PS3 General Discussion

hahaha omg that's an awsome opening vid. I think this game may be back on my must buy list. Only 2 day's to go, but ove only got $70($50 short):( Might have to trade in carbon(PS3) and PGR3 for it...
Sorry, I'm talking about rumble in ps2 games and even the old ps1 games that supported it, any word on whether or not that will work as well? :)
I was thinking the same thing. I mean it cant be that hard can it? But whatever, Im not missing the rumble too much yet.

Could take a fair bit of testing, maybe they want to make sure it's going to be a very reliable piece of hardware so they want to maybe do a bit of trial and error.
I just got to play the GTHD demo at a gamestop (where the employee was incredibly helpful unlike the EB games).
Basically, after running the tuned 599 on N3 tires in TT for a two laps I was nearly convinced. After that I took the tuned Evo (the newest one with a big spoiler) and ran two laps on S3 tires in drift mode (best score on a single section was 1700+)... Any way, after those two little demos I was sold.
I'll be buying a PS3 as soon as I have the cash to do so. 👍 :cheers:
Can't wait to see you guys online with the PS3! :dopey:
I just got to play the GTHD demo at a gamestop (where the employee was incredibly helpful unlike the EB games).
Basically, after running the tuned 599 on N3 tires in TT for a two laps I was nearly convinced. After that I took the tuned Evo (the newest one with a big spoiler) and ran two laps on S3 tires in drift mode (best score on a single section was 1700+)... Any way, after those two little demos I was sold.
I'll be buying a PS3 as soon as I have the cash to do so. 👍 :cheers:
Can't wait to see you guys online with the PS3! :dopey:
Yep, I paid $599 for a PS3 with no games just so I could go home and download GTHD and play nothing else for a week.

Although, I highly suggest Warhawk if you like that kind of game.
Kent, besides GT:HD, to really get a good fix on quality driving games you really should look into Formula One: Championship Edition. When you see how good it's optional crash & mechanical damage and race penalties are, you'll better understand why so many GT fans wish we had something like that in GT5.

If you like WRC and other Rally driving games, I would also highly recommend Colin McRae's DiRT.

And for pure fun and great graphics, you'll likely enjoy logging some hours on MotorStorm.

Those are currently me Top 3 Driving Games for the PS3, as they also are very different from each other as well. 👍

Also, they are very different than what GT5 will offer, so GT5 wont necessarily diminish their value when it comes out. 👍
The PS3 advocate/gamestop manager mentioned a midnight club game and I looked at him like he was crazy. :eek: He said it was going to look really good... All I could think was "come on, we're talking GT and you mention Midnight Club?" :lol:

I doubt I will buy anything with a PS3. I'm sure the first few weeks I have it there will be nothing but GTHD. :D Now I've just got to get the money. :ouch:
Planning to trade everything in, the only thing I'm keeping is Ace Combat 5 (in case it ends up being the last PS AC). (oh, and I'm keeping my gamecube + RE4)

I'll come back and let you guys know when I've been lucky enough to achieve my goal. Until then,
Planning to trade everything in, the only thing I'm keeping is Ace Combat 5 (in case it ends up being the last PS AC).
Technically I think AC0: The Belkan War was the last PS AC game, but as big a fan as I am of AC4 & AC5, I never did pick up AC0.

I still have my copy of AC4 just so I can enjoy some of that great 2-player dog fighting and gameplay modes. 👍

I was surprised they got rid of 2-player mode in AC5, but I still really liked the game and have kept it as well... so many great missions and beautiful planes! 👍

I'll be very surprised if we don't hear about a new Ace Combat game being develped for the PS3, but even if or when it comes out I suspect I'll still be keeping AC4, if nothing more than a nice reminded of all the great fun I had playing it. :)
Kent I'm sure buying the system alone and just trying out all the demos is a good way to start but be warned that some demos are not good representations of the full game. You may want to check out some of the PSN games too.
Kent, besides GT:HD, to really get a good fix on quality driving games you really should look into Formula One: Championship Edition. When you see how good it's optional crash & mechanical damage and race penalties are, you'll better understand why so many GT fans wish we had something like that in GT5.

If you like WRC and other Rally driving games, I would also highly recommend Colin McRae's DiRT.

And for pure fun and great graphics, you'll likely enjoy logging some hours on MotorStorm.

Those are currently me Top 3 Driving Games for the PS3, as they also are very different from each other as well. 👍

Also, they are very different than what GT5 will offer, so GT5 wont necessarily diminish their value when it comes out. 👍

Quite agree, and I also have all three.


I'll be very surprised if we don't hear about a new Ace Combat game being develped for the PS3, but even if or when it comes out I suspect I'll still be keeping AC4, if nothing more than a nice reminded of all the great fun I had playing it. :)

We will probably get a ****ty port of AC6 from 360. Even still, I wouldn't buy the game, Namco can keep their bribe money and I'll keep my wallet closed.

