Obama is a stereotypical Chicago politician. If you were from the States you'd understand that little joke, but since you're not I'll make it simple: He wants to keep you stupid, poor, and dependent so you do as he says you should.
He's got many friends and mentors from Chicago, all of whom supposedly worked for the benefit of the poorest people in that city in particular, and across the country. They're the type of people who believe in group rights, not individual rights. They gathered all the poor black people from Chicago into a bunch, then preached about how they were being held down by the white man, and convinced them that they're owed something by the rest of the country. They set up welfare organizations and got all these poor people signed on. Now all those people are dependent on government assistance, have lacked education for generations, and are nigh incapable of bettering their situation in life because of the great work that Obama and his cronies did for them. The southern end of Chicago, which is where these folks concentrated their ghetto-saving efforts, is now home to
four of the twenty five most dangerous neighborhoods in the country.
Same stuff happened here in Cincinnati, down the highway a bit from where I live. A guy named Buddy Gray did the same type of social work, helping out minorties (poor blacks) in Cincy. He set up low-income housing and whatnot in Over-the-Rhine, a town on the north edge of downtown Cincinnati overlooking the river, which used to be packed full of hard-working European immigrants, mostly German, hence the name. As the black people moved in during 1950s and 60s, the white people moved out to the Suburbs, a common phenomenon in the country at the time. Well, long story short, Buddy Gray was eventually murdered on the sidewalk by a homeless man he had helped personally, and OTR is now the location of the
number one most dangerous neighborhood in the country.
Do I sound ridiculous? Of course I do. This stuff just plain sounds ridiculous, but nobody can deny that it's true. The number of Obama associates who have been in prison for fraud, or involved in various scandals, or are on record preaching hate about various things, is so often ignored it's hilarious, but is truly alarming. The man
learned things from some of the most socially destructive people of recent decades in our country.
EDIT: The study I linked you was from 2009. In the
2010 version, Cincy dropped down to 24, while Chicago took the top spot but only had two places on the list, instead of four.
The fact is that both the Republican and Democrat parties are in the business of destroying civil liberties in our country. The only difference is that they attack it from different angles. The end goal is the same as it has been for thousands of years, and that is to control everything. There are many historical examples of failures of government that have an uncanny resemblence to what is occurring in our world right now.