PS3 General Discussion

My gamertag is playstation spelled backwards, i could not believe it was available, does that make me a fan boy :). I use my PS3 for more than just ps3 games so thats the system i'm always on.
Okay, at the moment I am watching a PS3 60GB with Motorstorm included as well as all the wires and stuff. I am not sure how much to go up too though. I have around 280.00 and it finished in around 7 days, what would you say was a maxmium to go up to on a 2nd hand although hardly used 60GB PS3 with one game?

Okay, at the moment I am watching a PS3 60GB with Motorstorm included as well as all the wires and stuff. I am not sure how much to go up too though. I have around 280.00 and it finished in around 7 days, what would you say was a maxmium to go up to on a 2nd hand although hardly used 60GB PS3 with one game?
I have no idea, but eBay's search options include showing recenty sold similar items. That should give you a rough idea.
Ok It says $400 USD is about 200£ and $450 is about 223£. I dont know if that helps much, I guess you are in the UK so isn't the price a bit higher? Sorry can't help more, I dont know the costs of PS3 around places I'm in Canada eh.
Who else is kicking Mexican ass in GRAW2? It looks much better than the 360 version even at 720p with 360 assets. The controls are just fantastic and the sounds rock even my simple TV speakers.

Shooting red diamonds is fun.

More Game Fuel!
Who else is kicking Mexican ass in GRAW2? It looks much better than the 360 version even at 720p with 360 assets. The controls are just fantastic and the sounds rock even my simple TV speakers.

Shooting red diamonds is fun.

More Game Fuel!

How the hell to do you cure yourself? Can you in the demo? That's all I have at the moment.

How does the game compare to the demo?

One tactic I like is placing the Cypher directly over the heads of a large group of Mexicans, shooting it out of the sky killing all the Mexicans below. The most I've killed at one time is five. Great stuff.
You have to get close to a medic and press triangle. You can do it in both the full version and the demo, as long as you have a medic in your team.

I don't want to spoil anything about the demo level and the full version of the same level... :D The textures, lighting, and sound effects are much improved over the demo level. When you reach Warez, it's truly epic. I would definitely rent GRAW2 for single player. I don't think going back and replaying the missions or the online play warrant a purchase.

I never thought about a kamikaze UAV, hmmmm...
I'm not going to get into a long drawn out argument with you, but I suggest you look into what "bias" really means.

I think you'll find that it basically means "A partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation.". I also think you'll find many people, and I certainly try and do my best to be one of them, can not only be very objective in our observations, discussions, and criticism, but continually hope others will do the same.

Now maybe you're OK with being biased. Personally I'd hate to be that way as it would keep me from being objective and therefore better understanding the truth, and most importantly, if I was biased it could cause me to mislead others with biased information.

That said, I've also seen you involved in discussion where you are not biased, or at least do not show much bias, certainly compared to others I've seen who are so biased that they can't manage to post a single comment without exaggerating or making untruthful statements.

Yes, I'm OK with being biased. I'm also OK with being as objective as I can when the times come to need be objective without "sucking up" (meaning I say something just to please someone else, which I don't think I've done and never plan to do).

You saw it, but made no mention of it... hmmm. ;)

I saw it, thought someone else had already brought it up, and didn't dig it up again. I personally don't believe in their scores for my own reasons I've already talked about, and you're free to disagree. There's other reviewing mags out there I don't trust a whole lot either (like PSM and the Xbot editor-in-chief, and OXM US for obvious reasons), so I'm not discarding their review because it scored a game high.

I must add though, I say all this with a good deal of reluctance as I also appreciate how much information you do share and you often do bring up some valid and interesting topics. So I’m definitely conflicted. One thing is for sure, no matter how biased your posts may get, I would never put you on my Ignore list. :)👍
Thank you. :)

To me Duck is just being Duck, no harm done :)

Anyway Heavenly Swords review should be at least 8 from what I saw. graphics, sound and presentation are all high scores but the reviewer did not liking playing it more than once. His opinion does not reflect what everyone else will experience. Too bad so many are taken by reviews. 7 isn't even a bad score..
Yeah, it's not a bad score, per se, but I think it's a blow to everyone hyping this up to be a hallmark AAA PS3 title – Sony fans and the gaming media alike.

