Racesimcentral.com to make an "E3 Special Report" on GT5. IT'S OUT, watch @ 1st post

  • Thread starter Coxis
At the same time you have to give credit to SRT for getting into the private function and also the Merc PR evening.
Who represented GT Planet at those? They also do get hardware exclusives and have now covered some great hardware in reviews with more to come like the Renn Sport Cockpit. Why I ask has Jordan or no-one at GT Planet went down this commercial avenue gettting involved in doing such reviews or being more involved with industry games shows?

I really think its a missed oppertunity that Jordan / GT Planet could get more involved in but perhaps he isnt interested in this side of things?
I'd love to provide that type of coverage myself, but the real-world factors of time and money make things complicated. Yes, I could spend hundreds of dollars getting out to E3 myself to help Sage, but would the additional coverage we'd be able to provide have made that big of a difference in traffic or - more importantly - revenue? Unfortunately, that's not the case, especially when there are so many other excellent sources of information out there such as InsideSimRacing. Because they and other news outlets are able to provide coverage on a much wider range of subjects, they have a lot more to gain by investing in these game shows and we all get to benefit from economy of scale.

I should also note that I've done several product reviews in the past, and I'm working on two more right now (with other pending reviews to come later this year). However, product reviews are not my intended focus of the news blog, so I don't actively pursue manufacturers for test units.
I think ISR did a pretty good job getting what was available to them. I'm quite sure they will try to get more information in the coming game expos.
I think ISR did a pretty good job getting what was available to them. I'm quite sure they will try to get more information in the coming game expos.

I agree. Compared to the other so called "interviews and reports", theirs was lightyears ahead of the rest.

Unfortunately, there are many details, apparently unavailable to anyone at this time, and will be forthcoming as the release approaches.
GT5 isn't trying to compete with that...it has to appeal to a very mainstream audience that doesn't want a true simulation--they want a game with lots of fun cars to drive. GT does a very nice job catering to both audiences but you have to realize their biggest audience is not the one reading this forum. That means they will never be as sim-like as the hardcore PC choices. Go back to GT5P and drive the F1 car again and then try out a similar car on the PC sims and you will see what I mean.
The TT demo competition disagree with you.
I agree. Compared to the other so called "interviews and reports", theirs was lightyears ahead of the rest.

Unfortunately, there are many details, apparently unavailable to anyone at this time, and will be forthcoming as the release approaches.

And that's the fun thing about many of their features not being revealed yet. If Poly just spilled all the beans, where's the fun in that? The forum would then turn into a epitome of redundant repetitiveness up until launch day.
And that's the fun thing about many of their features not being revealed yet. If Poly just spilled all the beans, where's the fun in that? The forum would then turn into a epitome of redundant repetitiveness up until launch day.

Oh I don't know about that.

I feel confident there would still be no shortage of contentious points for many to argue about. :P
It's not accurate when you intentionally mess it up. 👎

At least you had the decency to put it back how it was originally. Oh, and no you didn't prove a point about accuracy because it WAS accurate.

How can something be 100% accurate when it can be edited by the general public??

If I had changed to to say it was running a VW W12 engine people would not have questioned it either???

I'm not targeting you about the Citroen GT just people that use Wiki as the absolute definitive answer on everything. It isn't.

I think there have been GT5 car lists and all sorts on there.
Oh I don't know about that.

I feel confident there would still be no shortage of contentious points for many to argue about. :P

The Arguing will continue well after GT5 is released. People will find faults to complain about in GT5 and thats Guaranteed.

How can something be 100% accurate when it can be edited by the general public??

If I had changed to to say it was running a VW W12 engine people would not have questioned it either???

I'm not targeting you about the Citroen GT just people that use Wiki as the absolute definitive answer on everything. It isn't.

I think there have been GT5 car lists and all sorts on there.

I agree. WikiPedia isnt a trust worthy source for anything. Anybody can edit WikiPedia which makes it untrustworthy.
You're basing your understanding of the physics on tire temperatures? :ill: The reason you couldn't warm up your tyres in Prologue and the TT is because, well it wasn't included. You can't compare FM3's physics with tyre warming with another game without tyre warming... it doesn't really work. Try it when GT5 actually comes out.

Please read more carefully to avoid any future embarrasment, I clearly mentioned that the TT didn't have changing tire temperatures for the sake of fairness.

I only compared the physics when both games had similar tire temperatures, something you would achieve in Forza by warming them up yourself on the track.

Sorry but, that is unrealistic no matter what you tell me. And it's not a 5 inch curb, it's called a rumble strip which is sloped to allow cars to drive over them without being launched in the air. Not a real issue? Erm, alright then. It seems you are the one that doesn't know what they are talking about.

Please race the track in question. I don't have my 360 booted up right now, so why don't you take a picture of the curb in question? Why don't you do that before alleging that I don't know what I'm talking about.

So GT5 is going to have permanent steering aid?

Please realize that "Driving Aids" are laid on top of physics in any sim racer. These aids to not muck around with the physics already implemented.

Think of it in this way:

User --> Driving Assists --> Physics

The fact that games like Forza and GT have driving aids (which in GT, you can turn completely off, including steering assists) doesn't mean they have bad physics.

