PS3 General Discussion

I have noticed something weird with the PS3 web browser - sometimes it takes for ever for a page to appear i.e. when you click a link... but, if you press L3 (which 'minimises' the page/shows all windows you have open), the page magically loads up - it does it practically every time (I can't say all the time since sometimes the page loads up anyway...) Am I making sense yet? Where's my beer?

Also, this character limit in the web browser dialogue box is bloody irritating. You can't even edit large posts :indiff: Also, you can't read the posts/private messages etc. that you are trying to reply to...

Good tips about the L3 thing. But i think internet is way easier and better on a computer. But it's cool to check GT Planet from the console you discuss :D
Also, this character limit in the web browser dialogue box is bloody irritating. You can't even edit large posts :indiff: Also, you can't read the posts/private messages etc. that you are trying to reply to...
Agreed, which is why I quit using it for GTP.
The L3 thing is weird, but it seems to work - ironically, I find it annoying because I have a dicky thumb (tendonitis) and pushing the L3 button aggravates it :indiff: Jeez, I can't win...

As for the character limit, you can forget writing anything too substantial. I even had to ask Sage to merge two posts together for me the other day :sly:
Thank for the L3 tip. It's weird but good!

I thought Sony were sorting out the dialogue window size in the last update. Guess not. But its not such a problem for me at the moment as I'm using the on-screen keyboard so my posts tend to be smaller.

I did have a wireless keyboard but my 2 year old decided to test if it was waterproof using the toilet and a couple of flushes to help.

Guess what her results showed :grumpy:
Good tips about the L3 thing. But i think internet is way easier and better on a computer. But it's cool to check GT Planet from the console you discuss :D
It's also useful for downloading wallpapers/pics/files off the web directly to the PS3, rather than downloading them onto a USB flash drive on your PC, then copy it over to the PS3. Both are quick and easy, but it's nice to have that option, especially for those that do not have a USB or memory card/stick. 👍
Sony has or had a Fifth Element exchange program, where you could send it to them and they would send you a better version. The new version is distinguished by its new cover. I can see a possible recall of 300 Blu ray discs if Sony did it. And its a popular movie, that will be more people to complain.
Well I feel gypped... These Blu Ray DVDs are not living up to the hype. :rolleyes:

To top it off I think I need to do the Fifth Element exchange program... :grumpy:
Sorry guy's i meant component(Red, Blue, Green).

I Returned it and bought the official PS3 Cable($50:crazy:)

Thank's for the help though
I'm guessing someone didn't take their chill pills? ;)

Well I feel gypped... These Blu Ray DVDs are not living up to the hype. :rolleyes:
Or get a better TV... or a new prescription... ;)

What's funny is that I've even played Blu-ray movies to people who couldn't tell you the difference between a pixel and pixie, and then played the SD DVD edition, and everyone has reacted in nearly the same way... they were shocked how much better the HD edition was.

Yes, among the rational minded opinions, there is also quite a bit of unreasonable hype surrounding HD, Blu-ray, next-gen gaming, etc, but there is also quite a bit of over exaggerated pessimism as well. I personally prefer to listen to the rational minded opinions, as they are less likely to get you all worked up over nothing.

To top it off I think I need to do the Fifth Element exchange program... :grumpy:
I thought you just bought it? If you read what we said, and the links posted above, you'd know the old edition has been discontinued and pulled of shelves several weeks ago.

Sorry guy's i meant component(Red, Blue, Green).

I Returned it and bought the official PS3 Cable($50:crazy:)
I'm surprised that it would make much, if any difference. Despite what Monster Cable tries to sell people on, there is very little difference between "cheap" and "high-end" component cable, other than perhaps some additional shielding... although even then, sometimes the easy solution is to move the equipment, or even just move the cable to avoid what ever it is that might be causing interference. The only time I recommend paying a higher premium on component cable is for long runs over 25'.

Of course, the best possible solution is HDMI (assuming your display has a digital input), which you can get for less than a $1 per foot, and will give you the best possible results. 👍
I don't have an HD TV but it does 1080p... I was just fine before this HD crap and I haven't been wowed even by expensive tvs at the store. :rolleyes:
if you have an SDTV with 1080p then something is wrong, 1080p is something only found on some HDTVs, ,mine doesn't even output that high and I consider it a nice one.
I don't have an HD TV but it does 1080p...
You do realize this makes no sense what so ever, right?

I was just fine before this HD crap and I haven't been wowed even by expensive tvs at the store. :rolleyes:
No one is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to buy HD... again... take a chill pill please, before you give yourself an ulcer at the tender age of ?
if you have an SDTV with 1080p then something is wrong, 1080p is something only found on some HDTVs, ,mine doesn't even output that high and I consider it a nice one.

