Build a supercharger for a $100, hell if you could do that, every car on the planet would be supercharged. Build me a good supercharger for a $100 and I will seriously show you my ocean front property in Arizona.
You realize supercharger kits are more then just a compressor right? You realize the supercharger need oil feeds, the pistons need to the right compression ratio, you need new injectors...hell you need a lot fo sh#$%t.
A lot of engineering goes into professionally built you honestly think hooking up a $100 supercharger is going to give you a ton of power, keep your engine from breaking down, and not to mention fit when you close the hood? HELL NO!
Trust me, I've thought about putting a charger on my truck before, and save for buying some weird off brand one on eBay, I'm going to pay at least $2500 for a meh one and $6000 for a good one. Plus I would have a shop install it because I would just feel better.
$400-$1000 superchargers are common on eBay, and they don't work. It's a fact.
You are seriously the most guiable person I've seen in a while around these forums if you think a $100 supercharger works. With that said, can I intrest you in my ocean front property in Arizona? It's a pretty good deal