Should most (if not all) cars be unlocked in Arcade Mode?

Hell yes i want ALL cars to be unlocked in arcade. I say this becasue i can test drive the cars, do time trials with stock cars, and i dont have to put on more miles on my cars.
I want the arcade mode to be removed from the game.

To answear the thread question though, no, of course not. I mean it makes more sense to have they all locked...
All Cars should be Unlocked in Arcade Mode. It would take Forever to Unlock 1,000 Cars and I don't have the Time TBH.

I agree. i want to be able relax every now and then to try out some different cars instead of being stuck with the gt mode ones all the time. i mean in Gtmode you buy cars based on price and performance and therefore a lot of cars wont be used too much because they wont be neccesary or wont reaally be useful for any races.
NO, keep the GT Mode the way it is, I like how you gotta race for money to buy cars or tune them.
Like some one else said in this thread... what is the point of GT Mode if you unlocked cars in Arcade mode?

I simply don't have the time I used to have to slowly progress through career mode, and surely don't want to spend some extra RL cash just to unlock any content I paid for in the first place, so by all means: let me have the freedom of jump in any car I feel like driving on any track.

It won't give me the feeling of achievement I got from playing GT mode, but I really can't be bothered to spend time on a track I utterly dislike just to get to the "good bits".
I was a big fan of GT1 & GT3 arcade modes (can't remember GT2 that well because I didn't put in the arcade disc that much).
So I would like to see a return to that; starting of with some cars from all classes on a selection of circuits gradually unlocking cars and tracks as you win.

I don't think GT mode should affect arcade mode in any way, except for being able to choose your garage cars.
It added an hour or two onto Forza 2...
No, this is not a poll thread. (this question requires more than a click of a mouse)

Should most (if not all) cars be drivable from day one in Arcade Mode?
It might not be a poll thread, but your question really only qualifies as having a yes/no answer. With that said...


You could quite easily have had a poll and people would have automatically justified their response. Personally, I'd rather have "some" available to start with in arcade mode, but not the most desirable cars. Your time and effort spent in career mode should then reflect what you can do in arcade mode, and if you "simply don't have the time", then I'd suggest not buying the game at all.
Sure they could have most cars unlocked in Arcade mode, but in that case I´d like there to be some limitations; for example:
Since it´s supposed to be an arcade mode, all aids will be on, TCS, ASM, ABS and so on. All roadcars fitted with sports rubber (S2 equivalent in GT4) and all racecars with R3 equivalent. If we get to choose a number of physics settings, where pro is as real as possible and amateur is as arcadey as possible, amateur is the only option in arcademode. No damage.
A number of drivingmissions should be the order of the day, and you get a Cr. reward and a new car wich applies to your GT mode aswell. The car should not be arcade exklusive though, but able to be bought in GT mode.
Let´s say Arcade mode has 50 missions. You can get bronze, silver or gold, and one car for each medal, wich means 150 cars. All other cars unlocked from the get go.
Of course.

100% yes.

Trudging through career mode just to be able to play the game isn't fun. It's a driving simulator, not a treasure hunt. The focus is on driving. Unlocks, etc, are relics from the early periods of game development that intended to stretch the value of limited content and add achievement when large mulitplayer competition was not available. They are worthless with the massive content and intense multiplayer nature of modern games.

GT would only be clinging to ancient outdated ideas by having an unlock system. Arcade mode with everything open will be for the driver, and GT mode will be for the collectors.
*snip* and if you "simply don't have the time", then I'd suggest not buying the game at all.

Could you explain why people with less free time than yourself should be handicapped in two areas of the game? GT mode caters very well to those who want to work for their rewards. Arcade mode would seem the obvious place for those who either don't want to or just plain don't have the time without spoiling the GT experience.

Having Arcade mode with unlockable cars has always seemed to me like a watered down GT mode, that you happen to be forced to use when you want to play 2P.
In short, yes.

I think it would increase the appeal of the game for casuals. I've had several friends who've bought GT only to be disappointed by the fact they need to unlock the "good" cars. These people don't want to spend dozens of hours grinding through GT Mode just to be able to drive a Ferrari. They have no interest in progressing through a career. They're just here for some quick thrills.

