I'm guessing someone didn't take their chill pills?
Well I feel gypped... These Blu Ray DVDs are not living up to the hype.
Or get a better TV... or a new prescription...
What's funny is that I've even played Blu-ray movies to people who couldn't tell you the difference between a pixel and pixie, and then played the SD DVD edition, and everyone has reacted in nearly the same way... they were shocked how much better the HD edition was.
Yes, among the rational minded opinions, there is also quite a bit of unreasonable hype surrounding HD, Blu-ray, next-gen gaming, etc, but there is also quite a bit of over exaggerated pessimism as well. I personally prefer to listen to the rational minded opinions, as they are less likely to get you all worked up over nothing.
To top it off I think I need to do the Fifth Element exchange program...
I thought you just bought it? If you read what we said, and the links posted above, you'd know the old edition has been discontinued and pulled of shelves several weeks ago.
Sorry guy's i meant component(Red, Blue, Green).
I Returned it and bought the official PS3 Cable($50

I'm surprised that it would make much, if any difference. Despite what Monster Cable tries to sell people on, there is very little difference between "cheap" and "high-end" component cable, other than perhaps some additional shielding... although even then, sometimes the easy solution is to move the equipment, or even just move the cable to avoid what ever it is that might be causing interference. The only time I recommend paying a higher premium on component cable is for long runs over 25'.
Of course, the best possible solution is HDMI
(assuming your display has a digital input), which you can get for less than a $1 per foot, and will give you the best possible results. 👍