PS3 General Discussion

I thought it was a port too until I read the link below,

Apparently its not a port it was separately developed by a different studio from the start (ubisofts shanghai studio), (which sounds promising), unlike vegas it takes full benefit of both systems hardware individually which means that it was as good as being specifically developed for PS3.

On this info im leaning more to GRAW now because at least its not a port! plus from some videos its got great sixaxis dive and roll moves...


Port schmort, it's still inferior to the 360 version. Vegas isn't, and IMO that's the better game. Get that.
I thought it was a port too until I read the link below,

Apparently its not a port it was separately developed by a different studio from the start (ubisofts shanghai studio), (which sounds promising), unlike vegas it takes full benefit of both systems hardware individually which means that it was as good as being specifically developed for PS3. This shows the commitment of a proper games studio (unlike EA) where they are done side by side and it gives the rivalry factor, I hope more games are done like this.
Glad you cleared that up. Duck's been off the mark on quite a lot of "port" facts and observations. Lately he seems to be quick to jump to conclusions based on very limited accurate information.

Ruh roh, a first party PS3 title has lost exclusivity.

Folklore is coming to PSP
Ruh roh, another example where Microsoft is missing out on revenue from game sales on a portable console. :ouch:
Glad you cleared that up. Duck's been off the mark on quite a lot of "port" facts and observations. Lately he seems to be quick to jump to conclusions based on very limited accurate information.

Yes, I have noticed that recently aswell.....
Ruh roh, a first party PS3 title has lost exclusivity.

Folklore is coming to PSP

I hardly think thats "loosing exclusivity", its still Sony who will get the sales and revenue. So its still in essence first party. For example having F1 champ edition on PS3 and PSP doesnt make it no longer first party exclusive.

If anything it will help the PS3 establish itself in the market with the help of the PSP as many PSP owners will consider a purchase of a PS3 much more so than a 360 due to the functionality between the two.

Glad you cleared that up. Duck's been off the mark on quite a lot of "port" facts and observations. Lately he seems to be quick to jump to conclusions based on very limited accurate information.

Port schmort like I said. OK, so it isn't a port. Does it really matter? Vegas is a port, and it's nearly identical to the 360 version. GRAW2 PS3 was handed off to a different studio, and the final result is inferior.

Who cares about specifics in this case.

I hardly think thats "loosing exclusivity", its still Sony who will get the sales and revenue. So its still in essence first party. For example having F1 champ edition on PS3 and PSP doesnt make it no longer first party exclusive.

If anything it will help the PS3 establish itself in the market with the help of the PSP as many PSP owners will consider a purchase of a PS3 much more so than a 360 due to the functionality between the two.


All the "doomsday" spin on my post was in jest. Folklore PSP is probably going to be in the same vein as the PS3 version but they're going to have some big differences, I imagine.

Oh, and more ruh rohs.,-Yet-Again--a1012-p1.php

According to a config.ini log taken directly from the source of the BioShock PC demo, it appears once and for all this game is coming to PS3.

The file is located at the following filepath for the game:

Program Files/2k Game/Bioshock demo/Content/config.ini

Console (XBox360, PS3) specific settings
If this is a positive number, then instead of using the fixed per-level
limits, the StreamingDynamic resource will use as much memory as is
available as long as the total memory allocated by the game is less than
the specified number. In other words, StreamingDynamic will grow and
shrink to fit to the available memory instead of being locked to a fixed
budget StreamingDynamicFloatingLimit=500​
Clearly 2K Games would be in serious fog if they were to pull out a "no comment" card here, or a typical "this was a mistake," because clearly, all the evidence points to BioShock hitting the PlayStation 3 console in the Spring of 2008, perhaps even sooner.

Keep your eyes on PSU for more BioShock on the PlayStation 3 information. We think you'll be seeing it soon enough.

Hopefully this will get you all to lighten up.

