SNAIL Michelin Pilot Challenge 2024, "PS5 Users Only", GS/GT4 Monthly Series on Friday Nights 9pm EST, **Recruiting New Drivers**Open 

  • Thread starter llNovall
Is there a race tonight?
No opening date has been established yet. Still waiting to lock in 2-3 more drivers before we set a start date. I will post in the first post, and will have an event details post up. I would figure once we get the numbers, I will set the start date 2 weeks out to give everyone ample practice time with their finalized regulations. Should be a great series. Everyone's times have shown and/or have been adjusted to within 0.7 sec from fastest to slowest with many even closer than that. Very much looking forward to this one.

I do still need you TT data. Please see tge first post and run the TT as instructed. Follow directions closely to ensure best and most accurate results/data.
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I plan on running another recruiting lobby this weekend. We had one a few days ago with @CdnSweetTee and @socalnatv and we had up to 6 or 7 randoms show up, with 2 of expressing some real interest, and some pretty decent racing with the exception of a couple.

I’ll post when I do open a lobby. It’ll be tonight or tomorrow night. @JDMKING13 get that t/t in so you can practice with the proper PP.
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Below is the most updated driver regulations chart. If highlighted in yellow, either a follow up TT is needed, or TT data has not been received. These drivers should complete these as soon as possible.

Hello Drivers,

Spotters guide has been completed with all entries and provided livery profile pictures.
@Worst_Driver , need an updated profile picture with the correct number coloring along with the addition of the digital number board on both sides, the "" logo on the A-Pillar, and the team logo on front and both sides.
Just need the finished version of your livery. I know you have been away and had a draft worked up, but never received a profile picture of your final edited version.
@Buffalo_DRD - Need the team logo on front and both sides added to your livery and an updated profile picture sent to me.

Need liveries rendered to our series requirements. If either of you need help or would like to have a livery created for you, let me know...happy to get something together for you.
gkgamer - also need a second time trial ran at the adjusted driver regulation to verify the change. Please see the second post of the thread for your regulation and run the TT again. Please forward the results to me asap.
PeekabooRacin/Clutch - need a Time Trial from you asap. Please see the TT instructions in the first post.

I will update the Spotters Guide and Driver Profile page as pictures are received.

Below is the Driver Profile page (3rd Post in the Thread)...have a look.

Still need a few more drivers to kick off the season and the rest of the driver leveling and liveries to be complete. Once we get to that point, I will set a start date.
Well hi there good folks - been a while, but keen to chuck my hat in the ring for another Nova-run series 👌

PSN ID: MrDonovan
GTPlanet ID: MrDonovan
Car: BMW M4
Car Number: 46
PS5 Platform: yes
Team: TBC

I’m currently in Italy, home end of October. Will run my TT then if that’s cool 🐬
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Well hi there good folks - been a while, but keen to chuck my hat in the ring for another Nova-run series 👌

PSN ID: MrDonovan
GTPlanet ID: MrDonovan
Car: BMW M4
Car Number: 46
PS5 Platform: yes
Team: TBC

I’m currently in Italy, home end of October. Will run my TT then if that’s cool 🐬
Awesome sir. Missed you around here. End of October would be fine. I dont expect us to start until at least the second Friday of November assumingbwe get more numbers. Do you need a livery? I thinknI still have that custom one I made for ya. Glad to have you.
Awesome sir. Missed you around here. End of October would be fine. I dont expect us to start until at least the second Friday of November assumingbwe get more numbers. Do you need a livery? I thinknI still have that custom one I made for ya. Glad to have you.
Right back at ya 🤙

Pretty sure I’ve still got your liveries, will confirm when I’m back in Oz.
Looking fwd to some track time!
New additional idea for series placement recognition. Aside from the checkered flags for race wins, and track map decals to be applied for overall event winner, I wanted to see what everyone thought about applying/editing their digital number boards with the overall placement in standings after each event. The driver profile page will be updated in order of standings after each event, however, the spotters guide and driver profile pics will not be updated event to event. The idea is, for those interested, once scores and standings are out, feel free to apply your standings placement digital number on the number board for next event. This is not mandatory, but is one additional way to recognize a drivers record and accomplishments in the series. See pics below. This example of what it looks like on the car, and which number set to search for and save.

