PS3 General Discussion

The difference between Wii and PS3 is Wii users were only promised Gamecube backwards compatibility and different regions didn't get a different setup.

This will follow world wide. ES/GS isn't Us/JPN exclusive, its for the time being. I'm guessing at some point after March PS3's will be hard to come by again when Sony makes the change over like when the released the slim PS2, orginal PS2's were on short order and then the new ones were hard to find. Now they have to supply the whole world.

Surely the will let people know its not the same as the original.
Well, you can't give a polished turd an excellent score. Heck, there's like a 45% review average on GameRankings (even though there's only 2 reviews so far), and that can't be a good sign.
I havn't played it other than the demo, but come on Duck... you should know that taking an average from only two reviews is nearly meaningless. Instead of saying "even though", you should have said "although". In other words, to say that it can’t be a good sign based on only two reviews is absurd at best.

After all, The Godfather, considered by many film critics and fans to be the greatest film ever made, and is ranked accordingly on IMDB with an average rating from users at 9.1 (out of 10), and yet despite this, over 12,000 users also gave it a rating of 1... Obviously if the first two votes were from those that gave this film a rating of 1, you would have been very foolish to have jumped to the conclusion that this was a bad sign for this film.

The point should be obvious, average ratings only mean something when you have LOTS of reviews that are included in the average.

That being said, although I have only played the demo, I would say from what I have seen so far and from the many F1 games I have played on the PS2, it is the best Formula 1 game I have played so far.

Well Duck... the average rating for Formula One Championship Edition on IGN (not exactly a sanctuary for Sony fans) is 8.4.. for over a hundred users... a much better average sample then from only two.

Not too surprisingly though, the IGN reviewer only gave it a 7.2
I also can't help but wonder why, if BC was such an important issue in the first place, why is it that the same media types and people flaming Sony are not doing the same over the limited BC of Nintendo's Wii?
...Huh? Tell me how Nintendo's BC is limited. You can use the same controller and memory card, and there's aren't any problems with playing back GCN titles. Hell, for games with 480p capability, you can finally take advantage of that because Nintendo removed component inputs from the GameCube. As with playing back N64 titles, like Toronado said, you just can't slap a cartridge input on it.

How about some real IMPORTANT news. UK owners will pay less for their PS3 titles than they will for 360 titles.;title;3

So, after what, 10 games? You've saved 100 pounds? So throughout the live of the console (say, 4 years?) you buy about what, maybe 5 games a year? That's 20 games, and about 200 pounds saved. Then take into account that XBL costs money, so save on that over 4 years, and that's what, another 200 pounds saved?

...And if I were in Europe, assuming I kept my PS3 for 6 years, I'd probably save $350. That's huge. How come they're doing this?

Do you think the the software based emulator will be included in an update? If Sony wants to push 1080i/p to everybody you would think they'd do it.
Yeah, I think it will.
The point is there is very little evidence that BC is a deal breaking feature for any console, and more importantly it makes a lot more sense to wait until the Euro PS3 is released, and for the emulation to be tested before crying fowl.
BC is one of the main reasons I bought a Wii (gotta get my SSBM fix). BC is one of the biggest reasons I decided to buy a PS3 so I can get rid of my PS2, and that's probably going to be one of the biggest reasons many people are going to buy their PS3. And I'm still pissed that my X360 can't play RalliSport 2, Midnight Club 3, and SW Republic Commando because you guess it, they're not BC.

I'm not really surprised you're saying this because you seem to be an AV geek more than anything, buying the PS3 because of its Blu-ray playback... but seriously, think about it. Backward compatibility is a big feature, and Sony isn't hyping it for no reason.
GameRankings average review ratio for Formula One Championship Edition is already up to 63% from 6 reviews, and three rated it with a 8.9, 8.3, and 7.9 - the average user rating is 8.3.