And if you don't care about BioShock (which if you didn't, you're a rare specimen so donate yourself to your local museum), Sony's Leipzig conference is tomorrow evening GMT (so people on the west coast will be eating lunch when the conference starts). Major firmware updates have been issued out on the 4th Wednesday of the month for the past several months. That means 2.0 may come tomorrow. In-game XMB + Home open beta anyone?

And Folding@home 1.2 is now available.

Sony Computer Entertainment America Announces New Features and Enhancements for PlayStation 3 Folding@Home Application

PS3 Users Continue to Help Stanford University Further Medical Research

Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. (SCEA) today announced a Folding@home application update (v1.2) for PLAYSTATION 3 (PS3) users, further demonstrating the company's continued commitment to the Stanford University distributed computing project. This latest update provides PS3 users with added functionalities and features, including support for Remote Play for PSP(PlayStation Portable), added protein simulations and visuals, as well as a screensaver mode which enables PS3 to consume slightly less power and increases the performance of protein-folding simulations.

User participation by the PS3 community continues to be very strong-in just five months more than 536,000 PS3 users worldwide have downloaded the Folding@home application. PS3 users have delivered up to 600 teraflops, making the Folding@home program one of the fastest distributed computing networks in the world. Thanks in part to the ultra-fast processing power found in PS3, the Folding@home project is closer to its goal of achieving a petaflop, an important milestone.

Updated features and functionalities that are part of this latest application update (v 1.2) include:

Support for Remote Play for PSP --
Now Folding@home can be remotely operated through PSP utilizing the Remote Play feature of the PS3 system. With this feature, PS3 users are able to view on their PSP the exact same Folding@home information that is viewable on their PS3, complete with the map of the world and the protein that their particular system is simulating.

More Support for Additional Protein Simulations -- Additional computation cores are now supported allowing Folding@home for PS3 to support a wider range of protein-folding simulations which further enhances the science needed to be performed to research diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.

Screensaver Mode -- A screensaver mode can now be activated via the Settings menu in the Folding@home application, allowing PS3 users to consume slightly less power and to increase performance of protein- folding simulations.

Link to Project Description -- A link has been added to the Information menu in the Folding@home application allowing users to quickly obtain additional information about the specific research project they are currently contributing to.

Protein Visualization Enhancements -- All visualization modes have been enhanced with improved shading, highlighting and focus effects, including: "Tapioca" displays the protein as a smooth surface with improved shading and depth; "Caviar" displays the protein as a smooth surface with defined edges; "Licorice" displays only the protein's bonds and "Backbone" which emphasizes specific sections of the protein that are of the most scientific interest to researchers.

Advanced Participation Mode -- Advanced participation mode allows Stanford University to send simulations of varying computational lengths to PS3 users. Because the simulations in this mode can take significantly longer, Advanced Mode is only recommended for contributors who run Folding@home for at least eight hours per day.

"We take a lot of pride in the fact that more than half a million PS3 users worldwide have dedicated a portion of their machine's capabilities towards helping Stanford University and their Folding@home team research many of the diseases that inflict our society today," said Jack Tretton, President and CEO of SCEA. "It is one thing for us to provide the technology to make this possible; it is quite another to have gamers from all over the world proactively sign up for this program to make a difference in our global community. We couldn't be more pleased with the results we have seen to date in this collaborative effort."

Folding@home is a distributed computing project aimed at understanding protein folding, misfolding and related diseases. Because the process of folding proteins is so complex, groups of computers are used to perform simulations to study the process. Thanks to PS3's Cell Broadband Engine (Cell/B.E.), researchers are now able to tabulate the simulations much faster, speeding up the research process.

PS3 users can download the updated version of the application (v1.2) by simply restarting the Folding@home application. New Folding@home users can join the program by simply clicking on the Folding@home icon within the Network menu of the XMB (XrossMediaBar) or can optionally set the application to run automatically whenever the PS3 is idle.
And because my previous post is a bit too big:

The EU PSN store is in a sorry state, wouldn't you say? Don't worry, we've already said it for you. Don't worry though, while we were at Sony's 3Rooms today, we were told that Wednesday night will see a large update straight from Leipzig. Why Wednesday? Because that's when the Sony Press Conference is, of course. The update will contain lots of trailers from the show as well as an English language Folklore demo.

Don't go being tardy about downloading it, however. The demo will only be available for a limited time before being pulled down again. We're not entirely sure why, but we're warning you regardless. If you didn't play the Japanese demo (or if you did and got stuck, what with it being in Japanese and all) then get it downloaded. Folklore is unique in its aesthetic style as well as its gameplay and has been shamefully overlooked. It's like playing a Japanese Tim Burton film.
I quite liked the Folklore demo but I had no idea what was going on as it was in Japanese. I'll try the English language version for sure.
I am hoping for a bit more from Sony this week (and Microsoft).
GRAW2 PS3 was handed off to a different studio, and the final result is inferior.

Thats abit of a conclusion to jump to thats its going to be inferior because it was done at another studio, which by the way is all part of the Ubisoft developers ring which have the same level of talent, equipment and knowledge of the game aswell as an extra number of months dev time on one specific console.

If you are going on what you saw in the demo then that wasnt the completed product, the functionaility (such as better sixaxis control) was apparently cleaned up in the final retail release along with the depth and range of colours of the graphics.

Now Im not saying its going to be amazing, it could still turn about appalling but I just wanted to know the feel for both the games so i can make a decision as I have had nothing but net pics and vids to go on.

Thats abit of a conclusion to jump to thats its going to be inferior because it was done at another studio, which by the way is all part of the Ubisoft developers ring which have the same level of talent, equipment and knowledge of the game aswell as an extra number of months dev time on one specific console.

If you are going on what you saw in the demo then that wasnt the completed product, the functionaility (such as better sixaxis control) was apparently cleaned up in the final retail release along with the depth and range of colours of the graphics.

Did I say it was inferior because it was done at another studio? No. I said that it being done somewhere else is irrelevant.

In any case, if they bumped up the final color palette in the final version, that's all good... but there's still those jaggies and framerate.


DualShock 3 confirmed.
I hope you don't mind me pointing something out...

Did I say it was inferior because it was done at another studio? No. I said that it being done somewhere else is irrelevant.

GRAW2 PS3 was handed off to a different studio, and the final result is inferior.

Sorry to point out flaws or anything, but these two statement both contradict one another. Robin is actually right about what Duck has stated originally in one of the posts about inferiority due to different design studios.

However, I can understand it being an innocent mistake with the intent to say one thing/word turning out to be another, more cruder version of the same definition. I believe Duck is just telling his opinion on GRAW2 on the PS3 not being as good as on the X360 and attempting to explain why this may be, with not much information to go on.

Ultimately, we will never know why one game works better on one system but works worse on the other. Of course, you can always cite differences in coding and architecture of the systems and power... but they still do not explain the paradox of certain games working better on certain systems, even those that are expected to work better on a more powerful system. :S

I hope my post does not cause a flame-fest, as I am just putting forward my view forward as I feel that some people are not quite allowing themselves time to properly think what the other is saying and merely jumping into conclusions that initially may seem correct, but turn out to be wrong.


Sorry to point out flaws or anything, but these two statement both contradict one another. Robin is actually right about what Duck has stated originally in one of the posts about inferiority due to different design studios.

However, I can understand it being an innocent mistake with the intent to say one thing/word turning out to be another, more cruder version of the same definition. I believe Duck is just telling his opinion on GRAW2 on the PS3 not being as good as on the X360 and attempting to explain why this may be, with not much information to go on.

