn't spend his money frivolously the way we do today. If you only buy the things your grandfather bought you too could easily afford a house and retire in comfort.

That was my point. The simple fact you are using a computer on the Internet to talk on a forum based around a video game tells me your grandfather was far less frivolous than you. If anything, I am saying your grandfather was richer than all of us, because he didn't need to blow money on gadgets and gizmos to be happy or enjoy life.

The rest is just to take shots however you can,
Your comments sounded as if you thought you were better than others in this thread because you were walking away. I merely pointed out that you already participated and any reference to us being lame and self-serving also reflected on you.

Glad you earn single handedly, more than your grand parents. Pretty sure the near 6 figures I pulled down my last full year of construction would dwarf what mine made as well. Does not make us rich though.
Well, my wife earns it, as I am currently unemployed after a corporate bankruptcy left me without a job. And I never claimed any of us were rich.

The rest of us just get crushed under a mountain of debt, failed social security, lousy healthcare, poor job market etc etc etc.
I agree that the mingling of corporatist politicians has led to the social security, health care, and some of the job issues, but personal debt is just that, personal debt. National debt is a different story, and clearly a corporatist politician issue, but I just want to make sure we are clear on that.

Why am I a target?
You stated an opinion I don't agree with based on the facts that I see. All I did was challenge you to prove yourself, while posting evidence of where I saw things differently. It's called debate. I gave you an opportunity to prove your point, possibly change how I see things. I could have just ignored you as crazy and your post would have zero consequence.

And before you say that you'll never change my mind, I would like to point out that I have, in the 14 years I have been allowed to vote, changed my registered party and regretted how I voted on ballot issues in the past due to ignorance. I used to be a staunch Republican. But once I got out of college and actually started looking into the whys and hows of things I realized there was no difference in the parties and Republicans didn't believe the things that I do.

Less than five examples of punishment for corporate white collar crime? maybe you should try again. LOL trend my ass. Whats more These were probably just fall guys who allowed others to get off scott free.
I would say the percentage of white collar criminals that get caught has to be in the 1% category as well. For the most part, the only ones to investigate it are the people participating in the fraud at high up levels. These White collar criminals that get caught most likely pissed someone off on the inside and got ratted out as your argument supports.
"And the NatWest three got off light with only 37 months in prison, but they also worked out a bargain that likely played a role in catching Lay and Skilling".

Thought it worth mentioning too that these five or so you mention are some very small fish in the grand scheme of things too. No ones ever catching a whopper.
Yes, five. You made the initial accusation. You need to show it to be a trend. I merely showed that in five minutes I could show evidence that is opposed to your accusation. So far you only named one case without any evidence of what you were talking about. The fact that I had already pointed out as evidence against your accusation made it seem even more so that you couldn't back up your claim and were telling me I was wrong without even looking at what I was talking about.

I am still waiting to see your evidence to back up your claims that guys get off all the time. You say it as if it is visibly obvious. If you can't actually point out an example and link us to the story then how can you say it with such confidence?

Also, I should point out that NatWest got investigated because they were found to be linked to Fastow during the investigation into him for laundering and insider trading. They were charged with wire fraud because they helped him setup the entity he used to do it. Fastow didn't get caught because of NatWest, NatWest got caught because of Fastow. The SEC was investigating Fastow and then met with them. A year later they were found to be in it more than they admitted and warrants were issued for their arrest. They weren't even in the US to be investigated at the time. They had to be extradited. The NatWest guys just decided to save their own hides and admit to what they participated in, which got all but one charge dropped. Unless you somehow have evidence that NatWest, not Enron, was responsible for the Enron scandal they were not even in a position to be the big fish.

You're right. But do you give any of the blame to corporations for the extreme wanting people have these days? Cell phones for example, do you blame Apple and AT&T for creating such a weird need to consume things? I do.
Wow, this is on a level with the 1920's magic bullet theory that "media makes you buy what is advertised" and the 1950's conservative Christian notion that "images of Elvis makes women into sexual deviants"

Sorry, I believe in personal responsibility. Before I buy into that someone will have to explain to me why I don't buy into most of the popular stuff. Both my iPods were gifts that I didn't expect. I only got a smart phone after I had a work and health-related need for some form of PDA device to track meetings, appointments, medicines, daily vitals, dietary intake, etc. And I only decided on the iPhone after almost a year of research and time to see how the Android phones would play out. And did I mention that my desktop PC is almost a decade old?