He doesn't have an SDTV. He has an HDTV monitor. It does support 1080p, and technically, it is an HDTV. I dont know why its not looking good, but it may have something to do with the way he has it set up.

DWA, what kind of cable are you using? (i.e. component, composite, or hdmi?)
I don't have an HD TV but it does 1080p... I was just fine before this HD crap and I haven't been wowed even by expensive tvs at the store. :rolleyes:

How can it do 1080p if it is not a HDTV? That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, as a TV cannot do 1080p and not be a HDTV. EDIT: This no longer applies.

You must not have seen any of those expensive TVs showing the Masters this year because I watched a little of it over at a friend's house and then came home to my SDTV and was just blown away at how much more rich the colors were in HD (and by how washed out they look on SDTV).

Well I feel gypped... These Blu Ray DVDs are not living up to the hype. :rolleyes:

To top it off I think I need to do the Fifth Element exchange program... :grumpy:

You seem to buy into hype wwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy too much (and easily) and let it influence your thoughts a little too much. Buying into hype before you watch something or try something is only setting yourself up for disappointment and not going into whatever it is with an open mind. Very, very, very, very, very, very, very, . . . , ( . . . I hope you get the point . . . ) things come out problem free; in fact when a product only has a few products, it is usually considered perfect, even though it is not actually perfect.

I would also say be glad that you are only having a problem with a Blu-ray disc and not having much more serious problems with hardware malfunctioning; at least, (I guess in this case???) Sony is willing to admit to their mistake once they had found out about it and replace the faulty product . (Sorry for the indirect 360 reliability jab, as it was meant as more of a jab at any manufacturer that does not admit to their mistakes and then quickly fix them.)

DWA I paid a certain amount for this new crap and it doesn't put out? I think I have a right to not be taking a chill pill...

You seem to be setting yourself up for a lifelong streak of disappoints with that attitude. Not everything is going to be perfect and it seems that you maybe should have done some research before coughing up money for the latest and greatest stuff.

He doesn't have an SDTV. He has an HDTV monitor. It does support 1080p, and technically, it is an HDTV. I dont know why its not looking good, but it may have something to do with the way he has it set up.

DWA, what kind of cable are you using? (i.e. component, composite, or hdmi?)

That makes a little more sense and had he said that, he would not have had people say something about it. I was also wondering about the cables . . .
DWA, the problem does not lie in the display you have. It is either with the cables you are using, the settings you have set up on your PS3, or your opinion being way to critical.
DWA, the problem does not lie in the display you have. It is either with the cables you are using, the settings you have set up on your PS3, or your opinion being way to critical.

Wow, nice post! 👍 It summed mine up in a whole lot less words. Very nice! 👍 And sorry everyone for this wasted post, but I had to say nice job, as I tend to feel I get a little wordy at times, especially compared to this.
Component for now but I have an HDMI and it didn't seem different or much better. Only reason I'm not using it is because I got the wrong size, that and my PC is using the hdmi to dvi connection (comes with that kind of cable). Yes, I know about the PS3's setting and I have it set to 1080p...
Wow, nice post! 👍 It summed mine up in a whole lot less words. Very nice! 👍 And sorry everyone for this wasted post, but I had to say nice job, as I tend to feel I get a little wordy at times, especially compared to this.

Haha, thanks, the red tick is awaiting you, that is, if you think Im worthy.

Edit: 8,000 posts. Alot.

Component for now but I have an HDMI and it didn't seem different or much better. Only reason I'm not using it is because I got the wrong size, that and my PC is using the hdmi to dvi connection (comes with that kind of cable). Yes, I know about the PS3's setting and I have it set to 1080p...

Well then, I have no idea what it could be. Sorry. :guilty:
Only reason I'm not using it is because I got the wrong size
What do you mean by wrong size?

Yes, I know about the PS3's setting and I have it set to 1080p...
Just to be 100% sure you are getting a 1080p signal, have you used the 'display info' option, as found in most displays that tells you the exact resolution of the incoming signal?

It is also quite possible that your display setting may also need serious calibrating... or who knows, maybe you just were unfortunate and got a faulty display.

I would say though, even with component cable, and even with an inferior display, you should be able to immediately see a difference between DVD and Blu-ray movies, especially on a 1080p display.

If you can't then it sounds like either your settings and/or your display is out of whack.... or as suggested earlier, your being overly critical.
The cable is 3ft... I got the wrong size.