Ultimately, we will never know why one game works better on one system but works worse on the other. Of course, you can always cite differences in coding and architecture of the systems and power... but they still do not explain the paradox of certain games working better on certain systems, even those that are expected to work better on a more powerful system. :S

I hope my post does not cause a flame-fest, as I am just putting forward my view forward as I feel that some people are not quite allowing themselves time to properly think what the other is saying and merely jumping into conclusions that initially may seem correct, but turn out to be wrong.
Well said. 👍

but there's still those jaggies and framerate.
Duck, you might not look so biased/negatively influenced if you didn't appear so much like you rely on erroneous reviews for much of your opinion... besides, I thought you now say you are not complaining about frame rates in games with 30 fps or more?... or is it just the PS3 edition of Madden 08 that you no longer have an issue with the frame rate? Are you suggesting that the PS3 edition of GRAW2 has a frame rate lower than 30 fps?
Duck, you might not look so biased/negatively influenced if you didn't appear so much like you rely on erroneous reviews for much of your opinion...

I played the PS3 demo of GRAW 2. I then played the 360 version of GRAW 2 right after that, and look! There's less jaggies and a smoother framerate. Are you saying my own eyes are an erroneous review? Are you saying G.T's eyes are an erroneous review as well since he agreed with me? If so, get a grip.

And how the hell does this:

I was blasting EA Sports, not complaining about framerate like you think I am.

Equal "I do not complain about framerate ever". If you reread it again instead of skimming through it and jump to conclusions, you'll find that I wasn't complaining about Madden's framerate, not that I don't care about framerate in games altogether.

Are you suggesting that the PS3 edition of GRAW2 has a frame rate lower than 30 fps?

Um, no ****? Have you even played the demo?
Just to point something out.... the demo was not the finished build! I finally got to play the finished full game at a shop today and the graphics and framerate are smooth, as for a comparison with the 360 in terms of graphics I cannot comment because I haven't played it. I also enjoyed trying the sixaxis control moves.

I would love to maybe see some GRAW2 finished ps3 version and 360 version comparison vids or shots.

Yes, it wouldn't have been the final build, but from personal experience, a demo released a few weeks before the full game is released is never considerably improved. Usually, as many of us in here have complained about before, the demo usualy doesn't represent the full game because they have chosen a poor spot for you to play.

If I remember correctly (I don't have the 360 demo or game anymore), the 360 demo's gameplay and graphics were identical in the real game. But I also remember the 360 version's framerate dropped slightly in the bushes/trees/hills as well, but was absolutely fine in the towns/cities and plain landscape which you play on most of the time. So, I wouldn't be surprised if the PS3 version's framerate is alright until you get to the part in the demo.

I've been trying to search for a video comparison, but I can't seem to find anything.
I've been trying to search for a video comparison, but I can't seem to find anything.

I know its really odd, there are no official reviews of it anywhere or any comparisons, the general feeling from players comments around the web suggest its quite good, some saying its alot better than the 360 version... but of course I would prefer an official review.


OK, so Nintendo never had a conference, MS cancelled theirs, and Sony focused on PSP and Fifa. No Dualshock 3, no new Home info, no new games (non-games like Buzz and Wii Chess don't count :P), no new info on older games (Eight Days, I'm staring at you), etc. PlayTV is pretty cool, but even if it comes to America I have no use for it. At least GT5P is getting 16 player online play. I bet Turn 10 is in their offices right now hating themselves.

Boring conference all around.
Folklore is unique in its aesthetic style as well as its gameplay and has been shamefully overlooked. It's like playing a Japanese Tim Burton film.
That's a great analogy. The music is especially Burtonesque.

Speaking of downloads, if you haven't already you should check out the Playstation Eye Trailer. It's basically three trailers in one, on three newly announced games from the Leipzig Games Convention. Each will feature the use of the new PS Eye camera and interactive technology where you are visually and "physically" placed in the games.

I went ahead and made a thread specifically for discussing these and other PS Eye games:
OK, so this Folklore Demo is the first thing that has made me contemplate creating a European account. Is it actually that interesting that I should take the time to do it if it doesn't show up in the US store?
OK, so this Folklore Demo is the first thing that has made me contemplate creating a European account. Is it actually that interesting that I should take the time to do it if it doesn't show up in the US store?

You should create a UK account regardless.
Hey Guys!

Today I finally got me a PS3!!! :):)

Nearly got a hernia carrying it under my arm for like 15 mins from the shop!!:lol: Its like the weight of carry on luggage that you would normally wheel!

