I'm a bit miffed that Famine closed that thread of mine - I didn't even get chance to reply! I can kind of see his point though, but racism? Unless you count a quasi-swear word and a name of a nation as racism... Maybe I shouldn't of ranted like that, but it does get to you yunno.
That thread came about after some asshole (I won't say American for fear of being branded a racist - again!

) was casting aspersions about my mother. My mother passed away many years ago, and I don't take kindly to that kind of talk when I'm playing video games. If there were not so many thousand miles between me and him, I could happily imagine myself going to town on him with my tools (the little dog-***cker!)
I know not every American is like that, but there are some, and I was honest when I said I had never heard any Brits having a go, because I haven't. Anyway, if I offended some people, I'm sorry, but I though you would of realised I wasn't having a go at you personally, just 'those dumbasses'. Anyway sorry for the second time, and if I get the urge to rant again, I'll count to ten and head butt a wall or something like that.