EDIT: In just one day the average review ratio has already gone up to 72% from 10 reviews, and six rated it with a 10.0, 8.8, 8.7, 8.3, 8.0 and 7.9.
Why Sony is Right
"In fact, the company told us it would drop hardware emulation way back in the summer of 2006. In June of last year, a report in Japanese technology magazine Ultra One Monthly stated that the firm would be removing the PS2 chipset from future revisions of the PS3 hardware once it completed development of a software-based emulator."
GameRankings average review ratio for Formula One Championship Edition is already up to 63% from 6 reviews, and three rated it with a 8.9, 8.3, and 7.9 - the average user rating is 8.3.

EDIT: In just one day the average review ratio has already gone up to 72% from 10 reviews, and six rated it with a 10.0, 8.8, 8.7, 8.3, 8.0 and 7.9.
72%... not too shabby.
The whole BC thing doesn't matter much to me, but since I have it in an emulated form on my Wii I have taken advantage of it, even though my wife actually plays the games more than I do. I'm determined to beat Contra III though (no cheats).

That said, I didn't care too much before but it will be nice to have the ability for a PS3 as my wife has said that once I get one the PS2 has to go because she doesn't want a bunch of gaming systems sitting around. She made the same threat about the Wii, saying my Xbox and PS2 would have to go until I showed her the size. I'll give her credit, we live in a small house and my gaming collection looks cluttered. Adding a PS3, and possibly a 360 won't help if I need my other two systems to stay there so I can still play GT4 and Halo.

BC is not a make or break deal for me, nor should it ever be for anyone, but it is nice and convenient.
Gamespot have slammed the EU launch again! This time in what appears to be a huge essay!

One of the many lines quoted...

"Once the PS3 is finally released in those territories, customers there will have been waiting longer to pay a higher sticker price for what is essentially less-powerful, less-flexible hardware";title;2&om_act=convert&om_clk=topslot

Why couldn't it just be the same as anywhere else!..... then there would be no problems, oh well.....

The whole BC thing doesn't matter much to me, but since I have it in an emulated form on my Wii I have taken advantage of it, even though my wife actually plays the games more than I do. I'm determined to beat Contra III though (no cheats).

That said, I didn't care too much before but it will be nice to have the ability for a PS3 as my wife has said that once I get one the PS2 has to go because she doesn't want a bunch of gaming systems sitting around. She made the same threat about the Wii, saying my Xbox and PS2 would have to go until I showed her the size. I'll give her credit, we live in a small house and my gaming collection looks cluttered. Adding a PS3, and possibly a 360 won't help if I need my other two systems to stay there so I can still play GT4 and Halo.

BC is not a make or break deal for me, nor should it ever be for anyone, but it is nice and convenient.

If you get a 360 you won't need an Xbox. Halo is backwards compatible. AFAIK...
Do these guy at gamespot even realize the EE/GS less Ps3's will hit everywhere else sooner or later?? This whole BC thing is starting get more and more ridiculous. Gamespot UK is feeding the anti Sony beast.
What's worse is that they suggest it will be "less powerful" when in reality, it will not be. As a PS3, it will be exactly the same, PS3 games will still be PS3 games. All of the PS3 components that are needed to play PS3 games are exactly the same. It's the PS2 games that will have issues (as nearly ALL PS1 games work).

Even then, most heavy hitters will probably work, which would probably be determined by sales, and then other titles would soon follow.
More BS from GS. I'm of the genuine belief that games journalism is the lowest form of media journalism around. At least working as a paparazzi could lead you to getting punched by a drunken celebrity. That's always worthwhile.
The current problem with videogame journalism is that the "videogame" portion seems to be more important, as of late, than the "journalism". Companies in the industry are hiring people who PLAY games, but who are often not qualified to write articles. Without this requirement, the quality of the journalism being done has been degraded significantly.

"Sony has let slip that background downloading will finally be made available in the 1.60 firmware update. Unfortunately, users will end up being a bit confused, and then frustrated by what background downloading actually entails. Background downloading only functions within the context of the Cross Media Bar (XMB)."

So we can only do it while viewing stuff in the XMB? Better, but not the best.

"Sony has let slip that background downloading will finally be made available in the 1.60 firmware update. Unfortunately, users will end up being a bit confused, and then frustrated by what background downloading actually entails. Background downloading only functions within the context of the Cross Media Bar (XMB)."

So we can only do it while viewing stuff in the XMB? Better, but not the best.

I read this earlier, and I'll wait until the update, because I hardly think "innerbits" is a reliable source of news. Is it possible this is true? Sure. But is it possible that Innerbits has connections to the industry that IGN, GameSpot, and GamesIndustry don't have? No.
Let's forget about the stupid GS, here's a nice interview about the Cell:
Unlocking the power of the PlayStation 3’s Cell processor is a difficult task, but how much so? High Moon Studios' (Darkwatch) technical boss Clinton Keith tells Next-Gen how much the Cell has to offer and how his studio plans to bust the processor wide open.
ImageLate last week, Vivendi Games and its game studios wrapped up a workshop with Cell microprocessor co-creator IBM. The point of the “Cell Summit” was to help Vivendi-owned studios such as High Moon get to know the PlayStation 3’s complicated CPU.

In the midst of that workshop, Next-Gen caught up with High Moon chief technical officer Clinton Keith, who spearheaded the two-day gathering. Here, he talks about the complicated nature of PS3 development, when developers will fully realize the PS3’s power, the trade-off between ease-of-development and sheer power and working with IBM further down the line.

Next-Gen: Now you describe [the PS3] as “radically different," but can you elaborate on that more? Just how radical is the PlayStation 3 compared to even its contemporaries like Xbox 360 [note: High Moon is also working on an Xbox 360 title] or other systems?

Keith: Well, in comparing it directly to the Xbox 360, you know the Xbox 360 has three general purpose processors in it. But they’re more like the typical processors that you might see in a PC or Macintosh… With the big general purpose processors, we can write the software traditionally the way we’ve done it in the past, so we don’t have to change things so much.

What Sony did was the Cell processor is it really embeds about seven processors, one of those being the general purpose core and the other six being these real dedicated specific-use type of processors that are extremely fast. But seeing that they’re not general purpose, they’re a little bit more challenging for programmers to get under control and to write software for.

With these Cell processors and these small processors called the SPEs, we really have to not only write software different but we have to think about how we’re solving problems in a completely different light.

Once those complexities are unwound, how dramatically will the PS3 development environment change?

This is what we’re looking forward to that in eight years down the road, as Sony said they want this machine to be around for the remainder of the decade… Right now, the games you’re seeing come out are using engines that are more in the traditional way of creating games, which is that your engine architecture has access to all the other parts of the engine itself. With the PlayStation 3, we’re going to have to figure out how to divide up these things up so that they’re much more separate.

[We’ll have to] explore things such as "procedural synthesis," which really has exciting potential on the PS3. Rather than creating all these environments and all these behaviors by hand, now we’ve got a lot of this power, [so] we can come up with ways that the processor can create environments and create artificial intelligence rules that kind of emerge with gameplay and adjust to the gamers' input, so we can have a lot more variety. That could interest somebody with the concerns of the rising cost of development.

When will developers be able to fully realize the PlayStation 3’s power?

That’s something that we’re trying to discover right now. I think that there are games out there that no one’s ever seen before. I call them sandbox games where—take one of my favorite games, which is the Battlefield series—where you get to play with dozens of people online in a large environment with lots of explosives. The thought I have is that every time you play those levels, those levels are the same. They stay the same and they never change.

What I’d love to do is I’d love to play in an environment that changes over time, that if there’s a building where the snipers are hiding in, you can make a big hole in that building and it stays that way for awhile. To do that believably without creating a ton of assets, we’re going to have to mimic real life and real physics. I think that’s the potential for what the Cell processor can do. It can crunch a huge number of calculations if those environments are built correctly [and] if we figure out how these SPEs work. I think [we’re] in the generation to start figuring that stuff out, so we’re trying to bootstrap that and trying to experiment with those things and see what’s possible.

Will it be something like two or three, four more years before we see just truly mind-blowing games and results from the PS3?