You should be able to get AC0 for dirt cheap. It has a very good storyline and awesome music. It plays just like AC5.
Talking about GTHD, I managed to get in the top ten for drifting a Infiniti G35 and the Intergra. I was quite chuffed personally.
The PS3 advocate/gamestop manager mentioned a midnight club game and I looked at him like he was crazy. :eek: He said it was going to look really good... All I could think was "come on, we're talking GT and you mention Midnight Club?" :lol:
Did you see my story about teh EB manager that tried to convince me that Ninetendo couldn't make a quality product and that the PSP was teh worst device ever built - because if you drop it it will break. But the 360s on the other hand are awesome and have no problems, outside of the red rings. He was even going so far as to try and stop another guy from buying a PS3. He was willing to lose his business to support XBox.

I have only seen one EB/Gamestop employee that met me on my gaming level. When Gran Turismo 3 came out I went with my then girlfriend to pick up a copy and she looked at the store clerk and asked if it made sense that I played GT for 6 hours straight. He said, "Just six?" :lol:

In general, never ask these guys for advice. They seem to either be fanboys or when you mention GT you get them saying things like, "Well, it looks nice but really what is the fun of having to work on a car and adapt to the course?" I even had one guy tell me it was just too realistic for him and that made it not fun.

Honestly, the only person that can tell you if you will like a game is yourself. Personally, I suggest a rental service for nearly every game. I know that I did not find Motorstorm to be as great as DN, but it was still fun. I just realized it would gather dust. If I didn't rent I would have probably wanted to buy Heavenly Sword and Lair up front, but now I know there are different reasons that they might not be instant purchases. So, I am waiting for my rentals to come in to try them first.

I doubt I will buy anything with a PS3. I'm sure the first few weeks I have it there will be nothing but GTHD. :D Now I've just got to get the money. :ouch:
Planning to trade everything in, the only thing I'm keeping is Ace Combat 5 (in case it ends up being the last PS AC). (oh, and I'm keeping my gamecube + RE4)
There are enough free downloads to keep you busy as well as GT:HD. I know I still have Virtua Tennis and DiRT that I occasionally play. I also kept the Resistance and Motorstorm demos until I bought Resistance and rented Motorstorm. And virtually every single EA sports title has a demo. They all suck, but they are there.

As for money, I would go on Ebay and see what the same titles are going for there and have that written down when you go to trade in. If they can't match that price then throw it on Ebay. I'm actually trying to sell a lot of my stuff in a yard sale my wife is having with a friend. I am giving prices higher than EB will give me, but cheaper than they sell them for. Both myself and the buyer win that way. I think the only loss I might be taking is Time Crisis 2 w/ two guns (Guncon 1 and a third party gun) for $10.

I'll be very surprised if we don't hear about a new Ace Combat game being develped for the PS3, but even if or when it comes out I suspect I'll still be keeping AC4, if nothing more than a nice reminded of all the great fun I had playing it. :)
I hope they make one. The only one I played was AC4 and I loved that game. I was too much into GT4 to stop long enough for AC5 or AC0.

Kent I'm sure buying the system alone and just trying out all the demos is a good way to start but be warned that some demos are not good representations of the full game. You may want to check out some of the PSN games too.
I suggest Super Stardust HD, and I have yet to find anyone that disagrees.

Also, utilize the PS3s other abilities well and you won't notice your lack of games. I spent weeks just playing with networking and making it do all kinds of fun stuff for me. It made watching all my race footage and videos much nicer on my televison.
Indeed AC0 came after AC5 (I just didn't buy that one ;) ). :lol:
Also, I expect to see an Ace Combat game on the PS3 down the road but not immediately. Maybe '09? Doesn't matter, by then GT5 will be out (I hope).

Ebay... Doubt I will do that for 20 games... If I'm going to ebay it will be for my mtn bike frame (full suspension diamondback xls 4-bar, $1500 bike orignally, ?100-150 frame only? :confused: ). :lol:

The games are going with the systems regardless of where they go. :P
I may end up keeping all of it and giving the Xbox and games to a friend. :indiff: If they only want to give me 20 dollars for the box then why not let a friend take the box?
So, in any case, I doubt Ebay will come into play and I doubt trade-in value will dictate the purchase (although the promotions made it tempting with an additional 30% return on games traded).

Oh, and last night I saw in game footage of Resident Evil 5. :drools:
RE5 will be amazing, I garuntee that game is going to kick major zombie butt. :mischievous:
Think RE4 + PS3. 👍
RE5 will be amazing, I garuntee that game is going to kick major zombie butt. :mischievous:

Kent kicking zombie butt will just get you eaten, every one knows you have to aim for the head :)

RE5 does look very, very good and one I'm personally looking forward to, and I do agree with what most people have said you could quite easily just get a PS3 and have massive fun with just the demos.