NOVA-0479 / @llNovall (#4)
2.) JDMKing13 / @JDMKING13 (#9)
3.) kgffty / @Kgffy (#84)
4.) DRD_Niagara / @Buffalo_DRD (#78)
5.) Sand_68 / @socalnatv (#68)
6.) DUB-L-DEE / @DublDee (#33)
7.) Cdn_Sweet_Tee / @CdnSweetTee (#22)
8.) DucatiRobb / @Bologna_Duc (#88)
9.) Fudman420 / @Fudman420 (#42)
10.) Rauljimenez76 / @Noob01_lmdead (#12)
11.) cesarr64 / @cesarr64 (#64)
12.) GTP_WorstDriver / @Worst_Driver (#13)
13.) gkgamer / @gkgamer (#27)
14.) clutch_n_load6 / @PeekabooRacin (#24)
15.) Wetroadracer / @Wetroadracer (#187)
16.) Phlano_099 / @Phlano099 (#99)
17.) MrDonovan / @MrDonovan (#46)
With 16 drivers we would need numbers 1 through 16 to be available and it looks like three or four of those numbers are taken and if those people don't want to participate. Maybe we should put it to a vote and then make it mandatory if it passes so there's no conflict. Unless those three or four numbers agree to participate.
That being said I'm down for the change.
With 16 drivers we would need numbers 1 through 16 to be available and it looks like three or four of those numbers are taken and if those people don't want to participate. Maybe we should put it to a vote and then make it mandatory if it passes so there's no conflict. Unless those three or four numbers agree to participate.
That being said I'm down for the change.
Hey Fud,
See the awards tab at bottom of first post.
I'm interested if there are still openigs but have never done anything like this. Not sure where to start...
Glad to have your interest. Take a read thru the first post of this thread for a breakdown of series details, process, and regulations. From there, follow the sign up instructions and then the TT instructions as they explained. If you have any questions at all, feel free to ask...happy to help.
There is plenty of room, as the roster is open ended...we accept as many as can or wants to join. However, grid priority is based on who confirms first after each event. Reference tabs 2.3 and 2.4 in the fist post for details. The first 16 drivers among the entire driver roster to confirm are guaranteed a spot on the grid. Any additional confirmations fall in as reserves for that event. We typically have 2-3 spots open up by race time, so don't ever think a grid spot is too far away. Confirming earlier is always better.

Anyway, as I said, hit me with any questions, and get going on that Time Trial. If you need help or would like a livery rendered let me know. Looking forward to having you on the grid.
Season Opener
Event #1 Race Details

November 15th, 2024, 9pm est
Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta

SO8 Humid, Sunny and Cloudy
15 laps/Race

Welcome Drivers, finally, for the re-start of SNAIL Friday Night Racing. We back to the SNAIL Michelin Pilot Challenge using select Gr4 Race Cars with specified aero and transmission regulations. Most driver's time trials have been received with enough data to establish classing and parity. Those who have completed all the required time trialing, your driver regulations have been set and are posted below in this post. This chart can also be found in Post #2 of the thread. Those who have yet to submit their initial time trial or who still need to re-submit their 2nd TT are asked to do so as soon as possible. Once final regulations and classing are set, all drivers are also asked to verify, update, and submit a final screenshot of their updated livery if on a handicap or concession.

Below are the details for Event #1 at Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta on Friday, November 15th, 2024.
Drivers are encouraged and reminded to confirm their attendance status as soon as possible to secure their spot on the grid for race night or Reserve Priority. Be reminded, this series runs on a "first to confirm" priority. First 16 drivers to confirm are guaranteed a grid spot. All additional drivers that confirm thereafter will be marked as Reserve drivers with priority based on order confirmed. Be sure to confirm your attendance as early as possible. All additional drivers to confirm outside the first 16 will be on Reserve status for this event.