Gosh its so nice and shiny! Its like a grand piano finish! I'm trying my best not to touch it, going to have to move it with cloths :lol:

The chrome is also great, gives it a deco feel! (Yeah I know its not like anyone here hasn't seen a ps3 but I just got one so it exciting!). Also impressed by the fans quietness.

I decided in the end to get GRAW2 with it and all the supposed failings of it that have been said here and there on the web seem to be in eyes not apparent, the graphics are stunning and the gameplay is great, very smooth, no jaggies and up close the uniform textures are clear..

I guess this is the benefit of ubisofts decision to cross develop rather than port, being built from the ground up on ps3. Hope to see more greatness from them, particularly assasins creed.

Anyway, I updated the system to 1.90 and have a few questions about the system....

1. Can you have accounts for different regional online stores using the same info such as your email address?, only the user ID and address have to change right? Basically im asking will the system stop you if someone has entered the same info as you i.e. YOU! before????

2. Whats with all the reasonably good names for user ID's gone!!:ouch: are there that many people with ps3's with odd names of varying numbers, underscores, and capital/small letters! When its says its not available is that really true that someone else has that name? Also more crucially are there any words (such as 'sony' or 'playstation'), symbols (such as the ones allowed in the predictive text _*&% etc) and combinations such as DaViD that are not allowed because it doesnt say.

3. Is its really REALLY true that you cannot go back to a previous firmware update? what if things went wrong or something stopped functioning, its there NO way of setting it back (hopefully I wont need to know this!).

4. Are some of the online stores cheaper in some countries than others (like with the exchange rate, VAT etc taken into consideration?) I guess you would need a credit card in the country of that store right?

5. How do you turn the controller off after turning the system off with it?

6. How do I get rid of that annoying options with the triangle popup that appears in the bottom right when using the XMB?, I find it really ugly!

If anyone could answer these it would be a great help thanks, obscure questions I know!

Anyway thats another sale to Sony, I hope that they keep coming to pull Sony out of the setbacks they find themselves in at the moment.....

Cant wait to play online!

Robin :)
Hey Guys!

Today I finally got me a PS3!!! :):)

Fell free to join our Folding@Home team. Help us fight cancer and all sorts of other nasties.

I'll let everyone else handle your questions, as I haven't gotten different regional accounts yet and haven't played with some of the stuff you mentioned.
Hey Guys!

Today I finally got me a PS3!!! :):)

Nearly got a hernia carrying it under my arm for like 15 mins from the shop!!:lol: Its like the weight of carry on luggage that you would normally wheel!

Gosh its so nice and shiny! Its like a grand piano finish! I'm trying my best not to touch it, going to have to move it with cloths :lol:

The chrome is also great, gives it a deco feel! (Yeah I know its not like anyone here hasn't seen a ps3 but I just got one so it exciting!). Also impressed by the fans quietness.

I decided in the end to get GRAW2 with it and all the supposed failings of it that have been said here and there on the web seem to be in eyes not apparent, the graphics are stunning and the gameplay is great, very smooth, no jaggies and up close the uniform textures are clear..

I guess this is the benefit of ubisofts decision to cross develop rather than port, being built from the ground up on ps3. Hope to see more greatness from them, particularly assasins creed.

Be sure to join GTP's Folding@Home team if you get the chance. :)

For curiosity, are you playing on a HDTV?

Anyway, I updated the system to 1.90 and have a few questions about the system....

1. Can you have accounts for different regional online stores using the same info such as your email address?, only the user ID and address have to change right? Basically im asking will the system stop you if someone has entered the same info as you i.e. YOU! before????
No, you need a different email address and a valid (real) address if you make an account in a different region. If you make an account for the same region, you can use the same address but need a different email address. Japan is an exception though - you could fake an address for that, but you still need a unique email.