See, consumerism is a problem of personal responsibility. After a few hard lessons learned in college I have personal responsibility. I don't even own a credit card. My stance on personal responsibility is why while I have been out of a job I haven't been out occupying anywhere. I've been busy applying and interviewing for jobs. You may have noticed that lately I tend to disappear from here for days at a time. I wake up at the same time I did for work and spend the majority of my day looking for work until my wife and daughter get home.

I just had an interview for a position to sell AT&T U-Verse. If I get it I hope you are right, because it would be nice to get those commission checks without effort.

But I also do not have a cell phone (no lie!).
And I don't have a home phone. My job required that I be on call 24/7 was the only reason I got a cell phone to begin with and then I dropped the land line. To this day I hate the 24/7 connectivity of my phone. The only calls I answer(ed) regularly are work, doctors, or my wife. If it weren't for the fact that I have to be in 24/7 contact for my doctors now I would probably ditch mine. Friends and family have finally learned that they will get into contact with me quicker via text or email. They don't commit me to a conversation I don't want, or am unavailable to have but I can respond to them on my phone so it will be within a relatively short period of time.

But I do give credit to massive corporations for warping people's perception of what is a need.
Corporations aren't alone in it. Politicians love to say that things like home ownership, computers, tablet PCs, and the Internet are a right. They go beyond need. When you tell someone they have a right to have something whether they can afford it or not they think it has been officially recognized as a need.

And I know Spermin' Herman Cain is out of the race for now,
To paraphrase Adam Carolla (awaiting comments on his OWS position), how awesome is it to spend $15 million dollars just to let your wife know you were a serial philanderer in the most public way possible?
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The fishing analogy was just to point out there has never been a huge whopper caught. Except for maybe Nixon's resignation. That was a whopper, The Commander in Chief got thrown back, not prosecuted? Finding the connections to Haliburton and Cheney. Or who got paid in the bail out/Lobbying process. Those are the kinds of Whoppers I am interested in. Presiden'ts and High ranking gov officials. The rest that get caught are just Guppies.
My only, and initial point to make when I came in here was that it's a systemic problem that needs to be addressed as such. Like an infection that needs to be treated. My belief is it centers around the connection between lobbying/corporate cash and they're allowed connection to Gov officials. I don't expect gov to address it themselves.
If other people want to argue different points, that's not why I came here.
No one can convince me that we are better off than the generations before us. Those that lived THROUGH the great depression, including my Grandma, who left the Kansas dust bowl, had it better eventually after a rough patch. She eventually got a job at a high school cafeteria. A job that combined with my Gramps job at Cal State Fullerton, as a grounds keeper/maintenance person allowed them both to retire early and pass on a nest egg to children. How many combos like that have that opportunity nowadays? They also lived in Fullerton CA and were eventually overwhelmed in their neighborhood by Illegal immigrant families from Mexico that bought up houses and occupied them with multiple families that started working cheaper for a sliver of American Pie.
Good news everybody. As of Wednesday, pending congressional redistricting, delaying of the primary, and re-opening of the petition, when I vote in Ohio's primary election in June, 2012, Newt Gingrich won't even be on the ballot. That's how little support he has. He also did not make the ballot in Missouri, making him the only candidate to miss the ballot in any state so far.

And yet all these political polls are placing Newt in a healthy 1st place. Now that's a joke if I've ever heard one.
I just saw that anti-gay Rick Perry ad on TV here. Wow. Sad thing is, there's a lot of people around here that resonate with that.
Anyone seen this yet?

If this guy becomes president I will seriously consider leaving the country as soon as I can. Fortunately, the people of youtube seem to agree with me (look at the likes/dislikes). Unfortunately, this video probably has little effect on a majority of the people who were already voting for him.

haahaha ya this video is so funny. Opening line is "you know something is wrong with America when gays can openly serve in the military" lol like who the **** possibly thinks that is going to get you more votes! At least it has more dislikes than I have ever seen.
Directly appealing to fundies is like the political version of jumping the shark.
Within the first breath of each Republican's first response in the abc debate they all completely ignore reality. And Romney was the only one to answer the question.
Wow, this is on a level with the 1920's magic bullet theory that "media makes you buy what is advertised" and the 1950's conservative Christian notion that "images of Elvis makes women into sexual deviants"
Marketing is real. And it works (obviously).
Within the first breath of each Republican's first response in the abc debate they all completely ignore reality. And Romney was the only one to answer the question.
What question?