Project CARS General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
There is nothing wrong with it, of course. You just have to realize that they are on a very tight budget being an independent studio trying to launch its own first big title. So its very much a either/or decision to release the game on PS3/360 or next gen consoles. And since the game will release in the second half of 2014 and is supposed to have a 2-3 year life cycle with continous support and DLC, its rather obvious by this point which direction would be the better to go for them. Also since the next gen consoles are closer to PCs in terms of system architecture and power, it is much more effective to develop the game for them than to re-write and downscale everything for PS3 and 360. Sorry mate, I love my PS3 as much as the next man, but it just makes way more sense for the project to make the next gen move, in my opinion.

Think positive: A year from now, there will hopefully be a bunch of other games besides pCARS that will justify a PS4 purchase. :)
Isn't Project Cars going to the WII U though? Which is for the most part roughly the same power as the PS3/Xbox 360? Or atleast in that ballpark?

As much as I think it makes a lot more sense to go next generation so that the full potential of the game can be met, I also think that if they're gonna downscale and optimise it for the Wii U then it would make sense that it also gets released on the PS3/Xbox360.
Isn't Project Cars going to the WII U though? Which is for the most part roughly the same power as the PS3/Xbox 360? Or atleast in that ballpark?

As much as I think it makes a lot more sense to go next generation so that the full potential of the game can be met, I also think that if they're gonna downscale and optimise it for the Wii U then it would make sense that it also gets released on the PS3/Xbox360.

From what I gather it doesn't need to be stripped that much for the Wii-U as for the others. But depending on Wii U sales and so on, if they die out it could not be viable to develop pCARS for that platform any further either.
It is a platform for which Project CARS could become the brand name (e.g. GT and Forza) of the Wii U though.

Same can be said for SteamBox (if SMS is willing) which can be considered to be a next gen console as well. So Project CARS coming to SteamBox could have a big impact on that platform and basically Linux Gaming as a whole. :sly:

So that's two platforms on which Project CARS could become the brand name racing title. Plus two console platforms to compete with the other brands Forza and GT. Plus the biggest platform of all, the Windows PC on which they will compete with big shot titles like AC, RF2 and iRacing (to name a few).

Also for those that are wondering about why we have to drop the 360 or PS3. If you really look at the game now and the reports of the PC specifications needed currently. Do you still really think it is possible to run it on those 7 year old machines? The game would have to be stripped like hell and it wouldn't feel at all anymore like that what you get on PC. In return you feel robbed of your money as you think you got the short end of the stick and so on and so forth.
So while you guys or hoping and wishing, please think carefully about what you are wishing for and what you would get if those are granted. Plus don't forget your response to that and thus your possible disappointment as a result. It's not PCARS related but at 5:20 it talks about how hard it is to develop games on the next gen consoles. And that's from a large well known company. Imagine how much harder it is for Slightly Mad Studios.

Have you actually heard what was said. It is only that in this early process where nothing is set in stone and features and hardware specs change that it is hard. However, both PS4 and XB1 will be out well before the pCARS release. Which will probably be November next year. So as the consoles are released this Christmas we have something that is set in stone and since the hardware and APIs are close to that of a PC it is easy to develop for. A thing that is also mentioned in that video.

So with the easier developing and machines being released, and the extra power. With all of that we will see a better game at less dev costs most likely.
Yeah no I couldn't care less about graphics what's wrong with just wanting to be able to play this on my PS3?

I didn't say anything about graphics. I said amazing racing games, and apparently you think an amazing racing game is one with awesome graphics.

Let's try it again: There are many amazing racing games on PC that you will be able to play as well if you want to play pCARS.

I'm merely suggesting that you may already have a PC, or that you may find it better value to pick up or assemble a cheap gaming PC and then enjoy the WIDE RANGE of good racing games available than pick up a console for one game (two if you count the not-so-impeding release of GT7).

There's nothing wrong with wanting to play it on your PS3, but you're probably not going to be able to, at least not initially. You're not going to be able to play Forza 5 on your PS3 either. Sometimes life just sucks.
i would buy ps4 just for this game, nor for the graphics but for tracks selection. in fact i'm one of the few that loved shift 2 just for the tracks it offered
Though I already got Project Cars for the PC, I'd love to see what it looks and plays like on the PS4, usually with the PS3 we have to suffer greatly on graphics and sometimes in terms of wheel FFB compared to PC versions but it might be the case that atleast for the time being the PS4 could have bridged the gap?

With all that is said, I wouldn't like to play it on the PS3 personally, because it is always going to look like turd compared to what we have come to know from the PC screenshots.
While I agree about the Graphics, I'm in a position where the current hardware I have won't run this nor can I afford the hardware that can and then there's the exact same reason I'm glad GT6 is coming to the PS3: It'll be on hardware I already own and therefore the only money to be spent is for the game itself.
If they do abandon the PS3 version they can't just say "We're not going to release this on the PS3/X360 because it won't look as nice as the PS4/Xbox One/PC versions" it would be a PR nightmare
It will be for timescales reasons rather than graphical reasons. SMS were all prepared to release the game on the current gen consoles without an issue, but now the limitations have been imposed by financial and quality testing timescales restrictions.
If they do abandon the PS3 version they can't just say "We're not going to release this on the PS3/X360 because it won't look as nice as the PS4/Xbox One/PC versions" it would be a PR nightmare

True. But they can say "we're a small company with limited resources, and we've chosen to support the new hotness instead of the old and busted".

