I'm not going to get into a long drawn out argument with you, but I suggest you look into what "bias" really means.
I think you'll find that it basically means "A partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation.". I also think you'll find many people, and I certainly try and do my best to be one of them, can not only be very objective in our observations, discussions, and criticism, but continually hope others will do the same.
Now maybe you're OK with being biased. Personally I'd hate to be that way as it would keep me from being objective and therefore better understanding the truth, and most importantly, if I was biased it could cause me to mislead others with biased information.
That said, I've also seen you involved in discussion where you are not biased, or at least do not show much bias, certainly compared to others I've seen who are so biased that they can't manage to post a single comment without exaggerating or making untruthful statements.
Yes, I'm OK with being biased. I'm also OK with being as objective as I can when the times come to need be objective without "sucking up" (meaning I say something just to please someone else, which I don't think I've done and never plan to do).
You saw it, but made no mention of it... hmmm.
I saw it, thought someone else had already brought it up, and didn't dig it up again. I personally don't believe in their scores for my own reasons I've already talked about, and you're free to disagree. There's other reviewing mags out there I don't trust a whole lot either (like PSM and the Xbot editor-in-chief, and OXM US for obvious reasons), so I'm not discarding their review because it scored a game high.
I must add though, I say all this with a good deal of reluctance as I also appreciate how much information you do share and you often do bring up some valid and interesting topics. So I’m definitely conflicted. One thing is for sure, no matter how biased your posts may get, I would never put you on my Ignore list.

Thank you.
To me Duck is just being Duck, no harm done
Anyway Heavenly Swords review should be at least 8 from what I saw. graphics, sound and presentation are all high scores but the reviewer did not liking playing it more than once. His opinion does not reflect what everyone else will experience. Too bad so many are taken by reviews. 7 isn't even a bad score..
Yeah, it's not a bad score, per se, but I think it's a blow to everyone hyping this up to be a hallmark AAA PS3 title – Sony fans and the gaming media alike.
I'm still renting the game though if only for the story and the final fight against an army. Lasting appeal be damned.
Just saying, he thought $10 would cripple the warhawk experience, and think that $60 is too much for HS (but didn't have a problem with the length of Gears of War).
I already went over this on GAF, but I guess I'll be reiterating...
- I don't own Gears of War. Never have.
- I'm still buying Warhawk because $60 hardcopy - $20 from eBaying headset - whatever the resale value is whenever I get bored of Warhawk and move onto another game = purchase for me.
- I would've bought Heavenly Sword at $60 earlier this year when there was a drought (like with Lost Planet and GRAW 2), but now... there's too many games I want to buy. I have more than a dozen games I want to buy this fall, and that's not even including games like Stranglehold or Metroid Prime 3 that I'll rent and play though (like what I'll do with HS), and other games that I'm undecided on (Haze, Assassin's Creed, Rock Band, Lair, etc).
- I'd rather rent the game and enjoy Heavenly Sword for $7 (I use Gamefly, and since that doesn't have individual rates per game I'm using Blockbuster for comparison) than buy the game at $60 and sell it for $35. If the gameplay was spectacular, and/or it had a good amount of replay value, I would buy it, but since I'm interested in it for the story...
But, if you think I'm being over the top...then this can speak for me:
...And I had that up for a day or two, and I chose that wallpaper because it looked cool and fit the XMB well. Does it make you feel better that before then I was using the GT5P wallpaper you were using in the setup thread, and then afterwards used a Metroid Prime wallpaper followed by a Warhawk wallpaper?
EDIT2: Nonetheless, I think I'm going to refrain from posting in this subforum for a while, partly because I want to regroup, partly because I'm bored of waging console warz with the same folks, and partly because I want to focus on other parts of the forum (geez, I haven't even seen the 8 month old thread about the redesigned Honda Accord until today).
EDIT1: Also, @ Solid Fro: in the demo level that's in the full game, how much better is it? More colorful, more anti-aliasing, smoother framerate, etc?
I do think GRAW 2 is a great game, glad you're enjoying it.