I'm still renting the game though if only for the story and the final fight against an army. Lasting appeal be damned.
Just saying, he thought $10 would cripple the warhawk experience, and think that $60 is too much for HS (but didn't have a problem with the length of Gears of War).

I already went over this on GAF, but I guess I'll be reiterating...
  1. I don't own Gears of War. Never have.
  2. I'm still buying Warhawk because $60 hardcopy - $20 from eBaying headset - whatever the resale value is whenever I get bored of Warhawk and move onto another game = purchase for me.
  3. I would've bought Heavenly Sword at $60 earlier this year when there was a drought (like with Lost Planet and GRAW 2), but now... there's too many games I want to buy. I have more than a dozen games I want to buy this fall, and that's not even including games like Stranglehold or Metroid Prime 3 that I'll rent and play though (like what I'll do with HS), and other games that I'm undecided on (Haze, Assassin's Creed, Rock Band, Lair, etc).
  4. I'd rather rent the game and enjoy Heavenly Sword for $7 (I use Gamefly, and since that doesn't have individual rates per game I'm using Blockbuster for comparison) than buy the game at $60 and sell it for $35. If the gameplay was spectacular, and/or it had a good amount of replay value, I would buy it, but since I'm interested in it for the story...

But, if you think I'm being over the top...then this can speak for me:

...And I had that up for a day or two, and I chose that wallpaper because it looked cool and fit the XMB well. Does it make you feel better that before then I was using the GT5P wallpaper you were using in the setup thread, and then afterwards used a Metroid Prime wallpaper followed by a Warhawk wallpaper?

EDIT2: Nonetheless, I think I'm going to refrain from posting in this subforum for a while, partly because I want to regroup, partly because I'm bored of waging console warz with the same folks, and partly because I want to focus on other parts of the forum (geez, I haven't even seen the 8 month old thread about the redesigned Honda Accord until today).


EDIT1: Also, @ Solid Fro: in the demo level that's in the full game, how much better is it? More colorful, more anti-aliasing, smoother framerate, etc?

I do think GRAW 2 is a great game, glad you're enjoying it. :)
Who else is kicking Mexican ass in GRAW2? It looks much better than the 360 version even at 720p with 360 assets. The controls are just fantastic and the sounds rock even my simple TV speakers.

Shooting red diamonds is fun.

More Game Fuel!

I am!!!!

This game is amazing, one of the few ports worth having on PS3 at the moment, it was between this and vegas and im so glad I choose this!

How does the game compare to the demo?

Its alot better, clothing textures, better colour pallette and lighting effects plus the explosions are just simply stunning! chuck a satchel explosive press the trigger and your in for a show! There are no jaggies and the game runs very smooth.

The textures, lighting, and sound effects are much improved over the demo level.

What he said!

The sixaxis controls are a nice addition aswell although I only use the dive, and change stance ones, the roll thing is abit odd (if you roll the controller left or right why does he only dive left????)

As for the PS3.... I found now that its a scratch magnet... abit of dust accumulated on it so I dusted it with an eyeglasses cloth which was very soft blowing on it to give it abit of fog and guess what, small hairline scratches appear! :grumpy: They are not visible unless you shine a spotlight at it but its abit upsetting seeing as it was perfect before, there are rumors that the top is removable as a changeable faceplate, maybe they will have replacement covers some time... why oh why didn't they diamond coat this thing!!! :indiff:

I guess this is the price you pay for mirror black...:indiff:

How do you guys stop scratches like that?... even if its vertical it will get some dust...

You have to get close to a medic and press triangle. You can do it in both the full version and the demo, as long as you have a medic in your team.

You know how many times I've been told that? You know how many times I've tried exactly that, and it never works?

Why wont it work for me!? Yes, I choose the Medic for the mission, over the female sniper.

