I'm afraid I have to agree with Duck Tracy... I see no need for me to buy the 60GB. Let's break it down:
1) Wi-fi. For starters, I don't have a wi-fi router. On top of that, why would I choose wi-fi over a wired connection, when a wired connection is both faster and more stable? I'm already running cable to my 360.. it's nothing for me to run it to the PS3 as well.
2) Memory card readers. Like the wi-fi, I have no cards that would make use of this. In order to use them, I'd have to spend even more money, on a camera that I'd rarely use, or at the very least, on a card and reader for my PC.
And why would I do that, when I can already see all the pictures I want through my 360? Without shelling out a penny?
3) Larger hard drive. Only if I choose to download and maintain a large number of videos and demos. Really only demos... these days, I can find pretty much any video online and stream it through my.. yep, there it is again... my 360. Right now, on my 360's "tiny" 20GB drive, I have ten demos (and we all know they ain't small), around a half a dozen Arcade games, and thirty or forty video files, most of which are HD. And I've still got a fair bit of room left over. I don't see myself using all 20GB of the PS3's drive, especially if it has more available space at the beginning than the 360's drive did (does it?) And, as Duck Tracy also mentioned, if I do end up running short of room some day, I can just go out and buy my own hard drive, in whatever size I feel is needed. Such a purchase wouldn't come for at least a year, and it's much nicer to my wallet to spread such costs out.
So, in the end, I'd be spending a hundred bucks on what? Stuff I don't need, and stuff I won't use.
And, once again, we prove that just because something is important to one person, does NOT automatically make it important to everyone else.
The only reason I was originally considering the 60GB unit was because it was, originally, the only one of the two to feature a HDMI port. And since the PS3 was going to be a Blu-ray player as well as a game console for me, that was important. Now, the 20GB version has it, and the 60GB becomes nothing but a waste of money.
Besides, I think the 20GB looks better. The chrome lettering on the 60GB is nice, but I don't like the chrome faceplate. Brushed steel? Maybe... Chrome? Nah, I'll pass.