PS3 General Discussion

OK, I have online troubles. I keep getting the error code "80710092" which means the connection times out/I get signed out of the PS Network (the former in this case since I can't connect in the first place). I tried rebooting the router, reestablishing a connection with said router, etc. The thing is, my Mac works fine (duh) and so do my other consoles when it comes to connecting. What's going on? How do I fix this?
OK, I have online troubles. I keep getting the error code "80710092" which means the connection times out/I get signed out of the PS Network (the former in this case since I can't connect in the first place). I tried rebooting the router, reestablishing a connection with said router, etc. The thing is, my Mac works fine (duh) and so do my other consoles when it comes to connecting. What's going on? How do I fix this?
With a little more detail I might be able to help.

Are you talking about a wireless connection and are your other consoles and Mac connected wirelessly and not having a problem with staying connected to the routee?

If not, have you tried swapping out the ethernet cable from one of your other consoles and see if it stays connected then?

Have you tried to reassign your PS3's IP address?

When you select the Network Settings and Status option in the XMB, what doess it say?

If you are talking about a wireless connection, what happens when you use the "scan" for wireless networks?
Just as an FYI it just started working now, but it was like this yesterday (didn't work until at night).

With a little more detail I might be able to help.

Are you talking about a wireless connection and are your other consoles and Mac connected wirelessly and not having a problem with staying connected to the routee?

Everything is wireless.

Have you tried to reassign your PS3's IP address?

Nope, how do I do that?

When you select the Network Settings and Status option in the XMB, what doess it say?

It said that it was connected to my signal and was getting a strong signal. I tried testing it, and while it could get my IP address, it couldn't connect to the internet.

If you are talking about a wireless connection, what happens when you use the "scan" for wireless networks?

Finds my network and one or two other networks (presumably from neighbors).
Just as an FYI it just started working now, but it was like this yesterday (didn't work until at night).
Glad to hear its up and running again.

Next time it happen, first try and reset the PS3's Wireless Network Settings, as that will reassign the IP address in the event your router may have changed it, although that's unlikely seeing as you are saying the connection was intermittent. Wireless routers are known to be finicky. So your next choice is to reset the router and then reset the Wireless Network Settings on the PS3. If that doesn't work, then reset your modem, followed by the router, and then the PS3 (or any device connected wirelessly to the router that is losing or isn't able to communicate with the router), always in that order.
Glad to hear its up and running again.

Next time it happen, first try and reset the PS3's Wireless Network Settings, as that will reassign the IP address in the event your router may have changed it, although that's unlikely seeing as you are saying the connection was intermittent. Wireless routers are known to be finicky. So your next choice is to reset the router and then reset the Wireless Network Settings on the PS3. If that doesn't work, then reset your modem, followed by the router, and then the PS3 (or any device connected wirelessly to the router that is losing or isn't able to communicate with the router), always in that order.

Well... it went back to its old problems again. I've been resetting the PS3's wireless already and the like. The only thing I haven't done is reset the modem itself, but that'll have to wait until tomorrow.

But I have some cool Heavenly Sword related news.

12-15 hours sounds about right for a gamer well versed with fighting games. That's just for a first playthrough - there's also plenty of scope for replayability - especially with the stacks of unlockable content that's been stuffed onto the Blu-Ray.

So that address the second thing I'm curious about Heavenly Sword –*replayability. And to hear it lasts more than 10 hours with unlockables makes me happy. I'll be buying it. :)

Warhawk's price for downloading has also been announced – $40. Definitely $10 more expensive than what I expected, or was willing to pay... I'll have to think this one over.
I know I'm a little behind but I've been watching some game trailers and playing demos on the PS3. I have a 720p HDTV and a composite cable set up for the moment (set at 1080i). Frankly, if there's this much of a quality difference between a PS3 and a 360 with the same setup then the 360 is in trouble... I actually think it was a bad move for the 360 to come out a year earlier now. They will be the ones to have to start playing catch up. Anyway, at this point and in the next coming months I could totally see myself reverting back to a PS gamer pretty quick.
Don't recall this being asked before but what happens if one copies a downloaded game, let's say Super SD, to an external memory device and copies it to another PS3? I would assume it won't work but has anyone tried it?
Is there any way to play photos or mp3 files etc. from more then one folder. Meaning if a person has hundreds of photo's in multiple folders is there anyway to set the slide show up so that you can view all the photo's in all folders with-out changing folders ?
You can have multiple folders and sub folders. But you have to copy them to the ps3 from another source.

Yes I know that but what I want to do is be able to que up multiple songs from more then one folder or pictures with out having to have everything in the same folder.

Mainly I am using extrenal hardrive with thousands of mp3's and photo's and would like the ability to que them all up say all the mp3 files or photo files. Right now it seems you and only que up one specific folder and not from multiple folders
I have a 720p HDTV and a composite cable set up for the moment (set at 1080i).
  1. You're using composite cables, not component or HDMI. However, judging by the "1080i" comment you might not be using it and just got words mixed up. However...
  2. You're using 1080i on a 720p TV. Unless you have a60" TV, switch to 720p as it will work tons better.
Don't recall this being asked before but what happens if one copies a downloaded game, let's say Super SD, to an external memory device and copies it to another PS3? I would assume it won't work but has anyone tried it?

I don't think it works. However, there's a feature (though complicated) called game sharing with the PS Store, I'll have to dig up some info about how it works though.
Yes I know that but what I want to do is be able to que up multiple songs from more then one folder or pictures with out having to have everything in the same folder.

Mainly I am using extrenal hardrive with thousands of mp3's and photo's and would like the ability to que them all up say all the mp3 files or photo files. Right now it seems you and only que up one specific folder and not from multiple folders

Ah you mean like a playlist. Sadly there is no play list editor yet for mp3s or slide shows. I'm sure Sony is holding that one up there sleeve since the psp has a sloppy but usable song grouper like a playlist.
Ah you mean like a playlist. Sadly there is no play list editor yet for mp3s or slide shows. I'm sure Sony is holding that one up there sleeve since the psp has a sloppy but usable song grouper like a playlist.

Thanks, will then they for sure need some sort of media player program where you can make playlist. This would be a very huge plus for the PS3. Something where you can view or play every song that is on your ps3 or external devices plugged into the ps3
  1. You're using composite cables, not component or HDMI. However, judging by the "1080i" comment you might not be using it and just got words mixed up. However...
  2. You're using 1080i on a 720p TV. Unless you have a60" TV, switch to 720p as it will work tons better.
If he is using composite (1 yellow coded video & 2 red/white coded audio cables), then he is watching 480i, as that's all that it supports... and suprisingly, even in 480i the PS3 is still a big step up from a PS2, but to really take full advantage of the PS3, a 720p or 1080p display is the way to go... :tup

And for heaven's sake DWA, do yourself a huge favor and don't use composite cables!

I don't think it works. However, there's a feature (though complicated) called game sharing with the PS Store, I'll have to dig up some info about how it works though.
I've wondered about this as well. Looking forward to what you find on this subject.
Guys I think that he meant component. I mean, they are very close words, and I often confuse them as well.

Guys. I need an HDTV. I bought motorstorm a few weeks ago, and now I can see the difference between what it looks like on my tv, and what it looks like at Wal-mart when I see little mexican kids playing it. And Im pretty positive that their tv's are just set at 720p. I can only imagine a game and a tv that supports 1080p. But I just dont have the money for one. Im hoping that in the near future, I will be able to buy a small one, like 32 inches or 26 inches at 720p, for my bedroom, and maybe go half and half with my dad on a 42 inch 1080p for the tv room downstairs. But like I said, money is tight around my house, (my parents just got divorced, and my mom doesnt want to be responsible for my sister and I) so it will most likely be a while. Not to mention, I just had to pay for my first semester of college.:scared:
Sorry, I indeed ment component (red blue green)

As for the 360 in 720p it looks like crap too. Hell, the hd tv channels here in 1080i look better than the 360 in 1080i does.
As for DVR capabilities, for us at least I don't think we would likely ever use it. Like you, we already have four SA Explorer 8300HD 160GB DVRs (theater, family room, master, & office) and each of those have dual tuners, so we already have the ability to record 8 shows at once... not that we would ever need to. Besides, despite the fact that each one can save 80 hours of SD or 20 hours of HD, I am always having to delete things off of the DVRs as we never have time to watch the vast majority of the programming we record.

You can always attach eSATA drives (or if you're willing to risk the dust, a regular SATA drive). Turn off the box, plug it in, and restart. The 8300 will use it as soon as the internal drive is full. Works every time. The data is pretty well encrypted, though, so you can't move it from box to box.

On-topic: Why not just attach USB2 drives? It's a bit clunky like the XBOX360, but it's a much easier way to add storage, and doesn't violate the warranty.
Thanks, will then they for sure need some sort of media player program where you can make playlist. This would be a very huge plus for the PS3. Something where you can view or play every song that is on your ps3 or external devices plugged into the ps3
I use Media Sharing and I have an option to list All Songs or All Pictures. I can also sort by genre, artist, and (I think) Album. I know my pictures can also be sorted by date taken, but since I date all my folders it's an option I rarely use.