I must be doing something wrong. :indiff:

I have the team regroup to me in either 'Recon' or 'Attack' mode once I've been shot. Once the medic is near me, I hit the triangle button. He does nothing, or walks away. Once he walks away, he does nothing but stand there. I never get healed. My health stays on yellow or red.
I don't want to spoil anything about the demo level and the full version of the same level... :D The textures, lighting, and sound effects are much improved over the demo level.
Oooh, that's good then. The demo certainly would have put me off from buying it just because of the way it played... But looking at some comparison screenshots they certainly don't look bad. If I'd never played the 360 version through already then I may have been considering getting the PS3 version instead. 👍

Solid Lifters - tried holding triangle down for a couple of seconds? I had a similar issue on the 360, and it was doing something like holding the button down to get them to cure you.
You know how many times I've been told that? You know how many times I've tried exactly that, and it never works?

Why wont it work for me!? Yes, I choose the Medic for the mission, over the female sniper.

I must be doing something wrong. :indiff:

I have the team regroup to me in either 'Recon' or 'Attack' mode once I've been shot. Once the medic is near me, I hit the triangle button. He does nothing, or walks away. Once he walks away, he does nothing but stand there. I never get healed. My health stays on yellow or red.

You point at the medic, press triangle THEN PRESS UP ON THE D-PAD TO SELECT HEAL....(where the move to command is usually located in the cross com)...

Tell me if that works....


On an unrelated note, using ps3 video 9 converter all my widescreen avi's come out as distorted normal screen size files, how do I slove this problem?
I got it. It's hold down triangle to point to the Medic, and push down on D Pad to heal.

What took so long to figure it out was aiming my rifle at the guy and pushing triangle to talk to him. I'd never do that in real life. Gun safety is my middle name. A real stupid way to select who you want to talk to, but it's just a video game. Heal was push down, not up. But, I noticed the order and only for that Medic guy. Why then do the other soldiers have medical kits? If I don't select the Medic, I have 3 medical kits or I'll have 6 if I choose him. So, others can heal you? I didn't try.
Yeah, it was up not down, but its in that basic area!

I think you can heal other soldiers and they can also heal you, the difference with the medic is that he holds more packs, thats all..
I guess this is the price you pay for mirror black...:indiff:

How do you guys stop scratches like that?... even if its vertical it will get some dust...
Tell me about it. I have a 7' grand piano... and two young kids who think its fun to run their hot wheel cars along the side of it. :eek:

Of course the piano is wood and can be stripped and resealed, which you can't do with a PS3.

The PS3's glossy black finish has always been a complaint of mine. I was hoping they were going to release that flat silver finish model that they kept using in early promo pics... but no dice.

As for cleaning your PS3, if you really are worried about it getting those hairline scratches (which are caused by the dust being wiped along the surface), I'd recommend you use the same cleaning products designed specifically for pianos. For me, I stopped worrying about quite a while ago. As you said, the only time you can even see these scratches is if you shine a light directly on it, and where I usually have it placed, it never has any direct light.
Just out of intrest, what exactly is a HDMI cable? And whats does it do?
In brief terms, it's a cable that transmits digital data from one source to another. Rather than go over all the advantages it has over analog cable (like Composite, S-Video, Component, VGA, etc) I'd simply recommend you read through the wiki listing linked above.

If you have a digital TV (Plasma, LCD, DLP, LCoS, etc) then you'll want to use HDMI if it has it as an input choice. If you are not sure, tell us the make and model of your TV and I suspect we can tell you if you can use HDMI or not.

Also, don't get scared off by the ridiculously high cost of HDMI cable you might see at places like Best Buy, Circuit City, Radio Shack, etc. They often charge as much as $100 for a 6' cable which is absurd. There are several online retailers that sell excellent HDMI cable for less than a $1 per foot. Of those, the place where I recommend and buy all my cables from is
Just out of intrest, what exactly is a HDMI cable? And whats does it do?

It's a cable that transfers Video and Audio signals in HD-Quality. Check for more informations.

Concerning the PS3, it's the only way to get 5.1 Surround Sound out of it ;)
Composite Cables (Component) transfers only Stereo Sound.

I'm not too adept in this, so I have a question on my own.
If I buy a Surround Sound System, how can I get it worked with my PS3? Because the PS3 has only 1 cable out and I obviously need 2, 1 for the Surround Sound and 1 for the TV?!
Tell me about it. I have a 7' grand piano... and two young kids who think its fun to run their hot wheel cars along the side of it. :eek:

:eek::eek: Oh man I feel your pain! But as you said it can be rectified by resealing it. I dont know if there is anyway to remove the scratches from the PS3.