KY has said he wants to increase the appeal of the game for casual players like these. As I see it, there are two options for catering to these players. One is "dumbing down" GT Mode, and increasing the rewards such that you can earn any car you want within a few hours of sitting down with the game. Obviously, this would pretty much ruin GT Mode for those of us who like it as it is, and there'd still be some people that get bent out of shape over having to wait "so long." The other option is unlocking all of the cars in Arcade Mode, and leaving GT Mode untouched. This keeps the purists happy, because they can spend hours and hours grinding for everything they get, and the casuals are happy too, because they can always sit down and drive any car they want.

I think the comments about unlocking everything in Arcade Mode "spoiling" the game are just knee-jerk reactions. Honestly, how many purists really spend any time in Arcade Mode anyway? Personally, I don't use it at all, unless I wanna play some split-screen with my friends, and if everything was unlocked there, I could use it as a "test drive" mode, which may lead to my buying cars I may have otherwise ignored.

I'm really not seeing any downside here. If you don't want access to every car from the outset, just don't play Arcade Mode. Problem solved.
Unlocks, etc, are relics from the early periods of game development that intended to stretch the value of limited content and add achievement when large mulitplayer competition was not available. They are worthless with the massive content and intense multiplayer nature of modern games.

GT would only be clinging to ancient outdated ideas by having an unlock system.
Ancient outdated ideas? :lol: You are right, every game should have everything unlocked from the beginning! Why bother with actually playing the game to unlock all the cool stuff, I want it all from the beginning! :dopey:

In short, yes.

I think it would increase the appeal of the game for casuals. I've had several friends who've bought GT only to be disappointed by the fact they need to unlock the "good" cars. These people don't want to spend dozens of hours grinding through GT Mode just to be able to drive a Ferrari. They have no interest in progressing through a career. They're just here for some quick thrills.
Maybe they should find another game to play then? 💡 I'm so sick of every game these days being dumbed down to "increase the appeal of the game for casuals". :yuck: What happened to the days of actually needing some skill? :indiff:
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should be like gt4's...

arcade mode is needed for the multiplayerness...some people never play career mode, just have it to do time might go to a friends house, and if he only has 2 cars unlocked, its rather boring...

arcade mode provides a quick but deep way to get into gran turismo...
This is kind of a toss up for me. I spend many many hours unlocking every car in GT4 just to use in Arcade Mode. Though I consider myself a GT purist, I used arcade mode a lot after I beat the game. I personally would rather spend more time in other areas of the game rather than just unlocking cars to use in Arcade Mode. Just because it's unlocked in arcade mode doesn't mean it has to be unlocked in GT mode. There will surely be many prize cars that you can't buy to be unlocked in GT mode, so honestly, I don't see why Arcade can't have every car unlocked.

If there was any unlock system for Arcade mode, I do like the idea of having to unlock classes....but I don't want it completely like GT3 as not every car was listed in a class. Like GT4, I think every car should be drivable in arcade mode in some way, whether it has to be unlocked or not.

But for me, whatever PD does won't really bother me with this aspect as long as every car is drivable at some point...whether it's right away or after unlocks. If they all have to be unlocked, then I'll do it. If they don't, well, more free time to do other things in the game for me.
Maybe they should find another game to play then? 💡
Why should they need to? I see no reason GT can't cater to both types of players.

I'm so sick of every game these days being dumbed down to "increase the appeal of the game for casuals". :yuck: What happened to the days of actually needing some skill? :indiff:
I too prefer games that require skill and perseverance. That's why I think unlocking everything in Arcade Mode is a nice compromise. It gives the casuals what they want, and allows GT Mode to remain unspoiled for you and me. :)

As I said, KY wants to appeal to more casual players, and if the choices are a fully unlocked Arcade Mode or a watered down GT Mode, I know I prefer the former.
Why should they need to? I see no reason GT can't cater to both types of players.
Maybe I was being harsh, but from my experience, trying to please everyone usually ends up pleasing no one. :nervous: I'm not saying that the game can't be newbie-friendly, just please don't do it at the expense of the seasoned players. :bowdown:
I think The cars from Prologue should transfer over to Arcade. Im not talking about personal progress, but the car list itself.
Add a few(50-ish) more cars and all will be joyful.
Ancient outdated ideas? :lol: You are right, every game should have everything unlocked from the beginning! Why bother with actually playing the game to unlock all the cool stuff, I want it all from the beginning! :dopey:
The bolded words are truth. I'd rather play the game than unlock things. Playing the game is fun, unlocking things isn't. Playing the game is setting up a race between either the AI or people online. Playing the game is not spending 5 hours to get $500,000 to get a car. Playing the game is arcade mode, online, and GT mode AFTER getting everything. Playing GT mode from the beginning is boring, it is a chore, it is not playing the game.

