PS3 General Discussion

Sweet, all three BD games I own will have DS support, F1:CE, Resistance, and Warhawk. They will also all be made better because of it. F1 will tell me when I am brushing someone so I will not keep moving over and get a DNF as often and as I respond to feel quicker than sight I may be able to respond to taking damage in Resistance and Warhawk quicker.

I think Blast Factor and Super Stardust may benefit, but I don't see how it will do anything more than make me feel what I already know when my ship explodes. It isn't as if I get a chance to react when I get hit, I just die.

So, I see Highlander on this list and a quick Google and Wiki search reveals no more than just that it is being made and is based off the movies. I assume this means I will be the much more hardcore Conner and not the pretty boy Duncan (not that he was bad). Does anyone have any more info on this? And of course, I have one all important question, would it be the kind of game that would much more benefit using the Wii controls? Chances are it would just be waggle, like Zelda, but if I get to swing a sword around in my living room screaming, "There can be only one!" I will take that over better graphics any day. <Nerd alert!>

Kaz Hirai's keynote reveals rumble enhanced-controller due in 2007 in Japan, 2008 in NA and UK; PS3's avatar-based network delayed until next spring.

Source -;title;0

ARG! not another delay! was really looking foreward to home comming really soon!



The official name is the DUAL SHOCK 3... SIXAXIS is still written on the controller showing it will still offer motion sensing (something that was rumored to disappear with the rumble controller)...Sony really now have to eat their words when they said rumble was 'last gen' or when they said it couldn't be used because it would mess with motion control!

Article -

At the time with the case was still open and unsettled there wasn't much else to say. Phil Harrison admitted it. But he did eat his words.
Sony's TGS Keynote recap for y'all.

Home delayed to Spring 2008.

DualShock 3 is coming out November in Japan, Spring '08 everywhere else. Price and whether it uses TouchSense is unknown. MGS4, Devil May Cry 4, Echochrome, Toy Home, Ratchet & Clank, G1 Jockey, Uncharted, and two more titles will support it at TGS (Burnout and GT5:P?)

You will be able to turn on your PS3 with your PSP in a future firmware update &#8211; essentially wake-on LAN.

Afrika has a new trailer.

The PS Store will be accessible by your PC sometime in the future.

Evolution Studios (MotorStorm creators) has been acquired by Sony.

...And that's about it.
Not quite...

Summation of Sony&#8217;s TGS Keynote Presentation by Kaz Hirai:
  • Typical console sales report on the PSP, PS2, and PS3.

  • Report on PSP game titles that have sold over a million copies.

  • Six new color variations for the PSP.

  • Announced that the Limited Edition of Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII for the PSP sold out in one day.

  • Star Wars Battlefront and Daxter will be offered in PSP bundles.

  • New PSP add-ons:
    • GPS receiver
    • Camera
    • SEG TV Tuner

  • Recap/followup on Sony's upcoming download services.

  • Recap/followup on PSN's Go! series of games.

  • New demonstration on PS3-PSP Remote Play:
    • New Remote Play icon is shown on the PSP XMB.
    • Turning on and off the PS3 with the PSP over the internet.
    • PSP's wake on LAN and sleep on LAN.
    • PSP as a second screen. (F1:CE is used in the demo... different than the previous "side-mirror" demo)
    • Using PSP as a PS3 controller.
    • PS3s will be able to connect to each other to view the same multimedia content on remote consoles.

  • Montage Trailer for:
    • LittleBigPlanet
    • Final Fantasy XIII
    • Lair
    • Aqua
    • Uncharted
    • Ratatouille
    • Devil May Cry 4
    • LocoRoco Cocoreccho
    • PixelJunk Racers
    • Eye of Judgment
    • PoTC
    • Sega Rally
    • Cod4 Modern Warfare
    • NBA 08
    • Spider Man 3
    • Oblivion
    • Go Sports Ski
    • GRAW 2
    • Flower
    • Harry Potter
    • Tony Hawk 8
    • Turok
    • Heavenly Sword
    • FIFA 08
    • Killzone 2
    • echochrome
    • Transformers
    • Time Crisis 4
    • Last Remnant
    • Nobi Nobi Boy
    • Warhawk
    • Dynasty Warriors 4
    • Final Fantasy Versus XIII
    • Gran Turismo Prologue
    • Afrika
    • Ratchet & Clank Future
    • Yakuza 3
    • Metal Gear Solid 4.

  • New footage from Afrika.

