So......what are Sony and Yamauchi waiting for?

  • Thread starter Kingdizzi
A great thing about the game being so far along is that localization should be complete, meaning a world wide release at the same time

I have yet to hear him mention 2010, which is good news.

Sony needs to ship GT5 bundled with the PS3 in November and their sales will hit the stratosphere
Forza 3 delivers the thrills our competition can't. It's the definitive racing game for this generation. Forza 3 is also the best looking and biggest racing game on any console. Forza 3 brings you what no other racing game can.

That is absolutely stupid and inane to say. Turn 10 needs to really feel sick about even thinking those things. Compared to Gran Turismo 5, Forza 3 is an un-flushed toilet.

Lets compare the two games for humor value:

Forza 3 has 400 vehicles [GT4 for PS2 has over 700 and GT PSP has over 800 :sly:] and 100 tracks [which I'm sure MANY are just reverse versions]. Vehicle damage, rollovers and car customization. But - the game comes on 2 disc's - why? Are players supposed to switch disc's between races? :sly:

Gran Turismo 5 Is on a Blu-Ray Disc and as such, will feature TONS more content than Forza 3, 4 or 5 ever will. It will most likely feature more than 800 cars [since the roster increases with each new game, and GT PSP has a confirmed car count of over 800 vehicles], over 100 tracks [not counting reverse runs], vehicle damage, day/night transitions and random weather [hopefully] and THE BEST graphics of ANY racing game - with a polygon count above Forza 3's models [200,000+ polygon count for GT5's vehicles and 190,000 polygon count for Forza 3's vehicles]. Nascar, WTC Rally Championship, Le Mans, F1 Championship, Drift Championship and possibly drag races - this is a racing fans dream game.

Hyping your game is one thing, but flat-out lying is entirely different. Turn 10 needs to think before they speak next time they embarrass themselves.
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You can call me a fanboy if you want, I don't really care. I have said multiple times in this thread no less that I think forza 3 will be a great game, if you choose to ignore that its up to you.

What I said, is I don't agree with their unveiling, I think it didn't do them any favours for me at least. I really can't see whats wrong with that, did you not think the unveiling was a bit weak?

I never called anyone a fanboy, unless that's how the reply came off to me.

Depends on what you mean by weak. Sure, Dan tooted his own horn for sure but I didn't really pay much attention to him. I was waiting for the footage and/or gameplay.

I definitely won't claim to be right or wrong for what I'm about to say, but perhaps it's because I've seen too many programs, or being I've read too many books as I want to start a business of my own, but I don't really find anything wrong with claiming to be the best out there. You want people to buy your product, you want them to go into it with the piece of mind that it's going to be an experience by itself. I particularly find it excusable the way Dan did it. If he were being a cocky snob about it, then I'd be right there with you, but for whatever reason it was perceived that least not by me.

How are they displaced? They are quotes from his presentation.

I expected him to talk up their game. Not claim it was the second coming.

Best looking racing game
Biggest racing game
Best physics
Best graphics
The definitive racing game of this generation

The reason I said what I did, is because one has to realize the only significant thing Turn 10 can base what was said is upon Prologue. If they're not worried about GT5, then that's their problem, arguably.

Is Forza 3 here yet?

No, but it certainly has a date, doesn't it?

EDIT: That's another thing that tends to annoy me; it's on 2 what? A bunch of titles on the Playstation had multiple discs and no one had a problem with it. A dual-layer DVD only has so much space, so just let it be.
I think one more reason could be that PD is waiting until forza 3 is released first so turn 10 cant steal ideas from GT5 to squeeze in. Just for the record IN MY OPINION forza 3 is just a HD arcade game for girls and kids who want to put super heroes and flowers on their pink undetailed cars to show their friends what a petty game forza is.
A little of topic but any more info on the PS3 slim besides the facotry pic with the 120 gig box.
Dont want to stray of the topic so lets go back to what SONY ,PD and KY are waiting for.
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WTF??? Why turned this thread to a fanboy thread?