As for cleaning your PS3, if you really are worried about it getting those hairline scratches (which are caused by the dust being wiped along the surface), I'd recommend you use the same cleaning products designed specifically for pianos.

Would such products work on a plastic rather than piano wood (worried about it melting the top :nervous:). Are they purely preventive or can they remove the scratches already there?

For me, I stopped worrying about quite a while ago. As you said, the only time you can even see these scratches is if you shine a light directly on it, and where I usually have it placed, it never has any direct light.

I know im being paranoid about it! I really should stop being like this, its not healthy but this but I only got it a day ago and its already 'not perfect'. If I had known it was that delicate I would have not wiped it and used canned air but now theres no going back.

I guess I have to get over it or see if you can replace the top (which yeah is stupid) but I would give anything to go back in time now! You only get one like every 10 years!

You don't see them as you said if its like in normal daylight as apposed to spotlights but its the fact that you know they are there!

Sony should have coated it or maybe used polished black anodized aluminum instead!

Thanks guys for the help, my TV isn't one to need one of those. I hopefully will be getting a PS3 very, very soon. I went to my bank today and found I had around £278 so that (I think) should cover it.
Concerning the PS3, it's the only way to get 5.1 Surround Sound out of it ;)
No, you can also get up to 6.1 surround using the TOSLINK (fiber optic) cable. This will pass on multi-channel Dolby and DTS audio signals, but NOT the new HD audio formats, or the multi-channel lossless PCM audio signals found on most Blu-ray movies. However, these movies come with Dolby Digital and DTS tracks, so you are not forced to use HDMI to get multi-channel audio... it just wont sound as good as the lossless audio tracks.

Composite Cables (Component) transfers only Stereo Sound.
Technically component is video only... but yes, the analog A/V connector for PS2/3 adds two stero analog audio cables.

I'm not too adept in this, so I have a question on my own.
If I buy a Surround Sound System, how can I get it worked with my PS3? Because the PS3 has only 1 cable out and I obviously need 2, 1 for the Surround Sound and 1 for the TV?!
Actually it has three outputs, 1 HDMI, 1 analog A/V, and 1 TOSLINK. If your "surround sound system" doesn't have an HDMI input, then you'll get the best results by using a TOSLINK cable from the PS3 to your audio system.
Actually it has three outputs, 1 HDMI, 1 analog A/V, and 1 TOSLINK. If your "surround sound system" doesn't have an HDMI input, then you'll get the best results by using a TOSLINK cable from the PS3 to your audio system.
Thanks for the help and sorry, just saw that it's called Homecinema Sets in english :)
My first choice was a Sony DAV-DZ830 system thanks to it's wireless rear left & right speakers. But it looks a little outdated with those connections
HDMI, 1 Video OUT (Component), SCART Audio In/Video Out, 2 Audio IN (analog)
The Sony HTD-750SF has a lot more connections, so with its HMDI (2 In/1 Out) I think it's prepared for the PS3 ;) But I'm still not sure how to connect it with HDMI. I guess that I have to connect the PS3 to the Homecinema Set and then the Homecinema Set to the TV with an extra HDMI cable? Can someone please confirm that suggestion? :)
Thanks any help appreciated.

btw. not that I especially need a Sony system, it's just what I found with a good cost/performance ratio ;) Bose is way too expensive :D
The Sony HTD-750SF has a lot more connections, so with its HMDI (2 In/1 Out) I think it's prepared for the PS3 ;) But I'm still not sure how to connect it with HDMI. I guess that I have to connect the PS3 to the Homecinema Set and then the Homecinema Set to the TV with an extra HDMI cable? Can someone please confirm that suggestion?
That is correct. You'll need two HDMI cables, one from the PS3 to the receiver, another from the receiver to the TV. 👍

Bose is way too expensive :D
And even more overrated. 👎

Bose is sort of the "EA" of audio. They used to be very good with the primary focus on new technological advancements... but that was many years ago. Now they spend most of their resources on marketing, and making exclusive deals with various retailers.
Another question: How does the PS3 connect to the internet? At the moment I have a network lead round the back of my PS2 will this plug into a PS3 and will it work? Or will I have to get a different cable/lead/other thing?