  • Report on future business plans, including building relationships with licensees, sharing of SCE WWS assets, periodical meetings of the advisory board, and supporting partners with their PS3 games.

  • Report on strengthening of first party title development and Sony's Worldwide Studios sharing more assets and knowledge with other teams.

  • Announcement on Sony's acquisition of Evolution Studios, developers of the World Rally Championship series and MotorStorm.

  • Announcement on Big Big Studios also joining the ranks as a Sony first party team.

  • Report on PS3 hardware and reducing costs.

  • Announcement on rumble equipped DualShock 3/SIXAXIS and current and future game support for rumble.

  • Report on PSN registered users.

  • Announced Gran Turismo 5: Prologue December 13th Japanese release date as well as a free PSN demo.

  • Announced PS Home delayed until Spring 2008.

    [*]Presentation of Dress for Home.

    [*]Report on worldwide PSN content:
    • 30 PS3 Games
    • 300 Game Add-ons
    • 100 Game Archive Titles
    • 40 Free Game Demos
    • (+ countless game & movie trailers, many wallpapers, and even MP3s)

    [*]Announced PC access to the PlayStation Store. (they also showed a screen showing the PSP connected to a laptop computer running Windows with the new PC PlayStation Store interface)

    [*]Presentation on the CELL processing power and its floating point operation capabilities.

    [*]Announced that surpassing of arguably one of the largest milestones in computer science by achieving a petaflop (one quadrillion floating point operations per second), was achieved thanks to Folding@Home and the PS3. What makes this all the more impressive for the PS3 and IBM's cell processor is that despite PS3s accounting for less than 15% of all the Folding@Home active processors, combined they accounted for 805 TeraFLOPs, just over 75% of the petaflop. The average active PS3 processor was credited for 24 GigaFLOPs, while the average of all other processors was just over 1 GigaFLOP.

    [*]Announced 40 playable titles on the TGS show floor.

    [*]Kaz Hirai then opened the floor to a Q&A session.
I don't know if this is old news but the US PSN was updated and there's three new demos available to download, including the new Sega Rally and Skate!

Edit: By the way, I was wondering if I can create a PSN-ID for me even if I don't own a PS3 yet. You know, just so I can reserve the username I want.
I don't know if this is old news but the US PSN was updated and there's three new demos available to download, including the new Sega Rally and Skate!

Edit: By the way, I was wondering if I can create a PSN-ID for me even if I don't own a PS3 yet. You know, just so I can reserve the username I want.

Actually last year you could have through the UK PSN web client, but I know for certain that avenue was shut down earlier this year and I'm pretty certain another does not exist. Someone else may know better but I'm thinking from now on you've got to purchase a PS3 to register a UN online (or maybe a PSP will let you?). However.... if you have a friend with a PS3 you could setup a local login sub-account on that machine and then create a PSN online account from there thus reserving a UN (this is basically how most of us gain access to the different regions of the PSN store for downloading content). The only concern taking that route is how would you transfer your PSN online account and UN to your own PS3 once you aquired it? Another question maybe someone else can answer.
Oh dear. Sega Rally has even worse physics than DIRT, with no damage, no in-car view and slightly worse looking graphics too...
Oh dear. Sega Rally has even worse physics than DIRT, with no damage, no in-car view and slightly worse looking graphics too...

I guess you've never played a Sega Rally game before because the physics are actually better than all the previous ones. It was an arcade racer since the beginning. I found it pretty cool and feels like Sega Rally all the way. It better be $50....
I'm keeping my current two and will get a DS3 when it comes out. More controllers means more gaming with friends.
Agreed, also for those that primarily play driving games and use wheels, rumble controllers are not likely going to be a high priority. Frankly, I rarely ever played a game with vibration on any way, so at least for me I certainly won't be replacing my current controllers.

What is that Afrika game about?
Some game from Rhino Studios. They have been working on it for a long time I suppose as they showed some promotional video for it over a year and a half ago at E3 06. I recall they were also using some footage from this game in some of the promotional videos released in Europe for the European launch of the PS3.

If I were to guess though I'd say it's some kind of National Geographic style interactive game. Clearly not marketed towards your typical FPS, RPG, Arcade, and or GTA gamer. :)

Sony really now have to eat their words when they said rumble was 'last gen' or when they said it couldn't be used because it would mess with motion control!
At the time with the case was still open and unsettled there wasn't much else to say. Phil Harrison admitted it. But he did eat his words.
Exactly. Sony also ate their words when they finally settled their lawsuits with Immersion and paid them $100 million dollars.