Forza 3 will be a nice game and GT5 too... so whats the problem...
WTF??? Why turned this thread to a fanboy thread?

Forza 3 will be a nice game and GT5 too... so whats the problem...

I don't see anyone being particularly fanboyish, except perhaps Black Chamber.
WTF??? Why turned this thread to a fanboy thread?

Forza 3 will be a nice game and GT5 too... so whats the problem...

You're absolutely right.

So, back on topic. If anyone is watching the E3 feed on the Gamespot you can notice there are few spots there marked "TBA." Wonder what they'll be...?

I don't see anyone being particularly fanboyish, except perhaps Black Chamber.

Glad I'm not the only one who picked up on that.
I don't really find anything wrong with claiming to be the best out there. You want people to buy your product, you want them to go into it with the piece of mind that it's going to be an experience by itself. I particularly find it excusable the way Dan did it. If he were being a cocky snob about it, then I'd be right there with you, but for whatever reason it was perceived that least not by me.

EDIT: That's another thing that tends to annoy me; it's on 2 what? A bunch of titles on the PlayStation had multiple disc's and no one had a problem with it. A dual-layer DVD only has so much space, so just let it be.

Well, the only competition the Gran Turismo series has from Microsoft is the Forza series. Honestly, does Gran Turismo really have any competition? Not even taking sides, Gran Turismo is consistently the best racing game ever made. It evolves with each new iteration and with all the features they are putting into GT5 - I really don't see how anything will ever touch it - maybe not even GT6. :sly:

As for the 2 disc's thing - yeah, it is strange. The PSOne games you are referring to that used 2 disc's were usually on 2 or more disc's for game length, i.e. FFVII and the like. GT2 had 2 disc's - but one was for Simulation Mode and the other was for Arcade Mode. They both contained the game's 500+ vehicles. Turn 10 is hyping the 2 disc's thing to imply that you need to have the game on multiple disc's just to play it - and a racing game should not have you switching disc's just to change races.

If it's like GT2 - then great, but that doesn't change the fact that Forza 3 is still vastly inferior to Gran Turismo 5.
I think one more reason could be that PD is waiting until forza 3 is released first so turn 10 cant steal ideas from GT5 to squeeze in. Just for the record IN MY OPINION forza 3 is just a HD arcade game for girls and kids who want to put super heroes and flowers on their pink undetailed cars to show their friends what a petty game forza is.

Sarcasm, I hope.

Even if that were true, perhaps you've never heard of DLC.

I give up.
Forza 3 will be a nice game and GT5 too... so whats the problem...

True. I didn't say Forza 3 was a horrible game - I only think that GT5 is better between the two games and to be honest, it irritates me that Turn 10 is touting their game the way they are. You don't hear Kazunori Yamauchi saying boastful things about his game or casting negative slams at the competition, do you?

I don't see anyone being particularly fanboyish, except perhaps Black Chamber.

LOL! I apologize if I come off that way - yes, defending your favorite game against it's competitors even for the right reasons, can come off a bit fan-boyish, I agree.

We all just want the perfect racing game and I feel that Gran Turismo 5 will deliver that to us. Forza 3 will be good in it's own way, but it is more "arcadey" and less simulation, which GT5 is the exact opposite and with an arcade mode thrown in just for completeness sake.
True. I didn't say Forza 3 was a horrible game - I only think that GT5 is better between the two games and to be honest, it irritates me that Turn 10 is touting their game the way they are. You don't hear Kazunori Yamauchi saying boastful things about his game or casting negative slams at the competition, do you?

You don't really hear Yamauchi saying much at all, let alone boasting. :dopey:
EDIT: That's another thing that tends to annoy me; it's on 2 what? A bunch of titles on the Playstation had multiple discs and no one had a problem with it. A dual-layer DVD only has so much space, so just let it be.
Based on this article, I think the two disc issue may actually be a problem for some 360 owners.