I will be hosting practice sessions in the afternoons periodically over the next few weeks between 4pm-5pm est, and am sure there will be other rooms open during the evening prime-time. Get those laps in and be ready.

Date: November 15th, 2024 at 9pm est
Track: Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta
Conditions: Afternoon, SO8 Humid, Sunny and Cloudy
Laps: 15/race
Target Lap Times: 1:25.0-1:26.5
(See Section 1, Tab 1.3 for Lobby Settings)

Track Map and Boundaries

Keep 2 wheels on or within the white line where curbing is not present, or on the curbs where they are present at all times, except where it is specifically noted otherwise. The white line and curbing is considered legal track surface. Failure to comply to track boundaries could result in penalties if infractions are witnessed and reported.

Road Atlanta Exceptions:
Turns 2 and 3 Chicane and Turns 10a and 10b:
Any solid painted curbing beyond the checkered curbing will be considered legal track surface. 2 wheels must remian in contact with the painted surface/curbing at all times.

Turn 5 (T5)

For this corner, Turn 5 at the end of the S's the large checker curbing will be considered track surface...2 wheels must remain in contact at all times. In this instance, it is obvious that you would want to keep all tires on the curbing to avoid contact with the gravel.
Beyond the curbing, where the tarmac runoff is past the white line, will be considered legal track surface up to where the grass begins. 2 wheels must be on or inside the white line where the grass starts at the exit of the corner.

Below is the most updated driver regulations. Those highlighted in yellow either need to run an initial TT, or run a follow up TT to get the regulations confirmed. Please get these done in the next week or so, so you can be practicing on the correct regulation for the season opener.
Please see below for the rules if not completed before race night:
Any drivers that do not submit a TT before the start of the season, will default at the base 650.00pp for event #1. Lap times will then be used to assess for an adjustment for the next event.
Also, if a driver that has not run the TT posts a fast lap more than 1 second faster than the next fastest lap posted in the same race, that driver will be assessed a 15 point penalty for that race. (This would apply to the second race as well if a break out occurs in that race due to no TT data). Please get your TT done and submit to my PSN ID: NOVA-0479 before the start of the season or a driver's first race of participation to avoid any chances of break-out. (If a TT has been completed and turned in and assessed and a driver breaks out as noted above, the above rule does not apply. That would be on my assessment and success penalty would catch up to you)
Looking forward the opener. Confirmations for Event #1 are now OPEN.

NOVA-0479 / @llNovall (#4)
2.) JDMKing13 / @JDMKING13 (#9)
3.) kgffty / @Kgffy (#84)
4.) DRD_Niagara / @Buffalo_DRD (#78)
5.) Sand_68 / @socalnatv (#68)
6.) DUB-L-DEE / @DublDee (#33)
7.) Cdn_Sweet_Tee / @CdnSweetTee (#22)
8.) DucatiRobb / @Bologna_Duc (#88)
9.) Fudman420 / @Fudman420 (#42)
10.) Rauljimenez76 / @Noob01_lmdead (#12)
11.) cesarr64 / @cesarr64 (#64)
12.) GTP_WorstDriver / @Worst_Driver (#13)
13.) gkgamer / @gkgamer (#27)
14.) clutch_n_load6 / @PeekabooRacin (#24)
15.) Wetroadracer / @Wetroadracer (#187)
16.) Phlano_099 / @Phlano099 (#99)
17.) MrDonovan / @MrDonovan (#46)
18.) radliffpower / @radliffracing (#85)
19.) akzl298 / @Akzl298
I'm interested if there are still openings but have never done anything like this. Not sure where to start...
Hey Normsk,
You are in the same boat I was last year at this time. I joined this group on a whim and had a great time in their Porsche series last year.

It led me to look into other events offered by Snail and I’ve since joined their Sunday Night Spec league.

I’d encourage you to have a look into that to see if it works for you. You’ll notice most drivers in this series also either currently or historically have participated in our Sunday League.

Welcome to Snail…
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