I would like to know what you are doing to change this country? Are you voting? Will you change the country by voting for someone that lobbyists have appointed in the name of their own interests?
Is this rhetorical? I assume it is, or I can assume you walked into this thread and started arguing with people without reading enough of the thread to know where certain people stand on the issues.
Things change over time, especially 200 years.
Ah, the false belief that because the US Constitution is over 200 years old it must be out of date, having
never been updated in any form (false), and that it left no way for new issues that arise to be dealt with (false).
The US Constitution can, and has been changed, and prevents itself from being a hard and fast rule against new issues that arise by giving the power to deal with those things to other entities than the federal government.
I honestly believe the only people that believe the US Constitution is out of date are the ones that haven't take the time and effort to understand what it says, what it does, and how it works.
What is most-curious is that Murdoch threw his support behind Santorum today. Not only did he choose the most-clueless candidate, he chose the one who associates least with younger voters, and has little appeal outside of the bible-belt. It is demonstrating completely that it is a numbers game, and the only thing they care about is being elected and maintaining power. Paul is a direct threat to what they want, and they will not deal with it.
Yesterday (Monday) I read five different opinion pieces, all which had a title that said Ron Paul was dangerous for the country, and then the articles went on to address the same exact foreign policy talking points based on the same exact false information.
I honestly believe that different authors in different cities with different papers writing what is basically the same opinion article, but were not exact duplicates, is evidence that someone made a coordinated effort to attack Paul with false information. If I had to guess, I would guess Murdoch/Santorum made the move.
OBAMA 2012!!!!! The conservatives scare the crap out of me, especially Rick Perry!
So, you are a fan of the NDAA and The Patriot Act?
The fact that Santorum's leading isn't actually disappointing me as much as I thought it would. Although Paul is my first choice, Santorum seems like a safe second choice given the fact that Romney, Gingrich, and Perry seem to fit the "big government/more spending" type.
Um, Santorum?
The annul gay weddings Santorum?
The voted to expand Medicare Santorum?
But now says he wants to reduce all entitlements Santorum?
The billions in earmarks Santorum? Are we talking about the same guy? Or did you follow the first Google result for "santorum"?
What plan?
I guess you were unaware that Ron Paul is the only candidate, including Obama, to release a budget plan with actual details?
I would suggest you inform yourself on candidates before you speak ill of them. It will save you from embarrassment.