2. Whats with all the reasonably good names for user ID's gone!!:ouch: are there that many people with ps3's with odd names of varying numbers, underscores, and capital/small letters! When its says its not available is that really true that someone else has that name? Also more crucially are there any words (such as 'sony' or 'playstation'), symbols (such as the ones allowed in the predictive text _*&% etc) and combinations such as DaViD that are not allowed because it doesnt say.
I'm not 100% sure if all names that aren't accepted aren't used already. It doesn't make it specifically clear. That's why I usually just give up and choose a simple name. And I doubt characters like that are acceptable - only letters, numbers and underscores I think.

3. Is its really REALLY true that you cannot go back to a previous firmware update? what if things went wrong or something stopped functioning, its there NO way of setting it back (hopefully I wont need to know this!).
I'm not sure why one needs to know this, as I've never heard of anyone having issues. Other than that, I doubt it's possible to revert back. If it does screw up, while under warranty, just contact Sony about it.

5. How do you turn the controller off after turning the system off with it?
It should turn off with it? If not, try holding down the PS button for 15 seconds to see if it'll turn off.
OK, so this Folklore Demo is the first thing that has made me contemplate creating a European account. Is it actually that interesting that I should take the time to do it if it doesn't show up in the US store?
I htink it's going on the US PS Store. But I have tried it and I liked it. A bit of slowdown in places but good fun and very colourful and pretty.. It's a completely different demo to the Japanese one and should last a good 40 minutes as you can play as two characters in two seperate levels.

Robin ///////
Congrats. I hope it gives you plenty of fun!
I'll try and answer a few of your questions (anyone else please put me right if I'm wrong)
1. I believe you have to have completely differrent user ID's to use different stores. For example my Japanese PSN ID is Tantaro98. I believe you can only have one PSN ID per User ID.
2. I can't say about that. Maybe the PSNID doesn't like_ and/ etc in names?
3. Again not sure. I know you can update the system from a USB stick if you download off the internet. But I would think there would never be a need to "roll back" to a previous upgrade like 1.80.
4. I know you need a credit card that has its address in the country ths store is based, but I have heard there's a way round it. Depending on where you are things may be cheaper or not.
5. The controller should switch off with the PS3 if you use the controller to switch the PS3 off. Press the PS home button and there'll be an option to switch the system off. Do that and the controller should go off too.
6. I don't think you can. That was added to the XMB after one of the system upgrades.

Hope that helped. Remember to put your PSN ID up once you've thought of one!
Thanks for the quick replies guys! :)👍

Yes I will be joining folding @ home when I get the chance, I really love the way the PS3 is actually helping the world like in medical and research areas, very satisfying!

For curiosity, are you playing on a HDTV?

Actually Im not at the moment, im using a widescreen HD ready Toshiba through normal AV only, Having seen GRAW2 on 720p in the shop then seeing it in standard def at home its still amazing that its still looks very detailed and clear even in AV. I believe that it can only get graphically better the higher you go. Is there something I should know?

I'm not sure why one needs to know this

I was only curious because in the manual the tone about it seemed very heavy handed by Sony... like going back a version is a sin or something! Are they scared of exploits or hacking the system?

I'm just scared that sometimes things change for the worse in new versions, even little things that people like may change, I think its abit unfair to force updates on people (like to access the store or play a new game) But I suppose its to keep control of the system.

I also wanted to know about the buying from different stores thing because somethings may be a region store exclusive....lets say if GT5P came out as a pay download only on the Japanese store I would want to buy it... and not wait till its out in other stores 3 weeks later for example.

The controller should switch off with the PS3 if you use the controller to switch the PS3 off. Press the PS home button and there'll be an option to switch the system off. Do that and the controller should go off too.

Oh ok... I hadnt actually tried that, I played it the silly way and turned off the controller with the PS button and then the console manually cos I didnt want the battery on..... but now I know thanks...

Robin :)
Oh snap! IGN UK reviews Heavenly Sword.