Are you telling me I just wasted that entire download? I thought everybody was hyping it was supposed to be better than Dirt?
Who was everybody?

I think if you read in both the Sega Rally Revo and DiRT threads you'll find most weren't hyping SRR as being better than DiRT. If anything it seems most have said they prefer DiRT from at least what they have seen or heard about.
Who was everybody?

I think if you read in both the Sega Rally Revo and DiRT threads you'll find most weren't hyping SRR as being better than DiRT. If anything it seems most have said they prefer DiRT from at least what they have seen or heard about.

Played the SRR demo, much prefer DiRT. Although for the most part I did enjoy the SRR demo, the track deformation is pretty cool, but it just doesn't suspend disbelief for me (to use a movie phrase) to the same degree that DiRT does. Even though I know DiRT is more arcade than sim, actually playing it makes me "feel" like I'm at least more than approximating the mental gymnastics required to run a serious rally or hill climb. Just one bloke's opinion though ;)
Well some of you might care to know that Toys'R'Us is having a "buy 2 get 1 free" promotion on videogame software. Be warned though that it spans 357 titles across all platforms and the web site's sort features don't include simple "wii only" or "ps3 only" options (well it does but only after you've selected a publisher, just ain't as helpful at that point). But it does look legitimate: (order must be confirmed by 11:59 est on 9/22/07)

OK just verified it does include the Warhawk Bundle (as they call it), Motorstorm, F1, Madden '08, Tiger Woods '08, NHL '08, GRAW2, and NG-Sigma to name a few... no DiRT or Oblivion PS3 though.

Hopefully this helps some of you out :)
I dont like the X and O differences on consoles, it should always be O because its nearest to your thumb to swing inwards....

I had a NTSC PS2 and it got confusing with my other PAL PS2..

I think you all are confusing the X for the triangle button.... either that, or the NTSC NA PS3 has different button defaults.

The X is still the default "enter" button, just as it was with the PS2. The difference is that with the PS2 (at least the NA NTSC version as I have never used any other one) the TRIANGLE was the default "back" button, but now the CIRCLE is with the PS3.

So, the O is the new T on the PS3 in regards to the default "back/exit" button... and yes, it does take some getting used to.
On my Japanese PS2 Circle was select and Cross was cancel..... and its still that way on NTSC PS3's. I think it makes sense because X means kinda wrong as in cancel. Also as I said O is the nearest button to where your thumb is. Its weird that its the other way on PAL consoles.

On my Japanese PS2 Circle was select and Cross was cancel..... and its still that way on NTSC PS3's. I think it makes sense because X means kinda wrong as in cancel. Also as I said O is the nearest button to where your thumb is. Its weird that its the other way on PAL consoles.

I prefer it to be the X button, I think it depends on how you hold the pad as to which button is closest to your thumb. For me my thumb rests over the X and [] buttons.
For me I prefered the X button as select and the Triangle button as back because thats how it was for me on my PS2, I find myself getting a bit frustrated when I accidently press O or triangle and do the wrond action.
I don't miss the rumble very much and I dont think it really matters how long it takes. With the sixaxis system in the controller already it may be difficult jamming in a rumble pack aswell.
I just completed Heavenly Sword. Pretty good game. The puzzles suck balls and the stance system is more complicated than it should be. I didn't pay attention to the combo list. It was like square: kill, triangle: kill, but block too, circle: special move when the game felt like it, and X: special move when you ****ed up. Rent it, beat it, send it back.
I'm really looking forward to skate. Takes a bit of getting used(Especially the camera view. If it's not adjustable im not getting it:() But once you get used to it, it is great fun.
I love the camera view of Skate, reminds me of the view I see alot in skateboarding videos except without the wide angle lense. If it weren't for a potential RX-7 purchase I would get this game.

I just love the ragdoll physics!
I love the camera veiw when watching someone else play, but it makes it so hard to see rail's, and it seems to move directly behind the skater a bit to much. I'll probably buy it anyway as it is so much fun do coffin backflip's lol:D

Man that's an awsome vid lol. Anyword on real skater's(Bam, mike V etc) being included?
I love the camera veiw when watching someone else play, but it makes it so hard to see rail's, and it seems to move directly behind the skater a bit to much. I'll probably buy it anyway as it is so much fun do coffin backflip's lol:D

Man that's an awsome vid lol. Anyword on real skater's(Bam, mike V etc) being included?

Actually I believe the awesome opening video showcases all the skaters in an odd way.