Granted this isn't a playlist, but since I generally have a mood for what music I want it allows me to find a list that keeps me happy.
You can always attach eSATA drives (or if you're willing to risk the dust, a regular SATA drive). Turn off the box, plug it in, and restart. The 8300 will use it as soon as the internal drive is full. Works every time.
I thought about doing that, but the way I see it is if my wife and I didn't have enough time to watch the programming already on these DVR's, adding more storage space isn't going to help. That's pretty much why I doubt I would ever use the PS3 as a DVR. if I didn't have one, then that would be different.

I even considered for a time to copy some of the old programs off the DVRs to my computer using a video capture card, but I talked myself out of it for the same reason mentioned above. If I didn't have time to watch it while it was sitting on the DVR then it is likely I wouldn’t have time to watch it on my PC or on DVD. This is especially true, because I already have hundreds of DVDs that I have yet to watch, that I know I would really enjoy it if I did.

One of the BIG problems with all these wonderful new electronics that bring amazing audio and visual entertainment to the home, like 1080p displays, PS3, HD DVRs, Hi-Def films & TV programming & games is that I now find I have too many things I know I would really enjoy seeing, and playing, but even if I had no wife and kids and never left the house, and never slept.... even then, I would still not be able to listen, watch, and play all the music, movies, TV programming, and games that I'm sure I would really enjoy... and that's just one of my many interests!

When you take in account the time with; the family, friends, work, research, entertaining, sports, cars, trips, skiing, sailing, books, and now lately with GTP, etc... my interests simply exhaust my time!

The data is pretty well encrypted, though, so you can't move it from box to box.
I found that out the hard way when a couple years ago my first DVR started crashing periodically. I called and asked if there is some way I could transfer my programs from the bad DVR to another and they said there wasn't. In fact, they said they can't even swap out the internal hard drives.. which frankly I never believed, but also didn’t have the guts to try doing that myself. :D

On-topic: Why not just attach USB2 drives? It's a bit clunky like the XBOX360, but it's a much easier way to add storage, and doesn't violate the warranty.
I've thought about doing that as well. In other words, keep the 60GB drive, and just use external drives, but I have not tried it yet, so I'm not sure how that would work, or even if the PS3 would let me download videos and games onto an external hard drive, and would they play off of it as well?
Nice! Welcome to the Good side. :D:tup:

I think you mean dark side 👍

Good to hear zilla . By the way Guitar Hero 3 has Metallic's "One" and Slayer's "Raining Blood" to go with Iron Maiden's "Number of the Beast" and Through the Fire and Flames
I was searching for additional news on Heavenly Sword for the GTP HS Thread, I came across a video of a recent episode of a show from simply called "The 1up Show".

The episode doesn't have a name, just a date: 07/27/07.

I strongly recommend you check it out (LINK). It's nearly 40 minutes long, but worth the time.

Here is an index of the content to help navigate through it:
  • 00:01 Add for Tomb Raider
  • 00:30 Odd Lead-in
  • 01:30 Show Intro
  • 02:30 Heavenly Sword: Review/Discussion of the Demo; the Actual Game, Gameplay, Multiple Weapons; Lots of New Footage; the Cut Scenes; the Animation of her Hair, Voice Acting, etc... lots of interesting info.
  • 13:30 Ratchet & Clank: Review/Discussion of the Demo; Gameplay; Cut Scenes.
  • 19:00 MGS4: Review/Discussion of the Gamplay Footage; Interview clips with Ryan Payton, AP for MGS4; SIXAXIS uses.
  • 30:45 MGS4 Online; Discussion and Details on the Game; Interview clips with Ryan Payton, AP for MGS4; Hints about the SOP System; Nanotechnology Weapons/Tools; Character Look Options & Skill Levels.
  • 36:45 End Credits
When you take in account the time with; the family, friends, work, research, entertaining, sports, cars, trips, skiing, sailing, books, and now lately with GTP, etc... my interests simply exhaust my time!

It's funny how Americans (myself included) never have time to actually enjoy the things they're doing and get caught up in just doing so many different things. I just narrow the list down and enjoy the hell out of that. Less TV is better for you anyway.

I found that out the hard way when a couple years ago my first DVR started crashing periodically. I called and asked if there is some way I could transfer my programs from the bad DVR to another and they said there wasn't. In fact, they said they can't even swap out the internal hard drives.. which frankly I never believed, but also didn’t have the guts to try doing that myself. :D

You can swap them yourself, but you'd obviously void the warranty. Then again, it's just a rental. ;)

I've thought about doing that as well. In other words, keep the 60GB drive, and just use external drives, but I have not tried it yet, so I'm not sure how that would work, or even if the PS3 would let me download videos and games onto an external hard drive, and would they play off of it as well?

I don't see why not. If you can easily install Linux on it, then the file structure can't be completely encrypted. I doubt you could read the games (not without a emulator), but the videos should be some sort of common codec. You can transfer files to & from the PS3, so it's not like using a Kaleidescape or anything (which is encrypted at the hardware level).