SNAIL Michelin Pilot Challenge 2024, "PS5 Users Only", GS/GT4 Monthly Series on Friday Nights 9pm EST, **Recruiting New Drivers**Open 

  • Thread starter llNovall
Is there a race tonight?
No opening date has been established yet. Still waiting to lock in 2-3 more drivers before we set a start date. I will post in the first post, and will have an event details post up. I would figure once we get the numbers, I will set the start date 2 weeks out to give everyone ample practice time with their finalized regulations. Should be a great series. Everyone's times have shown and/or have been adjusted to within 0.7 sec from fastest to slowest with many even closer than that. Very much looking forward to this one.

I do still need you TT data. Please see tge first post and run the TT as instructed. Follow directions closely to ensure best and most accurate results/data.
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I plan on running another recruiting lobby this weekend. We had one a few days ago with @CdnSweetTee and @socalnatv and we had up to 6 or 7 randoms show up, with 2 of expressing some real interest, and some pretty decent racing with the exception of a couple.

I’ll post when I do open a lobby. It’ll be tonight or tomorrow night. @JDMKING13 get that t/t in so you can practice with the proper PP.
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Below is the most updated driver regulations chart. If highlighted in yellow, either a follow up TT is needed, or TT data has not been received. These drivers should complete these as soon as possible.


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