9.0 Presentation
Superficially at least, Heavenly Sword is an almost impeccable display of sheer, unrestrained talent.
9.0 Graphics
Minor framerate and tearing issues aside, Heavenly Sword is an absolutel tour de force of visual splendour.
8.5 Sound
Voice acting, effects work and soundtrack hit all the rights buttons with gusto, although occassional dodgy level mixing hurts.
6.0 Gameplay
As solid as its component parts are, poor design decisions and awful structure mean they never make for a cohesive, satisfying whole.
6.0 Lasting Appeal
Despite the wealth of combos and extras to unlock, you'll be constnatly battling with tedium on subsequent play-throughs.

7.0 Decent OVERALL
(out of 10 / not an average)

Wow. The demo sure didn't make the game seem like a 7.0. I'm really surprised that IGN of all places (usually they're generous with their scores) gave it a 7.0.


EDIT: And before people scream out "UR BIASED DUCK", just know that I'm interested in the game as much as any of you. Yes there's some higher scores out there, but I'd thought I'd point out IGN's oddball review. k?
I would have given the demo a 7 (felt like I was just fighting to boredom) and so I assumed the actual game would be an 8 or 9 with more to play on.

I was hoping for more replayability than just unlocking new moves. I'm big on replayability if someone wants my money.

I have been afraid from the beginning that they may be going for stunning us with visuals and effects in hopes that we don't areas they slacked off in.

I have the same fear for Lair.
(usually they're [IGN] generous with their scores)
:lol: ...oh, you mean on X360 games? 👍

Come on Duck, I've seen you responding in the same threads where time after time its been discussed how IGN has shown a fairly obvious tendency to "downgrade" PS3 games.

EDIT: And before people scream out "UR BIASED DUCK", just know that I'm interested in the game as much as any of you. Yes there's some higher scores out there, but I'd thought I'd point out IGN's oddball review. k?
It's interesting that you knew you'd have to add this disclaimer.

"If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck... it must be a duck." :)

I don't know what else to say. It seems some months you are very even keeled in your criticism, but then other months you seem to show a great deal of unreasonable bias, and can really poor it on thick. Lately, at least your bias seems to be getting the better of you. :indiff:

Actually Im not at the moment, im using a widescreen HD ready Toshiba through normal AV only, Having seen GRAW2 on 720p in the shop then seeing it in standard def at home its still amazing that its still looks very detailed and clear even in AV. I believe that it can only get graphically better the higher you go. Is there something I should know?
If you are using a widescreen HD ready TV, then it is a very good idea to at least use a component cable (Red, Green, & Blue colored connectors). If you tell me the make and model of your TV I can try and help you get it set-up to maximize the picture quality when using the PS3.

I was only curious because in the manual the tone about it seemed very heavy handed by Sony... like going back a version is a sin or something! Are they scared of exploits or hacking the system?
I wouldn't worry about that as it appears these updates have been thouroughly tested out. At least so far, none of them have caused any problems for me.

I'm just scared that sometimes things change for the worse in new versions, even little things that people like may change, I think its abit unfair to force updates on people (like to access the store or play a new game) But I suppose its to keep control of the system.
This is one of the key advanatges of console gaming VS PC gaming, as the developers always know pretty much what their customers have in terms of hardware and software.

I also wanted to know about the buying from different stores thing because somethings may be a region store exclusive....lets say if GT5P came out as a pay download only on the Japanese store I would want to buy it... and not wait till its out in other stores 3 weeks later for example.
Yes, there are exclusive games for different regional PS stores, and prices will vary as well, not just because of exchange rates. I have not tried it myself, but I suspect if you applied for a credit card from a bank in that region, you might be able to buy it.

Oh ok... I hadnt actually tried that, I played it the silly way and turned off the controller with the PS button and then the console manually cos I didnt want the battery on..... but now I know thanks...
Yes, the controllers automatically turn off when the system is turned off, even if you manually turn off the PS3 from the console. Although I wouldn't worry too much about the battery on the controllers. They can last a long time before needing to be charged, and they charge fairly quickly. You can also play and charge at the same time, but that means being tied to the console.

Congrats on getting a PS3. I know as far back as last year you were talking about getting one in Hong Kong, so I'm sure this was a long time coming. 👍