It's incredibly disappointing that Forza has its permanent steering assist, but that doesn't mean that the physics don't feel excellent and that the tire model is any less good. It does mean that it is harder to push the physics to the limit. It definitely neuters the experience, but not the physics itself.

GT doesn't even have races where you qualify or realistic race starts! (unless that changes in GT5). Except it for what it is--a terrific console sim that will be worth every penny and a lot more but don't bash knowledgeable people who see that GT5 isn't the best in every way.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I do think they will have qualifying laps for online play. Which is, in a word, awesome. GT5 certainly won't be the best in every way but in one important aspect, online play, it sounds like they are going to be the clear and undisputed leader.
Please read more carefully to avoid any future embarrasment, I clearly mentioned that the TT didn't have changing tire temperatures for the sake of fairness.

I only compared the physics when both games had similar tire temperatures, something you would achieve in Forza by warming them up yourself on the track.

This is what you said

He explained it like this: In the Time Trial the tire temperatures are locked for fairness across laps. In Forza the tires start cool and warm up. After you've warmed up your tires the handling will feel very similar.

In the end, FM3 will feel more realistic because as your tires get too hot from spinning out you have to be extra gentle on the throttle as you exit turns. This isn't a fault of the Time Trial's physics, just the settings it was set at where it locks your temperatures.

How did you compare the physics when you don't know the tyres had similar tyre temperatures? You say in your original post "FM3 will feel more realistic because as your tires get too hot from spinning out you have to be extra gentle on the throttle as you exit turns". Your tyres got too hot. Tyres don't get hot in the TT, even with the locked tyre temperate. They are probably average temperatures. I'm sure on GT5 when your tyres get too hot, you will have to balance the throttle more carefully (not that you don't have to already). Your point doesn't stand very well. :yuck:

Please race the track in question. I don't have my 360 booted up right now, so why don't you take a picture of the curb in question? Why don't you do that before alleging that I don't know what I'm talking about.

So you're telling me in the video from 0:19 to 0:21 the car wouldn't fall back down to Earth? You HAVE to be kidding me. Let's just put the video back up here so everyone can laugh at it.

I must not be part of everyone because I didnt see whats so funny.

I was actually thinking of putting "most people" but I thought that surely someone wouldn't reply to that part of my post. I was clearly wrong. The way that car almost floats up in the air is unrealistic and as the video title says, comical. Sorry it didn't make you laugh. :guilty:
I'd love to provide that type of coverage myself, but the real-world factors of time and money make things complicated. Yes, I could spend hundreds of dollars getting out to E3 myself to help Sage, but would the additional coverage we'd be able to provide have made that big of a difference in traffic or - more importantly - revenue? Unfortunately, that's not the case, especially when there are so many other excellent sources of information out there such as InsideSimRacing. Because they and other news outlets are able to provide coverage on a much wider range of subjects, they have a lot more to gain by investing in these game shows and we all get to benefit from economy of scale.

I should also note that I've done several product reviews in the past, and I'm working on two more right now (with other pending reviews to come later this year). However, product reviews are not my intended focus of the news blog, so I don't actively pursue manufacturers for test units.

Appreciate the reply and while I wanted to ensure SRT got credit they deserve I wasnt wanting to make it seem what is done here is any less deserved for credit or the work you put into it.

SRT has however become what looks to be commerically sustainable focusing on getting a high level of exposure starting from nothing. Credit to them in gaining support and forming close connections with hardware suppliers and important connectons with the right people in the industry. Look back several years and another guy I personally admire is Rodney Reynolds with the 3DG website in how he turned that into more than just a hobby but a living doing something he loves.

Indeed you Jordan have done nice reviews and coverage of some hardware Vision Racer and Wheel Stand Pro come to mind. Im just surprised these forums with the attention/traffic they get have not got more involved in commericial activities. Even with regards competitions that suppliers should be willing to put up in return of promotion on these very forums. Thats why I mentioned perhaps you have reasons or its not something you want to get involved in. I see piles of potential and although I love this site I would also love to read more about you and your own personal opinion at times and not just headline news.

Regards E3 and expense. It was discussed in one of the threads and if you wanted donations to cover expenses to attend E3 I pretty much would be certain you would of got the support needed from members here and personally I certainly would of donated towards it in the region of $30 - $50 if I knew it would bring back extensive footage and quality report.

In many ways SRT would love to be in the position you are with the amount of views/traffic these forums get.
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I was actually thinking of putting "most people" but I thought that surely someone wouldn't reply to that part of my post. I was clearly wrong. The way that car almost floats up in the air is unrealistic and as the video title says, comical. Sorry it didn't make you laugh. :guilty:

It made me laugh, looks terrible.
Which is why full sim or damage should be a requirement for leaderboards IMHO.

Who drops into second gear from top speed in the real world.

The real driving simulator. Ha ha.

Mostly picking nits here, but that's not really a far fetched notion. Downshifting isn't really a necessity in decellerating, and most of us aren't skilled enough to pull off 4 consecutive (accurate) heel toe downshifts, so relying on the brakes and making the shift to 2nd once you're at the right speed isn't really a big deal, in my opinion. I do it all the time in real life, granted in less intense situations. For instance, I'll be in 6th at 70mph on the highway and slow to 40 for an off ramp and drop to 2nd.

