Presidential Election: 2012

  • Thread starter Omnis
To me, it looks like Ron Paul is really the only candidate who has any chance of beating Obama. Gingrich wouldn't have a hope, and Romney would lose the 20% of voters Keef was talking about. It's really a shame, it'll be harder for Paul to beat out Romney than it would be for him to beat Obama. I just don't get how anyone in their right mind could think that Romney or Gingrich would be good for America. Romney is just more and more of the same. He's a slick, good looking smooth talker who is "electable", and just flip flops on his issues. He's just a puppet for the GOP establishment.

I really do believe that if Ron Paul is nominated for the Republican party, he stands a very good chance of beating Obama, particularly if the economic situation in the US doesn't improve, or worsens in the next few months leading up to the election. Paul really strikes me as the only candidate who can possibly draw away voters from Obama, as well as get most of the Republican vote.

Damn, I just went to try and donate some money to Ron Paul's campaign, but apparently you have to be a US citizen.
Ah, poor Foolkiller.

Those must be the pills that come in a big bottle labelled:


Cures all known ills!

I know, there's been a lot of slick advertising promoting this product:

But you obviously neglected to read the small print:

Results vary. Side effects may include unrealistic optimism, dashed hopes, delusion & depression.
I know, how crazy to think that freedom, independence, and human rights are important.

I should be one of those sane people that thinks every successful person is out to steal from me and insists that government solve all my problems. But darn it, I just can't come to put the responsibility of my choices and my bad luck on my fellow citizens. Get me the comfy room with the special jacket.

The good news? Therapy is available. May I suggest the Canadian online pharmacy. Prescriptions are available from Dr. Biggles. :)
No thanks. As a crazy man I take responsibility for my own medication. If I can survive unemployment (4 months, less than half the time of the national average) without taking other people's money I can get my medication without relying on the guy selling pills he got from his neighbors.

I didn't mean to suggest it was his fault. I just assumed that your boy was some sort of hometown hero in that state and everybody loved him.
About as much as if I were to be a newspaper columnist in Bible Belt Kentucky. I know two types of people in this state: Hardcore liberals and religious, pro-war conservatives. Not counting Rand Paul, I only know of two other people who think like I do in this state. Even at Rand Paul events I met more religious conservatives than anything. They were just the ones more concerned with the economy than security through war.

I'm sure the results wouldn't have been as good without him, but I expected more.
According to the email I received from Ron Paul this morning, he quadrupled his support from South Carolina in 2008.

Rick Perry wanted to go back into Iraq. New Gingrich wants to start a war with Syria. Both of them along with Rick Santorum, as well as Obama, are considering going to war with Iran. Ron Paul thinks we should cut overseas military spending because it is out of control.

Iono, I'm not sure. What do you guys think?
A Romney vs. Obama election will actually come down to whether or not Romney can corral Ron Paul supporters like myself. Up to 20% of Republican voters support Paul right now, many of those young, smart, fervent supporters who are very unlikely to compromise their vote.
I think, as a fervent Ron Paul supporter, you are over-estimating your influence on the grand scheme of things in the GOP and on the national landscape and re-framing reality to inflate your preferred nominee's perceived importance.


Speaking of Dr. Paul....

Ron Paul appeals to young people and to non-Americans because he is the only current GOP vestige of intellectualism and the capability to recognize a world made up of shades of greys instead of black and white.

He's the porterhouse steak in a party of ground chuck.
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I read that Iowa has botched up its counts of the votes. A horrendous gaffe if true.

Can someone confirm this?

Also, excellent graph/picture Keef.
What are those charts trying to show, anyway? For example the first one says "USA 55%, Everyone Else 45%". 55%/45% of what? I have no clue what's being measured (or whatever) here. Something I'm missing?

EDIT: Never mind. Just saw the chart in the other thread; it's military spending.
He would probably be proud of his son for setting such a public example of civil disobedience in the face of unreasonable authority. If everybody did this, the TSA would not be a problem anymore. Nobody in this country has any balls anymore, and if they do they don't fly across the country. They drive like men.
In fact, I hear balls and a spine were the anomaly that set off the TSA's scanner.

Anyway, makes me proud to have him as my senator.

I have seen some talk regarding Article I Section 6 of the Constitution (crazy talk, I know) where it forbids the arrest of members of Congress on their way to a session, with reasonable exceptions of course. Now because of the arrest vs detained language I am unsure if those claims have any basis.

However it plays out, it should make for an interesting debate tonight.
Documented case of a person being paid by the Romney campaign to advertise for him outside a voting location...

Will people with cable get the debate tonight? I can't find it anywhere. I was told it was on NBC, but all NBC networks claim they are playing something else.

EDIT: Thanks Chaos, I found it. My newspaper and channel info bar had it wrong.

Also, a half hour in and Paul got one question. One! Maybe it's to Paul's advantage that Newt and Mitt are slugging it out in the middle but still.
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I'm not watching much of the debate, but I did just hear Romney use the term "fighting season" in reference to overseas military conflicts. As if there is a particular season for war, like deer season or duck season.