Forza Motorsport 3 will ship on two discs
by Xav de Matos { Jun 4th 2009 at 1:30AM }

In an interview with Joystiq, Forza Motorsport 3 content director John Wendl of Turn 10, confirmed the upcoming racer would ship on two discs. As rumors last year noted, the core game will come on the game's first disc while the second will be reserved for other content -- such as vehicles and maps. "It is going to ship on two discs," Wendl said. "Disc one is the full experience, even disc one is bigger than any other racing game out there. Disc two includes a lot of extra cars, even a handful of tracks."

When asked if the second disc would act as a data transfer, downloading the additional content to the hard drive for use with the first disc, Wendl told us that was "exactly right." While Turn 10 assures all gamers will be able to enjoy the full Forza 3 experience, we now have confirmation that not all gamers will be able to enjoy all 400 vehicles promised at the Microsoft press briefing.
Have to agree with some of the comments on this thread about Turn 10.

I do enjoy playing FM2 and will purchase FM3 but only as a stop gap until GT5. Now Turn 10 giving it the large one about FM3 signalled fear and desperation to me and making such comments only come across as feeling inferior. I said to my friends last night I bet PD won't say anything because they don't have to because everyone knows GT is superior to Forza in many respects. This isn't me being a fanboy by the way as I own both FM2&GT5P but just being realistic.

I did laugh however at Turn 10 saying "FM2 will have the greatest number of cars on any platform" and along comes GT mobile the next day saying 800 cars on a portable console. Sorry but Turn 10 lost alot of credibility by making such rash comments.

I will finally say this and in a way I feel sorry for Turn 10. They will never compete against GT5 because of number of employees, length of development time, sheer ability of the developers. We all know PD are perfectionists and this shows in the GT series.

Just add I have been saying the same in the Forza forums and I expect to be banned within a few days lol.
Wait, I'm a bit confused.

Is she saying in order to get all 400 cars you'll have to use both discs? :odd:
I am equally confused, do you have to pay extra to get all 400 cars? If that is the case, how many come on the first disk?

[edit] Oh I see Lars. 👍

I feel a bit sorry for Turn 10 because they are probably going get a bit of flak for this and there isn't really their fault. The Xbox 360 seems to be holding Turn 10 back on this, its a disk and hardware issue, rather than poor programming on their behalf, but if they can't give everyone the promised 400 cars then they aren't doing themselves any favours by announcing that and then turning round and saying, well actually not all of you can have that. :indiff:
Have to agree with some of the comments on this thread about Turn 10.

I do enjoy playing FM2 and will purchase FM3 but only as a stop gap until GT5. Now Turn 10 giving it the large one about FM3 signalled fear and desperation to me and making such comments only come across as feeling inferior. I said to my friends last night I bet PD won't say anything because they don't have to because everyone knows GT is superior to Forza in many respects. This isn't me being a fanboy by the way as I own both FM2&GT5P but just being realistic.

I did laugh however at Turn 10 saying "FM2 will have the greatest number of cars on any platform" and along comes GT mobile the next day saying 800 cars on a portable console. Sorry but Turn 10 lost alot of credibility by making such rash comments.
So true. I would not have had anything against Forza 3 and Turn 10, if it weren't for these statements. They only sound desperate, and appear as liars, just to make the money.

EDIT: The stunt thingy trailer was not the smartest thing Turn 10 could do either.
I'll get us back on track, as I am partially responsible for getting us off track again.

I think Sony and Yamauchi are waiting until after GT Mobile and the PSP Go come out. The PSP has been kind of low on games recently and this will be a huge shot in the arm for it. GT Mobile has been getting worked on, but as Yamauchi keeps saying, it is not easy to create a Gran Turismo experience on the PSP. No game has done that yet.

GT5 is waiting for a time when it can best benefit the PS3 and Sony as a whole. Sales always spike at Christmas and an October/November price drop with GT5 just before the holidays would maximize the launch sales. They can put it out now, but if they can take the time to polish it then I am all for it. I remember my copy of GT2 never being able to get to 100% completion and bad calculations on each title when they were localized for the US. These are things that can be caught in polishing.