I think somebody might surprise us with a few things here and there. We’ve actually got a prototype on the PS3 that simulates liquid like no one’s seen before and we’ve actually built a little minigame around that to take advantage of that… The goal of this small game was that [we] might be able to put out a small downloadable game that somebody might buy for five dollars, play it on their 1080p television set with their PlayStation 3 and just really show people an experience that no other console can give them on their $3000 TV set.

As a developer, would you rather be working on an extremely complicated system with lots of power to unlock or an easier-to-develop-for system with a little bit less power?

Well I’d rather—it would depend on whether I have a schedule or not that I’m trying to keep. This kind of reflects what we’re doing right now [with the Cell workshop]. We’re focusing on an R&D effort, a heavy R&D effort on the PS3. The focus of what we’re doing this week is to have a small team—called Beachhead team—really kind of explore and make small games that can’t possibly be made on any other platform. They don’t have a schedule and basically they’re kind of discovering as they go along.

Now if I have a title [due out] in 18 months, we’ll have to basically narrow what we’re creating within six months. Then obviously I want tools and to know [those tools] right away.

So what exactly happens after this workshop’s done and how will the relationship between High Moon, IBM and Vivendi continue after this?

Well, I think that we’re exploring continuing this on a more one-on-one basis. Right now, they’re coming down here and they’re working with about thirty engineers across Vivendi in a workshop and giving [Vivendi] hands-on experience with some of their tools that they’ve developed. Going further, I think that the work we do could benefit both IBM and us in looking at specific problems that we’re trying to solve like procedural synthesis… It’d benefit IBM to see the actual application challenges of the Cell processor.

In addition to that, we want to look at utilizing some of these blade servers, which are arrays of Cell processors. We’re doing things like right now, if we had a huge environment and we wanted to pre-light it, it can take half a day for a PC to cook that lighting to the level. The promise of these blades is that we can do that in a few minutes. We always say that the quality of whatever you’re working on is based on how many times you can iterate on it, so we’ll certainly come up with far better looking levels if we can rapidly iterate on things like that.
The current problem with videogame journalism is that the "videogame" portion seems to be more important, as of late, than the "journalism". Companies in the industry are hiring people who PLAY games, but who are often not qualified to write articles. Without this requirement, the quality of the journalism being done has been degraded significantly.
I'd also add that most also appear to have little to no understanding about the technology, and I have very serious doubts that most have decent set-ups that are properly calibrated. While that wasn't necessarily a key requirement with previous consoles, with 1080p & multi-channel HD audio games things are quite different.

If the reviewer isn't playing on a decent display and using an appropriate audio system that takes advantage of what these games are capable of, then they might as well not review the games at all, or at least limit their remarks to just gameplay, and not graphics & sound. At the very least, they should make it clear to readers what A/V system they are using to review them on, so that readers can take that in account how this may have affected their ratings.

Let's forget about the stupid GS, here's a nice interview about the Cell:
Good read, thanks. Where did you find it?
See? Now you know why I want this game so bad.


I've always wanted it, but it's taken a HUGE leap visually from what I saw at E3...huge.

The water has gone WAY up in quality, and the dragon models are VASTLY improved over the TGS demo.
Is it just me or do the dragons heads look just like the Godzilla from the poorly conceived 1998 version (not a bad thing, as I actually really like the look of them):


(Pic Link)

Those flying whales in Lair are just plain creepy looking... and what are they doing flying in the first place?!?! ;)
Anyone seen the new 'European TV Spot' (advert) for Playstation 3? I hope to God that's not made for television and is some sort of marketing promo... I don't think they could make Blu-Ray or the Playstation 3 sound or look any more boring... :crazy:

(The trailer for Bladestorm, on the other hand... :eek:)
I've actually made that connection since day one that some of them look like that, but personally, I like that. It's not typical, and I like the direction they are going by making the dragons beasts and not mythical creatures with personalities.
If you get a 360 you won't need an Xbox. Halo is backwards compatible. AFAIK...
It was a hypothetical if to explain why I like and want BC.

Don't worry, I won't be playing Halo any time soon anyway. It's on my "I hate you for life" list after I got shafted with Halo 2.