Hey everybody, grab your guns, fighting season starts this weekend! It's almost time to go to war again, I can't wait!
Hey everybody, grab your guns, fighting season starts this weekend! It's almost time to go to war again, I can't wait!

:lol: I had the same thoughts. I wonder if the Taliban knows to stay in their cave during this so called "fighting season".

In David Attenborough's style: We're now approaching wild Taliban's natural habitat, the cave. During the summer months, the Taliban is free to roam undisturbed, but come fighting season, they retreat to the caves for protection against the dominant species, the American GI.
My friend got to be on Freedom Watch today. I was talking to her about Bastiat at the last meeting and on air she totally made it sound as if she had just found it on her own and everything. :grumpy: No respect.

Anyway, it's amazing how fakey TV makes you. I wonder if I could have handled it.
I'm not watching much of the debate, but I did just hear Romney use the term "fighting season" in reference to overseas military conflicts. As if there is a particular season for war, like deer season or duck season.

Hey everybody, grab your guns, fighting season starts this weekend! It's almost time to go to war again, I can't wait!

Check your history. Fighting season, or more specifically campaigning season, was a very real phenomenon. Maybe not so much now with today's high tech warfare though.
Check your history. Fighting season, or more specifically campaigning season, was a very real phenomenon. Maybe not so much now with today's high tech warfare though.
This was true a hundred or more years ago. But now, and especially referring to desert wars, it just sounds like he's ready and raring.

Get some!

Everyone in this campaign is an idiot, in my opinion.

Obama for the win.

Elaborate why the GOP candidates are morons, and why Obama is better.


FYI United Statesmen, I'm following but still not fully engrossed in the election. I must admit, I like the way Ron Paul conducts himself. He's clearly the standout candidate amongst the GOP.

As for Obama, I've always said whomever had to follow Dubya had one tough mess to sort out and no, he hasn't been as successful as he could have been. But can he still win the election? If the GOP keeps bickering amongst itself with ludicrous candidates like Santorum and Gingrich, his chances are increasing by the primary.
The GOP canidates are morons simply because of everything that comes out of their mouths. People fail to realize what will happen to our country if one of them were to become president.
Ron Paul want's to get rid of TSA; why? Because of course people don't like it. So what if people don't like it? I would rather want to be safe while flying on a plane then to know that the person in front of me could have a bomb in his underwear.
Also, all these people stating that Obama made the country into a huge deficit, or how unemployment increased under his presidency, is a lot of bs. Why? Take a look at this graph on country balance:


Bush was president until 2009. As you can see, President Obama inherited Bush's mistakes; the Republican nature of most Americans refuses to accept that, however.
Im sorry, but I see literally no reason to support President Obama anymore. He signed the NDAA, that should be reason enough for you to want him out. Remember how much of a 🤬 storm there was when Bush put the PATRIOT act through? The NDAA is worse. Much worse.

From the outside looking in, Ron Paul is literally the only candidate who isn't just more of the same. Obama, Gingrich, Romney, and Santorum are all just more of the same, a "moderate" candidate with conflicting beliefs and a belief in big government (as well as constantly tearing up and spitting on the US Constitution). Obama didn't just "inherit Bush's mistakes", he's made a lot of his own.
Obama may not be the best president, but he's hell of a lot better then Bush.

None of the candidates are worthy to become presidents. They should have just stayed as senators or whatever their previous job was.
Obama may not be the best president, but he's hell of a lot better then Bush.

Would you like to elaborate, or just misinterpret your opinion as fact? I don't remember President Bush signing a document that allowed one's writ of habeas corpus to be taken away solely because one in charge sees him as a terrorist threat. Remember all the old ladies and toddlers who were on the watch lists and were detained at airports? If you don't, I bet you that he did.
Would you like to elaborate, or just misinterpret your opinion as fact? I don't remember President Bush signing a document that allowed one's writ of habeas corpus to be taken away solely because one in charge sees him as a terrorist threat. Remember all the old ladies and toddlers who were on the watch lists and were detained at airports? If you don't, I bet you that he did.

Edit: I literally just googled "President Bush signing a document that allowed one's writ of habeas corpus" and it's the third story.

X2Edit: Creepy that this thread is now two under it.

Edit: I literally just googled "President Bush signing a document that allowed one's writ of habeas corpus" and it's the third story.

Beat me too it.

Also, Bush vetoed a bill that should have passed, known as H.R.1591. This bill would have provided assistance relief to the victims of Katrina and Veterens, and it would also hold some but not all of Iraq accountable for the destruction during 911. Bush vetoed the bill because he felt it "moved funding into the wrong direction." Obviously meaning he would rather fund millions of tax-payer dollars into military and warfare.
Okay, enough about Bush. I don't think anyone here is really arguing for Bush, so stop living 4 years ago, and explain why Obama is so great.
I never said Obama is so great. I'm just trying to say at least he does what he says he does.

The candidates can say what they want, but they'll find a way to twist the truth and do things opposite without Americans caring.