Like I said, I'm nitpicking, because I am pretty sure you mean shifting to 2nd at like 100mph which in game does help in slowing the car, and would obliterate everything in real life.
Bones, your right mate, I was indeed refering too dropping into 2nd from top speed.
Mechanical damage is not all about bits falling off and spectacular crashes.
I'd like to see abusive driving punished via damaged gear boxes, springs aswell as the normal tyre wear etc.
So you're telling me in the video from 0:19 to 0:21 the car wouldn't fall back down to Earth? You HAVE to be kidding me. Let's just put the video back up here so everyone can laugh at it.

Neither game has good damage physics. Just like in FM3, a simple error in GT5:P can up showing how bad it's physics are out of the engine's control.

All he did was clip a car coming in too fast & the physics engine went out the door, esp. once the way the Mazda was hit.

Again, both games have poor damage physics. I wouldn't be surprised if this could be done again in GT5, except with scratches & body panels coming off.
Neither game has good damage physics. Just like in FM3, a simple error in GT5:P can up showing how bad it's physics are out of the engine's control.

All he did was clip a car coming in too fast & the physics engine went out the door, esp. once the way the Mazda was hit.

Again, both games have poor damage physics. I wouldn't be surprised if this could be done again in GT5, except with scratches & body panels coming off.

Agreed, though that "spin" glitch should be fixed now that cars can flip. What seems like would happen is that instead of flipping like a car normally should the vertical velocity gets transferred elsewhere (since you can't flip the cars), causing it to spin erratically. Though Forza 3 DOES have an extreme cause of the flipzies. The cars tend to flip for no reason. I mean.. these cars are over 1000 pounds. Taking a loose turn at 80mph and touching a rumble strip shouldn't cause a car to flip like that. I've mentioned this elsewhere but I've had SEVERAL cases of my car flipping for no legitimate reason causing me to lose a race.
The thing we are not considering here is that GT5's physics may not be as good as they were in the TT demo. Past GT games have been dulled down at the request of SCEA. The TT demo might have been a special case since it was for a racing competition.

I know the early version I have played didn't seem any different to prologue.

Not saying this is the case, but it is possible. It would also explain how someone could compare it to Forza 3.
Agreed, though that "spin" glitch should be fixed now that cars can flip. What seems like would happen is that instead of flipping like a car normally should the vertical velocity gets transferred elsewhere (since you can't flip the cars), causing it to spin erratically. Though Forza 3 DOES have an extreme cause of the flipzies. The cars tend to flip for no reason. I mean.. these cars are over 1000 pounds. Taking a loose turn at 80mph and touching a rumble strip shouldn't cause a car to flip like that. I've mentioned this elsewhere but I've had SEVERAL cases of my car flipping for no legitimate reason causing me to lose a race.
No argument there. 👍
I've put in 22k worth of miles on forza and flipped 3 times. Not bad considering I'm not the best and I'm pushing it.
Funny thing is, twice on the same kerb in the vid. Stiff setups and that kerb don't go well.
Soft springs, correct damper and rebound settings and you can floor it over that strip. That particular kerb is by far the worst IMHO.
The thing we are not considering here is that GT5's physics may not be as good as they were in the TT demo. Past GT games have been dulled down at the request of SCEA. The TT demo might have been a special case since it was for a racing competition.

I know the early version I have played didn't seem any different to prologue.

Not saying this is the case, but it is possible. It would also explain how someone could compare it to Forza 3.

The fact that GT now comes with two separate driving physics makes it very unlikely that anyone else but PD would make the final decision. Unless of course Standard Physics is too hard :)
The fact that GT now comes with two separate driving physics makes it very unlikely that anyone else but PD would make the final decision. Unless of course Standard Physics is too hard :)

I remember watching the GT5 Nur demos from MAX, and the standard physics looked like GT5P Pro physics. The cars was over-steering like they do in GT5P.
Agreed, though that "spin" glitch should be fixed now that cars can flip. What seems like would happen is that instead of flipping like a car normally should the vertical velocity gets transferred elsewhere (since you can't flip the cars), causing it to spin erratically. Though Forza 3 DOES have an extreme cause of the flipzies. The cars tend to flip for no reason. I mean.. these cars are over 1000 pounds. Taking a loose turn at 80mph and touching a rumble strip shouldn't cause a car to flip like that. I've mentioned this elsewhere but I've had SEVERAL cases of my car flipping for no legitimate reason causing me to lose a race.

Seemed like a good review to me. I'm not sure what all the fuss is about? :confused:

They said it was "physics wise, just like FM3", now, i dont remember a perpetual forced ASM and the cars tipping over like cows when they hit rumble strips in GT5P.(no there wasnt rollover in GT5P, but if there was, it wouldnt be like that) + no sense of speed and it looks like a toboggan driving.

To me it just shows how little they might know, also they didnt mention what physics model they were using, or even TCS ASM, important factors to mention when reviewing a Sim.