Questions and innuendos about Moderators

  • Thread starter kikie
Nah, it's best to only have one voice on things like that as it prevents duplication. For UK GT Academy of course I was actually on scene and it made sense to live-Tweet it.
For Jordan and Famine, in particular.

Do you ever get bored of being the front runners for GTP? As in, the news page, you guys, except a select few, are the only two to frequently post news relating to current and up-coming GT titles. Are there ever times where you go through a 'dry spell', so to speak, where you just lose interest?

I was curious to know if you ever tire of it, since you've both been involved for so long.
I wouldn't say I get "bored" with it, but the responsibility and pressure of keeping it "fresh" can become a burden at times.
In a locked thread, can you edit posts without having to unlock the thread?

Yes. But typically, mods leave the stupidity alone for posterity. It has to break the rules to get edited/deleted, and that usually means someone's getting in trouble.
Yes. But typically, mods leave the stupidity alone for posterity. It has to break the rules to get edited/deleted, and that usually means someone's getting in trouble.

Ok. Well I was just wondering because I looked at the Banned User Log (Which I might add, it is one of the funniest threads on this site) and noticed it was locked pretty much all the time.
Not pretty much all the time. It is all the time.

Edit: Just had a look at the log and Duke was the last one to close it on September 18, 2005, one minute after it was created. Hasn't been unlocked since. :eek:
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Not pretty much all the time. It is all the time.

Edit: Just had a look at the log and Duke was the last one to close it on September 18, 2005, one minute after it was created. Hasn't been unlocked since. :eek:

Ok. Disregard my previous post.
So Pupik says yes, but TB says no, at least not the BUL?


BUL looks to be just a sticky thread, so it can always be edited if necessary. Sadly, it is quite often due to wannabe stand-up comedians troublemakers.
So Pupik says yes, but TB says no, at least not the BUL?

When did I say no? I said the BUL has been locked for the better part of 8 years and has clearly been modified, without being unlocked, numerous NUMEROUS times.

As for NEW posts in a locked thread, yes, we can do that, too. On occasion without noticing it was locked until after we've posted. :lol:
When did I say no? I said the BUL has been locked for the better part of 8 years and has clearly been modified, without being unlocked, numerous NUMEROUS times.

As for NEW posts in a locked thread, yes, we can do that, too. On occasion without noticing it was locked until after we've posted. :lol:

My bad. I seriously have to work on my reading comprehension, but I'm getting pretty good at facepalming afterwards.
I've been called many things over my years at GTPlanet. The most accurate of them was quite likely Total Bastard. :lol:

For a while I thought it meant Total Badass :lol:
Sounds tasty. Certainly better than TheKitten. ;)
Did any of you actually wanted to be a mod before you were one?
That's hard to answer. I'd be surprised if any of the staff acted a certain way or did anything with the goal of being a Mod. Personally, I simply browsed and posted as I saw fit, to the tune of when Duke PM myself and the others that joined at the same time, he said we should continue what we'd already been doing - browsing and posting. And putting out fires and, occasionally, putting out the ones that started said fire. ;)

I'd venture a guess that we'd all thought about what goes on behind the scenes, though.

How many of you were elected as a Mod. and did not really want that position ?
You are asked if you'd like to join the staff, not told "Hey, you're a Mod now." There have been some that have been asked and turned it down.
Or when someone gets banned by TB, they'll probably say "That B:censored:h!" so, once again, TB.
Did any of you actually wanted to be a mod before you were one?

Yes, but it wasn't going to make or break my time at GTPlanet, either way. I'd been on board over six years before getting an official invitation.

It's been said before, but typically the worst way to become a moderator anywhere is to ask persistently or rudely query to be one. So somebody who only has aspirations of being a mod might ne disappointed, with a staff that still has active moderators from over ten years ago on the staff.

How many of you were elected as a Mod. and did not really want that position ?

There's been a tiny handful who have declined the position, but I'll leave out their names. We have Emeritus status for those who are "less active" because they chose to. A few others just up and left, or retired to standard membership, as their lives became quite busy.
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Has a member ever received more than 30 points before being subsequently banned? Also, I am aware that 30 points is the maximum amount you can receive before being banned, but can you actually give someone an infinite amount of points, or does it actually top off at 30 points?