Maybe they should find another game to play then? 💡 I'm so sick of every game these days being dumbed down to "increase the appeal of the game for casuals". :yuck: What happened to the days of actually needing some skill? :indiff:
What difference does it make when everyone gets to be satisfied. If arcade has it all, you can go waste your time in GT mode just fine. What does having arcade mode unlocked have to do with skill anyway?
I'm glad you arn't making the game Exocet, because the GT mode is brilliant.
The bolded words are truth. I'd rather play the game than unlock things. Playing the game is fun, unlocking things isn't. Playing the game is setting up a race between either the AI or people online. Playing the game is not spending 5 hours to get $500,000 to get a car. Playing the game is arcade mode, online, and GT mode AFTER getting everything. Playing GT mode from the beginning is boring, it is a chore, it is not playing the game.
Whatever floats your boat...;)

What does having arcade mode unlocked have to do with skill anyway?
So that you have to get better at the game to unlock all those cool and nifty cars, and not have them handed to you for free? Having a sense of progression and achievement? 💡 And for the record, I got no problem with arcade mode having a small set of cars unlocked from the beginning to give new players a taste of different car types.
I'm glad you arn't making the game Exocet, because the GT mode is brilliant.

The only thing GT Mode is, is what our opinions tell us. Regardless of how much of an annoyance GT Mode is (to me), if I were PD, I'd know that there would be money in it, and include it anyway.

I don't see why anyone would be against ditching unlocks from what I've read. Apparently, no one plays arcade mode (More astonishing, people seem to look down on it in a way just because it contains the word "Arcade" and ignore its content, which is pretty much the same as GT mode) and those who do, don't seem to mind. About the only person who would lose out our those who play GT for arcade as it has been, ie unlocks and all.

So that you have to get better at the game to unlock all those cool and nifty cars, and not have them handed to you for free? Having a sense of progression and achievement? 💡 And for the record, I got no problem with arcade mode having a small set of cars unlocked from the beginning to give new players a taste of different car types.

Skill is found online. Besides, if you were given an F1 car at game start, I'm sure that you wouldn't get the ability to drive it at the same time.

Progression and achievement do not benefit from unlocks in anway. Only frustration and wasted time do. GT5P was a waste of money until I was allowed to play online (ie Pro physics online). It was like I had to pay PD to get a chance to work for unlocking my game. Senseless.
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Besides, if you were given an F1 car at game start, I'm sure that you wouldn't get the ability to drive it at the same time.
Of course you wouldn't, and I never said anything of the sort. ;) But what's the fun in getting all the best cars in the game right from the start? :indiff:

To me, what makes GT mode such a rewarding experience is that you have to start with some cheap used car and then work your way up from there. And when you are finally able to afford that car of your dreams, you feel a real sense of accomplishment. :D But hey, stupid me, right? :dunce:

Progression and achievement do not benefit from unlocks in anway. Only frustration and wasted time do. GT5P was a waste of money until I was allowed to play online (ie Pro physics online). It was like I had to pay PD to get a chance to work for unlocking my game. Senseless.
Yes, indeed, senseless! ;)
I don't think you really get the point of games. If everything was unlocked there would literally be no reason to play the game. I have cheated in past GT games(I was 10 and impatient) and looking back that totally ruined GT2 for me. Now that I'm playing GT5P I know that if I were to take the easy way out and use a gamesave it would drastically cut down on how fun the game is.

You are the type of person that only reads the first and last paragraph of a book. Sure you know what happens, but you are missing out on the whole point of the book.
I think some cars should be availiable in arcade mode from the start-50 or so- about a few of each type(for great racing!) and the rest are added as you buy/win them in GT mode.

That's exactly how I feel. One thing that completely ruined Ferrari challenge for me, was that none of the cars could be used online unless you unlocked them. I didn't have time to set down and beat the game, but I did want to race online and couldn't because everyone was doing races with cars I didn't have.

