Sorry about this....
*Begin rant:
So I have figured out a part of the auto take over today. I was talking to a good friend of mine who is in the market for a used car. His reason for not shopping for a manual (he can drive one) is that he has a harder time multitasking. When I drive an auto I have always been bored out of my mind, but I never really do much other than drive. Now a days most people are playing on there phones, GPS, or a variety of other gadgets inside the car. I was told this was hard enough to do with out having to control the trans.
People just don't respect driving anymore, they are unfocused and doing other things as they do it. While a bit dangerous, it's also leading to people becoming more and more lazy while driving, which is helped by autos. I am not saying people don't txt, or screw around while driving a stick, I am simply saying it's much easier to do in an auto. In the age of "I must update my status every 5 seconds" this is a must have. We drivers who want to enjoy our driving experience, want to become a part of the machine we are controlling, are the 1%. Sure, many auto's and semi auto's are faster, but having fun isn't all about speed. It's about the feel of the clutch as it bites, and knowledge that it's up to you to do it right. When driving for fun every shift becomes a point of pride won or lost.
So everyone go and teach! If you have a manual and know someone who want to learn, be there teacher. While many teens these days don't care about cars, the ones that do are surrounded by autos. Most who want to learn have not manual around them to learn with. If we get them before they start screwing off while driving, maybe, just maybe, we can continue the life of the manual transmission, by making the new driving generation excited about driving.
*End rant