Which is far more the truth. I've seen nothing said about moving to the new consoles simply because they'll look prettier, and everything said about doing it because this lets SMS potentially get a leg up on the big players (ie. GT, since NFS and Forza will be out at or near release) and establish a brand early in the console lifecycle.

If they can make a name for themselves now then they can leverage that into sequels with bigger budgets. And making a name is easier on a new console where there's a severely limited amount of competition, instead of on an old console where you're competing with AAA titles at bargain bin prices.
and on other news, there's an ongoing vote for the transition to next gen.. stay tuned (poll open for 2 weeks). :cheers:

I will of course stay tuned! This would be awesome! The screen shots I'm seeing here from the last couple of days are great. Would love to play this game on Xbox One and would love to see the some healthy competition with Forza and GT. If they go PS4 they could really likely jump out in from of GT7 since PS4 won't have a true racing game until one of those.
If they do abandon the PS3 version they can't just say "We're not going to release this on the PS3/X360 because it won't look as nice as the PS4/Xbox One/PC versions" it would be a PR nightmare

To be honest you put too much importance on the looks here. Maybe because you have no idea about how demanding the physics system is currently already, and AJ is holding back on purpose for the 360 and PS3 else he could open up the 'registers' further so to speak and have an even more accurate functioning physics model (which isn't only the tyres btw, but also many engine parts).

Plus there are many more facets of the game that are being held back (a bit) on purpose for the sake of those old faithfuls.
So if they drop it than it won't be for just one thing game wise.

Than we still have to consider the business side of things. I went into the game shop today and they already had huge bargain bins with 360 and PS3 used games that people returned. So a lot of people are making the transfer to the next gen in the course of this next year.
So how viable business wise would it be to stay on the old faithfuls when the userbase gets smaller quickly as these old faithfuls are traded in/sold?
Besides that, from a marketing perspective pCARS has always been a 'next gen' sim racing title. So it would make sense to release it on the new gen consoles rather than the old.

In short. It is time to save up and if we can't we just need to release that we can't consume everything on the market in these current economic conditions.
If they do abandon the PS3 version they can't just say "We're not going to release this on the PS3/X360 because it won't look as nice as the PS4/Xbox One/PC versions" it would be a PR nightmare

Like Logi said, its not only about graphics regarding the game itself. The outdatedness of the old consoles limits everything from graphics to physics to sound to multiplayer. Imagine a multiplayer game with 16 cars at the Nordschleife, at night, in the rain. How on earth should they make that run on the PS3 with a framerate that is better than a dia show?

But also think about the timeframe we are speaking of here. The game will release in the second half of 2014. Thats almost a year after GT6 and FM5. And the plan is to add 2-3 years of support and DLC afterwards. Do you really think you will still be on your PS3 at the end of 2016? And do you really think there will be lots of other people still on the PS3 as well, by then?

No, there wont. And therefor it wouldnt make sense for them to release this game on PS3/360 in late 2014, straight up.
If they do abandon the PS3 version they can't just say "We're not going to release this on the PS3/X360 because it won't look as nice as the PS4/Xbox One/PC versions" it would be a PR nightmare

Leaving the silly looks point aside, please do remember that the "they" you're referring to, will be the community. If the vote says that the community wants to stay on current gen, Ian Bell (head of the studio) has stated that they will obey. 👍

But to be honest it's not looking like that atm. :sly:

I voted 'yes' for the new gen, just because

- I don't want to see the game downscaled for the majority of the sales. To make an impression in this genre you don't want to tie your hands too much and give a bad impression as the first SMS racing game with freedom outside publishers cuffs... I want to support SMS when they have the will to be the ones "pushing the boundaries - both technologically, aesthetically, in gameplay, and pioneering new development methods & models" (Andy Tudor).
- The release is still quite far away, so by that time there's a BIG chance of last gen sales dying out. Especially with the long support for the game SMS is planning.. Who's going to be there to buy* any additional content 2-3 years from now? Having GT6 as the swan song for the ps3 (with the better timing to be just that in many peoples mind), to me it seems really risky to gamble for the last drops out of the old gen. We might find ourselves with a great game with no real audience.

In a sense, I just like more to look forward than to look in the past and be tied by it.


* or just play (!)
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As a non community member imo they should be looking to go next gen especially if it's not due for release until November 2014.

As mentioned in the above post short term they may sell more on current gen but long term they'll make more on next gen.

Anyway, if it is next gen ill pre order if it's not I won't.
If the vote does go ahead in favour of releasing the game onto next gen consoles, and it's looking impossible that it won't be the case, then I think that the funding window may re-open, so get your bank accounts and mouse figures ready!
It would have been leaked by one of the many gaming sites that have staff members who have invested into pCARS at some point anyway.
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