- 30,099
- Thailand
Talk about a pretty dumb reason to ban guns, let alone knives. I say this because the pen I'm currently holding is equally a threat to human life.
That you just confirm that Europe is a place of dumb laws.
I didn't say anything about any banning of guns. In places where guns aren't legal in public (like most of the 1st world, except a handful of nations) it's not "to ban guns" when they are already prohibited. Most 1st world countries that allow personal gun ownership still don't allow open or concealed carry, or carry without a permit.
What is dumb is to assume that something that primary serves the role of a weapon or an instrument of cutting is less threatening than a pen. I don't like repeating myself because you failed to read the previous explanation but the UK knife rules are there because there is very little reason for somebody to carry a knife without a justified reason, though circumstances do exist where it is permitted, whereas a pen is a different ball(point) game all together.
The US is the only country on this list which allows permit free gun ownership and is also ranked in the top 20 for gun related deaths among a whole bunch of 3rd world developing nations (excluding SA in that). Make of that what you will. Stats are here and here. Now compare that the UK figures where guns are tightly regulated. The figures speak volumes.
Dumb laws? How about it being illegal to import Haggis into the USA from the UK? Would you not consider that dumb? Let's not go off topic even more about dumb laws when there are a catalogue of, in my view, ridiculous laws in the US.
We're all entitled to our opinions though, aren't we?
Any it look to me like Hollande stand to benefit from this tragedy as its a distraction from France poor economy and his very own unoopularity.
That word you used before... began...'du'..something...'b'....what was it....? That's the word I would use to describe this sentence. Oh, and unintelligible, inaccurate and a complete mess.
Sorry to all you others for my off-topic education lesson for Mr.A2K78. I quite like guns despite what it might sound like above.
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