As for the HDMI output I'm doing it now for argument sake with The Fifth Element and it still doesn't look obviously better. Only thing I can say is this suffers from something similar to 300. I don't know the exact terminology but when you go to the movies they use film... sometimes in the film you notice black spots or inperfections as the frames go by. I see that kind of thing with this blu ray dvd... It just doesn't look "sharp" or pop like I've seen 1080p do. Finally yes... I have played with the PS3's settings to make sure it's opimal quality. Other than that I don't know what else to say.
The cable is 3ft... I got the wrong size.

As for the HDMI output I'm doing it now for argument sake with The Fifth Element and it still doesn't look obviously better. Only thing I can say is this suffers from something similar to 300. I don't know the exact terminology but when you go to the movies they use film... sometimes in the film you notice black spots or inperfections as the frames go by. I see that kind of thing with this blu ray dvd... It just doesn't look "sharp" or pop like I've seen 1080p do. Finally yes... I have played with the PS3's settings to make sure it's opimal quality. Other than that I don't know what else to say.

Problem solved.

1) 300 is HEAVILY stylized. That's how it was INTENDED to look. It looks the 'same' so to speak, on standard DVD, only not as sharp. The dark spots, high contrast, noise, etc, is ALL intentional.

2) The first gen Fifth Element is known as a 'bottom tier' Blu-Ray transfer. Go out and rent / buy the Prestige. Or, if you're feeling hoppy, check out Layer Cake, Ice Age 2, Monster House, or Casino Royale. There are MANY Blu-Ray films that are FAR more impressive than the films you have chosen.

But don't think you're going to get more out of 300 on another format. The look is completely intentional.
Not much left to say I guess, other than what you say you are seeing isn't at all what I have seen, but then again, I'm not using your display either, so who knows.

What I do know is that the video quality that 1080p on Blu-ray and HD DVD is capable of is not only significantly better than SD (480i/p) on DVD, but is even better than 1080i and 720p HD broadcasts, due not only to greater resolution (at least in comparison to 720p, and improperly deinterlaced 1080i), but in terms of much higher bit rates (less compression artifacts), and greater color depth.

If you honestly can't even tell much of a difference between a 1080p HD movie on Blu-ray and the same movie on DVD at 480i/p, then I'd say either your display, vision, or level of realistic criticism needs a serious adjustment... and who knows, it could be a combination of things.
I guess I need to put it literally into perspective and go back and see what The Fifth Element would look like on this display coming from a DVD... I still expected a VAST change in stuff being sharp and I'm just not seeing it. For instance I had a 1080p version of the 300 trailer and that looked pretty amazing.

Problem solved.

1) 300 is HEAVILY stylized. That's how it was INTENDED to look. It looks the 'same' so to speak, on standard DVD, only not as sharp. The dark spots, high contrast, noise, etc, is ALL intentional.

But don't think you're going to get more out of 300 on another format. The look is completely intentional.

I realize that for 300 but I don't think there should be an excuse for The Fifth Element.

So, do you guys think I got the bad version of The Fifth Element or is that just not possible because so much time has past from that version?
I guess I need to put it literally into perspective and go back and see what The Fifth Element would look like on this display coming from a DVD... I still expected a VAST change in stuff being sharp and I'm just not seeing it. For instance I had a 1080p version of the 300 trailer and that looked pretty amazing.

I realize that for 300 but I don't think there should be an excuse for The Fifth Element.

So, do you guys think I got the bad version of The Fifth Element or is that just not possible because so much time has past from that version?

Dude, you just have to face it, some movies just won't encode well for HD just because of their source matierial.

But, that said, I think it's literally impossible for you to have the new version, I've seen both, and what you're describing sounds like the original transfer.

I want you to go back and watch one of the initial release DVD's from 1995, and then watch a present day DVD. Time changes, and transfers get better, but you're seriously selling HD movies short. Especially based on TWO films.
So, do you guys think I got the bad version of The Fifth Element or is that just not possible because so much time has past from that version?
You tell us... I already told you several posts earlier how to tell if you have the old disc.

However, here on the 11th you say you only recently bought this display and those two blu-ray movies... and you followed that up on the 13th saying you expected the movies to arrive that day or the next.

Perhaps before throwing your arms in the air and declaring you’ve been gypped, I'd say I'd spend a little more time understanding what you bought, how to optimize it's performance, and log a few more hours comparing different sources like SD TV, DVD, HDTV, and Blu-ray before making such dramatic conclusions... at least that's what I would do.

After all, you spent good money on all this "stuff", you might as well make an effort to optimize the capability of your equipment and enjoy what it is capable of offering you... that, or replace it... or return/sell it all and go back to standard def.
The box art for both editions is almost identical, but here is how you can tell them apart:

  • Gray Lettering for "Experience High Definition"
    [*]UPC# = 043396-150188

Bloody wonderful... :grumpy:
