PS3 General Discussion

Does that make them all rascist then? They didn't like the black one too much.


I think they prefer the white one because of purity or something, different cultures mean different likes for various colours, black symbolises death so thats maybe why! however white aint so lucky either, I think the white one looks neat but I like my PS's in black thankyou!

Good too see that its pulling some might in the sales charts though!

Yeah, in Japan white is a popular colour. White cars, for example, sell well whilst in the UK they don't (show up the dirt too much).
Look at the Wii, that's white. Personally I'd like a white PS3.
As for the sales, I assume Shingoku Musou 5 (or Dynasty Warriors 6) helped out a lot.
Has anyone else had a SIXAXIS go bad or start to go bad on them from regular use? The second one I bought used (I was using it as my main controller) started having issues yesterday that I noticed in 2 games, when holding the left joystick in one direction sometimes you would get minor directional inputs from the other stick (without touching it) especially when holding down another button. I'm fairly certain it's the controller as once I switched back to the original there were no more problems
I turn the controller off then back on(home button)and that fixed any issue i've had with the buttons. So yeah i have but it was quickly fixed.
I've had trouble with my controller, but it's a mechanical fault. The left stick "sticks" when pushing forward making characters "creep" very slowly. Not terrible but not good in a controller just 7 months old. My 360 controllers are the same (in fact worse - they're very loose) but I've had them since Jan 2006 (they did start going wrong around March this year though).
I don't think much of these controllers nowadays. And they're so expensive to replace.
:grumpy: I'm a bit miffed that Famine closed that thread of mine - I didn't even get chance to reply! I can kind of see his point though, but racism? Unless you count a quasi-swear word and a name of a nation as racism... Maybe I shouldn't of ranted like that, but it does get to you yunno.

That thread came about after some asshole (I won't say American for fear of being branded a racist - again! ;)) was casting aspersions about my mother. My mother passed away many years ago, and I don't take kindly to that kind of talk when I'm playing video games. If there were not so many thousand miles between me and him, I could happily imagine myself going to town on him with my tools (the little dog-***cker!)

I know not every American is like that, but there are some, and I was honest when I said I had never heard any Brits having a go, because I haven't. Anyway, if I offended some people, I'm sorry, but I though you would of realised I wasn't having a go at you personally, just 'those dumbasses'. Anyway sorry for the second time, and if I get the urge to rant again, I'll count to ten and head butt a wall or something like that.

👍 Whoever it was that gave me the -rep, thanks mate! Infamy is just as cool as fame (I'm happy with either!) :D
Stringer: Wii shortage good for PS3

Sony CEO celebrates boost in PS3 sales after price cut and new model, thankful for Nintendo's supply problems.

Looking good for PS3 this Xmas! :)👍


@ Magburner, it was just one individual, just ignore them, you are always going to get people like that online from any country, I think you went wrong when you highlighted Americans inparticular because that is just not the case.
@ Magburner, it was just one individual, just ignore them, you are always going to get people like that online from any country, I think you went wrong when you highlighted Americans inparticular because that is just not the case.

Hmmm... I wish it was just one individual... Anyway, like I said earlier, I'll count to ten and head butt a wall or something (dunno why I should have to, but there you go...) And here's hoping that COD4 gets a mute feature, and (dedicated) regional servers!
Hmmm... I wish it was just one individual... Anyway, like I said earlier, I'll count to ten and head butt a wall or something (dunno why I should have to, but there you go...) And here's hoping that COD4 gets a mute feature, and (dedicated) regional servers!
Play Warhawk, I've only run into a handful of guys like that on there, plus they have European servers where any American players will have to have a good connection speed not to lag on you.
:grumpy: I'm a bit miffed that Famine closed that thread of mine - I didn't even get chance to reply! I can kind of see his point though, but racism? Unless you count a quasi-swear word and a name of a nation as racism... Maybe I shouldn't of ranted like that, but it does get to you yunno.

That thread came about after some asshole (I won't say American for fear of being branded a racist - again! ;)) was casting aspersions about my mother. My mother passed away many years ago, and I don't take kindly to that kind of talk when I'm playing video games. If there were not so many thousand miles between me and him, I could happily imagine myself going to town on him with my tools (the little dog-***cker!)

I know not every American is like that, but there are some, and I was honest when I said I had never heard any Brits having a go, because I haven't. Anyway, if I offended some people, I'm sorry, but I though you would of realised I wasn't having a go at you personally, just 'those dumbasses'. Anyway sorry for the second time, and if I get the urge to rant again, I'll count to ten and head butt a wall or something like that.

Nah it wasn’t racism, just pointed nationalistic prejudice born out of extreme frustration (obviously). Although I can understand that you were probably just trying to have a nice mature discussion on the topic, I can also see why famine saw fit to shut’er down. Personally I think it was less a reflection on your disposition, even though he clearly had some issue there too, but mostly an understanding that if the wrong individuals came across the topic it could devolve quickly into a verbal brawl.

IMHO as a born and raised US Citizen, yeah sure there are a fair bit of sheltered, egotistic, aggressive, irresponsible and disrespectful a-holes in this country. But we all recognize that fundamentally these are characteristics found in humans from all walks of life, regardless of geopolitical borders. I respect and understand your desire to vent, but in all honesty given the venue and some of the words that you chose you must agree another might easily find them inflaming.
Nah it wasn’t racism, just pointed nationalistic prejudice born out of extreme frustration (obviously). Although I can understand that you were probably just trying to have a nice mature discussion on the topic, I can also see why famine saw fit to shut’er down. Personally I think it was less a reflection on your disposition, even though he clearly had some issue there too, but mostly an understanding that if the wrong individuals came across the topic it could devolve quickly into a verbal brawl.

IMHO as a born and raised US Citizen, yeah sure there are a fair bit of sheltered, egotistic, aggressive, irresponsible and disrespectful a-holes in this country. But we all recognize that fundamentally these are characteristics found in humans from all walks of life, regardless of geopolitical borders. I respect and understand your desire to vent, but in all honesty given the venue and some of the words that you chose you must agree another might easily find them inflaming.

Quality post!👍 I have to agree, although I understand why you felt the need to vent, you really generalized the entire American population as being "facking a**holes". You should not expect to be greeted with much respect when you choose those words. I assure you that there are many people in the UK who are just as bad as some of the americans that you addressed. And in any part of the world for that matter.

In order to receive respect, you must first give it.
@FoolKiller: I've stayed away from Warhawk for just that reason! Its got a bit of a reputation as a kids game, and I'm not interested in playing in that kind of environment.

@icelt: I don't usually give anyone +rep for posts (especially when I'm in the wrong), but you'll get some from me for that one - you put the point across perfectly; And your right of course!👍

The more I think about that last thread, the more I realise I did word it wrongly... It was more knee-jerk than well thought out, but you learn eh?

@Dead_Poetic: In the thread that was closed I did state that I am a courteous and respectful player. Maybe that respect should continue outside the game (even if the guy in question is not deserving of it)?

In future, I'll try and steer clear of broad sweeping generalisations - they're not worth the hassle, and they are of course (99% of the time) incorrect!
Its got a bit of a reputation as a kids game,

How are we defining kids, and where is this representation coming from?

And I'm not sure why you are staying away from it as I said it tends to be better than what you are describing. If it is worse than what you are dealing with then I must say I think you are overreacting, as I have been quite pleased.
@FoolKiller: I've not played Warhawk personally (I don't like the idea of it), but the guys in my clan that have, don't rate it. I say its a kids game for the exact same reason too, and because the couple of younglings I have in my friends-list always seem to be playing it. Maybe that's not a good barometer on how good the game is, but its good enough for me!
quick question. sometimes when i start the ps3 up the background is original. normally black but sometimes its this red/orangish color or a red to black gradient. its weird cause i just leave the original theme.
@FoolKiller: I've not played Warhawk personally (I don't like the idea of it), but the guys in my clan that have, don't rate it. I say its a kids game for the exact same reason too, and because the couple of younglings I have in my friends-list always seem to be playing it. Maybe that's not a good barometer on how good the game is, but its good enough for me!
It's also rated T, which means the younglings could get it when they couldn't get something a bit more bloody and rated M, like COD4.

All the people I play Warhawk with on a regular basis are GTP members and all over 18. The only exception was EWillis, but he sold his PS3, so he doesn't count any more. And when he did count he is at least ver y mature acting.

But some people don't enjoy third-person shooters, or the lack of single player and I understand that. To each their own. Heck, I don't like Halo 2(and if you want to hear immature people online play that series of games) and am not excited about playing Halo 3.

I would have to say that if you are running into immature gamers in COD4 that parhaps you shouldn't be judging the other players by age and more by maturity. A 12-year-old in Warhawk discussing good team strategy is better than a 35-year-old in COD4 calling people names and whining.

quick question. sometimes when i start the ps3 up the background is original. normally black but sometimes its this red/orangish color or a red to black gradient. its weird cause i just leave the original theme.
If you have it set on the default it changes color with the time of day. Before it used to just be one color all the time that changed week to week or month to month, but they changed that in an update so it changes with the time of day. Date may also have an affect, I don't know for sure.
i still don't have a PS3. It took & week to process my order and all the PS3's were gone by then. :(
Still trying on ebay, hopefully i'll have some luck there.
Otherwise i wont be getting a PS3, because i read somewhere that the sales and marketing manager for scee (steve foster) said that only the 40GB model will be produced in the future:
So the only model going forward, worldwide, is the 40GB?

SF: Correct. "Worldwide" is the important point here.

I would buy a 40GB version if it had 4 usb ports, instead of 2.
I need one for my steering wheel, and probably one for an external harddrive and charging up the controller. That's 3, and i would only have 2 ports.

So if anyone knows a store in Belgium or the Netherlands that still has the starter pack, please contact me.
(found a dutch one, but they ask €50 more)
There is a seperate place where you connect your own external HDD's, I think the best deal is the 80GB PS3 and if you look toward the future there should be some really spectacular games coming out for the PS3.
there is no 80GB PS3 in europe. and external HDD's need USB's, so you want as many as you can get.
I think 2 ports is just right. Do you really need to be charging your controller 24/7? I know i don't, and i've been playing for a good 3-4 hours straight everyday because i just bought mine. Plus, the cord is 3 feet long so you'd have to leave it there anyway. Not very handy to do while actually playing.

It's really not that big a deal to unplug one thing and then plug in another, unless it's an external HDD. I'd rather do that than spend another $100 or $200 just for 2 more ports and playing crappy looking PS2 games, any day.
What about usb mouses, usb keyboards, usb wheels, usb pendisks, etc? Do you really believe 2 ports is enough and anything more than that is a waste?
Sorry for the wrong info, I guess I was way off. Nice find SF, it seems like every week I hear or read something like this and it makes me glad I bought the PS3, I just don't see the X360 or wii for that matter being able to last as long as the PS3, what with its capabilities.
Yes, because if you have all those things plugged in at once, you are insane. :D

I wasn't saying to have them all plugged at the same time, just stating (not even mentioning the controller´s charger cord) that there are so many things that require usb ports that, if you only have 2 of them, sooner or later - more sooner than later - you'll fell the need to have more ports.
I really dont think that you will need to use that many things at one time. Really. Not only that, if you charge the controller completely, it lasts forever!. So that shouldnt be much of an issue. Honestly, I charge my controller once a week while I am downloading something off of the PSN. And it has only needed recharging once in between thursdays.
Is it possible to use a USB hub to plug in multiple devices?
If that's the case, maybe i'll just buy the 40GB version if i don't find a starter pack.

And does the memory card adapter work on the 40gb, because i want to back up data from my PS2.

Probably will buy a bigger HDD for the PS3 and buy an external case for the 40GB HDD.