If the games going to have over 900 cars, you should get at least 75 or so to use as soon as you turn the game on, in arcade mode and online. I would also love them to have online matches with no tuning or upgrades at all. Just factory cars with the factory car assists in pro mode. I don't have the time to spend hours trying to tune a car to compete with people online. It would be nice if everyone would have a level playing field for some races.
If everything was unlocked there would literally be no reason to play the game.
My words exactly! 👍

I would also love them to have online matches with no tuning or upgrades at all. Just factory cars with the factory car assists in pro mode. I don't have the time to spend hours trying to tune a car to compete with people online. It would be nice if everyone would have a level playing field for some races.
Ditto! 👍 I really enjoyed the Corvette/F430/GT-R online event in Prologue back in the day. I really hope we have something similar in GT5.
Of course you wouldn't, and I never said anything of the sort. ;) But what's the fun in getting all the best cars in the game right from the start? :indiff:

To me, what makes GT mode such a rewarding experience is that you have to start with some cheap used car and then work your way up from there. And when you are finally able to afford that car of your dreams, you feel a real sense of accomplishment. :D But hey, stupid me, right? :dunce:

Yes, indeed, senseless! ;)
OK, and letting arcade be full open lets us both win. But in answer to
"what's the fun in getting all the best cars in the game right from the start?"
It's being able to race whatever you want. Racing is what's fun.

I don't think you really get the point of games. If everything was unlocked there would literally be no reason to play the game. I have cheated in past GT games(I was 10 and impatient) and looking back that totally ruined GT2 for me. Now that I'm playing GT5P I know that if I were to take the easy way out and use a gamesave it would drastically cut down on how fun the game is.

"I don't think you really get the point of games. If everything was unlocked there would literally be no reason to play the game."

What game was based around unlocking things? The point of a game is usually based on its genre. Like I said, I play GT to drive.

Some of the best game I've played have had no unlocks. They let you get fully immersed from the beginning. When I used to play Ace Combat, I worked to get everything in games 1 and 3. With 4, I used gameshark to get everything from mission 1. The first plane I ever flew would have required me to beat the game 3 times. AC4 was one of the high points of Ace Combat for me. And that secret plane never felt any less amazing.

CoD4 was particularly disappointing because the online had a leveling and unlock system. I had to waste my first week or so of playing doing challenges to unlock the guns I wanted. Only then was I able to actually play. It's just as bad in MW2, and if it wasn't such a good game, the unlock thing would be enough to keep me away.

In GT, unlocking cars has never really added much for me. I started GT4 using a Viper SRT-10, and GT4 gave me just as much fun as GT3 when I started playing. Back in GT2, I just took the Escudo (after trudging to buy it) on Red Rock for 550,000 credits over and over to get stuff. How fun. Of course, you could say I was doing it wrong and should have done other races etc, and enjoyed myself. But then it takes forever to get the car, and I do even more forced racing I'd rather not do. Likewise, GT5P was not fun until I cast single player aside completely. Had I used a gamesave, it would have enjoyable much quicker.

The fact that unlocks are looked at as "proper" should be the case IMO. Use the option that satisfies everyone. Obviously, only you are getting something from unlocks. I don't know if you truly believe that unlocks should be enjoyed by everyone, but if that is the case, you are horribly mistaken.

And if I were to compare unlocks to reading, unlocking would be like spending 5 times however long it took you to read the book reading bad reviews. It's not fun and it adds nothing to the story, which is left fully intact without the excess reading.
I'm with Exorcet. Allow me to provide an anecdote.

I have been playing GTPSP, with it's extremely restrictive unlocking system. When ad hoc party came out in English I found it very frustrating to race against people who had cars that I simply couldn't compete with. Not skillwise, I just didn't have a car that was even in the same league. I don't find grinding races for a million credits and skipping in and out of races until the manufacturer I want turns up to be fun. Basically, I was about to give the game up as a baddie.

Instead, I found that GTPSP is hackable. Do I just stop playing because I am unable to have fun with it but I don't want to "cheat". Or do I just say, "GT PSP's unlock system is demented, I'm gonna have some fun" and unlock the cars and get back to playing?

I have lots of cars now and I'm having lots of fun with a game that's good apart from the unlock system. I consider the unlocking system in that game to provide a far worse experience than simply having access to all the cars.

This is the situation I feel a lot of casuals would be in with cars locked in Arcade mode. It's more work than they care to put in to play the game, and as such they won't. And that's just a loss for everyone. Particularly for online.