I would however suggest getting at least one descent on-line game as its an area you miss out with demos; for me Warhawk would fill that slot at a reasonable price.

dont forget that Warhawk comes with that blu-tooth Jabra headset. I remember when I got my PS3 for full price back on December 1, played GTHD first then resistance, now i have about 6 games. The Demos are massive fun.
Jericho Demo is awesome IMO. at least the demo is. From just a demo review it beats the pants off of The Darkness. The graphics are very nice, textures are on par with Gears of War, you no some low res and most very detailed and normal map heavy. Not sure about the game engine but it looks good and runs ok. Gameplay is pretty cool so far and it reminds me of Halo and Bioshock. Halo because you need to use the melee attacks often and it has the special powers very much like Bioshocks. The atmosphere has me hooked. I did not like Bioshocks underwater city, The Darkness' typical city world or Fears industrial corridor levels world. Jericho takes me back to the days of Quake and Unreal. It has the God of War like button-timing sequences and the demo's scene was chilling as i died a few times and it was pretty cool. There wasn't much in the way of killing the bad guys but I'm hoping the full game will have multiple ways of taking down the bad guys.

Not a fan FPS's but this game has me interested. Its like RainbowSix meets Bioshock and its damn creepy. I think I'm buying it. No multiplayer is the saddest part, it would have been a great co-op game.

Edit: I did not have a care in the world for this game until I played the demo.
Edit: I did not have a care in the world for this game until I played the demo.
You can thank poor marketing for this. Eevry time I read news on this the writers are taling about how they knew very littel and it was under their rader until they got some hands-on time with it, then they talk about how awesome it is.

So far teh only marketing I have seen for this has been Clive Barker fighting with Roger Ebert over whether video games can be art. Considering that Clive Barker is the man taking up this fight I think it has more to do with drumming up interest in his game than think Roger Ebert is a "Pompous old man."

Not that Clive Barker doesn't know art, but he is probably not one of the people the industry wants having his face out there as a video game proponent. When video game violence is a hot button issue teh last thing you want is Clive Barker (Hellraiser/Hellbound Heart) taking up your cause.
Hello DTS-HD! The little-big machine that keeps on giving apparently :):

..... Although the current cost of a high-end receiver capable of decoding the tracks via bitstream is likely to keep DTS-HD Master Audio out of the hands of all but the most dedicated home theater enthusiasts, word on the street is that DTS is working with Sony to add internal DTS-MA decoding to the PS3 before Christmas. In addition, for those who do not require more powerful wattage per channel, the 90 watt per channel Onkyo TX-SR605 is available for as low as $399 from some online retailers and also has DTS-HD Master Audio and Dolby TrueHD decoding. ....
Jericho Demo is awesome IMO.
I liked it too. And the first thing I thought of was Doom etc. But it's also got a fairly nice team system too. There's a bit too much of a fish-eyed lens effect which I don't like (Halo 3 is thankfully free of that) but it looks alright (but the 360 demo I tried did run smoother).
One to watch.
Yea it was a cool demo. I liked the fact that you could play as each of the characters. I think that could add a lot of depth to an otherwise straightforward FPS. There may be times when you need to be a certain person and use an ability exclusive to them. Could be fun.
I liked it too. And the first thing I thought of was Doom etc. But it's also got a fairly nice team system too. There's a bit too much of a fish-eyed lens effect which I don't like (Halo 3 is thankfully free of that) but it looks alright (but the 360 demo I tried did run smoother).
One to watch.

I guess I can check for myself, but how did the graphics compare between the two? So the 360 had better better frame rates, was it sacrificing image quality to accomplish this? Are you running it at 1080P on the PS3?

I ask, because my LCD is not capable of 1080p, only 1080i and screen flicker, ala apparently framerate decreases are due to running in interlaced mode versus progressive.

I thought it looked great. I can't imagine the 360 version looking any better.

Guys, I'm looking for a new steering wheel as my old Fanatec Speedster doesn't work. I can't afford a G25, (but I do like the look of them), is there any other steering wheels which are good for PS3 and are compatible for most games? If possible I would like it to have a flappy paddle gear change, as I often use manual gears on games for fun.

So, can you help me?
Last night I was playing GT4 on my PS3 and I went to enter the All American Race Series and it went into the loading screen and just sat there with the red and blue bars and spinning circle/clock thing. It never gave a disc read error or turned red, but it sat for nearly a full five minutes before I hit the PS button and quit the game. It loaded back up just fine and everything has worked since. Fortunately, I had just saved and didn't lose anything.

I was just curious if this is common, if anyone else has had it happen, or if it may have just been a one time fluke. Is there anything I did or didn't do that could have caused it so I can avoid that?

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