People have complained to no end about Prologue's online and the updating process, etc, etc. Now people complain because they are making sure there are no little rough spots like that when it rolls out.

Do I like Sony postponing the launch for their PSP plans? No. Am I glad to know that Polyphony Digital is using that time to actually tweak the game to near perfection? Yes. Do I think we might actually have a better game because of it? Yes.
Its a shame people have to get so personal about it. Its just a game people. Even from a fan's perspective the rivalry between GT and Forza is good, it goads each developer to strive further to outperform the other. At the end of the day I'm in to racing games to have the best racing experience possible, regardless of which game I play.

I just wish there was a Forza or GT like game on PC. Ya know, cutting edge graphics, decent sized car list, fun career mode to unlock cars and tracks and a healthy online community and an overall sense of a polished game. Even Forza 1 had these features, and Forza 2 and 3 are just improving on it. PC sims are great, the best gameplay around IMO, but the graphics are crap, car lists are usually poor, bugs are usually high, and general lack of polish. Of course if a new company came along and developed such a game on PC I'm sure all the fanboys would come out of the wood work and whine about how they're copying GT or Forza. :P

Point being, GT is good for Forza and Forza is good for GT, get over it :P Marketing is marketing, this is far from the first time people have lied or stretched the truth about a product, if you weren't so obsessed with GT vs Forza you'd just shrug it off, buy both games and enjoy both games.
All in all, I see only one difference between those two games (the only one that matters to me anyway).

Forza is the product of a team. And a competent one at that.

GT is the child of one man.

Now, look at the games that made history, the ones that absolutely refuse to let go of the parts of your brain responsible for long term memory. Most of those are the brain-children of ONE person.

This, in my twisted view of this industry, is the "something else" that sets those games appart.
But where is the sense in not publishing a release date, if they are really ready to go? Would be easy for them to say we deliver the game in March 2010 e.g., and they would have the time to polish GT5 and people would wait until that day...

There is exactly one market for racing games, and now we and PD know that a great racing game will come out soon....this will "steel" money from the market for PD.

The "opponent" for PD is FM3, not the handheld market, so they could also release GT5 and GT mobile at the same time without any side effects and so raising PSP and PS3 sales at the same time. But coming too late and don't release a date to keep people waiting for GT5 to arrive finally...i dont see anything positive in that strategy for PD/Sony.

If only the G25 would work on with XBOX, the decision for me would be easy when FM3 comes and gaming sites and members of forums like this one would judge it good....i'd buy an XBOX and take a look at GT5 in 2011. My money would be lost for PD for the next year...only thing (besides the big wheel issue) that would prevent this is a soon GT5 release date or some more tracks for GT5P.

I guess what makes Kaz and Sony wait is that its not true that they could publish GT5 anytime and it needs more than only some last details.

Hope i am wrong and the real reason is that PD just sucks when it comes to marketing (maybe Yamauchi was ill when he should have learned something about public relations in school :dunce:)
But where is the sense in not publishing a release date, if they are really ready to go? Would be easy for them to say we deliver the game in March 2010 e.g., and they would have the time to polish GT5 and people would wait until that day...

By not releasing the date they remain flexible, as soon as they publish a date they are tied to it. Well they aren't but to prevent disgruntling the public they are.

I think PD annoyed a few to many people with their sketchy release dates fir GT4 and it seems they have learned the lesson, they are very tight lipped this time round.
Do I like Sony postponing the launch for their PSP plans? No. Am I glad to know that Polyphony Digital is using that time to actually tweak the game to near perfection? Yes. Do I think we might actually have a better game because of it? Yes.

Perfectly said.

Since they are ready to release it, they can use the time from now until the holidays to polish GT5 and create the perfect racing experience. A 2009 release for Gran Turismo 5 is a go!