Questions and innuendos about Moderators

  • Thread starter kikie
Has a member ever received more than 30 points before being subsequently banned? Also, I am aware that 30 points is the maximum amount you can receive before being banned, but can you actually give someone an infinite amount of points, or does it actually top off at 30 points?

Having seen this first hand, points can total over, then you get banned. My week off I had 39 points.
Some have received infractions requiring commas, but it serves no purpose whatsoever once it passes 30.
I've just had a quick search...

There are 200 users with 40 or more infraction points - which can easily come about from having 10pt floating on your profile and then getting a full-fat 30 pointer.
118 have 50 or more (similar reasons)
92 have 59 points or more (again, 29pt last chance status then a maxxer)

There is a maximum value and 5 users have it. Though three of those are the same user.
Yeah, those are present points (rather than cumulative including expired ones) which means that, unless they've been manually unbanned, they're not here.
It's a good job, the average Joe can't view somebody else's points. The fools would be having a league table going.
expired ones

I thought points never expired? I seem to recall seeing a post a while back from a mod/admin/Jordan to the effect that once you were issued an infraction the points that came with it never went away. So if you got a ten point infraction, you'd still have those ten points a decade later even if you'd done nothing else wrong.
We can give out both permanent and temporary points.

Permanent ones never go away, obviously. Temp ones will go away after the period (that we can decide) has expired, but it is always on record that they were given.
That. The commonest expired infraction points are given to temporary bans. Points expire, ban expires :D
It's a good job, the average Joe can't view somebody else's points. The fools would be having a league table going.
And it's for that reason...
Still, having a deal-breaker 25 points isn't that serious, as long as you can behave yourself. I had a 25-point never-expire infraction and have been at that point for almost 6 years, granted I now post a lot less and rarely get into stupid internet arguments.

Unless it's about cows getting shot or noobs spilling cider or my insanely good memory for remembering odd moments.
I try to leave my ego at the door.... ;)

You'll notice, he did not specify who's door. :nervous:{j/k} :lol:

I'm married. Ego, hopes, dreams, dignity - all gone.

Got an extra oar buddy ? I'm boating right there along with you. :lol:

But you get to brainwash your kids for a few years. In return, they drive you batty.

Shhhhhhh, he thought the terrible 2's were bad .... wait until the terrible teens hit. :eek:

A question about banning. Obviously you keep track of who bans who and for whatever reason it may be. But, which Moderator is leading the pack with the ban-hammer ?

Or do we even want to know ?

*slowly backs out of the room*
Obviously you keep track of who bans who and for whatever reason it may be. But, which Moderator is leading the pack with the ban-hammer ?
Jordan and Famine might have more options at their disposal but I'm not aware of any way to easily tally how many people each of us have banned.

I can say without a doubt that is isn't me, though. :lol:
Or do we even want to know ?
Short of satisfying curiosity, I can't think of any other reason we'd need to know.
*slowly backs out of the room*
*slowly follows* :mischievous:
Are there 'secret' mods, ones that look like normal members, but are actually mods?

My wife is. See:
Not if I BAN you first.

There may or may not be others. ;)
Also, turbo or supercharger?(generally) :D
Supercharger. Hands down.