Well, as an european I think he is doing great. I came to regard the USA as an unreliable ally, with a possibly treasonous President (meaning, caring more for his interests in Russia than for NATO) during the Trump era, but with Biden I have no such fears.
Also, what's not to like about the President of the USA calling for Russia to get rid of Putin, calling for Russia to become a democracy? Is it not diplomatic language? Who cares, Russia has just invaded a neighbouring country, Putin is a war criminal (and Biden called him as much), he should be gone (and Biden said it) and Russia should evolve to a true democracy (and Biden said it). About the response "in kind" for a chemical attack it is obvious that Biden isn't talking about an equal response but is making the menace that such a henious action will be met with a violent reaction from NATO. Not saying exactly what NATO would do is of course wise, it's not even up to him alone to decide.
That the White House is clarifying the USA doens't want a regime change is of course diplomaticspeak. What Biden said matters more, and what he said is what any democratic loving person and country wishes.
EDIT - just to clarify, Europe (or the sum of EU countries) still needs to become a military superpower, who knows what will happen to the USA in 2024 and if the Putin-loving clown will be voted again as President. And although Germany rearming itself is something I never thought I'd wish, I was very glad they decided to do just that. Germany and France (with its nuclear power status) geopolitically face the East and have the economic power to back their effort. Smaller countries in Europe (like my own) must also do their fair share towards that goal and I guess that must be the way.