Red Bull X2014 Standard Super Lap: Suzuka Circuit

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Here's my quick tune for the Red Bull:

suspension: everything on maximum except camber 0 0 and toe stock
brakes: stock
gears: stock
LSD: 5 5 5
downforce: stock
+oil change +rigidity improvement (not sure if this helps)

Currently on 1:18:6 but I see a few more tenths with this.
Here's my quick tune for the Red Bull:

suspension: everything on maximum except camber 0 0 and toe stock
brakes: stock
gears: stock
LSD: 5 5 5
downforce: stock
+oil change +rigidity improvement (not sure if this helps)

Currently on 1:18:6 but I see a few more tenths with this.
I went with your advice and immediately improved from 24s to 21s. However, I decided to keep playing since I didn't have anything better to do. I kept adjusting the downforce to see what feels better, and I found 1400 front 1700 rear to be the best. I kept playing with that setup and finally just managed 1:19.593! I don't know how much I can improve with this setup, but there's still a bit of time here and there. Hopefully someone finds a good setup that's gonna improve my time by much :P
Gave this one a re-run and I set 1:23.297 with the same bone stock setting. I try my best on that lap. It drove like the x2010 s vettel but the handling is much better. My positioning is 475th.
Managed a gold with stock settings. My eyes now ache from not blinking and my hands hurt from frantic gear shifting. Such a buzz driving at warp factor 10. Will try some tuning next to see how much I can improve :)
I wonder if there's an upcoming event in the Fan Car. It kind of feels like they're building us up to it.
Though that's probably just wild speculation of course, I suppose we'll just see what turns up each time.
What is it exactly that feels like they are leading up to a Fan Car Seasonal Event? Perhaps you're correct. I'm just trying to see how you came upon this feeling...
What is it exactly that feels like they are leading up to a Fan Car Seasonal Event? Perhaps you're correct. I'm just trying to see how you came upon this feeling...
Probably because of the steady stream of seasonals based on the 100 Kart, 125 Kart, 125 Shifter Kart, RB Junior, X2010, X2011, and X2014. Oh, wait! But that never happened!
What is it exactly that feels like they are leading up to a Fan Car Seasonal Event? Perhaps you're correct. I'm just trying to see how you came upon this feeling...
It's not something that I think I can be either correct or incorrect about, I don't claim to have any real grounding to believe that a Fan Car event is coming. It was just a feeling & a wondering that I had.
I merely shared my own personal thought with our fellow seasonal event participants. Hopefully I left enough in the way of a disclaimer in the 2nd half of what I wrote that it won't be taken as any more than just one persons passing thoughts.

A contributing factor to me having the thought were (perhaps incorrect) memories of low pp cars being used in early seasonals which could possibly have been decided upon as a way to give a large number of people access to the events at a time when many people wouldn't have higher pp cars in their garage yet. Now that a greater number of players have been playing long enough to have acquired a wider range of vehicles it is possible that the events being offered will reflect that.
Of course I may have the wrong impression of how the events are planned.

I understand why you would question what i wrote.
I did feel, after I posted, that it may have been unwise & could possibly lead to spurious, perhaps pointless, discussion about things we have no real way to predict.

Again though, my intention was only to share a thought with fellow gtplaneteers & I hope it hasn't caused anybody an unnecessary distraction.
@S_Bridge I thought my question to you was innocent enough, but perhaps it was not. I wasn't asking you, with rolling eyes, how you came to the conclusion you did. I genuinely was curious if there was something specific that gave you the feeling you had. Perhaps you've seen certain patterns in previous GT series. Seeing that GT6 is my first time playing a Gran Turismo title, I have nothing to compare this game to.

I apologize if you thought I was being critical of your comments. I most certainly was not. Honestly, I just hate those X cars so much... Once I read you comment I just got worried that perhaps you knew something that I didn't. Sorry for the confusion! :cheers:
@S_Bridge I thought my question to you was innocent enough, but perhaps it was not. I wasn't asking you, with rolling eyes, how you came to the conclusion you did. I genuinely was curious if there was something specific that gave you the feeling you had. Perhaps you've seen certain patterns in previous GT series. Seeing that GT6 is my first time playing a Gran Turismo title, I have nothing to compare this game to.

I apologize if you thought I was being critical of your comments. I most certainly was not. Honestly, I just hate those X cars so much... Once I read you comment I just got worried that perhaps you knew something that I didn't. Sorry for the confusion! :cheers:
Not a problem.
I didn't feel like you were attacking me, I just thought that a full explanation of my thinking might be the best way to go after my initial post which I do think was a bit of a pointless musing on my part.:cheers:
This was actually not nearly as fun as I thought it would be. I've driven this car in Vettel challenge for 100+ times through the tournament doing 4 races at a time. So that is like over a thousand laps on different tracks.

This was something different though. In Vettel I drive with RS tyres and SRF on and TC1, since I enjoy the fast and guaranteed credits. With those settings the car is VERY fast and stable and capable of ludicrous speed in corners. In this seasonal we have RH tyres and SRF off, so the car becomes very nervous and driving with DS3 becomes terrible, at least for me.

So, no urge to improve. I'll take my paint with 1:25.x and go drive something else.

Quick tune: Oil change, TC2.
Great another expensive car I don't have yet - a bit boring or what? I used the Red Bull for grinding 24 hr A Spec Endurance races on GT5... other than that its pretty useless apart from being mad quick ting. Can we have some proper interesting seasonals please PD (NO 2J etc) best get my grind on at the weekend if I want the medal or just complete the Red Bull Event - Whateverrrrr!!!! :lol::lol::lol:
Here's my quick tune for the Red Bull:

suspension: everything on maximum except camber 0 0 and toe stock
brakes: stock
gears: stock
LSD: 5 5 5
downforce: stock
+oil change +rigidity improvement (not sure if this helps)

Currently on 1:18:6 but I see a few more tenths with this.

Tried this mate and it actually workz , i have been on for a 1.19 several times and lost it on the 2nd to last corner everytime. I will try later and see how it goes :) .Did u do this on a wheel mate ?

I got Bronze on my first lap, and then silver with 1:27.7 two laps later. Then I slowly grinded away down to 1:27.0
I don't see myself getting that extra second, I think I'll just skip this one. I really don't "get" this car.
Here's my quick tune for the Red Bull:

suspension: everything on maximum except camber 0 0 and toe stock
brakes: stock
gears: stock
LSD: 5 5 5
downforce: stock
+oil change +rigidity improvement (not sure if this helps)

Currently on 1:18:6 but I see a few more tenths with this.

Thank you for the quick tune! Just changed camber to 0 0 as you suggest, LSD 5 5 5 and oil change. A little bit more downforce than stock, not much. Worked for me. :cheers:

Gold and ciao...

This "thing" (I cannot write "car") is so... :yuck:
Really enjoyed this, just max downforce and 0 camber,took about 7 laps but each lap I kept improving.
I found that staying in fifth gear through the esses at the start of the lap helped.
After trying this event for 5 minutes I've decided that this will be the first (and so far only) seasonal event since the games release that I am entirely uninterested in getting gold in. I'd rather poke myself in the eye with a spoon repeatedly than drive this foul machine on a DS3.
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@jack burtone it's possible with DS3, I felt the same as you, but gave it another try to get my paint chip of Cr. 3 000 000.00 (Worth every penny :banghead: ). See my earlier post :lol:

5 key things made it possible:

1. Set the controller sensitivity to a lower value, about 3 clicks, then you normally use (I went 4,7,7; I use 7,10,10 normally)
2. Drop the down force in front to below 1000 and adjust the rear in equal value. I went for 900.
3. Top speed to 360km/h adjust the final gear till you hit about 365km/h just before the first corner.
4. Oil change and improve the body rigidity.
5. First set of corners you can nail hard.

(More then 5!?!)

Speed is this cars best friend, the faster you go, the better the grip gets, and don't race through the gears.

This helped me to a 1.25, enough for the Cr. and beatiful paint chip (sarcasm is not my strong point).

Whilst doing the lap I had flashbacks of Pennywise , scary as hell and no fun to look at! Glad it is over!

Good luck and go fast.
If anyone is interested this is the tune I've been using.
It's quick & dirty! Gets the job done! :dopey:

Red Bull X2014 Standard @ Suzuka

Oil change & Body Rigidity Improvement.


Brakes 8/8


FG: 4450
Max speed 186mph (min)
FG: 3500

LSD: 5/7/5

DF: 1375/1725

I hope it helps a few people out 👍


Now I've got to try and learn Sierra! :nervous:....:lol:
If anyone is interested this is the tune I've been using.
It's quick & dirty! Gets the job done! :dopey:

Red Bull X2014 Standard @ Suzuka

Oil change & Body Rigidity Improvement.


Brakes 8/8


FG: 4450
Max speed 186mph (min)
FG: 3500

LSD: 5/7/5

DF: 1375/1725

I hope it helps a few people out 👍


Now I've got to try and learn Sierra! :nervous:....:lol:

1:25.403 on this tune.

Im usually not a fan of 0 camber tunes, but because this is a bullshhh car, then i will use a 0 camber tune. LOL!

I think the gearbox tuning made the biggest difference, being able to stay flat in 6th through the S's, then carry 7th through Degner 1, and 5th through Degner 2 made the biggest time savings. Though, i wish the gear was a little shorter in first and second though. I feel like i left about .1 to .2 on the table coming out of the hairpin. Oh well, i got Gold, thats all i care about, heh. Thanks man.